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Old 10-22-2006, 01:45 PM   #271  
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Just a quick note to say the fat fairy loves me this weekend. I was down two more pounds this morning to 224. I plan to maintain this week while I'm traveling.

Thanks, Kreen for the compliment. Congrats on your scale moving on down too!
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Old 10-22-2006, 01:48 PM   #272  
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Happy Sunday mornings ladies. Wow, i had a super duper arm workout today. I dont know what got into me but i really went all out on the arms today. It was just one of those days that it felt GREAT to exercise. I also upped my resistence quite a bit on the ellipitical...which i was really proud of. But just typing this my arms feel funny, sore i guess, like i can feel every single muscle in my arm...they are exhausted. But i needed a really good workout, skipped friday because, well, its friday and i had to work, and it is splurge day, Then skipped yesterday because i had some MAJOR house cleaning to do...spent about 3 hours cleaning the house. (which is rediculous by the i the only one who thinks that if you didnt have dogs or kids, your house would be clean?...but with two dogs that shed, and two kids that have no idea how to put things where they belong...well, i can easily spend 3 hours at a time cleaning .)

Kreen- Good job on the 2.4 pounds ...i love the over-2-pounds weeks...we lost the exact same amount this week.

Jtammy- I agree that it is good sometimes to get the calories up a bit just to bring them back down and kind of shock the system. Calorie cycling seems to work pretty well for me. It also does wonders for keeping me from binging. WOW though, 120 pounds lost. That is just absolutely wonderful. Whenever i hit a big milestone like that, i will try to gather up a bunch of stuff that will equal the pounds that i lost and try to lift it...just to remind myself of how much pounds actually weigh. I bet it would blow your mind if you gathered up 120 pounds worth of garbage and threw it over your really makes it hit home just how far you have come when you realize you can barely lift the weight you have lost. Or to look at someone who weighs 120 pounds and think, "i lost that person" basically. You are an incredible inspiration to me. I lost 100 pounds once and then is wonderful to see someone who lost 100 and kept going...shows me i can do it too.

Cheryl- Hope you have a good week with fd. Kids can really try you sometimes. I know mine drive me nuts. There are days when i start calculating how many years it will be before they are OUT OF THE HOUSE...isnt that terrible but geeze, i get so tired of my stuff getting broken, not taken care of, or lost...when it is stuff they shouldnt have touched in the first place. I love them dearly but geeze, they make me nuts.

Michelle- So sorry for your loss. Take your time healing.

Ok, time to go grocery shopping. Am i the only one who feels like you are CONSTANTLY going to the store? I just went yesterday but oh well. Hope you all have a great Sunday and stay strong for the week ahead.
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Old 10-22-2006, 08:09 PM   #273  
Staying on track!!
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I'm here. I'm WAYYY off the wagon. And have been for a bit. Scale is showing it. Know I need to get back on, but can't seem to muster up the motivation. Am working on it.

Just didn't want you guys worrying about me! :hugs:
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Old 10-23-2006, 09:31 AM   #274  
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Just a quick fly by for me this morning. Got lots of work to do. I had bourbon street chicken last night for dinner and even though it is low in fat and carbs the sodium was way off the charts and the scales are up to 224 this morning but my hands are so swollen I can't get the rings off. I am gonna chug water today and hopefully will be back to normal in no time at all.

I will be back in a bit to do personals if I can.
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Old 10-23-2006, 12:56 PM   #275  
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Ate crap all weekend and the scales were at 223 this morning!! Drinking my water and already did my 30 minutes on the treadmill. Trying to figure out how to have a clean eating/losing week with a girl's night, anniversary, Halloween party and dh's birthday!! Ack!

Michelle- I'm so sorry about your mom! What a horrible thing to have to go through. Post here all you need to.

Stacy- great job on your hard workout! And cleaning house totally counts as exercise!!

Shyla- you can do it!! I had a horrible weekend and let the stress get to me in the form of eating junk. I'm really trying to be right back on track today. We can do this!!

Kreen- yay for 2.4!!

Tammy- yay for your 2 too!! Have fun on your trip and check in if you can.

Tina- how did your dd's birthday party go?

Well, I need to get tons of stuff done today. later!
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Old 10-23-2006, 06:14 PM   #276  
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Default Hey all...

Hello Chickies...I don't have a lot of time for personals but I'll be back later for those, I promise! I'm sorry I've been MIA but it feels like I've been preparing for my daughters wedding NOT her 5th birthday party...LOL! Anyways, I thought I'd some pics of the party. I did the cake, and the strawberry shortcake on the door is the one that I drew to make a simulated "pin the tail on the donkey" game only it was "pin the strawberry on her hat", then I have one of them doing "berry patch walk" a.k.a, musical chairs, the others are self explanitory.

I just wanted to add this comparison of me last year helping with pinnng the tail on the donkey game to this year. Just about 60lbs. lighter!

Hope you all had a good weekend, and great start to the week. Like I said, I'll be back for personals as soon as I gather more minutes of "me" time.

Take care!
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Old 10-23-2006, 06:29 PM   #277  
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Default One more thing....

I am a little crazy, but I bought a couple of Christmas dresses for Alyssa and I can't decide which one to keep. What do you all think?

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Old 10-23-2006, 06:32 PM   #278  
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I love both dresses! Do you have a jacket to go with the second one?
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Old 10-23-2006, 09:07 PM   #279  
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How cute the dresses are. I like the red top/black bottom just a bit better. They're both so adorable. My question is the same as Shyla's. Do you have a jacket for the short sleeve dress? If so, I like it the best.
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Old 10-23-2006, 09:07 PM   #280  
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Tammy...You are such an insperation to me. Knowing that you have lost over 100 pounds gives me the motivation that I can do it also. I know you will be the first to say that it doesn't happen over night. It has taken a lot of hard work on your part and watching what you eat. AWESOME JOB!!!!!

Kreen...Whooo Hooo on 2.4 lbs gone. Way to go!!!!

Stacey...Great job getting your workout in on a Sunday. Housework in my book is exercised. It's not easy trying to keep a house clean with kids and a hubby. I've got a hubby that's a pack rat and I'm a neat nick, we butt heads on how the house should look. My idea of clean and his are two didfferent things.

Shawn...Sorry you are having a rough time. I was there a couple of weeks ago and just got back on program. Hop on the wagon girl!!!

Robbin...Bourbon Chicken, yum, yum!!! Don't you just hate what sodium does to us. Thank goodness for water. It will flush you out in no time.

Emily... Boy you are going to be one busy lady with party's. You'll do fine, just up your exercise and chug the water. Have FUN!!!

Tina...Can tell by the pictures that Alyssa had a wonderful time. Love her cake, so cute. Alyssa is such a cutie and I love both dresses, but I like the second one best. I'm like Shawn, do you have a jacket or shrug she can wear with it.

It's been a long four days with the FD over the weekend. She came home with the flu, so lots of moaning going on. Milking it for all it's worth, but not much sympathy here. Have a real problem when kids don't dress for the cold weather and then complain when they are sick. Good news, the fairy fat mother came and took 2 lbs. Hope to be back at ticker weight by next week.
Finally getting my act together. Hopefully I'll stay motivated.

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Old 10-24-2006, 09:30 AM   #281  
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Ok ladies I know I have been very bad with posting just short quick notes and I am sorry, I have just been so busy. I am gonna try to get in a few personals but if I miss you please know it was not on purpose.

First I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. I made it through the birthday, weekend and yesterdays October Birthday Lunch with only a 3 pound gain and I think that is mostly water weight because my hands are very swollen. I am gonna really start chuggin the water and hopefully it will be gone in no time.

Cheryl – I totally understand how those daughters can be pains in the rump, mine is 14 going on 24 and sometimes I just want to choke her but other times she is still my little girl.

Tammy – I can’t believe how far you have come 122 pounds gone is so great. I see you walk at the football field sometimes, I do too. I really like walking there because they usually have the music really pumping over those loud speakers and it gets me to really going.

Kreen – I would love to race to the 210’s but now I gotta get this water weight off. Oh well I am gonna try really hard, maybe I can make it by the end of the month. I am sure you can.

Stacy – I agree that if I didn’t have dogs and kids my house would be clean but then I think about it and well I would probably have to get rid of the husband too, LOL. I also agree with you and the store, man it feels like I am there every other day.

Shawn – Get your rear in gear girl, you have done way to good to quit now. We are here for you and you CAN DO THIS.

Emily – you can handle the week, I know you can. Let yourself splurge a little but don’t go over board. You will be ok.

Tina – YOU LOOK GREAT!!! I love both dresses but would pick the one with short sleeves if you have a jacket for it. It is so cute.

One more thing – Congrats to all of you losers, weigh to go.

Well gotta get busy. Check back later. Love Ya’ll.
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Old 10-24-2006, 10:28 AM   #282  
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wow what a great thread, im new to 3fatchicks, but i was just having a rumagge and found this great thread,what a nice support system you got going on....Its inspiring to see so many people who have lost so much weight... i have a long road to go too....
althoguh my start has been strong i can imagine the next 9 weeks till christmas are gonna be hard to shift this weight.... hopefully to look half as amazing as you lot do in your pics :-)
im sure ill see you about :-)
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Old 10-24-2006, 11:43 AM   #283  
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Thanks for the kudos everyone! And glad everyone is doing well.
Tina I like dress number 2 a lot more. Does it have a jacket or something to keep her warm?and you look great! Congrats! 60 lbs really makes a huge difference doesn't it? I am almost there....

Robbin! It's on, let's race and get to 210s by next week. I know you can! I
I am trying hard, spent 2h30 at the Gym today since i don't have to work all day. Was just gonna lounge around the house, so I thought I best invest that time, shedding some pounds.

Freethetoys. Welcome and good luck with your goals! You can totally do this!
Have a great day everyone!

Last edited by Kreen; 10-24-2006 at 11:52 AM.
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Old 10-24-2006, 12:11 PM   #284  
NEVER Give Up:)
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Sorry to be such a downer ladies, just don't know if I should keep posting here and drag people down. It's very dark and gloomy here today, and I just cannot get this lonely empty feeling out of me. There have been other deaths I have experienced, but this was so suddent with no warning, and there's nothing like a mother. I just feel so down and I told my husband that I don't want the days to end and I don't feel like getting up in the morning, just sad all the time.

TINA...My favorite dress is the 2nd one, and your DD is beautiful!

TAMMY...You are a true inspiration, and you have lost so much weight in just one year!
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Old 10-24-2006, 01:24 PM   #285  
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Default tues

Hello all, today is looking better than yesterday. I didnt get any exercise in yesterday, but i got to the gym today, so i am much happier. I just feel good the days that i get to the gym. Feeling good about my food intake today as well. Yesterday was not bad, but i want to really keep it low for a few days to repair the weekend damage. Not really low, but just the low end of my limit, yesterday was the high end of my limit. Now if i could just get back to drinking lots of water. Do you all find it hard to drink water on cold days. When i am sitting here cold, i just dont want some cold i think i will make some hot tea.

Freethetoys- Hello and welcome. Glad you are here, support is SO important, especially, like you mentioned, with SO many naughty holidays right around the corner. My first challenge will be next Tuesday, when i have 2 little trick or treaters coming home with lots of candy.

Robbin- Good job on only being up 3 pounds on a birthday weekend.

Cheryl- Good job on the 2 pounds. Sorry FD is sick. Hope she gets well soon.

Tina- Looks like the birthday was a huge success. The dresses are adorable. I love the detail on the skirt part of the first one. But i think overall, a white sweater with pearl accents would be beautiful with the second one. She is such a lovely little girl. You look awesome too BTW.

Jelynn-Sounds like a very challenging week to say the least.

Shyla- Glad to hear from you. Lets go gal.

ok, time to go to the post office and dry cleaners, fun fun. Hope you all are having a good day and making the most of working towards your goal.
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