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Old 10-24-2006, 03:21 PM   #286  
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Default Happy Tuesday

Hey ladies, I'm feeling like I'm struggling to get back on track. I guess it's motivation. I totally let myself eat just what I felt like and getting out of that mindset again is tough! I have been doing good so far today, no endulgences at all...that's great seeing that I still have cake around! LOL! I did my water aerobics this morning first time since that whole lock down incident...and it felt so good to be back at it.

Seems everyone (online and offline) favors the dress with the black skirt. It doesn't come with a coaty but I'll have to look for one. My mom thinks she's seen one just recently. I love both dresses and the only hook up I was having was the short sleeves, but I guess that can be solved. Thanks for the compliments girls!

Shyla, holy! Getting the motivation back is tough isn't it!? Birthdays are screwy! I guess we take one step, one day at a time bettering ourselves with every effort. Eventually we'll be in the game full force again.

Tammy, congrats on the weight loss! You're such an inspiration. What do I have to complain about getting back in it when you've blown all of us outta the water proving there are NO excuses!

Cheryl, LOL! I am so amused by teenagers these days. When it's cold they don't dress for it, when it's hot they're wearing those huge hoody pullovers!! What's up with them. Congrats on the loss! You'll be back at ticker and then some before you know it!

Robbin, thanks for the compliment. You did so well during your birthday. Better than I did during Alyssa's!! You'll be back to ticker in no time!

freethetoys! You've hit the nail on the head. This is a wonderful supportive group here. We've all got long roads here, some of us have travelled a little further than the other but the walk is still the same. You can do this!

Kreen, thanks for the compliment also. You have done amazing too!

Michelle, it's nice to see you posting again. Especially through this difficult time. It'll be a way to express yourself without actually having to speak literally. I'm sorry to hear of your moms passing...just remember you have a support group here when you need it.

Stacy, seems a few of us have a little damage patrol to do from this past weekend. I get so frustrated everytime I do that. I have a good week, get cocky and spend the better part of the next week trying to get back to ticker! Sheesh! Hang in there girl!

Have a awesome day ladies!
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Old 10-24-2006, 03:36 PM   #287  
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TINA...I had been doing so good with my eating and exercising every day before my mom's death last week, and now I just cannot get into doing anything! Some days I don't want to even get out of bed let alone trying to stay on plan. Life can throw some very hard situations our way at times. You're still doing really good with your weight loss and it shows in your recent posted picture! Thank you for your kind understanding words, because I would like to be able to come and post, even if I'm very down, but I don't want to offend others.
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Old 10-24-2006, 10:02 PM   #288  
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Michelle...We are here for you to lean on during this very hard time in your life, that's what friends are for. My mother is still here, but I had a very hard time when my grandmother passed, we were very close and I lived with her for awhile. Just try to take each day as it comes. If you feel up to it, go out with your daughters or your husband. It will get easier with time and I sure you have wonderful memories of your mother to help you get through this difficult time.

Freethetoys...Look forward to getting to know you. You have come to a great thread with lots of support and motivation.

Ladies, I'm going to finish the personals tomorrow. I have to get up early with my hubby, but the good news is this is my last couple of days of having to do that, my hubby starts graveyard next week for 6 months. I hate not having him home at night, but it will to nice to have him home early enough to plow the yard if we have a lot of snow this winter so the school bus can get in. I have done really well on my eating today, but still haven't gotten my butt in gear to exercise. Plan on walking the mall tomorrow morning before my appointments.
Have some great news to share with you, I have a new grandson that was born at 3:05 this afternoon. His name is Payton and he weighed 9 lbs 6 oz and was 19 inch long. I can't wait for my son to send me a picture of him, I won't get to see him till May/June when I go back out to Oregon.
Hope you all have a good evening and I'll chat with you tomorrow.

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Old 10-24-2006, 10:10 PM   #289  
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FREETHETOYS...This group of ladies are so nice and supportive!

CHERYL...Congrats on being a new grandma! That is so neat and I know you will be so happy when you can see him, and I really like his name. Thank you so much for your kind words. I also lost my grandpa in March, and this has just been a bad year for me. Both of my grandmas that live in Iowa are both having surgery next month, and I pray everything pulls through good.

Whatever happened to Linda, Erin & Lois? I haven't seen any of them for awhile now.

Last edited by Michelle; 10-24-2006 at 10:35 PM.
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Old 10-25-2006, 08:50 AM   #290  
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Hey ladies Sorry I have been MIA for so long. Have been really out of swing and not wanting to be involved in much of anything lately, but i am starting to come out of it and am really feeling the pressure for my goal of under 200 by my 40th birthday, which is just 9 weeks and 2 days away. Really, i just don't see it happening now. I am back up to 241 but refuse to move my ticker just yet. I had actually been higher than that but since i am on my way down i don't want to move the ticker. I am trying to resolve myself to the fact that anything less than the 296 i was last year is a huge improvement and not get caught in the trap of not meeting a goal meaning complete failure. ANYWAY!! Enough of that!

Michelle06, so sorry to hear about your mom!! I can only imagine how difficult this is! Sounded like she was finally on the upswing and then to lose her I'm sure has been devestating. I wish i had some wonderful words of wisdom to throw out there but all i can say is i will pray for you and your family and time does heal.

Tina - Girl you better get in gear!! I came back partly to get inspiration from you constant motivation and dedication! Actually, i completely understand what you are going through. once you get a taste of the easy life again it is so hard to put in the hard work this takes! WE CAN DO THIS!!! I haven't read far enough back to see the dresses ya'll have been talking about but i am sure you are gorgeous as always!

Cheryl - congrats on the grandson! how fabulous is that!

Well to all the other regulars and the new names i scrolled by, howdy and welcome and i will try to get caught up and be around a little more often

Hope everyone has a great day and don't let the battle get you down! Hey did anyone see Oprah yesterday? Was talking about people having gastric bypass dropping weight really fast and then ending up addicted to something else like alcohol or sex. Thought it was pretty interesting and wondered what others were thinking.
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Old 10-25-2006, 09:32 AM   #291  
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Good morning ladies, once again I am running behind times. I had to stop at the store and pick up a birthday card for my receptionist so I am running late. I just wanted to pop in and say hi. The scales are almost back to ticker weight reading 222 this morning which is pretty good considering TOM showed up yesterday.

Well better get to work, check back later.
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Old 10-25-2006, 11:56 AM   #292  
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ERIN...I'm so happy to see you back and on track again! I had been gone awhile too, but it's good to be back and yes, this group is very supportive! Thank you so much for your kind words.
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Old 10-25-2006, 02:34 PM   #293  
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Default Happy Wednesday

Afternoon girlies! I've decided that in order to feel back in the swing I must sit down and plan my menus. I've been flying by the seat of my pants for days now and it's just not feeling good. Something always wants to draw me to say, "I'll start Monday..." because it's already close to the end of the week and weekends are screwed anyways. Now I must decifer, is that really true or another badly do I want this?!! Pretty dang bad, to be in one-derland would be amazing. I just feel like kicking myself because I let go REALLY bad and the scales are reflecting it and I'm feeling defeated by that. I know I get it back down if I only put the effort back in. Just gotta find my motivation down in my socks somewhere. LOL!

Michelle, it's totally understandable that you're finding it difficult to get your "umph" back just having lost your mom. We understand that, what you should be doing is praising yourself for still having the desire to work on yourself. It will come back, one step at a time, just remember not give up on your hearts desire to be healthier. Do it in loving memory of your mom, I'm sure she would want you to stop doing what you've been doing.

Cheryl, congratulations on your new little grand-bundle! 9lbs. 6oz. wow! Was this a natural delivery or section. Kudos to mom if it were natural. If you get a picture soon, be sure to share with us too!

ERIN!! It's good to see you back! Don't worry about goals you've made a long time ago. You're right to revel in the fact that you've lost a lot even though it isn't as much as you wanted. I'm flattered you've come back to feed off of me, but I may have to nibble off of you a bit!! LOL! The dresses are for my daugther, Christmas dresses and I can't decide which one.

Robbin, great news to hear you're getting back to ticker. At least some of us are having success. Time to kick the rest of us back in the game!

Have a great day!
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Old 10-25-2006, 02:39 PM   #294  
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Hey ladies, hope you all are having a good day towards your goals. I am doing pretty well. Made it to the gym. I already have my food for the day, even dinner, in fit day. So if i can just stick to what i have written down, i will come in at what i think is a perfect number of calories for the day. I am even drinking water today. The only thing i am questioning is that there was a sample from the smoothie bar at the gym and it was was so tempting i took one. I assumed since it is a gym, it would be a healthy smoothie. I should have asked what the cals were but no one was really at the bar. I must say it was REALLY good too. I just dont know how many cals it was only about 2 good sips, so surely i didnt do any real damage. I told my son, i NEVER take their samples, it would be just my luck that today, it was probably a smoothie called, "get back all those cals you just lost smoothie".

Robbin- That is REALLY good news about the ticker considering TOM.

Elem- Hey good to see you again girl. That is great that you are getting back on track. Sounds like a good Oprah yesterday. I think i have addictive personality. Luckily right now, my addiction is weight loss. But i hate having an addictive personality...i am ALWAYS addicted to something and it seems that when there is nothing to be addicted to...i always go back to my comforting addiction with food. Sometimes it can be positive, like now with my addiction being weight loss, but it is like i am just waiting for another addiction to come along and take its place. I would rather my weight loss just be part of my life, just one aspect of it...not an obsessed all or nothing thing.

Cheryl- Congrats on the new baby. How exciting.

Tina- Dont you hate it when you can feel the loss of momentum and motivation slipping? It is so annoying that it has to come from within...there is nothing you can buy, no advice you can get...nothing to get it back other than pulling yourself up by the bootstrap to get back with the program. At least you are still here, you're still working out, still eating well...but i know what you mean, when it just feels like you are doing things right but your heart just isnt in it. Just know that usually if i stick to it, the desire and movitation comes back. Besides, what the alternative? Watching that scale inch back up? YUK. So just keep on keep'n on girl. Watch Biggest Loser tonight....that always seems to snap back any wavering motivation for me. If i see them do it...i get inspired to get those results for me.

Oh, is it just my house that has fairies? I believe there are cabinet and light fairies that must be invisible and float around my house. Because i go through the house and close all the cabinets and turn out all the ligts of the rooms we arent in. Then i go do some chores or something, come back only to find cabinets and lights are back open and on...but yet, no one admits to it. So i guess it must be the cabinet and light fairies. We have "dirty bedroom fairies" as well...they come in and mess up my dear 7 year old daughter, Olivias, room because we all know SHE wouldnt make that big of a mess. Ok, a pile of dirty clothes are waiting on me.
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Old 10-25-2006, 08:25 PM   #295  
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Hi Ladies...Just a quick pop in tonight. I've got a couple people bittting at the bit for me to get off the computer so they can use the phone. Had my weigh-in today and I'm down another 1.2 lbs.. Be back to ticker weight in no time.

Erin...Welcome back!! So glad to hear from you and your were missed!

Tina...It was a natural birth and she was in labor start to finish for 5 hours. I only wish I was so lucky.LOL

Michele...I'm keeping you and your grandmothers in my prayers.

Stacy...Always amazing how no one knows how the lights, cabinets being left open or the clothes just happen to end up on the floor. We pretty much don't have that problem anymore. They get charged .25 cents everytime we find their light on in their bedroom/bathroom or when they leave a room. If I find clothes on the floor be it clean or dirty, they loose them for one week. Not long ago, I got a weeks worth of clothes that the FD left on her floor instead of putting away. She only had two outfits to wear for the week. Since then, she puts away as she does her wash.

Robbin...Congrats on being almost back to your ticker weight. I'm right behind you.

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Old 10-25-2006, 09:25 PM   #296  
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TINA...I haven't been logging any foods in either and just eating here and there. I also haven't been getting in hardly any water again so I've really got to get back into things again before I start gaining back my weight again. You're still an inspiration to me, and you have come so far!

CHERYL...CONGRATULATIONS on losing 1.2 pounds, gone forever! You're really doing a good job!!! I think that's a good idea to charge 25 cents and also take up clothes. I really guess they start opening their eyes real soon. Thank you for your prayers for both of my grandmas.

ROBBIN...You'll be back down to your ticker in no time!!!

Today when my DD got out of school, we had to go down to the funeral home to pick up my mom's death certificate and the memorial folders. It was so hard to look at any of them, but the folders did turn out so nice. Then on the way home we stopped by the cemetery, but we didn't stay for long, because my DD was having a hard time and said that she just cannot really see my mom there yet, it just doesn't seem possible. We keep thinking she will call us soon. Thank you for letting me talk through my troubled times right now, because it really does help me out.
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Old 10-25-2006, 09:46 PM   #297  
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Just wanted to tell you ladies that you have given me alot of inspiration!!
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Old 10-25-2006, 10:57 PM   #298  
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Hey Michelle You keep right on talking!

I only have a minute to check in, but I was down to my ticker weight this morning, so YAY! Had a nice dinner out last night, but no damage done. I split an entree with my friend that was soooo awesome. A parmesan crusted beef tenderloin (with some kind of brandy cream sauce- but just a little), carrots, mashed potatoes and asparagus. Seriously amazing.

Tomorrow night is our 10th anniversary-- not sure what we're eating yet, but I'm feeling pretty in control.

Had a good run on the treadmill even though I ended up out until 1:30 am and was 3:00 before I fell asleep. I'm so ready to crash now.

have a great night all!
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Old 10-26-2006, 06:39 AM   #299  
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Morning glories!! Well did my 20 min on the elliptical this morning, gruding it the whole time. But i got 3.3 miles and burned 269 calories, not a bad start to the day! Scale was down to 240 today so only two more pounds to get back to ticker!

Robbin - sounds like you have had a pretty good drop in the time i was gone, i am sure you will be back on ticker in no time!

Michelle - thanks for the welcome back! The grieving process is so difficult and so different for everyone. You and your family are still in my prayers!

Tina - Let's just support each other right now and we can get through this!!! WE are ALL human and have our weaker times, gonna get a little religious here but.... there is only one person we need to depend totally on and the others around us are only to comfort and boost us up along the way. I agree the dress with the red top and the black skirt is my favorite, your daughter is so cute! Did you find a jacket yet? Hope your menu planning is going well and we will get back on course!

Getnhealthy - thanks for the greeting too! I am with you on the revolving addicitons! It would be wonderful to figure out how to have weight loss be a consequence of routine normal living not an obsessive behavior! If you figure that out let me know! I doubt the smoothie sample could do that much damage! I think i have some of the fairies you were talking about too!

Cheryl - thanks its good to know you were missed! CONGRATS on the loss! WHOO HOOO!

Lookingfor hope16 - Howdy girlie! join in any time! You never know when you can be the one to offer the inspiration to someone else. This group is an awesome support! I am in alabama too, do you mind me asking where you are close to?

Jelynn - that dinner sounds incredible!! I have been seeing a lot of parmasean crusted stuff lately, yummy! Congrats on the anniversary!

WELL girlies, gotta run, work to get done, children to get up and another day ahead! Hope ya'll have a fantastic day and will check in later!
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Old 10-26-2006, 09:33 AM   #300  
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Hey girlies just another quick drop in for me right now. I do not know what is up with me here lately I can't seem to get in gear and am always running late.

The scales are still at 222 but I am ok with that for right now considering TOM is here. But by weekend they had better be back to ticker. I am wanting to be in the 2teen's by next wednesday.

Welcome back Erin and Michelle we have missed both of you.
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