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Old 12-08-2006, 10:08 AM   #466  
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Hey girls just wanted to pop my head in and say I think I am finally back up to snuff. I feel really good today. The scales are at 215 but that is what I was expecting and they match the ticker so I am ok with it. Now the hard part will be to keep them there. I still haven't eat much since Monday. Actually since Monday i have had 2 small salads 3 pieces of Pizza and 2 soft taco's made with ground turkey. WOW for a week that is really not enough food. No wonder my scales have gone back up. My body is in starvation mode. The problem is.......I just don't feel like eating. I have been sucking on sugar free popcycles because they feel good and drinking lots of water but just not getting any sustenance. I need some calories, protien and iron. Gonna have to eat something today. And you know what one of my shop guys just brought in a huge bowl of snack mix his wife makes and boy is it yummy. MMM should I or should I not. I need food but I need it to be healthy. Better not.

Well better get back to work.
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Old 12-08-2006, 10:25 AM   #467  
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thank you so much to all you ladies!!! all of you are amazing and i hope and pray that i will be able to reach the same success that many of you already have. we all can do this, it will take time but the results will be well worth all the hard work!!! i love all you ladies!!! have a good weekend!!!
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Old 12-08-2006, 12:18 PM   #468  
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Default Happy Friday!

Good morning chicka-roonies! I'm still feeling a little quamish (if that's a word! LOL), but I'm able to be up and around and in working order...just not back to feeling like I can eat a lot which could be a good thing because I don't have to fight cravings! hehehe! In the midst of getting over or fighting my stomach whack I'm having a play date/Christmas party for my daughters friends and moms today. I put up the tree yesterday and finished the decorating around the house and did some baking lastnight. I was beat I tell ya! But I think it will be fun. The scales came down another pound to 213.5, hopefully I'll keep that throughout the weekend and go gung-ho come Monday and beat the ticker next week....wouldn't that be something! LOL

Linda, we're reaching milder temps too. It was a 0 when I got up this morning and suppose to climb up a few more degrees. Woo Hoo! I love..Love...LOVE Swiss Chalet!! We don't have it in our city but everytime I go to Edmonton, I'm there! I always get the 1/4 chicken (white) dinner with a salad and house dressing....MMMMMmmmm yummy! How did the Crazy Frog workout go?!

Robbin, I tell ya..I'm so there when you're torn between trying to ease yourself back into food. The main thing is don't blow into it full force, start off small and slow and nothing you'll regret! Although, I'm not one to talk...all I feel like is salty crackers, my stomach churns at the thought of giving it lettuce or steamed veggies...LOL!

Jusj5571, you can do it! We all started out with one small pound and went from there, just one foot in front of the other! I'm with ya girl!

Have a great day and if I don't get back throughout the weekend, have a great weekend. I hope to start cluing up my shopping soon!

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Old 12-08-2006, 07:19 PM   #469  
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Well ladies, i lost 0.8 from ticker weight this week. So hooray. Not much but at least i got to play with that ticker. Down from 247.8 to not much of a move but hey, i will take anything at this point. I ran into a problem with the ticker. It would only let me change one ticker...wouldnt let me do the other long term one...kept giving me the same snow long term is the moon one....anyone else have this trouble? They have some weird password thing now. How are you all getting around that? I know it sounds petty, but hey, i live to see that snowman and moon move.

Tina- Good deal on getting that scale going in the right direction. Sorry you are still feeling under the weather. My sinusitis is still hanging on. Then i coughed all night last night, i guess post nasal drip...bummer. Hope all of us are up to snuff soon.

jusj5571- You are so right, once you see that scale move, all that hard work completely pays off.

Robbin- Even if you dont feel like eating much maybe you will feel like some light exercise soon, i bet all that avoidance of food has done a number on your metabolism too. Mine always seems to bottom out real quick coming off of sickness, i STILL havent gotten around to a good work out. That scale is telling on me too, only moving the ticker 0.8 in like 3 weeks. Glad you are feeling better though.

Meowee- Lindor Truffles, oh my goodness, you hit my sweetspot on that one...i could eat those until the bag is gone. Best thing on earth.

IMWYNEN- Yes, this time of year IS wearing me out. I think that is why i am hanging on to this cold for so long. I weigh once a day, and usually more, BUT i only record my weight once weekly. I have my official weigh in day on friday. If i dont have a weigh in day, i tend to "have a snack today and restart my diet tomorrow"...too often. So if i just record my weight on friday, i can tell myself all week, "oooh, if i eat that chocolate today, the scale will tell on me friday". Then on friday i allow myself a treat, then i can usually make it another week without a treat without feeling deprived.

Hope you all have a good weekend. Lets all be proud of ourselves on Monday.
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Old 12-08-2006, 11:33 PM   #470  
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Hi ladies, Things have been really hectic at work and at home this week, so I’ve been reading posts but haven’t had much time for much else. I wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone tonight.

Welcome Imwynen and Jusj5571. It’s so nice to have you both join us. Imwynen, I weigh everyday. For years I never weighed, and I think that’s how I ended up weighing so much. Now, when I weigh, I know that it’s normal for weight to fluctuate greatly from day to day and I don’t let that bother me. If that kind of thing does bother you, it might be counter productive to weigh so often

Tina and Robbin – I hope you’re both feeling much better by now. Robbin, the recipe sounds great. I want to try it this weekend.

Lois, Welcome back. I think I’m probably new since you used to post, but I look forward to getting to know you.

Michelle, Good thing to make that doctor’s appointment. What kind of tattoo did DD get?

Linda, I had never heard of crazy frog before, although as I googled it, my daughter saw me and started telling me what it is. I guess I really need to get out more .

Stacy, Congrats on the pound! I haven’t had any problems with tickerfactory today. Did you get your problem worked out? It’s so motivating to get to move that ticker on over.

Well, I finally got through my little plateau. I’m a “teen” now, since I hit the teens earlier this week. I have had a really good food week, I’ve stayed in my range everyday this week. I’ve upped my exercise goal some this month, which will require about 40 minutes of exercise/day to get to goal. I’ve fallen short so far, but I’m taking vacation two weeks for Christmas, so I’ll have more free time to exercise than usual.

Well, I’m exhausted and am ready to go crawl under the electric blanket. Take care everyone!
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Old 12-09-2006, 08:36 AM   #471  
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Just a quick little pop-in to wish everybody a great weekend . . . know it will be a busy one for almost everybody.

Yesterday was a great day for me . . . no over-indulgences to report and so far my calories for the the first three days of my week, average out just great. If I can keep it up, things might work out OK.

Anyway gang . . . keep doing the good moving and shaking kind of stuff just as much as you possibly can and success will come your way . . . this is a wonderful time of year but one that can be sooooo hard on the waistline. See you soon.
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Old 12-09-2006, 03:52 PM   #472  
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Default Hi Ladies...

Thanks for all the WB's I am looking forward to getting back into the groove of things. I'm still getting settled but I am so glad the hard part is over. Whew! ! !, it was not fun plwing through all the red tape but I got through it.

I see everyone is doing good. I will get back to personals as soon as I can find the time to read through the thread, I'm just glad to see the familar faces. Well, back to painting... oh joy! lol

I hope everyone is having a great weekend, I will talk to you all soon.

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Old 12-09-2006, 06:41 PM   #473  
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Default Happy Saturday!

Good saturday afternoon ladies! I'm having an ultra quiet Saturday. No visitors and hubby went to work at 2 and I'm not expecting him back till 10 or 11 tonight. The scale came down another 1/2lb. this morning. I decided to change my ticker back UP to 213, instead of hiding behind the false "advertisement" of 210. I figure as much as I hated to change it nothing is going to motivate me more than to get it back down as quickly as I can! I've come to some realizations too this week. **warning...this may get to be quite self-philosophical and nothing in turn boring, nothing you ain't heard before if you wanna skip go ahead..LOL!** Anyways, I come down to figuring out (or so I think...) what's been the problem with me lately as to why I've been stuck since JULY! Hitting that new all time low before leaving on vacation made me cocky, self-confident and say "dang, I look good!" comfortable sort of way. I was liking what I was seeing, enjoying the whole new wardrobe and settling into this comfort zone. Although I enjoyed the game of beating the scale and looked forward to weighing each morning to see my progress, I was also feeling like I've done so good, looking good and started putting in half the effort. And we all know once we slack we start defeating ourselves immediately. All the while still having the desire to continue I couldn't quite get back into the hang of it, then in turn fighting emotional battles of defeat and not to mention the lacksy daisyness of my food, water and exercise. Once you start this dangerous route and toying with your old lifestyle it's like a grip that's got you and hard to pull it off. I started falling back into a mindset of trying to figure out what I can get away with instead what was best for me in the long run. I wasn't looking at this as a long life-style change, I was looking for a quick fix and we know those never work. I watched Biggest Loser and was getting so discouraged looking at their successes and how long I've been wasting time, I could have been so close to goal by now, instead I'm still so far away and been almost doing this for a year! Anyways, one woman interviewd said that "God gives her the strength to do this, and she makes the choice to use it". Lightbulb! We all have been given the strength to do this, we have it in us, we're just deciding to ignore it or we're just not willing to put our best foot forward. In the beginning I was very selfish when it came to what and where our family would eat and my time to I use excuses to get out of it. Things have changed in my head and IF I'm going to make this and live a thinner me for the rest of my life I have to start thinking ahead instead in the moment. This isn't what we can get away with anymore and try again and again in failed efforts later. It's about the here and now. Life is tough and losing weight is a tough thing to do, but it isn't impossible! Now if you stuck with me through all of that, thank-you! It feels really good to get that out in the open and off my chest. I really want to re-committ and stop playing around the thought of losing more weight and get down to the nitty gritty of actually doing it. Boy, what a quiet Saturday will do for ya! LOL!

Stacy, congrats on that 0.8lb! It's really great that you got to move your ticker! Keep up that honest effort, you've earned it! I could never get tickers from the "ticker factory" to work for me anyways, sorry couldn't be of help.

Tammy, woo hoo for you! Getting into those teens, awesome work! I'm proud of you getting through your plateau, it really causes some anguish and getting through one is such a victory! Congrats!

Linda, good for you keeping to your guns for the last three days. Any day done well earns a gold star! I wonder if we start tracking our weight loss with sticker charts if it would motivate us more?! LOL!

Lois, painting is a great calorie burner don't forget and looks great when you're done! I'm looking forward to catching up with you!

Well, I guess that's all folks. Have a great evening and keep making those decisions for your long term goals as tough as it is and will be during this holiday season. Lord knows, I'll try and I'll probably slip up a few times but I feel I've turned a corner in the right direction again into feeling mentally geared for this again.

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Old 12-09-2006, 07:39 PM   #474  
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Hi ladies... Sorry i havent been around. I have been in my own lala land.. i met a man... Thats right.. a man... hes very great! im having a good time and enjoying myself while staying on program!

I hoipe you all are doing good!
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Old 12-10-2006, 01:05 AM   #475  
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Tina, That was an interesting post. I see myself at times getting comfortable with how I look now, in the same way you describe, and not putting forth as much effort as I usually do. It scares me, because I know it is such a slippery slope to fall back into my old habits. Mentally, I'm in a good place right now, but I do feel like I have to be vigilant and remain in control. I hope you are at the point of recommiting. Yes, we will all slip up at times, but that is something that we have to learn to work around. On another note, I love your new avatar. You are such a cutie!

Chelsea, Good for you for staying on program with your new guy. From what I remember about new love, it's a great appetite supressant, although it's been a long time since I experienced that first hand.
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Old 12-10-2006, 11:37 AM   #476  
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Default Good Sunday Morning!

Good morning, just wanted to pop in and say the scales came down another 1/2lb.! Yay! Now I really wish I could display the 212.5 rather than keeping it at 213, that feels like a billboard showing off my failure or something..LOL! But hey, maybe tomorrow I'll be in changing it back down again.

Chelsea, woooo a new relationship is always exciting and I agree with Tammy a great appetite supressant! LOL! All the best to and yours! And great job with keeping on project throughout the week!

Tammy, thanks for confirming I'm not alone in fighting this up and down battle. You have done so well and to see how far you've come in the time span it took you is so insprirational and makes me feel like should have nothing to complain about. You've obviously stuck to your guns better than I did, "you handled it then why shouldn't have I?" type thing. Then again, I know that each of us have our own paths and walk at different paces. I agree that we have to be very dilligent with our choices to keep our mental health/strength throughout this on top of things at all times! You always seem to be so well balanced and in control, I want to strive for that! Thanks for the compliment btw, I'm glad you enjoy the Christmas me...hehehe!

Have a great day all! Keeping striving!

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Old 12-11-2006, 08:27 AM   #477  
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Hey ladies, its me again!!! Sorry I keep going AWOL on you but I have really been letting life get the better of me and this endless plateau i am battling is about to get the better of me!! I don't really have too much time right now so i am going to just give quick update and then will have to run.

*Work is very busy
*Kids had their birthday (both on 12/3 2 years apart) - taken as great excuse to load up on food!
*My parents came to visit, had really good visit but is always stressful for me
*Getting ready for the holidays and trying to fit everything in!
*Have gotten back into my exercise 6 out of last 7 days, 30 min on eliptical 4.6 miles and 469 calories today!! Yeah me!!
* WEIGHT IS STUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! and endocrinologist was of no help at all!!!!
*SOOOOOOO --- me and the good Lord above are going to tackle this thing together and see where we can get!!

Glad to see some new faces around and a howdy ho to you!! And great to see all the standard ladies here too. not even taking time to read what i missed but hope all is well with everyone and i am going to try to be better!!!

Missed ya'll, see ya soon!
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Old 12-11-2006, 11:03 AM   #478  
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Ok by reading the posts I missed over the weekend I am so unhappy wth myself. Tina I am so right there with you on the 1/2 effort. My scales are up 2 pounds back to 217 and I blame it all on my crappy effort. Over the weekend I was extreamly busy. No time for cooking and ate out almost all weekend. And we all know that there ARE good choices out there even when we eat out we just have to find them but when I was at the mall yesterday and stopped by the food court did I eat the low fat healthy Subway sandwich? No I did not I went to Charlies grilled Subs and had one with bacon and mayo and cheese fries. How bad was that? I could have done really well with Subway, I love Subway but I let that little devil inside of me say, "oh heck, with all of the walking you are doing today while shopping you deserve the good stuff". Well crap Subway is the "good stuff". Why do I do these things to myself? I told myself this morning "hey as long as I can maintain through these holidays I will be great", then I let myself have a handfull of Chex Mix and a piece of fudge. Well that is a load of crap. What do I want? A little bit of mmm on the taste buds or a longer, healthier, funner, skinnier life? As of right this minute I am voting for the better life. I am going straight to my fitday from here to record todays food and I WILL stick to it. I WILL exercise tonight and I WILL somehow find my willpower again.

Thank you Tina for your post.
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Old 12-11-2006, 12:13 PM   #479  
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Yeah its a tad depressing cause its ver very intense feeling wise with us and hes a tad scared!~
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Old 12-11-2006, 12:25 PM   #480  
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Default Happy Monday

Good morning girlies. Just finished my morning workout and feeling shaky...LOL! Scales are maintaining this morning at 212.5 but that's okay, yesterday was my day off from exercise. I would love to beat that ticker down this week, I'd be on cloud nine! I'm a little worried about tonight though, hubby wants to go out to a restaurant that we'd always go to before I lost weight. I could find something healthier to eat, mind you it's chinese so the sodium alone with be a killer. But what I want is a stir fry spicy beef and rice. I haven't had it in a year and seeing that I've recomitted it's a tough one to allow. I'm thinking, this is my plan, is to order it and share and then get the majority of it eaten by someone else just as long as I get a little taste!! LOL!

Erin!! Great to see you back girl! We understand how life can get a grip on our lives and barely leave room for you. Especially this time of year, it's tough! Good to hear you're still stepping it out on the elliptical, that's awesome! Girl, you're gonna have to do something out of line to get that body of yours to break. We know how to break plateaus it's just this time of year, like you said, barely leaves room for us to figure out a game plan. It'll be trying at times but it is possible, right!? Trying zig zagging your calories for a few days and see if that helps.

Robbin, hey girl...I'm glad my words out of desperation has spoken to you. LOL! It's easy to get comfortable and cocky but we're not there yet! Keep up your strength like you said and we WILL do this to the finish line and beyond because that's just how strong we are!!

Well, I best get outta my sweat clothes and back into some cival ones to go pick up my baby girl! Have a great day and I hope today is a successful one!

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