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Old 11-30-2006, 09:58 AM   #436  
Im not fat im fluffy
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Well.. I have no clue how I did on food lol. i didnt keep track yesterday... but im motivated to get my bottom in gear starting today. I joined *********** for the calorie counting and exersize counting and stuff...
Last ngiht I did their weight, arm and leg exersizes...
Im to do 6 3x a week...

For food today my whole plan is giving me 1400 calories... I have stuck to it for breakfast... so so far so good. I usually drink 3L a day of water, and try to get it to 4... so thats my mini goal for this week. I got my period, so im a tad bloated, and I can feel it, hence the extra water!
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Old 11-30-2006, 11:33 AM   #437  
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Hi Everybody . . . sorry this is going to be just a quick little pop-in. Had company this morning and now I am running late for a couple of appointments. Hope to get back to you a little later, but don't hate me if I don't make it.

How is the weather in Alberta today . . . Our sun is trying to come out again but the weather station is saying we will get all the way to 14 (57F) today. Can't help but think we will be paying for this sometime later this season.

Keep doing the good stuff, gang. See you later.
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Old 11-30-2006, 11:37 AM   #438  
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Alberta isnt too bad today. its been worse lol..
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Old 11-30-2006, 04:00 PM   #439  
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Well, it's warmed up to -1 (c) here and feels downright balmy aside from the wind today.

I am feeling a lot better, but still kinda lazy I have a book due today so spent over an hour reading this morning while the kids entertained themselves I really had to force myself to exercise and was even trying to talk myself into Taco Bell for lunch! Bad, bad me. But I'm happy to say I didn't. Had the bean soup I made earlier this week and got on my work-out clothes and did my 30 minute run/ 40 minute total on the the treadmill. Felt great and I'm proud of myself for turning it around. So easy to see how 4 days can turn into a month and 10 lbs back on!! Scale was down another .2 lb this morning...I am determined to meet my goal of 199 for the end of December!!

Tina- I keep thinking I'm going to try the waterfit classes at the Y, but they are only offered at 7:30 pm on Monday and Thursday nights and hasn't worked out with our sometime crazy weeks. Plus I don't have a suit that fits me anymore. My friend gave me her tankini when she lost weight and it was always a little big on me and now that I have lost this latest weight it's pretty much falling off. I'm sure jumping around wouldn't help, LOL! (and no one wants to see that )

Well, it's 2 pm and I really haven't done a bit of housework yet. Better get on that.
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Old 11-30-2006, 06:51 PM   #440  
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Hello all,

Feeling very apprehensive about weigh in tomorrow BUT i am proud of myself no matter what the scales says, i have been on plan at less than 1500 cals a day for four days...then on the weekend i had 1700-1900, not great but not destructive either. If i could just get over this cold i would be good to go. So no exercise this week, spent the night on the couch last night coughing up a lung, so no cardio for me this week. I think a lot of that is excuse though, if i really wanted to exercise i could do my pilates videos here at the house but this cold just has me so pooped feeling. Oh, at least i have the eating and water going right this week.

Jelynn- That is awesome that you turned away a temptation AND got in exercise to boot. WTG girl.

Chelsea- Glad you found a plan. I count cals too and try to stay between 1300-1400 a day, but i am still pleased if i keep it below 1500. When i am exercising properly it usually allows me to lose about 1.5 - 3 pounds per week. Been kind of stuck here lately though due to lack of exercise. I did WW before too and lost a little over 100 pounds, when i quit WW is when i slowly gained all but 15 pounds of it back. So now i am heading back down again.

Tina- I am proud to say YES, i have my tree up and presents wrapped, the ones i have bought anyway. We are going to do the rest of the house this weekend. You had a good idea that maybe putting up decorations will keep my hands busy. You are SO right, my body has been in the low 240's before, so i KNOW i can do it again.

JTammy- Good for you for recommiting to losing some pounds. Gosh i know, what is with you and me being stuck here lately? Lets get it going again. I have a goal to be in the 230's by New Years...I know i can lose 10 pounds in a month if i really want to...where do you want to be at New Years?

Ok, DH is finally on his way home, gotta go warm up his dinner.
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Old 12-01-2006, 11:11 AM   #441  
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Hey ladies, I know I haven’t been around much lately and I am truly sorry for it. I have been very busy with various things and haven’t been able to find the time to get on the computer. My scales yesterday were back to ticker at 217 but today are up to 218 and I know it is from lack of motivation. I ended up having pizza yesterday for lunch. For some reason I am lacking in the willpower department right now. But today is a new day and I am determined to find my willpower and motivation again.

Emily – I am there with you on needing to re-commit. Don’t you just hate it how you can be doing so good but then loose the oomph it takes!!???!!!??

Chelsea – Welcome to the group. These ladies are so supportative. If it weren’t for this group of chicks I would never have made it this far.

Stacy – My kids are doing better are yours? Only one is still a little sick and he is not running a fever or anything just not back up to snuff.

Tammy – We are all here for you and you WILL beat this plateau. I am rooting for you.

Linda – hope everything is going well for you.

Anyone I missed, I am sorry and hope you are all doing well.

Well Ladies it looks like lots of us are stuck in places we are tired of seeing and don’t know what to do to get back on track. What do you all think about swapping a recipe or two? Something we know is healthy. I think part of my problem is that I am tired of the same old things I eat every day. Oatmeal, Salad, Chicken and Veggies. Maybe I need someone to give me a new recipe for my chicken. Or something different to do with my veggies? How about some healthy sandwich Ideas or now that it is cold out maybe some Soup recipes. I have rearranged the ingredients in my Chicken Tortilla Soup recipe that has now made it pretty healthy. Anyone interested?
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Old 12-01-2006, 11:57 AM   #442  
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Default Happy Friday!

Good morning ladies! I've been on plan all week scales came from 217 on Sunday, down to 213 in mid week and this morning back to 214.5. I really thought I'd get a good go at that ticker weight this week, but good ol' TOM showed up yesterday and throwing me off. Dang it!

Chelsea, sounds like you've got things planned out girl. Good for you! How was your day yesterday, were you able to stick to your meal plans? any more exercise?

Linda, weather is beginning to be a little more liveable here lately. I've got -16 with a promise of getting into the +'s!! Yipppee! Maybe I can get some of the packed snow off of my driveway then.

Emily, there's some strength to take hold of your day and make it a good one not a spent one. Way to go! That's really motivating! The pool must of changed there schedules here because they've never fallen into line this easily before for me either. I've checked into them a couple of times since having Alyssa and it's never worked out. Get out and get yourself a new suit...if you're thinking about getting to a few classes at the pool I'd suggest a polyester suit so then the chlorine doesn't eat it. I found mine at Sears on a end of season clearance rack, Roots brand name. I started out with a tankini and it was all over the place, you're right no one wants to see that! LOL!

Stacy, you go girl...stay strong and proud! No matter what the scales say, you've been sticking to it a few days in a row and that in itself is a victory, right?!!

Robbin, this one here isn't going to turn down a recipe. AANnnnnd...I'm a soup natzi, I love soup! So sure, please share! Just one idea for a change in your lunches...why not make a healthy version of pizza at home and bring a slice to work for lunch with a side salad. I love pizza....too!

Well ladies, have a good day!
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Old 12-01-2006, 02:10 PM   #443  
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Well that scales were not kind but they weren't down right rude either, ha ha. So i will take it. At the beginning of the week i was scared to step on and i was up to 253.5, as of this morning i am down to 248.6, still a little less than a pound from ticker weight, but at least i am going in the right direction and the scale is moving...seemed like it was stuck above the 250 mark there for a while, and that will drive you nuts, once you see the 240's. So at least i am back in the 240's. Now i plan to kick it up and include some exercise ...whether i cough up a lung doing it or not, ha ha.

Robbin- My kids are doing better. Glad to hear yours are as well. Both of mine still have a cough and stuffy nose, but they are back to their normal selves. I would LOVE the recipe. Hmmm, something different, how about a light version of chicken parmesian. Wheat pasta instead of regular, or better yet, speghetti squash. Then i use Shake and bake on my chicken and bake it. Then add some "no sugar added" marinara with LOTS of veggies added to it. (I sneak in a lot of veggies, onions, green peppers, mushrooms, zuchini, diced tomatoes etc) The no sugar added marinara only has something like 35 cals for half a cant beat that. Then some low fat moz cheese on top...its pretty darn good forlow cal with a salad on the side. Oh sandwich ideas, you can easily make that chicken parm dinner into a left over chick parm sandwich for work the next day. Big yum to just heat it in the microwave at work.

Tina- Same problem as you, thought i would, might, hopefully get back to ticker and then here comes good ol' TOM. Seems like he is always coming to visit at the worst time.

Well i did get some exercise in today, i cleaned my daughters room for 2 hours, can you believe that? She actually has carpet underneath all that junk on the floor. Did some Pre-Christmas cleaning while she was at school...that way i can throw out a lot of stuff she will never miss and make room for more junk...uh, i mean toys. But geeze, it looks much better and i feel like i have actually accomplished something other than regular house cleaning.
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Old 12-01-2006, 08:17 PM   #444  
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Well ya wanna know whats fun... sprained my toe lol... yeah i droped one of my hand weights on it last night. that was a good old time...

I did get in some workouts... hence how i sprained my toe (i thought i broke it originially) and i stuck to my plan!
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Old 12-02-2006, 09:40 AM   #445  
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Morning everybody . . . Sorry I've been missing again . . . life is running a little hectic right now as I know it is for a lot of us.

On the run again today . . . back when I get another chance. Think a recipe exchange would be a great idea. I'm a soup lover, too. "Stoup" is one of my all time favourite things - - - that's thick soup or slightly watery stew --- will try to post a recipe really soon.

Have a great one, gang . . . Keep moving and shaking and doing the good stuff and the rewards will surely follow.
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Old 12-02-2006, 10:31 AM   #446  
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Morning Ladies...Sorry I have been MIA again Been under the weather with a nasty sore throat and just don't feel like doing anything but snuggling up on the sofa in a nice warm blanket. It hasn't helped any, that our weather turned nasty and cold as well. Sunday night we got hit with freezing rain and it lasted till monday afternoon. Our trees are coated in 1/2 in of ice and I'm surprised that the limbs haven't broken off from the weight. That could happen today with the high winds we are having. We are under a wind chill warning, -32 right now. Hopefully we won't loose power, but it's flickering as I type. I'll be back later to do personals, don't want to loose my post.

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Old 12-03-2006, 12:48 PM   #447  
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LADIES...I just wanted to say that we're so happy, because my younger DD received her acceptance letter in the mail yesterday for her first choice college that we did the tour at last month. She was accepted in their Nursing program for Fall 2007, and there are only about 100 people that they accept each year for the Nursing program. This college is a private Catholic college, and it's so nice. She has taken all AP and Honors classes throughout high school, and her gpa right now is 3.94, and we're so proud of her. She is also on her fourth year of Spanish in high school, and she's going to keep taking it through college also. I just wanted to share this with everyone!
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Old 12-03-2006, 01:14 PM   #448  
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Ladiers... good news.... 242!!!!!!
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Old 12-04-2006, 09:32 AM   #449  
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Hey ladies just a quick pop in for right now. I wasn't able to get on the net at home over the weekend because of snow and ice, we have satelite internet so I guess there was too much ice on the satelite. My boss is going out of town again tomorrow and today will be very busy for me but hopefully tomorrow I can get back and post the recipe for my soup. I love the Ideas everyone is giving me for meals.

OH yeah almost forgot, scales were at 216 this morning. I couldn't believe it. I havent exercised since last Wednesday and food choices haven't even been that great. Oh well I will take it.
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Old 12-04-2006, 09:59 AM   #450  
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Good Morning, Chickadees . . .

Wow this is such a busy time of year. It's hard to believe it is already December 4. I've got another busy day ahead of me and we are supposed to be getting our first snowstorm of the season today. So far nothing but windy and dull but it could start at any time, I guess, so I'd better get moving.

Just wanted to give this quick little recipe before I go off about my business . . .


---In a large dutch oven or small soup pot, cook 1/2 lb lean ground beef until the pink is gone.
---Stir in 1 package of chili seasoning.
---Add 1 10 oz can condensed tomato soup; 1 28 oz can diced tomatoes; 1 28 oz can water; and one 750 ml package of Arctic Gardens "spaghetti-vegetables" (combination of onions, celery, red and green peppers).
---Bring to a gentle boil; reduce heat; cover and simmer gently for about an hour.

Makes about 12 cups at approximately 150-160 calories per cup. If you want it thicker or thinner, just play with the water but don't forget you are also playing with the calorie count.

Have a really great moving and shaking kind of day, gang. See you soon.
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