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Old 12-20-2006, 11:20 AM   #526  
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Just dropping in to say hello. No time for personals, but I have been reading, just not posting much. I've had three days with inconsistent eating, (my 40th birthday stuck in the middle), and I'm feeling yucky from eating things that I shouldn't have eaten and eating too much. Weight is up to 218 but that's to be expected after eating out a couple of meals.

I'm on vacation until January 2nd. I'm trying to get caught up with things around the house. Still not through shopping, but I'm working on it.
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Old 12-20-2006, 12:27 PM   #527  
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Hi there, chickies . . . . . . glad things are mostly hanging together for everybody . . . it will soon be over with for another year . . . like mostly everybody, I both love and hate this time of year sooooooo very intensely.

This was my WWI morning and I was alsolutely thrilled that the FFM was really kind and let me move my ticker to a whole new decade. I'm sure this is the last I'll see of it for a bit, but at least it will be sitting there, smiling at me, to spur me back into gear when the New Year hits us.

Well got to get moving . . . keep doing as much of the good stuff as possible, gang . . . see you soon.
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Old 12-20-2006, 12:36 PM   #528  
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HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY TAMMY You are still a 'sweet, young, thing' from my perspective.
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Old 12-20-2006, 01:27 PM   #529  
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Hey ladies just a quick pop in to let you all know that the scales are still bouncing but now the new high isn't 219 it is 220 up from yesterdays 218. My hands are really swollen and my socks are leaving rings around my ankles so I am really crossing my fingers it is just water weight. I have been trying really hard to get all of my water drank every day but when it is cold it is really hard for me to drink as much.

Well I had better get back to work. Check back later.
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Old 12-20-2006, 05:31 PM   #530  
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Hey ladies, I'm so sorry I've been MIA since last week. Christmas bug has gotten a hold on me. I've been doing a lot of things from finishing shopping for myself, then helping out my mom who has to do it for herself AND my grandmother who buys for absolutely everyone in the's well over a 100 people. I know, I know...what do ya buy?! It's been really hectic and busy to say the least and I've been too tired to get onto the computer. I'm happy to say though, with all the out of line eating and not much water intake, and nil exericise since last friday the scales are being nice, 213! I'm not sure how much time I'll have since it's coming into the 11th hour for Christmas prep for my family. I'm hosting it AGAiN this year for my family. I hope you all are doing well!
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Old 12-21-2006, 02:42 PM   #531  
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Wow . . . that Christmas Cheer is certainly taking a toll around here . . . and basically it has its hold on me, too.

Just wanted to say a quick HI to everybody . . . hope your day is moving and shaking right along.
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Old 12-22-2006, 11:07 AM   #532  
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Hey girls how is it going? I am still holding my own with the scales. They are still bouncing between 216 and 219 and if I can keep that pace through the holidays I will be pleased. As soon as the holidays are over I will be right back on track and try to melt those pounds away. Its just so hard right now to worry about it all. But I am ready for the new year and a new me, how about all of you?

Well I just wanted to drop in and check on everyone. I will probably not be around much till next Tuesday or Wednesday and I want to wish all of you a

Merry Christmas
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Old 12-22-2006, 11:34 AM   #533  
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I'm with you Robbin. I was thrilled to see 207 this morning For as much as I've indulged I'm surprised I haven't gained 10 lbs. Like I said before I'm hoping to still get some exercise in and enjoy the food and be right back on track next week.
Happy Holidays everyone!!
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Old 12-23-2006, 08:12 AM   #534  
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Just passing through to wish everyone a . . .


I'll probably be missing for a few days, too . . . but I will be thinking of you all
Have a great holiday and try not to overdo it with the and

See you soon.
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Old 12-24-2006, 12:12 PM   #535  
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Happy Holidays Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you!

I hope you are all having a wonderful time with friends and family. I hope to see everyone back here (and back on track) next week. Our last get together is Tuesday night, so as of Wednesday morning, I am committing to getting back on track. (I'm derailed right now ).
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Old 12-25-2006, 12:31 PM   #536  
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Hi everyone ..A very MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL ..!!! Iam new at this site ..but love it already..i guess it will be slow till all of the holidays are gone..looking forward to talking with everyone..thanks to linda I now know how to use this site better then before !... Have a great one )
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Old 12-26-2006, 08:55 AM   #537  
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Hey gang!! Hope ya'll have had a very merry Christmas and are planning an exciting new year! Life is busy as i am sure it is for everyone! Hope all is well with you and yours and will see you soon!!
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Old 12-26-2006, 12:49 PM   #538  
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Hello all!

I'm in an EXCELLENT mood this morning, even though I'm still sick. I got a new laptop yesterday, which is the nicest computer I have ever owned. (Seriously, one of my old computers still had a Win95 CARTRIDGE and this was in the late 90's!) I feel a little bad, actually, because my fiance golt me this and a beautiful necklace, and I couldn't afford much for him, so my main gift was hand-made. :X

Hope everyone else's was awesome! Now, to brave the traffic of after-Chritstmas sales!
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Old 12-27-2006, 09:28 AM   #539  
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Hey gang I am back and with only a 5 pound gain, the scales are at 220 right now and I think some of it is water weight cause I have had tons of sodium and my hands are awful swollen. As of today I am back on track. I have passed up the snack table here at work that is still covered with Christmas goodies and am not even feeling the pull. I feel great and am gonna kick this extra 5 pounds to the curb.

Hope everyone had a very mery Christmas.

Gotta get to work.
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Old 12-27-2006, 11:17 AM   #540  
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Default Back on Track

Good morning, Chickies . . .

Well, I am certainly glad that the "too much" week is now behind us. Very happy to say, I am only 3 pounds over my ticker weight at my WWI this morning . . . oh wow, will wonders never cease . . . I just used 'only' and 'over' in the same sentence while talking about my weight. One of my pet theories is that the weight that comes on quickly will also drop off quickly once you get your act back together . . . hopefully that theory will prove correct for all of us. Come on FFM, we really need you.

Anyway, all the rest of you, get out here and face the music. Let's all do a few days of practicing the good stuff so we can face the new year with firm resolve. Let's make 2007 our year, ladies. Let's just keep on moving and shaking and heading down that long winding road to better health.

Here's a dose of to help get us going in the right direction. See you soon.
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