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Old 11-14-2007, 01:56 PM   #166  
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Hi gang . . .

Sorry MAYA . . . I just couldn't resist.

Hope everybody is having a great day . . .
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Old 11-14-2007, 07:16 PM   #167  
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Hi, friends:
UPS simply out did themselves. My big-box-of-powder arrived two days earlier than scheduled. I knew I could not wait until Sunday to start, so:

Day 1 has gone well.

I just had my lean and green and have one more powder packet to go. Also--only 1 glass of water left. I thought I'd try to drink most of the water far in advance of bedtime. I have a bit of insomnia and don't want to wake up just because I need to piddle...

I adjusted my weight numbers in two ways--currently I am 189 (had moved up from the low of 180 that I was in August) and also I figured that my goal should be a little lower. I would definitely like to fit in a category that is called "normal." I, mean, that might be the only area of my life that I could experience normal. Of course, it may take a few months--but I'm ready to stick with this plan.

Hope you all are doing well.
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Old 11-15-2007, 08:42 AM   #168  
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Hi all!
Way to go on day one, Ms Camo! You'll get through!
Well, I'm officially finished week 2 --who'd have thought? -- and here's how it went.
I'm still ok with the food. I must confess that of all the foods, the chili had the most promise yet was the most bizarre. I mixed it up like the directions say, but it turned out looking exactly like someone had yarked in my shaker! Not the most appealing sight = probably the second grossest looking thing. The first being the blended oatmeal incident on day 1, which turned out looking like baby poop...Oh, and I had a strawberry creme shake in the car, which flipped over when I took a corner a bit fast (!), so now my car smells like Frankenberry. Blech. Gotta have it detailed, before I yark in my car...
Anyways, the chili flavor was somewhat odd, actually, kind of sweet in a funny way. But hey, enough hot sauce and I can choke pretty much ANY hot meal down. It wasn't too bad once you added some chili powder, too. So all in all, the food hasn't been too bad at all.
I've had some stomach pains, which I am attributing to gas! I think this topic has already been covered on this thread, so I won't go into the gory details. Suffice it to say, I put Kramer's beefaroni horse from Seinfeld to shame last night! My stomach doesn't hurt anymore, but I do have some lingering headaches. I'm not sure why that is, and the medifast board says that this is normal, so I'm going to hang in there. It isn't anything that aspirin won't handle but it is annoying. I am following the plan 100%, so hopefully things will pick up..
Anyways, now for the drum roll -- this week I lost ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 lbs!!!!!
For a total of 13 in two weeks! I hope I don't stall, but I expect that next week, my loss will be 0 because that is what frequently happens -- you lose alot in 2 weeks, then your body readjusts for no loss in week 3, and then you pick it up for week 4. So, my goal this week is to STAY OFF THE SCALES, and NOT GET DISCOURAGED next weigh-in if the numbers don't budge...
Thats all for now!
Talk to y'all later,

Last edited by freiamaya; 11-15-2007 at 08:42 AM.
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Old 11-15-2007, 08:58 AM   #169  
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Default Leg cramps

Hi all,

Well I am now on day 3 things are going pretty well so far, I was a little hungry yesterday and had a sugar free popsicle to help with that, but the one thing that is really bothering me is the night time leg cramps! I know others have experienced this as well, but I am waking up several times a night in pain, I am drinking the required amount of water, in the past I have had these problems and fought them off by increasing my potassium intake by eating more bananas, obviously I can't do that now, any suggestions fellow medifasters?

Have a great day,
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Old 11-15-2007, 09:20 AM   #170  
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Hi all,
well it was a balmy 86 degrees here in good ol Houston yesterday but the front has come in tonight and will be chilly today.
Having a problem with water consumption, just don't like plain water!
Been doing okay as long as I am working, but the days off work at home with DH are ****! Temptation on the television and everywhere!
Kitties are going to the vet today for annual checkup, big production...
4 unhappy souls.....haha
Maya, I also can't stand the chili or the chicken noodle soup either and I ordered 2 months auto-delivery...geeez what to do!
The shakes go down quite smoothly for me and I am going to devise a plan that is 2 shakes, 1 soup, 1 bar,1 pudding per day for me.
So I have cancelled the auto-delivery and when I eat up all the stuff will formulate another order of the things I like.
Have a great day all.

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Old 11-15-2007, 10:09 AM   #171  
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Hi everybody . . .
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Old 11-15-2007, 10:20 AM   #172  
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Morning, Meowee!
About the leg cramps, I'm not too sure. I know that the Medifast site asks you to increase your potassium naturally with spinach and other potassium rich allowed foods. But I'm not too sure.
As for the kitties, my four get reeeeeeeallly anxious when it is vet time!
About the chili - thankfully I got this pack from my SIL, who ordered a week after I did. She got chili in her original pack, and thinks it looks like barf, too! I don't know if I'd order it again, but I know that I AM looking forward to customizing my package. It just gets too darn cold for shakes here in the winter. I'm going to go with soups, hot drinks, and stews mostly for the winter. I've heard rumors that if you do the 5 shakes a day, you lose weight the fastest, but I'm SO not prepared to freeze my butt off and be miserable doing so. SO, I'll accept slower loss for better, warmer food!
Talk to y'all later!

Last edited by freiamaya; 11-15-2007 at 10:24 AM.
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Old 11-15-2007, 02:02 PM   #173  
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I'm feeling great, just ending my sixth week.

On a happy note, I was able to stuff myself into one of my size 14 jeans. The other size 14 are still too snug, so I think that these 14s are vanity sized.

It has been TOM, so I only lost two pounds this week, but I lost five the week before and I have lost 26 pounds in six weeks, so I feel I have nothing to whine about, LOL.

I'm thinking about asking my doctor's opinion about going all medifast, the 6 plus 0 plan for the holidays. I think that having six shakes a day might help me with the temptation to eat addictively over the holidays. I'm also thinking about giving myself more flexibility, ie, have one bar a day (I'm doing this no bars) over the holidays and staying with the 5 plus 1. I'd really like to lose the extra weight asap, regardless of the time of the year.

What are the rest of you doing for the holidays?

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Old 11-15-2007, 05:42 PM   #174  
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Greetings from the land of Day 2.

Still going just fine. Sounds like everyone here is kicking a**. Go us!

Interesting what's being tossed around here about doing only shakes or doing 6 + 0. Both sound interesting to me. (So far--only 2 days, I know--my vegie lean and green meals are not as exciting as I hoped. I not a huge fan of fake-meat patties; I'd better go get some extra firm tofu and start to stir fry to mix it up.) Anyway, could someone tell about the issues/concerns with being a bit more extreme and trying either of these options?

Hey, TEX--since we are both in the Houston-area, would you be interested in a little swap? I received a box of Cream of Broccoli Soup in my free week pack. This product is made with chicken fat and I'm a vegetarian. Do you have a box of anything vegie that you would consider trading for it? I'm willing to drive up 45 (I live near downtown) and meet you at a Starbucks, or such.

Looking forward to hearing of your successes,
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Old 11-15-2007, 08:54 PM   #175  
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Good work to everyone this week! The first few days are the hardest, and I think the middle of the second week is hard, too. That's when you get tired of dreaming about all the weigh you are GOING to lose, and get frustrated that it isn't GONE yet.
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Old 11-16-2007, 06:55 AM   #176  
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Hi . . .
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Old 11-16-2007, 03:58 PM   #177  
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Hi everyone! Hi Meowee!!!!
How is everyone doing? I'm doing pretty well. I have suffered from the constipation issue that seems to plague alot of people on this diet. While the fiber content of the food is great, it seems that with higher carb counts, one doesn't have so much of a problem! Well, I addressed it, and now I feel MUCH lighter!!! But enough about my "issues"...
Now I'm into the hard slogging part of the diet. The part where you are SO excited that you are losing weight, and you are DREAMING about the number you'll reach, and you're doing the MATH to see how many weeks it'll take, and then time just seems to DRAG. SO, like I said at the beginning, I want to be on plan until Christmas (first mini-goal!) and then until the 15th of February. Why?
Well, my DH and I are going on an incredible vacation, and, so sorry to everyone who is hard-core, there is NO WAY I'm going to miss out on 5 star restaurants at a 5 star resort for the sake of a couple of pounds. NO WAY. SO, the plan is to stay 100% committed until I leave, and then have a good time. NOT go crazy. JUST, sit and have a glass of wine with my DH. That's all! So there!!!!
This will be a great break, especially since my DH has been off in a foreign country that rhymes with Papflapistav, so this vacation in February will be a great visit especially since I won't have seen him since the beginning of October!
Anyways, that's all for now!
Hope to hear from y'all soon!

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Old 11-17-2007, 05:53 PM   #178  
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Where is everyone hiding?????
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Old 11-18-2007, 11:34 AM   #179  
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Don't know!
Good to see you're here!
Slow weekend, I guess...
Beautiful weather here - 4 degrees, full sun... I love the fall!
Christmas is coming - plans?
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Old 11-18-2007, 07:42 PM   #180  
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I received my order and have started day!

My package was ordered on Monday night (including the free week, book, Healthmate Blender and Recipe book....went all out), and arrived to my door in Ottawa on Friday at 14:30EST!!! I was so excited to get it on time!

So far...I'm in love with the Cranberry Mango the blender it mixes up like a really thick smootie (I'm a HUGE Booster Juice addict, so that helps )

Loved my S'more Bar, and Banana Shake....not so much of a fan of the Cream of Broccoli, I will need to water it down in the future.

Has anyone discovered any good tricks with the soups...I'm not a hot sauce person at all...but I do have a lot of Epicure spices...wondering if they'll help a little.

Anyhow, thats it for me today...going to go grab my chocolate pudding now.

Have a good night ladies
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