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Old 11-25-2007, 03:04 PM   #226  
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I am new to medifast, but I promised myself that I would commit to three weeks of being very strict and then reassess how I felt about the program. I have this very stubborn last 12 pounds and after thanksgiving sent me into a 4 day binge, I really need to get my act together. I need to stop my cycle of restrictive eating, binging, depression, etc....this is just not working for me as you can imagine. I also need to stop weighing myself 10 times a day, not healthy at all! So I guess wish me luck and if you have any advice about dealing with any hunger pains I will likely face send them my way because I have a feeling I am going to need it.
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Old 11-25-2007, 03:41 PM   #227  
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THESUNWILLCOMEOUT . . . wow, that's a handful . . . okay if I call you SUNNY?

Since I'm just a wannabe right now (waiting for the New Year and my Doctor's approval since I'm diabetic) the only advice I can give you is to step away from the scale. I'm sure the others will be along shortly with lots of really helpful words.
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Old 11-25-2007, 05:17 PM   #228  
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Ms Sunny, it sounds to me that you could use some inspiration from the Chicks in Control board here on 3FatChicks. They could relate to your binge/extreme dieting cycle, for sure. It seems to me that you won't have trouble losing the weight, but WILL have trouble keeping it off unless you sort out the maintenance phase. As for hunger -- I have no solutions as I am in the middle of a hungry phase right now! Just hang in there -- I imagine it will get better with time...
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Old 11-25-2007, 07:09 PM   #229  
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Hi again everyone...

One more day to weigh in nervous, but for me its not so much the scale as the obsessive trying on of my "skinny" pants... I am obsessed with trying them on to see a difference, so stressful.

Maryblu - I can relate to your busy life, it's why I tried Medifast after one week of 6 Week Body Makeover (way too much prep work for a girl that has a hard time eating once a day let alone 6 times a day when I have to make it all ahead of time :s).

For my Medifast I heat one soup in the microwave, put it in a thermos; make two shakes and put them in a thermos, grab a bar and I'm set for the day So easy and I don't have to leave my desk all day...two cold shakes, a hot soup and a bar holds me off for dinner which is L&G or another Medifast, a hot chocolate or pudding before bed and I'm golden!

On another pudding is still not turning out great, I'm going to blend it tonight and see where it gets me.

To add to my previous post of likes and dislikes....I love the Maryland Crab soup, and the eggs....the eggs are great! I made egg in a cup tonight for dinner in 3 mins, a little pepper and I'm hooked! I'm still in love with the smoothie like Mango Cranberry Juice too!

If anyone is craving crunchy you have to try the soy crisps or the crackers...the crackers are so worth it! Also the S'more bars are crunchy too.

Anyhow, hope everyone had a great Holiday in the States! And hope all the Canadians are keeping warm...I can hear the plows out side right now...ugh, snow, slush and salt....

Bye for now
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Old 11-25-2007, 08:17 PM   #230  
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I'm away on a trip right now but do check my voicemail. Apaprently my order is on the way so should be there when I get home on the 28th. I hadn't intended to start until after Christmas but ..... It'll be four weeks until the Big Day so I just may start before.
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Old 11-25-2007, 09:00 PM   #231  
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Hi Ms. Ruthxxx! Let us know how it goes, and if you have any questions, just ask away. Not that I'm an expert or anything, but hey, sometimes we can all help out in our own ways...
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Old 11-25-2007, 09:16 PM   #232  
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Fifty days on Medifast!!! yay! I was going through my notes and found that I was 217 just a couple of days before starting MF. That's really 33 pounds in 50 days. I feel healthier and more energetic than I have felt in years. And the kicker is that nobody but my four year old has noticed any change in me whatsoever. I think they will notice on the next 33 pounds when the winter clothes are replaced by summer clothes.

Sunwillcomeout, I recommend you read the Beck Diet Solution, and I also recommend that you pick a fun theme song. My own theme song is "She's a Bad Mama Jama". But I sing it "I'm a Bad Mama Jama"

But if you have real depression issues going on, get them treated, because that would make things soooo much harder I can't even imagine.

Of course, you have great stats right now, imho. I would love to be 5'7" and weigh 144 right now. So it's naturally going to take a longer time to get to your goal weight, even on MF.

I am happy to report that the Lane Giant pants I bought in early November are hanging off me to the point that not even the belt will hold them up. I can barely stuff myself into my Gap 14s, but my Karen Kane 14s fit. Once I get into the 6,8,10 sizes I'll have tons of clothes. But right now, I really don't want to buy a bunch of pants to have them fit for three weeks! I would explore dresses but it's very cold right now.

Last edited by lettingslenderin; 11-25-2007 at 09:26 PM.
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Old 11-25-2007, 09:31 PM   #233  
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Thanks, all, for the helpful advice and the great success stories; for those of you so confidently just "doing it"...good for you!

BPO, that is a great plan...others have said the bars and crisps are soooo good that they set off cravings....not so for you, apparently. That is the one thing that I noted from Suzanne's review of the hunger, no cravings. I think I could really get into that. I am ready to turn off the "eat me" sign, and if I can just tame the hunger, that would be soooo helpful.

And just the name "Maryland Crab Soup"..OMG, I will have to order that for each day!

I have decided I really can't start until after Christmas, but if I can get back on track and get a little off before then, then I am hoping that 2 or 3 months of Medifast should get me all the way to goal. Mewowee, I hope we can start together!

I will stay in touch!
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Old 11-25-2007, 11:08 PM   #234  
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Hi there!
Please continue to read and ask away if you like. You don't have to be on this plan to participate!!!!! And all info from those of us on the plan is valuable stuff that will get you going in the New Year.
Hope to keep hearing from you,
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Old 11-25-2007, 11:31 PM   #235  
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Maya, what's it like to be "no longer obese"? Has it changed you inside?
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Old 11-26-2007, 09:28 AM   #236  
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Default Hey Chickies

Well it's back on the Medifast Wagon for me!
And I managed to leave the Pumpkin pie alone last night, that was in the coffee room at work, a depository for unwanted goodies that people don't want hanging around the house. I know because I put things there myself. A whole bunch of young people in my office and anything that you put in there will disapear!
I am still working on the first month Medifast box with the entire 2nd month box still in the pantry and with all the freebies that was included I am probably good until January, and I will hold off ordering until I use up much more.
Still don't like the chicken noodle or the Homestyle chili anybody have any suggestions?
Sorry Camo, everything I have is non-veg.
Call the Medifast people on the phone and see if you can return.
Good Luck all,
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Old 11-26-2007, 10:41 AM   #237  
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Good Morning Medifasters and other Wannabes . . . . . . We all seem to be on this journey together; even those of us who haven't started yet. for us all.
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Old 11-26-2007, 11:43 AM   #238  
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Hi, Ms Slender!
You have asked SUCH an interesting question! I remember slipping into the "merely overweight" category, and I found myself doing my HAPPY DANCE! It is really, really nice to be simply "large" instead of "OBESE". And there was a point, at my highest of ----------243lbs! At least, that was the highest I weighed, and not necessarily my HIGHEST -------where I qualified as being MORBIDLY OBESE (greater than 100lbs over my ideal weight, which at 5 ft 7 inches would be 138 lbs). THAT was indeed scary. But, I did have alot of things going on at the time, so in all honesty that was the least of my worries. What changed me was seeing a photo of myself, and realizing that my size 18W pants (I always thought the W stood for WIDE) were far too tight. As in uncomfortably tight. As in, "OMG I think I'm going to BURST out of my pants"-tight. It was either move UP to a size 20 or sort myself out. So I took on the challenge. That was in 2004. I quickly lost 70lbs in a matter of months on a boot-camp killer diet that I will never, ever recommend UNLESS you need something absolutely drastic. For me, it was either THAT or gastric bypass. And since you have to really watch yourself after gastric bypass, why not try a similar post-bypass diet BEFORE I surgically altered myself. (NO CRITICISM OF THOSE WITH BYPASS INTENDED -- JUST A PERSONAL OPINION). After I left the diet, I immediately gained 12 lbs, but was able to maintain the higher weight for 2 1/2 years. I found, though, over the past 6 months, my weight was creeping higher and HIGHER and HIGHER, until my total weight loss was only 43 lbs!!!! SO, BACK to the diet again. I'm now down another 16lbs, making my total at 59 lbs lighter than my all-time recorded high.
SO, has no longer being obese changed me?
Absolutely, in some ways. I no longer have "clothing crises" when it is time to go out -- you know, you try on EVERYTHING in your closet to find something that fits, and you get mad and angry because NOTHING looks right...
I no longer worry about well-meaning people suggesting that I have gastric bypass surgery (the last time was my boss's wife, at her annual Christmas party, in front of EVERYONE...CRINGE...)
I no longer worry about shopping for clothes so much, and don't worry about having people stare into my grocery cart at the store to see what the fat chick is buying...
BUT, my brain STILL hasn't caught up with my "new" body -- I shop at plus-size stores mostly, even though I am really at the cusp between plus-size and regular size -- the Penningtons S sizes often don't fit -- but I am afraid that I won't fit anything in the regular stores...
I STILL think I look monstrously HUGE, especially when I DO venture into a store and nothing fits (CURSE YOU, LULULEMON....) and they don't carry "larger sizes" and the salespeople are happy to tell you so...
I am DEATHLY afraid of loose, flappy skin, and have noticed a fine turkey-wattle under my chin forming due to my weight loss, and I sometimes wonder if being larger with a fuller face LOOKS better...
But MOST of all, I am happy for the little things, like tying my shoelaces without having to lean sideways, and being able to climb stairs without thinking about it, and being able to wear a nice pair of jeans...
Anyone else have experiences they'd like to share?
Love to hear them,

Last edited by freiamaya; 11-26-2007 at 11:45 AM.
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Old 11-26-2007, 04:51 PM   #239  
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Default Hi Everybody!

Well what's that saying... best layed plans.... My Thanksgiving did not turn out as I planned. But not as bad as It could have been. I had a terrible cold,so I did not meet my family at the restaurant as planned for dinner.

So I baked and ate a lot of a roasted chicken and some cooked veggies with salad at home and MF pudding for dessert. I had enough self control not to eat anything hi carb.. thank God I didn't have anything sweet in the house! So bottom line I didn't stick to the program but I didn't go off that much either. So for me, considering what my previous Thanksgivings have been like, this was a personal milestone of a success overall. I didn't gain and managed to stay in ketosis.

Good lesson for me though. I still have a lot of work to do regarding my relationship with food and holidays.

Although I didn't gain anything I only lost .5 lbs last week. I guess I should be grateful Sounds like we all had varying degrees of success and should be relatively proud of ourselves. Thanksgiving is the one and only holiday created with the primary purpose of consuming large quantities of food... while giving thanks of course So, IMHO.. just getting through it on a weight loss program is a REALLY big deal!

Atta Girl to us all! Hang in there Everybody!

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Old 11-26-2007, 11:33 PM   #240  
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Thank you for the insights, Maya. I am four or five pounds away from being overweight,but I started with that painful label "severely obese." Ouch. But I already feel so much better in every way.

I am eager to hear about the experiences of the others who are going to be starting MF. I read a hint that there is another vegetarian on MF, but who is it?

I did order bars for next month. When I started, I did not trust myself to have the luxury of one bar a day. I was afraid they were so delicious compared to the rest of the food that I would eat six a day. But I'm a little more confident now after fifty days on MF, plus, I need some variety and convenience.

Speaking of convenience, I almost never used the RTD until a few days ago, and now I am so busy because of the holidays that I am using the chocolate ones all the time. Now I wish I had just ordered RTD and bars for December.

I wonder what will happen after 100 days? I am reading Spangle's book 100 days of weight loss, and I find it really inspiring and helpful.

Last edited by lettingslenderin; 11-26-2007 at 11:34 PM.
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