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Old 11-23-2007, 01:20 PM   #211  
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Hi everyone!
OK, so my house is officially a disaster...We are having a huge reno done, so some of the siding is off, and all of the brickwork. Amazing!
Anyways, Ms. Meowee, I hesitate to say the name of the diet center officially because you never know who might be online! BUT, suffice it to say, your SIL and I do have something in common! The program WAS effective, it WAS expensive, the needles in the butt HURT like a son-of-a-gun, and it STOPPED being effective because my body went into starvation mode. And it was a short-term "solution". Never, ever again. And I will never, ever recommend it to anyone UNLESS, and ONLY unless, it is either this program or gastric bypass surgery. NOT that I'm against gastric bypass at all. But, for ME, given a choice between surgery and an extreme diet, I'll take the diet first because you still have to be careful after the surgery, so why not try the diet first? As you see on our boards, Gastic Bypass isn't a cure-all -- you still have to work a program...
Anyways, our house is a disaster zone, and will be for the next 4 months. I lose my kitchen next week, and won't be seeing a stove until March of next year...Here's to Medifast!!!

Last edited by freiamaya; 11-23-2007 at 01:21 PM.
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Old 11-24-2007, 08:59 AM   #212  
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Hi everybody . . .
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Old 11-24-2007, 10:11 AM   #213  
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Hi Ms Meowee!
Where IS everyone else???
Anyways, for the past two days, I have been ABSOLUTELY. COMPLETELY. STARVING. I am following the program 100%, and I SHOULD have no hunger, but I DO.
Which BITES.
But I can handle it!
I asked why this was so on the boards, and have learned that this is quite common, and may come and go. SOME find that increased hunger corresponds directly to an upcoming big weight loss. I certainly HOPE so! I find I am watching the clock, and at exactly 2 hours and 15 minutes after a meal, I am racing up to the kitchen to prep another one! At least this isn't one of those "no eating after 4pm" diets -- I'd die for SURE!
I can manage the hunger, and I'm not complaining (well, not TOO much!), just reporting how I feel!!! So, I'll hang in there, and hopefully today will be a less hungry kind of day!
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Old 11-24-2007, 07:21 PM   #214  
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Default How do you prepare the stuff?

Hi, guys, I have been watching your posts. I don't like the term "lurking"...I prefer something like "assessing" or "gathering information" or "passively observing" ..there you go ...politically correct; I have been "passively observing"

Congratulations ladies, on your success and your commitment. I am seriously thinking I need something this, something that costs me some money to make me stick to it....nothing like the "I paid for this" motivation.

From what the 3FC review said, hunger and cravings do subside....that is great. My big concern is that I work full time ...never in the same place....well, rarely. My office is in my, can you mix the stuff up ahead of time? I read about using pudding as a shake, but could you do that and take in a thermos?

Any of your tricks and tips would be greatly appreciated!

Good going, all.
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Old 11-24-2007, 07:37 PM   #215  
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Hi, Maryblu!
Well, this diet certainly IS drastic, but then, aren't all? All I can say is that this diet is nutritionally balanced and easy to follow.
All the meals are mix-and-go, and what I mean by that is that each day consists of five small pouches that I mix with water and enjoy. You absolutely don't need to have a set place to follow this diet, because all the products can be made at any time, with a shaker that they include in your first order and a spoon for stirring. There are a selection of cold items, such as shakes, puddings, a selection of hot items such as oatmeal, eggs, soups, and only one premade food that is ready to eat -- the bars. With respect to the hot foods, you would need a microwave to heat up the hot items, because they are formulated to thicken with heat.You can heat up the soups and take them in a thermos, but I think that any convenience store/7-Eleven has a microwave that you can use.
IF you use HOT water to mix up your meals, you are left with a clumpy blobbly unmixed mess! For the puddings and shakes, cold tap water or bottled water works just fine. You are restricted to one bar a day, because the total amount of carbohydrates needs to be controlled. Too many bars = too many carbs!!! Other than that, you can have any meal you want at any time, so if 5 shakes a day fits into your lifestyle, that is absolutely fine! If you crave oatmeal, you can eat 5 oatmeals a day without any problem. Each meal is formulated to have around 100 calories and between 11-15 g of carbs. Except the bars. Which is why you can have one bar a day if you want, but you don't have to!
Lots of people on the program eat in their car, and take their meals with them. I do the same on busy days. I put everything I need in a very small cardboard box, and mix/heat/eat every 2-3 hours. On these days, I stick with shakes and puddings. Sometimes if it is cold out, I have hot cocoa and use the microwave at any available convenience store. I've even had the guys at the Subway heat up my meal for me!
Anyways, I hope this helps, and I too dislike the word "lurker". These are open forums for all to read and participate in IF THEY CHOOSE. There is no lurking here! Hope you continue to read, and post if you have any questions.

Last edited by freiamaya; 11-24-2007 at 07:42 PM.
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Old 11-24-2007, 09:39 PM   #216  
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Default Thanks! That is very helpful

Maya, thanks for all the information. I felt silly after asking; I could have gone to the Medifast site, right? So, I did. Some great success stories there. The big advantage would be to not have the cravings and the gnawing hunger. Now, *that* is appealing! ~MB
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Old 11-24-2007, 10:36 PM   #217  
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Don't EVER feel silly about asking a question! This is what this thread is about. So ASK AWAY! Any time!
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Old 11-25-2007, 10:22 AM   #218  
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. . . Christmas is exactly one month away . . .
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Old 11-25-2007, 10:45 AM   #219  
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Ho Ho HO!!! Merry Christmas coming up!
Hi all! Hi Ms Meowee!
Well, I have lapsed into my old habits --- on the scale, off the scale, on the scale, move the scale, adjust the scale, on the scale, off the scale, readjust the scale, on the scale, move the scale, take my shirt off, off the scale, on the scale, put my shirt back on, adjust the scale, off the scale, on the scale, adjust the scale, on the scale, move my feet on the scale, off the scale, on the scale, lean forward, lean back, off the scale, adjust the scale....
It is appropriate that my scale brand is EKS, or how I pronouce it, EEEEEEKKKKKKSSSSS! Which is how I feel most times when I'm on it. "OMG, is that REALLY the NUMBER?? EEEEEEEKKKKKKSSSSS!!!".
SO, exactly one month to Christmas? I just might try NOT weighing in until then. Seriously. I'll have to throw out the EEEEKKKKSSSSS, so I'm not tempted, or move it, at the very least, to the attic, where I can't get at it. I hate the scale.
Today I did the routine, and am down 1 lb since Thursday am. Which is great. Which is horrible. Can you tell I'm ambivalent???
Maybe taking the scale/number out of the equation for the next month and just following the plan 100% would be worth a try...
Thoughts, anyone?
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Old 11-25-2007, 10:52 AM   #220  
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Unhappy so ashamed

Good morning everyone, welcome Mary!

Well I am feeling very ashamed of myself today, I went to the movies with my daughter last night, and my biggest hurdle was there to confront me- Popcorn! And I am sad to say that I was unable to jump it! I ate a small popcorn and to make it even worse, it was buttered!! I just couldn't help myself, I love popcorn and never go to the movies without having some, but now I feel awful, very bloated from all the salt, and so disappointed in myself, so will it take 3 days for me to get back into ketosis?


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Old 11-25-2007, 11:08 AM   #221  
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Yup, count 3 days towards ketosis. And more headaches. BUT ALL IS NOT LOST!!!!!
My personal view is that life comes and goes. Some days, we are IRON WOMEN, and others, MARSHMALLOWS (mmmm, MARSHmallows....). The weight didn't come on overnight, and it will take time to come off. This isn't a race, and at the end of the day, it will ALL work out, if you stick to program most of the time. And, you can buy crunchy snacks from Medifast that are on plan. Maybe next time take a pack or two of those with you, and the temptation will be a bit easier to deal with.
The point of this thread is NOT to be punishing or hard-core or rude. So don't beat yourself up over this. Was it a good movie? Did you have fun? I'll bet your daughter enjoyed your time together. And sometimes it is easy to lapse into our usual habits. Learn from this and get over it and move on, because today is a completely fresh day!

Last edited by freiamaya; 11-25-2007 at 11:09 AM.
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Old 11-25-2007, 11:45 AM   #222  
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TERRY . . . All any of us can do is our best . . . just keep doing the good stuff as much as you possibly can and the rewards will follow. Perfection is not always a good thing . . . boring, boring, boring.

MAYA . . . Stop punishing yourself with that scale hopping . . . you are doing marvellously well.
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Old 11-25-2007, 11:48 AM   #223  
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Thanks, Ms. Meowee -- away with the EEEEKKKKSSS!!! For now...
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Old 11-25-2007, 01:11 PM   #224  
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Thanks Maya and Meowee for the encouraging words, I was feeling so whiny this morning! I am back on track today and rode my elliptical trainer for 45 min to try (in vain probably) to counteract some of the damage I did last night.

Bye for now,
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Old 11-25-2007, 01:14 PM   #225  
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Ms Slim! Way to GO!!!!
Keep looking forward and not backwards; keep reminding yourself that you are doing the BEST that you can and that is GOOD ENOUGH; strive for perfection but accept that to fail is human; and PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK once in a while!!!
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