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Old 12-04-2007, 03:10 PM   #286  
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Hi gang . . .

Buried under a blanket of snow that is getting deeper by the minute here in north-eastern Nova Scotia. Yucky !

Hope to get my christmas wrapping finished up so I'll be ready to whip off to the post office whatever day it finally stops -- well, if my snow-plow guy remembers where I live.

Hope you are all having a great OP day . . .
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Old 12-04-2007, 10:46 PM   #287  
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Wow Maya - I love you!

My daughter had her 6 month "anniversary" with her boyfriend today. She's 14 and he's 13 and in the 8th grade. So my husband and I took them to the mall so they could celebrate; how cute is that? It worked out pretty well because I walked and didn't spend the night eating.

I've tried many of the Medifast products. The only one I had to throw away was the peach oatmeal. Oh my gosh! I tried making muffins, but then I had nasty peach oatmeal muffins. I have Capella drops, which are okay for shakes (no big deal, really). However, they are a MUST HAVE for the oatmeal. I don't care for the orange shakes either. I want to try the cappuccino, hot chocolate, the puddings, and the ready to drink shakes.

Have a wonderful day!!
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Old 12-04-2007, 10:52 PM   #288  
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No roof in Canada? In December? Who thought this plan through??? Jeez, I'm cold just thinking about it! It was in the 50's today and I thought I was going to die!!
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Old 12-04-2007, 11:19 PM   #289  
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OK, guys, check out the links -- you'll see what I'm talking about as these are photos of the work in progress via photobucket...
I wish I was in Beautiful Florida...
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Old 12-05-2007, 07:17 AM   #290  
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OMG . . . MAYA . . . You are a pillar of good resolve to be sticking so OP in the face of all that mess . . . I'm sure it will all be worth it; but right now you must be wondering . . .

Good Morning to everybody else . . .

We are supposed to have a respite from the snow today -- and boy do we need it. This is my biweekly garbage day but unless my plow guy shows up fairly early I may have to keep it for another two weeks because there is no way I'd get it down to the road this morning.

Was up pretty early this morning because I was worried about Jazz (my diabetic cat). He had a couple of nasty little seizures last night before I went to bed and was pretty much out of it. Kind of suprised to find him up and about this morning . . . he seems to have pulled another life out of his stash and is quite back to normal. His normal is never all that great, mind you, but at least he is eating and drinking again and moving about at his usual slow pace.

Have a good day, gang -- see you later.
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Old 12-05-2007, 08:21 AM   #291  
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Thanks, guys! I am really toasty warm in my basement -- it is a full walk-out and we finished it off 10 years ago. SO, I have internet, I have tv, laundry, shower, washroom, a full-sized fridge, a freezer (no need for THAT here!), and a gas fireplace that is on its own thermostat! And the guys were kind enough to frame in and insulate a door for me going into the basement, so I'm toasty warm in my little "apartment"!

Ms. Meowee, I hope you get dug out soon! Poor Mr. Jazz. Is he getting on in years?
Hi everyone else! Hope the pics are interesting!
The crew still hasn't shown up -- I suspect that they are either on the other job site, OR that they are picking up a bunch of stuff (trusses, beams, etc.) for today! Oh well -- I can't control it so I won't stress about it (SO against my OCD nature...)
Hope everyone is doing OK!

Last edited by freiamaya; 12-05-2007 at 08:28 AM.
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Old 12-05-2007, 09:15 AM   #292  
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Good morning, Friends!
This morning was my official weekly weigh-in and I can report good news, again.
I dropped 3 pounds this week. That's 10 total for three weeks on this MF-ing plan!
I'm getting close to UN-obese. Very exciting...

As a music teacher I occassionally ask my students to reveal dark secrets. It's a way to get some classroom discussion going. I have asked things like "What was the first cd/album you ever purchased?" or "What is the cd/album that is currently in your collection that you are most embarrassed to own?"--you know, true confessions kinda stuff. So: as I was reading some of our posts this morning I realized that I need to get something off my chest. I honestly had no idea that this was disgusting but, ummm--
I LOVE the peachy oatmeal. I don't even want to change it from it's gruel consistancy. There I said it, muffins/bad-fake-peachiness be damned!

Seriously, have a great day fellow MF-ers!

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Old 12-05-2007, 10:42 AM   #293  
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Hey! Everyone is different and I am SO glad that you like the oatmeal! I have no trouble with it either, although I generally don't like fruit in my oatmeal. So, good for YOU!
Keep it up!
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Old 12-05-2007, 11:35 AM   #294  
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I had a shake for b-fast this morning but will experiment with the rest of the oatmeal later. Yes, I'll try the peach as porridge and try to keep an open mind. The apple cinnamon will definitely become breakfast cookies!

Good Lord, Maya! December renovations are not my style. You must be a strong woman. I hear you on the OCD - it drove em nuts when my kitchen was redone in May!

I'm finding it hard to drink all that water these days but will persevere. I may sneak in a bit of Crystal Lite and try drinking it hot - in a teacup! This time of year I'm big on cozy.

Happy MFing day.
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Old 12-05-2007, 12:00 PM   #295  
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Hi Maya,

I'm beginning to run low on MF food and if you recall, I won my box of items on ebay, so this will be my first time ordering from MF, just wondering what you paid for shipping? I know you are in Ontario too, so should be pretty much the same. I still have enough food left for almost 2 weeks, but some of it, I just can't stand, like the 3 boxes of chili I have! yuck! How long did it take you to receive your order? I'm looking forward to ordering the specific items that I really liked.

Thanks and have a great day, loved your reno pics, you are indeed a brave woman to be doing that at this time of the year in Canada! LOL- try to stay warm, hope your kitties are ok now?

Terry - here's a warm cup of coffee for you!
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Old 12-05-2007, 12:12 PM   #296  
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Thanks, guys!!!!
Tomorrow, the roof comes off the garage (SERIOUSLY), so I'll take more photos as we go along and post them on Photobucket!
Ms Slim! I don't really know what the s/h is simply because it is what it is, and I have to pay it to get the product whether or not it is via eBay! SO, I CAN tell you that the total amount, including s/h for 4 weeks of food that I chose myself was $320.00. As for the amount of time, well here is how it goes:
1. call the 1-800 number, and place your order. They will give you a confirmation number.
2. Call them back the next day for the UPS tracking number. If they don't have it, it hasn't been shipped! This happened to me once. If this happens, call them back the next day. And the next. AND the next. And so-on.
3. With your tracking number, log into the UPS site and keep an eye on it. IF it is delayed in customs you will see it on the screen as "requiring more information from the sender". IF you see that for more than one day, CALL Medifast again!
SO in short, if all goes well like it did for my last order -- 3 days!!!!
IF it doesn't go well -- 2 weeks!!!!
What I have decided to do with my orders is place the order in 2 weeks before I need the product. That will give it plenty of time to get to you even if there are hiccups along the way!
I think I'll join you ladies in a hot drink, as I just can't seem to get warm!!!
Tomorrow, the SHOCKING stuff and videos, I promise!

Last edited by freiamaya; 12-05-2007 at 12:13 PM.
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Old 12-05-2007, 12:30 PM   #297  
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Hey, Slim, I actually like the chili!

I'm a MOD so I can PM you with my email if you want to deal. You'll be able to PM when you hit 25 posts. I'd gladly trade for oatmeal or strawberry shake.
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Old 12-05-2007, 02:02 PM   #298  
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I find that if you mix the chili like a soup and let it sit over night, then add hot sauce, it isn't too bad!
It sure is sweet to pick your own meals! The starter pack was a fabulous option because I was introduced to SO MUCH, but now that I can pick and choose, I really am having fun with this!
What a kind offer, Ms. Naughty Ruth!!!!
Lovely day outside here -- Ms Meowee, are you plowed out yet?
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Old 12-05-2007, 02:44 PM   #299  
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Just wanted to let you know that I was a little too optomistic about Mr. Miracle Kitty. Jazz had another massive seizure/stroke late this morning and has now gone to that wonderful place where nothing can ever hurt him again. He was almost 14 years old and he had a happy life (I think).
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Old 12-05-2007, 03:08 PM   #300  
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Oh no, Ms. Meowee. I am so very, very sorry. He was lucky to have you as his friend, and to go peacefully in a familiar environment is perhaps the best way to go. There is no doubt that he had a great, great life in your home. My heart is broken for you...
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