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Old 09-06-2006, 04:11 PM   #121  
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Deb - WTG on the jeans and your DH gets a few extra points for noticing and commenting! I like your signature too - the dog saying!
Lori - one day at a time; remember to're doing great!
Cassi - Forty frickin pounds....WTG! You obviously mean BIZness!
Evette - I'm looking at the book and it says 1/2 C V8-Low Sodium = 1V. The low sodium has 75% less sodium in it. If I were in a store though, and desperately trying to get my last veggie in for the day, and all they had was regular V8, I'd certainly use it.
LeaAnn - how's the new workout schedule and food breakdown working for you. Next week (after company is gone) I'm going to try to plan my food groups a little better vs. grazing.

COD suggested I do Take Off again to speed up my weight loss since I'm a little behind schedule averaging about 1.6 lbs a week. This is how she said to do it - is this what y'all do? For those who have done it to the letter, does it work?

Morning (Breakfast) - TO juice #1 (4 oz juice/4 oz water), 1 LA Lite

Lunch - 3 oz protein and 1 green veggie, TO juice #2

Mid Day - 1 LA Lite, TO juice #3

Dinner - 3 oz protein and 1 green veggie, TO juice #4
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Old 09-06-2006, 04:37 PM   #122  
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Joni - My center is corporate, and this is from the handout they gave me:

6 oz. of the same protein
2c. raw GREEN veggies or 1c. cooked
2 LA Lites
16 oz. TO Juice (You add 16 oz. water to it)
no more than 2 6 oz. cups of caffienated coffee

They suggest this breakdown:

Breakfast - 2 oz. protein; 6 oz. coffee
Mid-Morning - LL; 6oz. coffee
Lunch - 2 oz. protein; 1C. green veggie
Mid-Afternoon - LL
Dinner - 2 oz. protein; 1C. green veggie

But I think I like the 3 oz twice better. Noon comes pretty fast!

Also, I've been averaging around 1.6 too, and no matter what, I can't get to the 2lb a week. I think it's what each person's body will do. Don't sweat the 2 lb if you're POP (or pretty close).
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Old 09-06-2006, 04:46 PM   #123  
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Originally Posted by LottaMe2MiniMe View Post
For those who have done it to the letter, does it work?

Morning (Breakfast) - TO juice #1 (4 oz juice/4 oz water), 1 LA Lite

Lunch - 3 oz protein and 1 green veggie, TO juice #2

Mid Day - 1 LA Lite, TO juice #3

Dinner - 3 oz protein and 1 green veggie, TO juice #4
Joni, Last time I did it I did this menu:

Morning - La lite, TO juice #1
Mid am - TO juice #2
Lunch - 3 oz protein, 1 green veggie, TO juice #3
Mid pm - la lite, TO juice #4
Dinner - 3 oz protein and 1 green veggie

I just became an auntie again today at 12:18 pm to a little baby boy. Cooper John was 8lb 11 oz. My sister-in-law is doing well. My niece Katelynn (Cooper's sister) is almost 50 weeks - we will see what she thinks of her new brother. The name brought tears to the eyes for the family as John Cooper was my grandfathers name and he passed away almost 2 years ago. Good thing he is my brother as I always liked Cooper for a boy in memory of my Grandpa but it is best suited with my brother as then the family name carries on as well.
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Old 09-06-2006, 05:08 PM   #124  
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I am so excited- I just got a new scale from Wal-Mart. I can finally weigh myself and trust it is right. It also measures fat but I have not set that part up yet.

I made a good lunch today. Ground turkey burger with pizza seasoning on the George Foreman and then topped it with some LF mozzerella and pizza sauce. It was soooo good, I felt like I was cheating but it was perfectly legal.

Pearl- thanks for posting all your recipies- I am not a recipie follower, maybe it is just the rebel in me, but I really enjoy making things up myself. I like to read recipies for ideas then make do with what I have on hand.

Lea Ann- how is your sister doing? I don't know why but i thought of her today and wondered if she stuck with doing the plan.

Lori, heather, angelica- it's good to see some old faces here, I remember you guys from my lurking days. Stick around.
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Old 09-06-2006, 07:49 PM   #125  
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Joni--I hate to admit it but I put the exercise on hold and am just following the "daily plan" and am finally losing again (of course I blew it this weekend but I WAS definitley losing last week). I really like the breakdown--still. It just seems to make my planning go easier--and I'm up for anything EASY!!

Cassi--can you have dressing with your veggies on the TO list you gave us?


Lisa--let me know about the new scale--I think I am afraid to know the fat%! I think my sister is OFF the plan--I had hoped for better and she hasn't come out and said so but she hasn't mentioned any weightloss or eating well, either. I was bummed but refuse to push. I am the first to admit it is VERY personal and until you are absolutely ready it just won't happen no matter the help and support. It took me over 10 years to get myself in that place. And some days I still don't want to be all the way here--I want to eat junk--occasionally--and I guess I do. But I certainly have no regrets and would do all "this" over again even if I never get to goal! Your lunch sounds great--I have not been creative at all lately--just lazy. Had "breakfast burrito" for dinner (we are all puny this week) and it was tasty.
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Old 09-06-2006, 08:18 PM   #126  
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Lea ann- sounds just like my sister, she wants to change but does not want to commit to anything because she eventually wants to get pregnant again. But I worry about her in the meantime because she is gaining again and it will just be harder to get it off once she does have another baby. But I agree it is very personal and only you can decide for yourself when it is time
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Old 09-06-2006, 09:44 PM   #127  
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wow gone a few days and ya really get behind on the posts! Went to WI tonight back down the 2 pounds so that was a good thing. I too am averging about 1..6 pounds a week ever since I started a few weeks ago. The lemon water I think helps a lot. I seem to retain fluid a good bit.

Pearl you are some kinda chef! I plan on checking out those recipes!

My couselor told me to mik up my foods and add variety. I seem to eat a lot of chicken; she suggested to eat some darker greens in my salads too.

Deb - you go girl! I still have my "skinny" jeans too and hope to get back into them too.

Cassi - you go girl! 40 pounds is wonderful

hope everyone is doing well! Gotta hectic next 2 days will try to check back in soon!
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Old 09-06-2006, 10:21 PM   #128  
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Just a quick question:

Can we do the TO anytime we want to? I didn't realize that and think it might be a good idea for me.

Thanks Ladies, and Congrats to all of you for being pop.

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Old 09-06-2006, 11:09 PM   #129  
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Lea Ann - I use the Wishbone Salad Spritzer when I do TO because it counts as a condiment. I've found the best way to get it all over the salad is to put the lettuce into a plastic bowl with a lid (those chinese soup containers are great) and spray, and then put the lid on and shake. Kind of like the old McDonald's salad shakers they had for awhile.

Lisa - the burger sounds yummy!

Kayla - Congrats on the WI.

Red Debbie - You can do TO every two weeks, but it is limited (as above), not the unlimited Fast Forward you did at the beginning. I call TO "torturing oneself", but I do get good results, and I keep telling myself I can do anything for two days.
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Old 09-07-2006, 07:44 AM   #130  
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Cassi--you are soooo smart--what a great idea. I still have a bottle of TO juice from the summer and just might give it a whirl--it seems everytime I get close to a new decade it takes me FOREVER to break through! Will have to try that. Thanks
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Old 09-07-2006, 07:54 AM   #131  
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Lea Ann - You and me both. I was hovering at 218-219-220 for two weeks. The good thing is that I usually lose around 3 lbs doing TO. Which for me means that when I get to maintenance and one of those weekends comes up, I know I can stop that gain from turning into 5 lbs by doing the TO and getting back on track. Hope you're enjoying school! How are the girls doing back in the swing of things?

Good morning everyone!

Sommer - I hope your starting to feel better!

Everyone else, I'll check in later. Have a POP day!!!!!
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Old 09-07-2006, 08:37 AM   #132  
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You girls that can do that TO every so often have to be my hero's!! I just can't do it - I dread it and I guess the sacrifices I make just aren't worth the 3 lbs I lose for about 2 days ......I need to buckle down - I'm so stuck and aggrevated!!! I work my butt off in the gym and i still get nowhere!!! It is so aggrevating, but I still keep at it - over and over again!

Anyway -sounds like several of you are doing great - It finally slowed down a little around here - gave me a chance to catch up and feel part of the group again!!! whoooo hoooo!!

Good morning to all the chickies out there!! Here's to everyone for a POP day!!!
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Old 09-07-2006, 09:01 AM   #133  
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Good Morning Ladies!!! A quick post before I leave to go out in the field today. Wow 3 pounds on TO! Cassi what is your secret? When I started I only lost .5 on TO . I may try it again with the Kudsen juice. It was so discouraging to drink that juice an not lose any more than that; especially when they tell ya you will lose.

I'll try to check in tonight ya'll have a great day!
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Old 09-07-2006, 09:08 AM   #134  
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Kayla - No secret, I just follow it to the letter. Remember that this is the LIMITED TO, not the Fast Forward you did in the beginning. I think you can't help but lose because there's so little food. Even with the lites you're around (or a little under) 1000 calories.

When you did the Fast Forward, did you put salt on your food, or have any breading? Did you drink all your water? It seems really odd that you would only lose .5 lbs. But... every body is different. Maybe there's more to it than that.
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Old 09-07-2006, 09:52 AM   #135  
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Morning Ladies!

Deb-I have a pair of skinny jeans that I waiting to get in to. That is really my motivation as I am SICK and TIRED of having to buy new jeans because I can not fit into them.

Cassie-WTG on the loss. I have not tried the TO as of yet, as the COD seems pretty happy with my loss. 8.4 lbs in 3 weeks is not bad I am thinking.

Pearl-I love to cook when I have the time, so I am going on over to check out the recipes that have been posted. I tried the baked ziti over the weekend and it was really yummy. I like to cook larger meals so I have leftovers. If I have one criticism of the LA Cookbook (other then the lack of an good index) is that a lot of the recipes are for one serving. I know you can double them up, but still...

Shannon-Congrats on being made an auntie again! *sniff* new baby smell!

Sommer-I hope you are feeling better

I am off to the COD tonight so wish me luck!
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