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Old 09-01-2006, 11:11 AM   #1  
Let's try this again . .
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Default LAWL Losers and Friends-Sept 2006

Boy-I never thought I'd be the one to start a new monthly thread-being on the west coast and all. You East coasters are all SLACKING

Anyway-welcome to September, chickies!
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Old 09-01-2006, 11:32 AM   #2  
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Juliemarie - haha...east coast slackers! Pearl could have handled this since she was still up and online after midnight. But, I'm glad you got the ball rolling.

Wishing everyone a great POP weekend. Make smart choices along the way. It's just another weekend and will be over before you know it; BUT, if you make a bunch of unhealthy choices, you'll probably spend the next couple weeks undoing the damage and making yourself scale crazy!

A popular website suggests veggie burgers and FF hotdogs (personally, I bring mine with me - no one ever minds!). Also Labor Day Shockers to keep in the back of your mind (I think I'll just pass!)
* The average BBQ meal contains 3,500 calories! That's at least 1,500 more calories than the average person should have in an entire day!
* One serving of BBQ pork ribs delivers 68 grams of fat and 1,360 calories! FYI it takes nearly 6 HOURS of post-BBQ clean up to burn off all those calories!

I may be getting a little tired of grilled CHICKen, but I'm still lovin 3FC and this LAWL website!
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Old 09-01-2006, 11:38 AM   #3  
Let's try this again . .
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You know-I think BBQs are the easiest to handle-chicken, veggie burgers, grilled veggies. The hardest part for me is the alcohol and maybe the snacks that just HAVE to be put out.

Cool thing this morning-I was grabbing breakfast at the cafe upstairs (eggbeater omlette if your interested) and a woman I don't know, but vaguely recognize cuz we're always getting coffee at the same time, came up and asked me if I lost a lot of weight. She was like-you look great! Not that you didn't before or anything. (Yeah, right!) I've always admired your hair (???? MY hair?). Anyway, we chatted for a bit, but that was a huge pick me up. Plus as of this am I'm finally moving the scale down from my lowest weight. Woo hoo!
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Old 09-01-2006, 11:55 AM   #4  
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Hello Girlfriends. Had to go and finish up August before coming over here...

Jenni - Here's a for when you need it most. Just remember, this too shall pass, and that today will be yesterday tomorrow. My DFather gave me some of the best advice I've ever had at a time when I REALLY needed it most. Like to hear it? Here it goes (sorry couldn't resist): when you're really low and your emotions are too much to bear, sleep on it. When you wake up, your situation may still be the same, but you will at least have a little more clarity with which to view it. I don't know what's going on with your DF, but girl, please believe that you and your DKs will be SO MUCH better off in the long run. In the meantime, we are here for you, Chick.

JulieM - A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!!! I really admire your dedication and resolve. It's got to feel great to have both a SV and NSV at the same time. You are ROCKIN IT!!!!!!

Joni - Thanks for posting the barbeque information. That will surely influence my decision making this weekend. I will be carrying my own food everywhere I go this weekend, as its full of activities for me. It is my goal just to maintain.

Speaking of which...I need to dust off my tip cards, because get this...
Tonight - Outdoor concert (Steely Dan) with DBFF. - Plan to have huge salad and fill up on water before we leave.

Saturday - DSs 13th BDay party - Skating and Pizza Party, complete with Ice Cream Cake. - Will take both lites with me, and maybe do a CC Pizza.

Sunday - Cookout at DPs - Will bring the legendary veggie tray, will eat beforehand, will bring lites and lemons for lemon water - will save my fruits and starches for the that will be inevitable to avoid.

Monday - Airshow with DH/ DSs - This should be easy as I'm in charge of packing the cooler. Tuna salad with cucumber slices for me, Tuna sandwiches for the DSs, pretzels, apples and carrots. Water for our drinks, and my lites of course.

If anyone can offer any tips on surviving this weekend, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHARE!!!!

Here's to us, Chickies!
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Old 09-01-2006, 12:06 PM   #5  
Debbie on LAWL
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Good morning! My name is Debbie I am 39 years old and need/want to lose about 95lbs. A co-worker joined LAWL and I thought now would be a great time to not only offer my support but to take the opportunity to lose weight too! I am not officially going to the COD...Yes I boot-legged her info..shhhhhhhhh, so I am relying on your help!! I love the recipes you've posted and all the helpful hints.

I have been reading your posts and I admire all of you for the support you give to one another as well as the effort and committment you are putting into the LAWL plan. I can't wait to get to know you all and am looking forward to offering my support to the group.

So far, I have lost 2lbs.,my first official WI is on Sunday. I leave for vacation on Sunday as well so wish me luck! I am already planning ahead and hope to lose while I am away!! The good news is I am going to an island where there are few options for eating out. I LOVE seafood and I know I can walk on the beach so I am preparing to relax, stay on plan and who knows..I may even get in a little exercise

I wish you all a wonderful, safe and healthy weekend!!!

All my best,
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Old 09-01-2006, 12:10 PM   #6  
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Debbie--welcome and good luck--have a great vacation--ahhhh.....
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Old 09-01-2006, 12:11 PM   #7  
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Debbie. You have come to the right place. These Chicks are awesome. WTG on your first 2 lbs lost, and on deciding to begin the plan before you leave for vacation. I will keep my for you!!! Glad to have you aboard!
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Old 09-01-2006, 12:11 PM   #8  
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just moving this to the right month!

We did Myrtle Beach in June and it was awesome!!! Lots of seafood but lots of walking so the damage wasn't too bad!!

Jenni--I hope things improve for you soon.

Pearl--you are pretty terrific. Of course I love all the gals here but you have an inner wisdom so many of us can use in our daily life.

Deb--that is awesome--of course you'll meet your goal! WOW!!

HI to all my girlfriends!! I am happy to report the even 160 stuck this morning--whew!! My only Non POP meal was supper last night by a little so I was a little concerned. My goal now is to get through the long weekend at the folks, playing in the water--jetskiing!--without a gain--if I can maintain through Monday I will be thrilled. Can't wait to wake up to the 150's. Took my school ID photo yesterday and it was WEIRD--it was the first time I've seen a picture and thought--"is that me?"--why do we see the extra fat long after it's gone? I need therapy--Pearl???

Jenni--I think it is perfectly natural to look at others' tickers with a little twinge--I sure do and I think it's normal. We are all here because we want to be somewhere else on that sille ticker line--preferably to the right!! Don't feel bad about it.
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Old 09-01-2006, 12:45 PM   #9  
One pound at a time...
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Wow, September already, where does the time go? With this new thread, I will try to keep up with the personals, but we are a pretty active bunch here.

Debbie- to the forum. I have found this forum incredibly welcoming and supportive. on your first 2 lbs. Have a nice vacay!

Jenni-I don't know you well, but a big

Not too much on this weekend. My mom, my aunt, brother and myself are going into Toronto to see Spamalot. I am looking forward to that. Other than that, I am going to finish packing up my place and getting caught up on my zzzzzz. I was down 0.4 lbs from Tuesday, fine by me, it is a loss. I hope everyone has a great long weekend!
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Old 09-01-2006, 12:50 PM   #10  
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Default Well, I'm starting again...

Hi ladies, just stopping in to say hello and will try to become a 'regular' starting next week. I have been on and off LA. I did really good, was 5 lbs away from my goal and then - well, then I started to slack off and kind of give up and gained 20 of the 40 lbs that I had lost. It's not like I'm pigging out either (with the exception of 1 week when I was out of town), and I have been exercising my butt off all summer, and nothing is happening for me. I restarted LA last week, was down 1.8 this week which was good, but now that the holiday weekend in before me - I feel like I will totally mess up my tiny progress. Why can't I just stick to the plan this time around? Anyone have any inspiring words of wisdom for me? Has anyone been in my shoes while doing LA and finally decided to get to goal? Has anyone tried the CLA product that LA has? They were pushing that product last week upon my return. I know I can purchase it cheaper someplace else, just wondering if it's helping anyone? Sorry for so many questions.
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Old 09-01-2006, 01:06 PM   #11  
Losing the Weight!
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Hey all... congrats to all those who have lost.

Well, today is the day. I've gone 2 weeks without looking at the scale, and today I get to look at WI. On Wednesday I had "Officially" hit 50 pounds off, but... we'll see what today brings. I've been following the plan exactly, and I'm hoping that I'll have lost the 4 to 5 pounds promised. HOWEVER, judging from Wednesday, I don't think so.... We'll see. Cross your fingers for me...
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Old 09-01-2006, 01:16 PM   #12  
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Just moving this to the right month as well, I didn't realize August over already!!!

Sorry to hear so many trials going on here in the LAWL forum. My heart goes out to all of you who needs it. BTW my hubbie and I are also going to Myrtle beach in Sept. starting the 23-30, maybe I will see you there!
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Old 09-01-2006, 01:34 PM   #13  
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I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain!
Boo'sMom - Aw shucks! Maybe the more I lose the closer I'll get that wisdom "inside", it's just buried in there somewhere!

Joni and JulieMarie - I thought about it, but I figured I'd done enough damage for ONE day!

Joni - Are you watching me??? I just looked at a BBQ restaurant in Myrtle Beach as a possiblity for lunch one day. (Smaller portions for us to split) Where's the camera? I know it's not in the bathroom, you'd have to be BLIND to put it in there! (I "cracked" myself up again!)

JulieMarie - 85 POUNDS!!!!!!!!! and way to !!!
I'm so inspired! 85 POUNDS!!!!! (did I say that already?!?)

Carmen - I'm exhausted from just READING your itinerary! Good for YOU! A lot here has been canceled due to the rain. Tips for surviving - sounds like you're already there sweetie, take your food and watch what passes those lips! YOU CAN DO IT! There's no reason you can't have a blast the whole weekend and NOT gain weight! You're doing so well, I'm sure you'll conquer at all the events!

Debbie - I too am "tailing" on my dh, so we're birds of that feather! (right now I'm a duck!) "AFLAC!" But seriously, I'm sure you can tell that we really care for one another. I've only been here 4 weeks and I already feel like I'm part of the family! So jump on the train, I've got your ticket waiting for you! By the way, 2 lbs is AWESOME! Congrats! You look marvelous! I too am going on vacation soon and I'm trying my best to plan ahead. Have a great time on your vacation!

Carol - 4 tenths is 4 TENTHS!!! You go girl!

Nagshead - Sometimes when you fall off a horse, the hardest thing to do is get back on that daggone horse! So jump on the train, decide your destination, and don't take any detours! We're here for you and I can tell you, these ladies are AWESOME! They are not only beautiful, but they will encourage you, inspire you, advise you, laugh with you, cry with you, and above all - RIDE THE TRAIN WITH YOU! We're all in this together! Welcome back to LAWL! YOU CAN DO THIS Nagshead!!! As for the holiday, Joni gave some great advise and Carmen mentioned packing her food to take with her. As for me and the holiday - I'll be shopping for hipboots and I don't mean "hip" boots as in cool!

Well - I jumped on the scale again - not something I do everyday, but since I was there and it was early (when I usually weigh), I did it. Down another .4 lbs. ( CAROL and I!) Hubby weighed and was up over a pound and instantly was in a bad mood! He's trying so hard to get that last $25 coupon for this next 5#! Oh well, welcome to a woman's world!

Wanted to remind everyone to post their August losses (where ever that posting is!)

Have a great afternoon. My electricity is flickering and going off and on, so I'll post this while I can.
You all are AWESOME! Thanks for your support to get me this far! One tenth of a pound at a time, one moment at a time!
Blessings and hugs,

Cassi and Katie - WHERE ARE YOU??? I miss you! Come back and play!
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Old 09-01-2006, 01:40 PM   #14  
Deb on LAWL
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Jenni- Sorry for your heartache.....Pearl gave some awsomely inspiring words for you. Aww for the comment.

Jeana- Just like Jenni said, even if you don't do LAWL you are welcome here. We just want you to be the healthiest and happiest you can be.

JM- Awesome on the NSV. I'm absolutely sure you look great with losing 85 lbs. and being the marathon walking queen you are!!

Carmen- Wow you do have a full weekend planned out for you. Sounds like you've got it handled plan wise and I am sure you will do awesome on keeping on track.

Debbie- to the group!! Great job on the 2 lbs. OOOH, an island, I wanna go too!!!!!!!

(How many Debbie's do we have on here now?!?!)

Joan- WOOHOO on the 50 lbs. gone. You are getting soooo close!!!!

Nagshead- in getting back into the game. I played that same game when I was doing low carb. Lost 90 lbs. kept it off for 2 years. Gained 70 back. Tried so many times to get back on and would only last for a week or so, then I'd fall flat on my face. Now I'm 6.6 lbs away from my lowest I was with low carb, then I will be the lowest I have been in probably 15 years. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! Can't give any advice on the LA pills, I haven't taken a one since I started. They have never even mentioned them to me. I have heard mixed reviews thought. More not working than working.

Here's hoping everybody has an almost POP weekend, for those of you who need some help, I am sending you a to spread some over you so that you don't eat too much or drink too much so you won't come back on here Tuesday doing this in need of and to those of you on the east coast i am sending some your way so you don't have to all weekend.
Ok, I'm done ...Have a great weekend everybody....I'll check in later.
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Old 09-01-2006, 02:00 PM   #15  
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Hi, it's me. The Debbie from Charlotte. I don't know about everyone else but I am totally addicted to this site. I'm on last thing at night and first thing in the morning and I've even dreamed about it. Weird. Better to dream about all of you than dream about chocolate cake with icing! Just wanted you all to know how important you've become to me.

Well, I am doing my weigh -ins only 1x per week and today is the day. I'll let you know what happens. According to my home scale not much has happened since last week but I know I feel better even if I don't look better.
I had another "aha" moment. My son (12 and the sweetest guy), is sturdy built like his dad, but not overweight at all. Dad is 6'6" and weighs about 250 and looks good. Son is 5'6" and is about 125. Anyway, he was involved in an altercation at school where he stuck up for a friend who is a little rounder than the other boys. The kid picking on the other kid was calling him names. It came close to fists flying and when the head of the school asked my son why he got involved he explained that everyone deserves to be respected, even the kids who are big. Whoa! I am wondering if having a fat mom has influenced him in this way. Don't know, since he's a good kid anyway. (My son didn't get into any trouble but the name caller got a phone call home and detention.) This is really the first time I've thought about my size effecting my kids lives. Stephen is always complimenting me, how beautiful I am, etc, but I wonder if deep down he worries about me. Hmmmm. On my fortieth birthday this child woke me up with a kiss and said to me, "Mom, I wish you could see you through my eyes so you would see how much I love you," Boo Hoo, I immediately cried.

Sorry to go on and on, it was just one of those moments.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
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