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Old 09-03-2006, 11:49 AM   #61  
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Juliemarie - I am so jealous of your one pound - wtg
Sommer - what a great pic - you look smashing, darling!
Jenni - I just want to grab your kids and smush them to me.....they have no idea the power they have over us
Pearl - please promise us that you will never leave us!

Have a great Sunday, Ladies. I'm off to the pool to do ten laps (if I still can)
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Old 09-03-2006, 12:38 PM   #62  
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Jenni - that is so odd since I too was watching Joel and I hardly ever do...what a great message he had!

Pearl - as always...your posts are so fun and inspiring to read. I'm glad your equipment was spared in the rains. How was the Mesquite pork dish? I made your gazpacho last night and will have some shortly. I need to learn to read recipes before I dig in. All of a sudden I got to the part about "1/2C fresh herbs) and I was at a loss. I had to improvise with dry stuff and I have no earthly idea how dry spices compare to fresh (I did NOT use 1/2C)....I also made a couple healthy dips to bring to a grill out this afternoon. Hope I stick to my healthy stuff and not other stuff that may be there.

My COD has a little incentive for the weekend - come in on Tuesday or Wednesday with at least 1/2 lb gone and you get entered into a drawing for store credit...can't remember the exact amount but it was incentive enough for me to try really hard this weekend!

Sommer - great pics; thanks for sharing.

Just a quick check today - keep on track ladies and I'll see less of y'all later!
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Old 09-03-2006, 01:18 PM   #63  
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Hi ladies! I've not posted in a week; went to the race did lots of walking; gained 2 pounds We walked so much my left foot was swollen so bad my toes looked like little pigs! (injured the ole foot in college) Anyway; hopefully I will be down when I go back in. I did ok on the food and water except for supper had to eat at the racetrack so choices were limited. So back to square 1. I have been drinking the lemon water it seems to help. Even if it is nasty tasting.

Tomorrow is our anniversary 7yrs! boy how timeflies! no big plans though.

I made the LA trail mix it is very yummy! I'll post it on the recipe site; not sure if it'son there or not I got it from my COD last week. It helps get in those lites that I keep fogetting to eat.
Everyone have a great Holiday!!
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Old 09-03-2006, 07:45 PM   #64  
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Sommer - WOOOO HOOOO! (how do you spell a whistle?!?) You look Mah-Va-lus Dah-ling! I'm so glad you had a great time! There's nothing like a great dress and a Prince that makes you feel like his Princess on the dancefloor! You deserve a great guy! But does he deserve you?!?

Juliemarie - I just wanted to encourage you! A pound is a pound is a pound! Sounds like you know what you need to do, so YOU GO GIRL! (You're doing so awesome! 86 POUNDS!!! I'm soooo envious!)

Jenni - You are accountable for YOUR actions, not someone elses' perception or REACTION to them! In other words, if you say to me "You are the ugliest fat lady I've ever seen", YOU are accountable for saying ugly things. BUT I am accountable for how I react to them. If I become offended, I'm accountable because being offended is a choice I make. Or I could decide to forget it and chalk it up to you having a bad day! Or I can last back out at you and make it even worse by saying equally ugly things to you! And on it goes. By the way, Joel Olsteen is a "feel good" minister, meaning he doesn't want to ruffle any feathers. He's very popular and has become a best selling author as well.
I'm glad you're doing well. Keep the great attitude! The letter was a great idea and I'm sooo proud of you! KUDOS!!!

Reddeborah - Thank you, that made my (pretty hard) day! Thank you! I needed that!

Joni - I always look forward to your posts! We are doing the Mesquite pork tomorrow as we were at MIL's today. I'll let you know how it turns out. Let me know about the gazpacho. I'm sure it will be great!

Kayla - I LOVE your avatar! (I didn't know you had my picture! Don't you love my robe?) By the way, just wanted to point out that you're not back to square 1. Because if you were, you'd be trying to figure out what to do, how to do it, etc. But you are on top of it, know what to do, you have a plan (nasty tasting lemon water) and you're still here! Definately not square one in my humble opinion! I'd love to have the trail mix recipe! Thanks in advance!

Well, as I said earlier, it's been sort of a hard day. Got to church early to start hooking mics and monitors back up to the sound board, do sound checks, get video ready, only to find that we had major sound issues from the water damage. Ended up having to do a female fixit to get things in some sort of working order. Then led PraiseTeam practice and had someone with issues. Had to address those. Good grief!

MIL prepared lunch for us for her birthday (I know, I know, I should have been the one cooking, but she loves to do it for us!) DH told her we had changed our eating habits and gave her several choices.
Her Menu: Steaks (HUGE), Corn on cob, baked potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, homemade mac and cheese (the best anyone I know can make!), homemade rolls, homemade bread, and chocolate pie.
Oh yeah, and a salad.
Good grief! So, here's what we ate: We each had the small side of a t-bone, 1/2 cup of sweet potato with ICBINB, salad with FF catalina that we took with us, and Iced tea with splenda.
TA DAH!!!! We went, we conquered, we came home!!! She was a little ticked off by our not eating much of what she prepared, but I don't care and neither does dh. Our health is more important than her attitude! Besides, she sent all the leftovers home for my ds's to have this week!
DH looked awesome today! Put on a pair of dress slacks he hasn't been able to wear for soooo long and he looked so nice! I wore a dress that was a gift (one of probably 50) from a total stranger in Texas! I got lots of compliments and several mentioned that they could tell we were losing weight and doing great! Lots of encouragement from our church family.
DH is off tomorrow (he usually works 6 days every week) so I'm so excited to be able to spend the day with my Honey Love Sugar Babe and my two amazing sons!
I am truly blessed!

By the way, have I mentioned what a blessing each and every one of you are to me?!? You are an amazing group of loving, caring, kick fat's butt women! I'm honored to be here with you! Thanks for putting up with my many long ramblings!
Happy Labor Day!
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Old 09-03-2006, 11:56 PM   #65  
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PEARL: I guess I did sound bad and ungrateful. I have gotten use to losing more. I guess I was feeling a little greedy. This is the first time I've stayed with a diet. I usually fail after the first 10 pounds. I was on a roll and didn't want it to stop. Hope I didn't hurt any feelings by not being happy about a 1 pound loss.
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Old 09-04-2006, 07:46 AM   #66  
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Good morning everybody!

Kayla - Happy Anniversary!! Any plans yet? Dinner or something?

Pearl - Great NSV!! You are doing awesome with staying POP!

Congrats to ALL the weekend losers!! WTG!! Pound by pound, ounce by ounce, it will all add up in the end!!

As for me, well, I was a bad girl yesterday. My best friend from elementary school came into town. DH cooked on the grill ( so yes, even though I had control over the menu ...). Ended up having a cheeseburger, cheddarwurst, macaroni salad, 1/8 piece of round cake (store bought, so you know the frosting was LOADED with sugar) and 3-4 beers. Yep, big time starchy day for me.

BUT, I started off with a fruit salad this morning, so I'm Back on track! (No more friends are allowed to come over!)

Hope everyone has a GREAT POP day today! For those of you who have picnics to host, or are going to, STAY STRONG!
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Old 09-04-2006, 07:55 AM   #67  
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Hello everyone

I have posted a few times on some other threads about questions about LAWL. Well Saturday, I finally made the leap. I'm Tree, 35 from New England.

I am great at starting diets for about 3-4 weeks and then always start cheating. The honeymoon is over. Well spending as much as I did on Saturday, this honeymoon will last 100 weeks. LOL

I have 84lbs to lose. I like to eat simply too much and pick too much. Now with the kids back in school, I can get back to my own routine. And my other motivation is my younger sister's wedding next September. My sister is absolutely tiny-she has run a marathon and runs every day. I don't want to be the fat matron of honor. Plus I am having the hardest time find any nice clothes in my size currently 16/18.

All of you seem so supportful ( I read the Aug thread over the last few days)
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Old 09-04-2006, 08:46 AM   #68  
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Tree - you've come to the right place for support & motivation, and as you will read, we all have our setbacks. But the key is to hop right back on, and not to dwell on any mistakes. Try to learn from past eating habits.
This program does work! As your counselors will tell you, make sure you get ALL of your food in.
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Old 09-04-2006, 09:21 AM   #69  
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Pearl - thanks so much for the encouragement!
Dolphn - Thanks ; Hubby just came in to tell me he wants to take me to Long Horn for prime rib for our anniversary. It may not be today thought but at least he did remember!

Tree - This is a great support group! I am so much like you! I too have aproblem sticking to a diet and watching my portions. I think actually I eat more on this one than ever! so it seems anyway!

Well started off on the right foot this am so that's a good thing! Going to Michaels to get my 50% off item with the coupon I just love that store! I'm into scrapbooking and card making. So gotta use that coupon
everyone have a great Holiday!!!
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Old 09-04-2006, 11:54 AM   #70  
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Tree: Welcome! You will find out what a great bunch of chickies these women are. So supportive,,,, I couldn't do this without their help.

Well..... so much for a perfect weekend. Went out to dinner with DH last night and ordered fish, but also ate a small box of candy at the movies.

But.. got right back on the wagon this morning. This is what is different from my last attempts. Now I can forgive myself. Thanks for that, Ladies.
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Old 09-04-2006, 02:03 PM   #71  
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Rosie - No hurt feelings here girlfriend! Like I warned everyone - I'm a straigh shooter! I wasn't trying to come down on you either! I just wanted to point out your accomplishments (all 34 of them!!!!) and encourage you! You are doing AWESOME!!! And remember, I'm following all of your footsteps in this journey! So anything I can do to help you guys along, will help me along eventually. I know how frustrating it is as you go along to reach plateaus and even gains, but you had a LOSS!!! I hope I didn't bring comdemnation because that's the LAST thing I ever want to do! - Besides, I'm sure my words will come back to haunt me! (They sometimes do!)

Dolphn - Thanks for the encouragement! I've got a lot to lose and a long time to get there but we all need to remember it's an ounce at a time, a moment at a time. (I was preaching that to myself!) I'm glad you had a great time with your friend. And like you said, you're back on track so start pumping that water girlfriend!

Tree - "I am great at starting diets for about 3-4 weeks and then always start cheating" - Let's change that to "Until now, I've always started diets for about 3-4 weeks and then started cheating, but THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT!" This time isn't a diet! It's a new way of eating for the rest of your life. It will take a couple of weeks to get used to it and for your tastes to change from needing to taste sweet and salty (for most) and then all of a sudden, you're going to be enjoying your fresh foods so much it will amaze you! I too have tried a bunch of diets - "eat all the meat you want, don't eat carbs, don't eat sugar, don't eat fruit, etc., etc., etc. I love LAWL because I can have all the different food groups (unfortunately I found out desserts are not one! ) and I AM IN CONTROL by measuring my portions, planning my menus, and being prepared by shopping healthy! As many have said, this site is full of amazing ladies (the gents probably can't handle our emotions!) that will inspire you, encourage you, advise you, counsel you, love on you, and yes - even get you back on track with a few or
What more could you ask for! Come here as often as you can or need to. I'm here several times throughout the day (and night) for support, research, advise, and just to encourage. We need one another!

Kayla - How come when I changed my robe today, your avatar didn't change?!?
Just wanted to tell you that I love Michaels too. I don't go everyweek, but I use them often for table decor when I cater and for little projects around the house. And I love that coupon! I hate it when I "drop in" and don't have my coupon with me!

reddoborah - What? No popcorn soaked in butter with a large coke??? Oh yeah, and don't forget the free refill! I think you did pretty well considering. So, like you said, jump back on that wagon and get over what happened last night! Great attitude!!!!

We are in rain again, so dh is dodging the raindrop to cook on the grill. Today is the porkloin roll in Mrs. Dash Chipotle marinade. He's also going to cook some chicken for us on the grill so we'll have some protein ready to go for the rest of the week. I'm cooking kale today and making a ground turkey/ground beef meatloaf for the freezer.
I bought some VERY SMALL sectional plates (smaller than a styro plate) that will be perfect for putting dh's meals together and freezing for him. That will help me out every morning when I'm preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner for him.
We're counting down the days for vacation
Blessings on Labor Day!
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Old 09-04-2006, 02:35 PM   #72  
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Well, I'm back and embarrassed. I had an appointment at the Y this morning at 9:30 with a trainer to develop a program for me and to learn how to use the machines and guess where I was at 9:30 am. Yup! I was snoozing in my bed. I didn't hear the alarm and the dogs (we have 2 black labs) didn't wake us either so when I hauled my butt out of bed at 10:40 I had completely forgotten about my appointment. I'll have to go over tomorrow and apologize and set up a new appt time. I was so revved up to do this and then poof! it's just gone. I wonder if this is a "senior moment" or "selective forgetting". Either way I'm a schlub! This whole preocess is not as easy as I would like to think it is. Changing my life is harder than I anticipated it would be, but I know I will persevere. Someone on here said losers are quitters, and I will not quit! Thanks for letting me ramble... I try not to do it at home because I don't want my kids to always have to listen to me ***** and moan.
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Old 09-04-2006, 03:35 PM   #73  
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Old 09-04-2006, 04:32 PM   #74  
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How are you doing? Any plans? How's the job/move coming along?
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Old 09-04-2006, 05:13 PM   #75  
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Happy Birthday Bre!
Welcome Tree!

No work today - woopee!
I have no appetite still but forced my lunch down anyway. Home scale was down 2 this morning, but as finicky as that thing is, I don't trust it. I have WI tomorrow so I guess I'll be chugging the lemon water later tonight.
I've been cleaning all weekend and trying to root out all of Ex-Df's stuff. He's supposed to come by tomorrow and get the rest of it.

Seems like he's moved right on.... I guess I should too, but even the thought of talking to any other man makes me nauseous still. As if I'd be cheating on him even though we broke up.... and he's off putting a personal ad up on yahoo a couple days ago. I guess he really never loved me at all or hasn't for awhile if he can tell me to rot and start looking for the next girl to bed.

So that's why I have no appetite. bleh.

Hugs girlie girls,
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