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Old 09-06-2006, 10:18 AM   #106  
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Good Morning all!!

Just stopping by to say hello! Got a busy day today, but I plan to have a POP day....just like yesterday. Wish all of you the best.
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Old 09-06-2006, 10:24 AM   #107  
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Deb - You are going to be replacing some of those things with NEW and exciting fashions in much smaller sizes! How fun to shop when you feel better about how you look in clothes! You are doing so well! 64.2 POUNDS!!!!

butterfli - according to posts that I've read here, each different veggie counts as a veggie. (That's the way the LAWL cookbook does it too)

Boo'sMom - As much as I loved Texas the one and only time I was there, I'd love to bring you soup! I just put a couple other soup recipes in this morning. You keep "fighting that cold", don't give in to it! Hey, maybe I need to start a business where I prepare LAWL meals and send them out like all the business's on that new Food Network Show that Paula Dean's boys are doing!?! I might be on to something! (Or maybe I'm just ON something?!) Anyway, hope you feel better. My mom used to say it was 3 days getting, 3 days having, and 3 days getting rid of a cold. Of course, what did she know?

Cassi!!!!!!!! - YOU'RE BACK!!!! WOW down 5.6 in two days?!? YOU GO GIRL!!! Sounds like you've had a great time away from us but you can never leave us again! Did I mention how glad I am that you're back? And thanks for the compliment! You all have no idea how good you are for me!

Sommer - Oh, I need to send you some soup too! (I'm on to something here!) I hope you're feeling better soon. I've missed you, but figured you were celebrating a long Labor Day weekend maybe?! Take care of yourself, we care about you! Better yet, get that "prince" to come over and take care of you! You'll feel better just having him around!

Well, I haven't weighed today because my Honey Love Sugar Babe is still in bed. He got in at 4 a.m. so he's entitled! (I'm so thankful for a man who is willing to work like that for his family!)

I've posted about 15 more recipes between yesterday and this morning. Let me know if yo try any of them (thanks Joni). If you have anything in particular you're interested in, let me know. I "heard" someone say they loved broccoli, so I posted a couple of great recipes for broccoli. I "heard" someone say something about soup, so I posted a few more soup recipes. Anyway, I love recipes and I'm always scouring cookbooks, so like I said, let me know.

Well, I'm on my way into the kitchen to fix tilapia for "breakfast" today. I'm excited!
Got a lot of keying to do (I've been slacking because I've got vacation on the brain!) so I'll be here at the 'puter until church tonight.
Keep motivated, don't give up, don't give in, drink your water (with lemon or without!) and plan, plan, plan! And if you make a bad choice? Join the club! (oh yeah, you already did!)

Blessings you amazing bunch of adorable, lovable, beautiful, intelligent, graceful LOSERS!!!
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Old 09-06-2006, 11:16 AM   #108  
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Cassi-WOW!! 5.6 is awesome--you know I'm a little green but in a good way for you!

Pearl--I would LOVE to have my meals delivered--I would feel like a movie star!! What a great wife and mom--lucky guys!!

Sommer--sorry you are icky--I won't complain now.

Morning Evette!

Just realized I don't have an afternoon bar--bummer--and have errands after school so I am going to try and hold out til I get home--I like it at 3:30!! I keep a cupboard stocked here and just grabbed the last one--dang it. All for now--I sit here reading like I don't have a thing to do--geez.

Have a great one! We can do this.
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Old 09-06-2006, 11:34 AM   #109  
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I had my first weigh in yesterday was down 2.8!

So yesterday was my first food day and I am on purple... I felt like it was so much food. eek....

I am taking the Xcel and Reduce Plus. Xcel says to take at breakfast and lunch but Reduce says twice a day. Not sure what time to take? I took in the mornign and then about 5pm and I couldn't get to sleep... so maybe I need to take it earlier. Any suggestions?
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Old 09-06-2006, 11:36 AM   #110  
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woo hoo - lost 6/10ths of a lb at WI today. I needed to lose a half a pound to be put in a drawing for $50 store credit. I really want to win, but usually don't have much luck in that department. I was happy with the loss, especially since TOM decided to show up today (first time in 6 months - I love pre-meno symptoms).

Thanks for the recipes Pearl. I'm swamped today so will check another time.

Hope you feel better soon Sommer.

Jenni - your antics always make me laugh and cry. Yesterday sure felt like a Monday to me too. Your son sounds amazing. Most kids would probably lay the guilt on thick.

Here's to a POP day. I have company and challenges over the next four days, but I'm going to do my best!
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Old 09-06-2006, 11:50 AM   #111  
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Morning everybody-

Sommer- Take care of yourself and here's hoping you feel better really soon.

Butterfli- Great job on avoiding the sweets. You know, now, I smell donuts or cake and the smell is so sweet it turns my stomach. 9 months ago, I would have been sneaking in to shove them in my mouth before anybody saw me.

Cassi- WTG on the 5.6 lbs. - remember to eat light for the next few days to hang onto that after TO. That's our youngest "kid" in the avatar. He thinks the couch belongs to him and he likes to snuggle under the blankets when it's cold outside.

Joni- YAY on the loss. You are doing so great!!!

Tree- WOOHOO on the 2.8 lbs. I does seem like a lot of food first off. Just break it up into like 5 small meals a day and you will get it all in with no problem.

I have a cedar chest that I have stored some of the clothes that I have grown out of when I lost this stinkin weight 6 years ago, hoping someday I would get there again. I periodically go and try on smaller sizes hoping they will fit. I have a pair of jeans that I was wearing the night I met my DH. (Who remember that kind of stuff????) That was almost 17 years ago!!! A couple of weeks ago I could get them on but couldn't zip them up. Last night those babies slipped on and zipped right up. I showed DH and he says "Dang, now I remember why I asked you out!!" Awww

All you other super busy chicks, have a super wonderful day.
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Old 09-06-2006, 01:03 PM   #112  
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Today is a good day. Went to WI after two days of TO. I am officially down 40.0 lbs! I've been moving all over the scale the last two weeks, so I am SOOOOOO happy. I think the TO took care of the cravings and some water issues. Sort of jolted my system back to normal.

By the way - I am having the 7 layer salad recipe from the LAWL cookbook and it is awesome! Also having a Boca Burger Italian Sausage on 1/2 pita. I feel so decadent! I will post the salad recipe later.

Deb - WTG with your jeans. Bet you're looking like one hot mama!

Lea Ann - Don't be too green with the TO weight loss. I was down to 217.6, then up to 218.0, then up to 218.4, then up to 219.4 (and my beginning TO weight not at the COD was 221.4). So... all in all, I lost the other weight, plus 1.6. Pretty good. I'll definitely take it, but I do know that a LOT was water from this weekend.

Joni - WTG on your WI. Good luck for the drawing!
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Old 09-06-2006, 01:43 PM   #113  
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Shannon - You know girl - everybody has those slip-ups - the best thing is being able to re-cover and jump right back on the

Deb - Thanks for the congrats on the job - I'm pretty excited myself!! Wow on sending all those big clothes to the
salvation army. I can't wait to be able to get rid of mine for good. If I could just quit teeter-tottering btw. these stubborn 5 lbs.
I love the JM newsletter too - I get it everyday and usually it boosts my mood in some way or another .....good way to start the day.
Congrats on that 2.2 WI!! You go girl!!

Jenni - Congrats on weigh - in!!

Joni - Thanks and yes it is amazing how when we get confidence in one area - it helps add confidence in so many other ways as well!!
I like KAtie Couric as well - didn't get to see her last night though - I will have to catch it tonight!!!
Good luck with your company and challenges over the next few days - try to be as OP as possible, but enjoy life as well - that is so
important. I have learned there is a way to do both without going overboard!!! Good luck!

LeaAnn - Hey chickie!! Yes, all this work sure has kept us regulars from chatting too much ( well some of us anyway)....Yes,
I will still be doing software development - applications and web design. So the job function won't change too much,just the business and
the projects - which really gets me excited!

Cassi - Hey chickie!! way to go on TO Monday and Tuesday 5.6 - that is totally
awesome! Wow - 40 lbs!! that is so totally awesome - you should be so proud of yourself - what a wonderful accomplishment!!!

Sommer - Girl, I hope you feel better soon - summer colds and sinus infections are the worst!! I can pretty much
count on getting a s.infection every november when the weather changes.

Tree - Congrats on your loss!!!

Pearl - Wow - looks like your the regular around here - delivering meals and spreading the cheer!! you go girl!!!

Carmen, Evette, Angelica, Katie , JulieMarie, Sznn, and anyone else I missed!!! -

to everyone having a wonderful POP day!!!
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Old 09-06-2006, 01:57 PM   #114  
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Hey guys.... a quick question on the V8. Can we have just regular V8 and what does it count as? 16oz = 2V?
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Old 09-06-2006, 02:09 PM   #115  
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Evette - I think that is right, but hopefully someone else can verify as well. I think the low sodium version is what the recc.
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Old 09-06-2006, 02:14 PM   #116  
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Good Day, Chickies!
I'm back for a record-breaking 2nd day in a row! I just can't believe how stupidly, insanely, crazy-busy I am these days. I have hives from the stress of it all, and, providing I don't get called for jury duty next week, I go in for a mole biopsy on Monday. Sheesh! When it rains, it FLOODS! No wonder I have Bill the Cat for an avatar. I'm freaking out here!

Cassi - Woooooo Hooooooo on the 40 pounds!

Heather Sunshine- it is soooo exciting to start a new job, doing something that you like. Congrats!

Sommer - feel better soon!

Deb - Nice victory with the jeans!

Tree, Welcome, and congrats on the loss! Keep it up!

Everyone else - Hi there!

Stay strong, chicks! We can do this!
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Old 09-06-2006, 02:24 PM   #117  
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Evette--I think we are supposed to only have the low sodium and 4oz=1veg.--pretty sure that's what my book says--don't have it with me. If this isn't right I'm sure someone will chime in.
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Old 09-06-2006, 02:26 PM   #118  
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Thanks all for the kind words about my fall off the wagon - Day 2 of being back POP. Much easier to be POP when I'm doing the cooking plus my house has no bad stuff in it.

Cassi - great loss on TO - I am going to do another TO next week. I had a good loss on my last one ~ 2 lbs over the two days and your right it kills the cravings.

Jenni - your sounding more positive already. Your son sounds adorable and that he has all the right things to say to Mom.

Pearl - do you have a recipe for everything? Keep them coming I like the ideas.

Joni - congrats on the loss. Hope you win the store credit.

Have a great POP day everyone!
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Old 09-06-2006, 03:28 PM   #119  
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Shannon - I've been collecting cookbooks for over 30 years (I started with my hopechest when I turned 10) I've given many away and now probably have close to 200 or more. And yes, I do get a notion to look through one now and again. So I've gotten several down and tried for find some healthy recipes for all of us. Unfortunately, many I have are NOT what you'd call healthy because believe it or not, most people prefer fattening foods from a caterer! The richer the food the better! Needless to day, I try not to do much catering anymore, but I still love to cook.
I guess I figure since I'm new at LAWL, I can't really offer too much in the way of knowledge, so I'll offer what I have. RECIPES!
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Old 09-06-2006, 03:37 PM   #120  
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Thanks HeatherPP and LeaAnn!
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