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Old 09-09-2006, 09:36 AM   #181  
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It's a new day and I've got a lot planned! Working to get all our sound/video equip moved back in to our sound booth and everything else hooked back up. And planning a hot date with my Honey Love Sugar Bear for this evening. (okay, so I'm just fixing dinner, but still, he'll be here for dinner because he only has one plant to go to today!)
Thanks everyone for the kind words and encouragement. We've been praying for God to reveal hearts at church, to show us the REAL person in each of us so if there is anything that needs to be dealt with, it can be dealt with. Well, as the Music Minister, I have an amazing group of talented, gifted people, but this ministry is also the one (always) most hit by pride and selfishness. (You're in the "spotlight" if you know what I mean). I've been doing it a long time and we've come so far, but when hearts are revealed, sometimes it's just plain ugly! The good news is that God is in control and those hearts that have been holding back our ministry, can be dealt with, healed, and brought to higher levels than before. So, with all that said, it's far from over, but I'm so excited about what God is doing in our church and the music ministry. There's been a lot more cleaning up than just the water damage!
I read an article yesterday at the doctor's office, (no not the psychiatrist! My 13yr old son is covered in poison ivy and I just couldn't get it stopped, so now with an 8 day supply of steroids, he should be fine) now back to the article. It was in Health Magazine (do you REALLY think I would have picked that magazine UP before LAWL???) and it said that a good scale will give you an accurate weight measurement 3-times in a row. It recommended on from Kmart (of all places) for $38.00 and I can't remember the other one. The article was 5 diet tricks or something like that. Anyway, if anyone has that article, I'd love to have the brand names of the scales and where they could be purchased. I know the article said that the scales with all the "other stuff" really aren't usally reliable. Said the same about pedometers. To forget all the "bells and whistles" and just get the basic one.
Well, I've got to get moving, my dh is getting ready for work and I'm making omelets for breakfast. (egg beaters of course!)
Joni - are you sure we can't move closer to each other? I think you would make a stupendous neighbor!!!

Okay ladies - It's the weekend, not the WEAK END!!! So be motivated, plan ahead and have a POP weekend!
8 more days -
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Old 09-09-2006, 11:09 AM   #182  
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Default Scale and Pedometer info from Health Mag

Pearl - I found this on the Health Mag website:

Which scale is best? One that’s simple and reliable; the reading should be the same when you step on and off three times. Scales that measure your hydration and body mass index usually aren’t reliable. We like the Thinner Soft Step Scale at Bed Bath & Beyond ($39.99; 800-462-3966 or and the Health-O-Meter Digital Lithium Scale at Kmart ($34.99; 866-562-7848 or, which have 10-year warranties.

Adding 2,000 steps to your day can help anyone shed flab, so strap on a small pedometer and put your feet to work. Just skip the pedometers with bells and whistles. “The only button you need is ‘reset,’” Champagne says. She recommends Accusplits ( or Digiwalkers (, in the $15 range. Attach it to the front of your belt or waistband, lining it up with your kneecap. Wear it for 3 days, and average your steps to find how many you take in a typical day. (Someone who doesn’t exercise much might log 2,000 to 3,000.) Then try to add 2,000 (about a mile) daily. How? Walk at lunch, choose stairs over the elevator, park a few blocks away, walk around an indoor mall, or take folded laundry into the bedroom a few pieces at a time rather than all at once. Work up to 10,000 steps per day, and your scale may just throw you a party.
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Old 09-09-2006, 02:24 PM   #183  
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Good afternoon: another busy week (though short) with work this week.

OK, so last weekend my family was down to visit for 3 nights and needless to say it was quite stressful. We ate out every day during the long weekend. It was not a surprise that I was up 2.6 lbs on Tuesday weigh in. At that point, I knew what to do and I planned to do Fast Forward for two days (it is almost the same as TO but no Lites and unlimited greens and protein). The eating out, though, I made good choices always does me in and I'm not going to sit here and b.s. you all and tell you I didn't cheat otherwise. I was guilty of nibbling out of stress.

Anyway, before my dysfunctional extended family left, there was a HUGE argument. Coupled with the let down of gaining 2.6 lbs, Tuesday afternoon I went "completely" off program, eating stuff that I haven't eaten a a long time and in greater quantities. By the end of the day I felt terrible...mentally and physicially.

But...Wednesday and Thursday I follow Fast Forward to the "T". I DID suffer from a monumental headache/mental fog from the carb withdrawal (I'm telling you...I REALLY overdid the sugar on Tuesday) but by Thursday I felt much better. At weigh in on Friday, I lost the 2.6 pounds I had gained on Tuesday so the net change for the week was staying the same: neither lost or gain. I suppose, considering the weekend last weekend, that is good.

I am most bothered, though, by my "freaking out" and going off program, out of control, on Tuesday. It was all a reaction to stress: stress of family (and the exchange of words), stress of returning to work to a mountain of stuff after a long weekend, stress of being disappointed that I didn't do better over the weekend and, lol, probably a touch of PMS. I've been on this program for 6 months and yet, I slid right back into an old habit, even after this amount of time. Not only the fact I slipped, I REALLY slipped badly.

That really bothers me and still does, even though, now, since Wednesday I've been POP. Thanks for letting me vent.

BTW...Barbara! Wow! What...were you a model of something?!??!
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Old 09-09-2006, 02:54 PM   #184  
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Well, as I sit here writing this my entire family is down the street at our favorite pizza joint. I passed because I didn't trust myself. I just ate a big, juicy pear and will have my lite bar in a bit to keep me going til dinner. I feel badly about skipping out but I think they understand. Yeah for me.
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Old 09-09-2006, 02:58 PM   #185  
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WOW! Debbie...You're brave! Good for you!

Just for info, you can have, once a week, two slices of cheese or veggie pizza (from 14" pizza) at a pizza place, provided you absorb the extra grease with a napkin. It is a Carb Craver and it counts as 1 Protein.

However, if you are like me and you can't trust yourself (especially in a stressful situation such as extended family 'visits'), it is better to avoid the situation entirely.

Kudos to you for making a healthy choice!
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Old 09-09-2006, 05:17 PM   #186  
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Thanks for the info. I didn't know that. I'm not sure I could have limited myself to 2 slices - I really love pizza. Soon I should be able to do that. Thaks for the help!
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Old 09-09-2006, 07:50 PM   #187  
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Hi Everybody!

Just wanted to pop in for a quick minute.

Congrats to all the WL losers!

I hope everyone has a great POP weekend!
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Old 09-09-2006, 07:55 PM   #188  
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Hi again,

Okay, now my kids are baking homemade chocolate chip cookies and they smell delicious!!! But I can't complain because I am the only fatty in the family. They even cleaned up after themselves so I wouldn't be tempted to lick a spoon. I am sitting here having my second 20 ounce glass of warm lemon water of the day. I'm hoping that feeling extra full will help. I'll have to play the crazy game I play where I think the food is taunting me and I have to say to it, "No way.... not today.... I am strong and you are crap!" Crazy, but believe it or not this has worked for me in the past. I'm feeling so much better now that I know I am not preggers and I want to keep this happy feeling which I can only maintain if I am POP. I am strong.... I will do it!!!!! Boy, I wish I was skinny!
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Old 09-09-2006, 09:24 PM   #189  
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Joni - OH my gosh, THAT's the article I was reading verbatim! Thanks, I didn't think about looking for it on the net. Well, at least everyone can read it. I thought it was pretty informative.

Space99 - We all have moments when we slip back to old habits. Just don't make it a habit! The important thing is that you took back control and now you are meditating on the episode and hopefully will learn to watch for the "sign" of going back to those habits. Perhaps this was a wakeup call for you. After all, it could have been MUCH worse! Mistakes are extremely valuable if we choose to learn from them! You're a smart carrot! (I couldn't say "cookie" on LAWL!) Keep going, you're doing great!

reddeborah - YOU GO GIRL!!! Hey, you just provided them some "special" time without you! (Don't you just hate that?!?) I think you were very wise and handled it perfectly! YOU GO GIRL!!! And I know what you mean about the cookies - my 13 yr old makes killer brownies and of course, that would be this week! So, I thoroughly enjoyed them while they were baking - good thing you can't inhale calories! And I've seen them sitting on the counter - but for some reason, I feel a sense of control when I don't give in! And after the week I've had, even my Pastor told me how proud he was of me for not caving in to reaching for a "reward that I deserve" because life get's a little difficult! (my words, not his!)
Evette - I think I forgot to congratulate you on your new opportunity AND for being brave enough to get out of the boat! You never know, you might actually walk on water!

Keep on keeing on you all - don't give up and don't give in!
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Old 09-09-2006, 09:31 PM   #190  
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Thanks, Pearl for the encouragement.

Debbie, grab a stick of sugarless gum and start chewing. If you have some super strong flavor in your mouth, you'll be less tempted to lick the spoon because it will taste icky. lol...
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Old 09-10-2006, 08:57 AM   #191  
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hiya chickies - way to go on all the successes this weekend!!

Debbie - good for you not giving into eating the pizza or the cookies - that was such a strong decision to be able to stay home!!!
How long have you lived in Charlotte? I used to live there back in 99 right after college. I still have aunt, uncle, cousins and grandma there - I miss it sometimes.....

Pearl - you are such an inspiration girlfriend - good luck with your friend situtaion - I've kept you in my thoughts and prayers - those internal bruises can cause so much stress -

Here's to everyone else to have a POP day and a great rest of the day!!!!!
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Old 09-10-2006, 11:53 AM   #192  
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HeatherPP: We've lived here for four years and love it. We've moved around a lot, lived in 9 or 10 states, but had never lived in the south except for Houston which was just way too hot and buggy for me. But NC is much less hot and much less buggy! My kids play tennis so they can play year round and I love that spring and fall last soooooo long. Today there's a cool breeze, no humidity, and it's supposed to get up to 85. Perfect! The only negative is that the public school system is a mess so we have to bite the bullet and pay for an independent school. Other than that, we're all happy clams living here.

Well, my mom in Florida just started LAWL yesterday. We'll see each other at Thanksgiving so that'll be fun! She needs to lose about 35 pounds, about 1/3 of what I have to lose. She's not paying for the program, I just send her all my stuff. She has never snacked between meals and can't eat any of the lite bars, is that okay?

Tonight I'm off to see Chris Brown with the kids. We got free tickets that include dinner and drinks, fourth row seats. I have no idea what to expect for dinner and aren't sure what to do. Any ideas? Thanks.
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Old 09-10-2006, 01:12 PM   #193  
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Good Morning all!! Well, I weighed myself this morning and I'm down 1.5 pounds. Yipee!! Now, I really can't wait until I reach the 140's!! It's soooo close! It's gonna be POP for me!

Sorry about not posting any personals. I hope everyone has a great Sunday.
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Old 09-10-2006, 01:38 PM   #194  
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Evette - Congrats on your loss!!
BTW - your new avator looks GREAT!
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Old 09-10-2006, 01:55 PM   #195  
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Originally Posted by dolphn545 View Post
Evette - Congrats on your loss!!
BTW - your new avator looks GREAT!
Thanks!! I hope this new weight sticks!! I'll let you know tomorrow. I hope you're having a great weekend and thank you for the compliment on the new avatar. Lovin' yours too, if I didn't mention it WAY earlier!!
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