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Old 09-10-2006, 05:43 PM   #196  
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Good evening all. No time for personals because it's pretty busy around here, but I wanted to say...

Evette - Congrats on the weight loss and I love the new avatar. You're lookin' so skinny girl!
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Old 09-10-2006, 05:53 PM   #197  
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And I just want to say......Thanks Cassi!! You made my Sunday!!
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Old 09-10-2006, 06:23 PM   #198  
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ok, here I go one more time. Wish me luck. I keep falling off the LAWL wagon and I can't figure out why???!!!
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Old 09-10-2006, 08:21 PM   #199  
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Tomorrow is 9/11 and there is an email going around to remind everyone to fly a U.S. flag in memory of the event. I've got mine out of the closet and will hang it early in the morning. Remember all the flags flying after 9/11/2001?

Well I've got my Knudsen's Morning Blend juice, cooked up some boneless chicken breasts (used the lemon herb Mrs. Dash marinade), got a big green salad made up and I'm prepared for a serious 2 day Take Off. I'm hoping that the TO, some early morning jogging, lemon water and prayer will help me at weigh in on Wednesday. Suffice it to say I had a very POOP weekend with my company. First time in 12 weeks that I did not keep up with my food log. But it was a nice, short break from my daily grind/regime and I'm ready to get back on program. I guess I'm not as perfect as I thought...haha

Evette - you are doing so great - yes, I'm jealous of your stick-tuitiveness and your deserve them and you deserve to look so hot!
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Old 09-10-2006, 08:39 PM   #200  
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Hey girlie girls! I haven't been a perfect angel this weekend as far as being POP..... I went out Friday night and ate on plan, but I got a tummy ache anyway, and saturday I was almost POP... I cooked some stuff out of the cookbook and didn't like some of it as much as I though so the prtions were not quite right. Today was OK, but a little too much starch again. I guess Tuesday will tell if it was really bad or not.

Sounds liek everyone is really trying hard, and I'm so proud of all of you! I hope those atrating the new jobs soon will have an ok time in transition. But if ya'll can do this, I'm pretty sure you can meet any challenge!

Big hugs,
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Old 09-10-2006, 10:39 PM   #201  
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Good evening Ladies!

You know how great it feels to persevere and FINALLY you see the results? Well, this morning at church, I saw results! It was truly amazing! WOW!
Still some heart issues but God has to deal with those, they aren't my problem.

Evette - I think I saw steam coming off my 'puter from your avatar!

Jenni - I see a new twinkle in your eyes! I'm so glad!

Joni - I know you were joking about being "perfect" but it just so happens that my ministry today for my Praise Team was talking about the difference in striving for excellence and striving for perfection. Perfection is unattainable, but excellence is reached when we do our very best with all our heart. Just thought I'd share that with you for some reason?!

Well, the scale moved - a little over a pound. I'll change my ticker in a few. Between the two of us, dh and I have lost 43+ pounds! Even his counselor is boasting about us.

7 days until vacation!

CassyCat - are you here? How are you doing? I'm thinking about you and lifting you up!
Blessings everyone! Keep up the great work! You are an amazing group of ladies and I brag about you all the time to my friends! What an inspiration all of you are to me!
Did I mention how much I appreciate you all?
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Old 09-11-2006, 07:57 AM   #202  
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Good Morning, Ladies!
Well, I completely fell off the wagon last night at the concert. Dinner was chicken salad preceeded by chips and dip, and I had two gin and tonics. I was so completely stuffed, but the rest of my weekend was perfect so I'm not going to beat myself up over it. I'm not perfect and now that seems to be okay. I have to forgive and move on. But I have all of you to thank for that. Before I would have given up as soon as I "cheated", but now it is SO different. I'm in it for the long haul and I really do believe it's due in part to all of you. So........THANKS!
Evette: you look mahvelous, (Billy Chrystal voice)
Pearl: where are you headed for vacation?
Joni: none of us are perfect
Nikkijo: We all fall off now and then. Climb back on with take my hand!
Hi to everyone else - congrats on your successful weekends!
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Old 09-11-2006, 08:36 AM   #203  
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Good Morning Ladies, Remember how I was telling you guys that I hope that the new weight sticks.....well, (drum roll please!) this morning the scale read 149.5!! Yipee!! I'm so happy, i'm glowing! it's 9/11 today and I have hung my flag up, thanks for the reminder Joni. BTW, good luck on TO today. I'll be praying for you, girl!!

Jenni: Everything will work out by Tuesday's weigh-in. Just try to stay POP today, drink your lemon water and pray!

Pearl: Aww... You're making me blush! Congrats on the loss! You're doing awesome.

Debbie: Glad to hear that you're not beating yourself up about your dinner. I love your new attitude. Just move on....Thanks for the compliment.

To the rest of my know who you are, Good morning and I hope you all have a great day! Take Care!
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Old 09-11-2006, 08:43 AM   #204  
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Wtg Evette! Enjoy The New Decade!!!!
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Old 09-11-2006, 09:28 AM   #205  
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Good morning ladies!

Evette - Okay - enough already! If the pictures get any better, I'll have to print it off and make a "pin up" for my son to drool over!!! (well, at least I'm drooling over your accomplishment!) And thanks for the encouragement! AND congrats on the 149.5 (although you were ALREADY glowing!) I'm thrilled that blessings are coming your way! PTL!

Reddeborah - You are living proof of what this is all about! "Changing" our life style to a healthier way of eating AND a healthier approach to how we deal with everyday life as it affects our eating habits! WAY TO GO!!!! I'm so proud of you for not beating yourself up! It's obvious that your attitude is a lot healthier! (Besides, if everyone starts beating themselves up, I'll have to beat myself up when I get back from vacation!)

Cassi - I know I've said this before but everytime I see your ticker of 40 lbs, it really inspires me! Also, I have "orders" to purchase tilapia for lunch again this week! (thanks to your recipe!)

Okay everyone - It's another POP day! Don't give up and don't give in!

Myrtle Beach - 6 days more!
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Old 09-11-2006, 09:36 AM   #206  
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Pearl: Okay, i'll stop! I just posted a new picture up because the last one was too dark. Sorry!! I won't do it again. My bad!! Thanks for the praises! What does PTL mean?
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Old 09-11-2006, 09:46 AM   #207  
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Evette - Don't you dare stop! I think I see the ounces dropping off you with each one! And PTL means "Praise the Lord".
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Old 09-11-2006, 10:32 AM   #208  
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Morning all!! I have a kiddo this morning so I will be close.

Evette--congrats on the new decade!! That's awesome. Every time I get close I sabotage myself! UGH. Love the new photo.

Pearl--you and DH's losses are great!!! It's so nice having them go through this with us--not sure I could have done it without him.

Jenni--love your new avatar--hope things are improving daily for you and your kids.

redd--you are not alone--I was terrible this weekend but we are back up and POP--we can do this!!


Well--I posted on the other thread I was POOP all weekend--too much pizza and the scales are proving it with a +2--I am hoping it won't stick and I promise myself I will be super good this week. COD started in on the buying more weeks thing (hate having new people and having to re-explain old discussions) and she tried to say I couldn't swap maintenance weeks for WL weeks b/c of how important maintenance is b/c if I don't maintain then LAWL looks bad--blah blah blah. Then she says that if I don't buy more weeks that I can only come in for products but can't be weighed or counseled--I went off. Then she says she can't give me free weeks and I said I don't want free weeks that as far as I am concerned a paid week is a paid week no matter how you label it then I proceeded to "explain" to her that this is exactly why LAWL has the negative reputation out on the web--because it's not about the people it's about the dollar and she started working the numbers and finally said she'll "make it work" so that I can continue to come in, WI, counsel, etc but that I won't get my rebate and I said fine--I won't buy any more bars and that would be a lot more than the rebate--so there. Apparently I can still be quite high school petty. Oh well. We've had so many new people that I don't even want to go but know I need to continue to be accountable to them until this is fully ingrained. WHY OH WHY do they have to make it so difficult?!?

Okay--rant over.

Hope you all have a great day!!
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Old 09-11-2006, 10:48 AM   #209  
"Print"cess Jenni
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Boo's Mom - Your center can stuff it! I bet there was a 90% chance you wouldn't have got the rebat for some reason or another anyway. It's like a rental deposit. You never get them back because there might be one tiny thing wrong with the carpet or paint or something. I DON't do the bars and at sign-up I didn't pay for maintenance except 6 weeks and told them I didn't care about the deposit. The bars make me sick I can't even swallow them usually so I told them I couldn't tolerate them and they bumped me from Red to Red1.

Just stand your ground girl. You can do it, and you don't need the bars. I've lost 14 pounds in 6 weeks with no bars. I know it's not as much as some of the girls in that amount of time, but who cares? It's coming off, and faster than the center estimated.

Pearl - I love your puppy, but how about showing us your actual self!
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Old 09-11-2006, 11:03 AM   #210  
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Hi chickies!!

Pearl - You continue to make me smile everyday and you are just just proof that God works miracles everyday - one is having you around here!!! Congrats on your loss!!!

Evette - Wow Girlfriend - Look at you - hotter than ever and breaking into that 140 decade - You should be so proud of yourself. I'm finally moving on the scale - I've changed things around totally - so Hopefully this will work for me - My goal was 5 lbs before end of Sept and I'm down 3 in less than a week - I guess some of that must have been ready to come off or just water - but I don't care what it was - it is gone!!! Whooo hoooo - isn't it great when that scale sticks!!!

Jenni - love the new avatar and I totally agree about the bars - there are many that are here, were here that have had major success without them. Katie is the perfect example - ( I hope she is lurking - we miss you!!! )

RedDeb - Good thing your not beating yourself up - don't think of it as cheating - think of it as living. You didn't do horrible, but you knew it is something you can't continue to do - that is the most important thing!! I'm sure you will be right back in no time.

LeaAnn girly - you are too funny - you crack me up sometimes - you know it!!! Hopefully that 2+ will disappear - maybe going into your COD and smacking them around some or doing some kickboxing on them will not only help get rid of the 2lbs - but help knock some sense into them as well. At least you stood your ground and got what you deserved and what you've already been told you could have/do!! You go girl!!!

Cassi - Good to see you - Hope you're doing ok!!

Carmen - where on where did My Carmen go?

Katie - where on where did my Katie go?

Sznn, Juliemarie, - where are you guys?>??

to a POP day!@
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