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Old 04-27-2007, 09:25 PM   #1351  
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Danette - I use the becel spray as well and really like it. I don't cook with it but I use it on my veggies. I also like the salad spritzers that we finally got up here. The raspberry is my favorite so far.
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Old 04-27-2007, 09:26 PM   #1352  
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Just wanted to pop in and let everyone know that my interview seemed to go pretty well today. It was just a screening interview with the company's HR rep. I should find out early next week whether or not I get a face-to-face interview with the hiring manager. Oh, and youngest DD is sick again. She's be running a fever. I will be so glad when we can go a week in this house without SOMEBODY being sick!! Hope everyone has a great night!
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Old 04-27-2007, 09:27 PM   #1353  
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hey everyone. just a quick post before i go to bed. i didn't make it to WI today, but i will tomorrow after work since i open and only work for a few hours. i was going to go today, but didn't have time before work.

i got my workout in tonight after work even though i didn't feel like it...i did it anyways. and i'll get another one in tomorrow because then that will be 4/week! so, yeah. that's about it. hopefully i'll do well at WI. TOM is gone, and i've been doing pretty good with being POP, so a pound or so would be great.
ok, i'll check back tomorrow.
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Old 04-27-2007, 10:09 PM   #1354  
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good evening all

Thanks for all the support I have recieved on this site I LOVE IT!!!!!!! I worked my butt off at work tonight and very tired. The girls at work were looking at me today and asking why I was grinning so much.....I told them about the great losses this week and they were amazed. Almost time to buy new pants because mine are now bagging off my a##.....Feels sooooooooooooo good. I bought a size large shorts yesterday thinking I will get into them this summer well I put them on and they fit, tight but they fit feels so good to be out of the plus sizes. Alannah and angie are we the only canadians here? someone wrote about jiff peanut butter do we have that????? The becel spray is great and I think I'll try the spriters salad dressing.... What about a low cal english muffin I can't find one!!!! I miss the egger on the weekends also what about butterball turkey bacon can I count it as a protein...... I know lots of questions but how else is a chick to know

Well off to bed booked solid tommorow....... busy day at work .....sorry I don't do more personals I think it takes training to remember everyone

night night all and don't forget to measure your food and write in your diary
( yes that means you Dan lol)
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Old 04-27-2007, 10:18 PM   #1355  
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Originally Posted by Suziewan View Post
Hey, where’s Jason and Michael? Jason, Michael, you still out there?
Hey...yeah, I'm still around. I haven't been keeping up with the site the past few weeks since I haven't been sticking to my plan at all. On the bright side, I haven't gained an ounce since coming off the plan...haven't lost either. My COD called for me today...I guess I should jump back on and give 'er for my last month. My deadline is fast approaching...23 May...don't know if I'll lose the rest by then...I could probably drop 10lbs if I really focus.

I'm pretty excited right now...we flew to Kingston, Ontario last week for a house hunting trip. I'm being posted to Kingston this summer and we went there a bought a new house. Really nice it's quite a bit closer to Newfoundland than Saskatchewan is!
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Old 04-27-2007, 10:53 PM   #1356  
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Jason - Glad to see you're alive and kickin' (and still with us). You really should get back on plan and take advantage of your last month.

Katie (repo) - I have done Phentermine in the past. Enjoy the high while you can. If I remember correctly it only lasts a couple of weeks and then you don't get the same effect. You might have trouble getting all your food in as you really won't feel like eating.

Wendy - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you on the job front. I know what it feels like to want to get out of a crappy situation. Happy Birthday!

I'm off to watch some mindless television. I worked from 8 a.m. to 7:45 p.m. color washing a 2 story room and feel like my arm is gonna fall off. Thank heaven it's the weekend!
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Old 04-28-2007, 12:37 AM   #1357  
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Libby- Yeah, I did not get all of my food in today. I need to go get a new red diary from the COD and be better about writing in it. I have not felt like eating much at all today. I ate some dinner, but was really not hungry at all. It is a weird feeling to go from being hungry all the time to not being hungry at all.

Wendy- Hope the job works out and that your birthday is great!

Jason- Glad to see you! Now, you are moving closer to your daughter, right?

Danette- Look at you, almost in onederland! Good job!

Alannah- GL at WI!

Jillian- Great job getting your workout in!

Joni- YUM! It all looks good. Hope you have fun!

Kristin- Are you sure that we do not have the same EMIL?
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Old 04-28-2007, 06:48 AM   #1358  
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Hey everyone. Went to WI yesterday and was down another 2 lbs.! I had such a crappy day at work, I really needed some good cheer! Yay! Hope everyone has a good weekend.
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Old 04-28-2007, 07:02 AM   #1359  
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Jillian -- Way to go on getting in 4 workouts this week!

Danette -- Actually there are a bunch of Canadians in this group. I'll probably forget some, but let's BC I know we have Rhonda, Barb, Michelle, Jason in Saskatchewan, in Ontario Sara, Kristen, me and soon Jason, then you and Alannah. I'm sure there are more and I'm just being absent minded.

BobbySam -- 2 more pounds! You are at 18lbs already, doing great.
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Old 04-28-2007, 07:28 AM   #1360  
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Danette -- I missed the rest of your questions. Deb mentioned, in another thread, that in the new books Turkey bacon is included as a protein! I think 4 strips = 1P if I remember correctly. I haven't found a LF english muffin here either, but I did write to my regular grocery store manager to tell him what products I'd like to see them carry. Out of the frozen food guide my favourite is the Lean Cuisine Roasted veg Pizza...totally yummy and perfect to take to work when I haven't had time to prepare.
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Old 04-28-2007, 07:36 AM   #1361  
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Good morning and a Happy Saturday to everyone!

Going back to LAWL is such a big relief for me. Besides draggin' this overweight and bloated body around, I have felt like I was draggin' a concrete mental cinderblock as well. Today is Day One of Fast Forward. I've got the day planned out (food and activity as well) so I'm ready. And I'll be smilin' too.

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Old 04-28-2007, 07:48 AM   #1362  
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Good morning everyone.

I am working this afternoon for awhile on OT 1-6 but I get my morning and evening so that isn't too bad. I go see my furkid tomorrow for a few hours as well (I hope) and then a friend is coming over for supper. Not much to the weekend really.

Danette - I can't find any lower calorie english muffins either. I eat the regular ones. As for PB I don't know about the Jif as I use the Kraft or Compliments all natural. I like it better than the processed stuff. I have PB at least 5 days out of 7. It is my standby for bfast or if I have to get a bit more protein in for a day.

I'll check back later!
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Old 04-28-2007, 08:45 AM   #1363  
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Morning all!

Gail- Great attitude! As you know, losing weight is really only half the battle. Getting your mindset straight and keeping it there is the other half. Good luck with FF!

Alannah- Enjoy your morning at home!

Bobbysam- Good loss!

I woke up at 6:00 this morning, wide awake. Makes me so mad! I can sleep in today, but no, my brain is not willing. So, I switched the laundry, put on some coffee, washed the 3 dishes in the sink, and toasted a bagel to eat with peanut butter and SF apricot jam. I ate the bagel and drank some coffee, now I am not hungry in the least. Guess I will go to the gym.

Have a great, POP weekend. And I mean it!
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Old 04-28-2007, 09:36 AM   #1364  
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Hi Katie - that is just too wierd, as I, too, got up about 5:30 AM and couldn't sleep, so I've already done three loads of laundry, took down some drapery hardware, balanced my checkbook, paid bills, had breakfast, etc. Now, I'm sort of tired.

I have a copy of the new program as well and turkey bacon is included - 2 oz cooked and/or 4 slices = 1 protein. Due to sodium content it says to use this product in moderation. Oh, a BLT sounds like it might be on my menu this week!

Gail - It's great to read your enthusiasm. I actually like doing FF - so easy to plan. Enjoy your day!

Wendy - hope you get the interview!

Jason - good to see you. Love the new picture and I think you should set that 10 lb goal for yourself....Question...when you move, are you going to change your screen name from SaskNewfie to KingNewfie?

BobbySam - wow - nice WI loss.
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Old 04-28-2007, 09:37 AM   #1365  
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Katie - Welcome to the land of Phentermine!
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