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Old 04-27-2007, 09:13 AM   #1321  
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Good Morning Everyone

I brought my DD to work yesterday, we went home to have lunch, she fell asleep and never woke up until I took 1/2 vac day and enjoyed it. I just read through pages of posts, so I'm not even going to try to remember it all.

Katie - your post did stand out with me because of your sugar problem. I'm glad you're on your way to getting that fixed...and insurance...don't get me started...

I was down 1 lb. since Wednesday, so that overrides my 0.2 loss I saw on Wednesday. Don't you just hate how the scale plays with you. It's like...let's show a small loss (or none) and see if she cheats...okay, she didn't...I'll show her the real loss now. Don't mind me, the weather's cloudy and rainy and it's rubbing off on my mood.

Now that we're all on this salt kick...I went out for dinner on Wed. night for my friend's birthday and before we went, I got on to the website to try to plan what I was going to order. Well, the restaurant had a nutritional link with all the breakdowns of each menu item, and I couldn't believe that not one item had less that 2,500mg sodium...holy cow, I was shocked! Not only that, but a taco salad has 52g of fat! (good thing I checked first)

Well, I better get some work done...Here's to a POP day!!!
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Old 04-27-2007, 09:23 AM   #1322  
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Hi everyone! I've been away for a few days. Hope everyone is still losing! Have a great day!
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Old 04-27-2007, 09:44 AM   #1323  
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Good Morning Everyone
Hope you are all doing well. My two days on umlimited veggies netted me a 1 lb loss today on the scale.. laugh if you may but I'm just so happy to have something that starts with the word unlimited I looked through the stabilization book and try as I may I did NOT see unlimited chocolate listed.. and Nicole I even checked the fine print and there is definitely no unlimited CAKE.. dang!
Kim hope you are approaching a state of somewhat mobility.. don't want all the evil minds snickering at your expense today hee hee.
We are supposed to get some spring weather so hope to have the girls outside this weekend as much as we can.
YDD is still having probs at school but is in M/W/F so it's only the third day.. of course every time the phone rings I'm pouncing for it Still mystified by what could have happened but we just have to hope that by going and going she'll get more used to it.. unfortunately Mommy and Daddy both have work so just being at home isn't an option! Guilt guilt guilt guilt!!
Trying some sea bass tonight with green beans so will pass on the reviews.. do have one I'm going to submit that I made last night for you seafood lovers.. a chilled and very spicy (low sodium Dan) calamari salad with black beans. I will take some time to spice up our recipes as soon as I can.
Hope you are all well and have a super day!
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Old 04-27-2007, 09:47 AM   #1324  
Danette lawl march 20/07
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Good Morning All

Well it's a great day here today sunny and starting to get warm. Well Guess what Happened at the COD today????????????? I've lost another yes another 1.8 pounds.... So thats 2 pounds on wed and 1.8 today and one more weight in on monday for my third weigh in for week 6. This is the most I lost in one week since starting my life style change. Well I have to say the Hot Lemom Water does work and I switched my regular tea and coffee to green tea and I have alot more energy. The amazing thing to me is that I'm not exercising the Cod said that where I work 8 hours a day on my feet doing hairdressing that was enough activity to keep me losing. Smiling here from ear to ear 14 lbs lost still in shock and almost in wonderland. I made the sweet and sour chicken from the cook book as someone mentioned they made it last week and they were right it is really good. The only thing I would change would be instead of 2 tbls of red wine vinager I would do red and one white vinager.

Dan Way to Go on trying to stick to plan it can be hard when were are out eating

someone mentioned that thier resturant had high soduim, it sure was a eye opener

To all the stay at home moms I wish I was back in your shoes I miss those days of looking after my daughter. I was blessed to stay home with her for the first 5 yrs, now she will be 15 in may and I miss those days. Don't get me wrong I don't miss the crazy days of doing everything for everone else and not for myself and dh comming home and asking what did you do all day????? That was always a question that would throw me into a rage. What the #### do you mean what did I do lmao. I was such a crazy woman when my daughter was younger. Embrace the good and bad days because you will have great grown up children telling you that they loved that you were home with them and love you for it

Well I'm at chater box today Just soooooooooooooo excited about my loss
Keep pop and drink the hot lemon water and stay away from the salt!!!!!!!
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Old 04-27-2007, 10:56 AM   #1325  
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Wow!!!Danette...those are some awesome WI's!!! I hope Monday is equally as kind to you...send some of that my way, okay?
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Old 04-27-2007, 10:56 AM   #1326  
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Not the weight....just the weight loss
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Old 04-27-2007, 12:53 PM   #1327  
Wendy II
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Howdy all!

After my 2 days of TO using grapefruit.. I lost 3.4 lbs! I'll take that! As a reward, I decided to stay POP and keep the ball rolling :-) Almost to the 170's.. hard to believe!

Ok.. I have to go read so I can do some personals..
Smile & be POP!
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Old 04-27-2007, 01:03 PM   #1328  
Joni - Atlanta, GA
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Wendy II - Holy crapoly...I'm doing TO with grapefruits next week and praying that I'll lose 3.4 too!! What else did you eat (protein, lites, what veggies??)
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Old 04-27-2007, 01:07 PM   #1329  
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Tina and Dannette - great job for you two as well.
Lettie - your post wore me out. No doubt in my moms are way underpaid!
Katie (repo) - have you been making it to the gym???? Hope so....dr's orders, right!
Jillian - your cake sounds (and I'm sure looked) great! I could do the cake, but about all I could decorate it with would be a smiley face or a store bought figurine....I'm so artistically challenged.

Last edited by Joni135; 04-27-2007 at 01:31 PM.
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Old 04-27-2007, 01:07 PM   #1330  
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Gee I'd love to post but I'm off to buy out all the grapefruit in the local store!!
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Old 04-27-2007, 01:24 PM   #1331  
It's mine for the taking
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Danette – I can’t find ICBINB spray here in Brampton Ontario either…I use Becel in it’s place as well. Holy cow, you’ve had another excellent loss, you’re doing great!

Welcome Gail

Katie – 7 bands? Sounds great! I hope you have some fun.

Lettie – OMG, that was too funny. I love it! *applause!*

I couldn't believe that not one item had less that 2,500mg sodium...holy cow, I was shocked! Not only that, but a taco salad has 52g of fat!
Tina – That is unbelievable…yikes. WTG on your loss!

Kristen – Awesome! You’ll be at your new goal in no time, even on stabilization. I hope next week is a little easier on YDD and on you. I can relate to your guilt on working when you know they’d love to be with you. Actually working at home a few days this week made me realize it’s something I’d REALLY like to do more often. I have to wrack my brain for a way to become a consultant and make as much (or close anyway) money as I do now. I think I finished all my work in half the time, just by being at home without interruptions.

Cassi – I did a version of two of your flank steaks last night… I just pounded one flat, liberally applied Mrs. Dash and then coated it in Dijon. Then I rolled it (to do pinwheels as you suggested) and wrapped it and let it sit overnight in the fridge…baked it for 20 min at 350 then broiled for 10 min on high. It was soooo tender and deliciously good. Somehow having it cut in pinwheels made it feel like much more than if I just look at those two pieces straight out.

Wendy II – Hey, look at you! 3.4 is amazing…good job.
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Old 04-27-2007, 01:47 PM   #1332  
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Okay.. I think I'm caught up now! Whew! You guys were typing maniacs yesterday!

Welcome Gail!!

Nicole - I, like Danette, wish I could be a SAHM again. I miss those days. You do get to feeling like nothing you do matters at times, but there's nothing more rewarding either. SAHM's deserve not only a trophy everyday, but flowers too... yeah... and some balloons!!! Yeah.. here have some balloons!! You rock star mamma, you!

Danette - Great losses, chiquita!

Letty - I'm with you.. I do smother my kids with love as much as possible. My theory is the world is gonna be cruel when they hit it.. better give them lots of padding before they meet it! My ods (18) will still snuggle with me if no one's looking. Great FF results too, girl!!

Kim II - Great loss! You win! You win!

Dan - Way to show restraint! And no queso! You're becoming super-human.

Katie - Enjoy your "indie fest" !

Tina - I had a salt shocker yesterday! I was looking for something to bring to the business meeting for lunch so I could stay perfect on TO - I picked up one of those Hillshire Farms salads for one.. it had cubed chicken breast on it. I flipped it over to check out the sodium content.. 1350mg!! I almost threw it back on the shelf like a hot potato!

Shannon - I can see pineapple in that recipe.. I have a cole slaw recipe that uses bananas in it.. and it's delicious!

Alannah - Welcome back.. and I saw your friend add on Facebook

Cassi - Whoa girl.. slow down!! Holy crap, that's quite a schedule you're keeping! Dang.. I thought I was busy. I bow to you!!

Joni - my grapefruit TO foods? I ate chicken, tuna and steak for proteins.. my veggies were salad & broccoli, and I used Lites too. My cod today told me that you can use unlimited veggies on TO now.. that was new to me!

Kristen - leave some grapefruit for the other people!! After hearing about the unlimited veggies on TO from cod I was almost giddy! I can only imagine what you're feeling like!

Hey, has anyone tried the new Lemon Juice crystals that are out? No sugar, no sodium and they're in a tube thing measured for a bottle of water. I bought some and guess what they taste like? Lemons! Go figure. I don't know if they work like reg lemon juice for water weight, etc though. I may have to experiment.

Gotta run.. later POP People!
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Old 04-27-2007, 02:06 PM   #1333  
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Thank you for the welcome!

Well, I went to LAWL this morning to start anew. I really hated stepping on that scale but I kept telling myself I'll NEVER see that number again. NEVER. I saw a different counselor this morning--someone that is new to my COD (since I had been there last--January), really had some good advice. At first she wasn't going to start me on the FF and that took me by surprise. While I am on blood pressure medicine (I'm borderline with the high blood pressure) no one ever said to me that I should not be on FF. But after taking my pressure (110 over 80) she said I was good to go with it. Saturday and Sunday will be FF. I'll go back to weigh in early Monday morning. AND I bought some more weight loss weeks--on sale for $2.50 a week. I feel really good about myself for going back.

Lettie, I read your post about what your day entails with the little ones, diaper changes, laundry, etc. and I swear I was tired by the end of it all! I do remember how hectic it was when I was a SAHM with two little girls. Thanks for the memories!

I really love reading all the posts here--each one of you are so inspiring! I haven't posted on a message board (and here at 3FC in particular) for over a year and it feels good to read the supportive posts to each other. Please be patient with me while I learn who (and remember) who everyone is. Kudos to all of you who have lost!! Wow!
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Old 04-27-2007, 02:22 PM   #1334  
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Gail...what part of "in my house" are you from...sorry, I couldn't resist
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Old 04-27-2007, 02:37 PM   #1335  
Nancy is on the go again
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Letti - I was trying really hard to catch up on all the post of the last 2-3 days, and as I was scrolling through yours.... I thought I was reading Nicole's post!... you know, her famous novels? But, wow! what a busy life you have!

Last edited by LittleBlueCat; 04-27-2007 at 03:28 PM. Reason: spelling
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