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Old 04-29-2007, 01:12 PM   #1396  
I will do it this time
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Hi! Love the recipe. That sounds wonderful. I am about to go get the stuff I need. I think I will do that. Thank you! The gift card is a good idea to. I a m not creative. That is why I have a problem. The graduate finished high school early and has joined the Army. She is also newly married. She is a twin but I don't think her sister graduated yet. I know the party is just for the one. An idea my daughter had for a gift was stationary and stamps and to put the addresses on the envelopes for her.

Thanks for your help.
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Old 04-29-2007, 02:40 PM   #1397  
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Hi everybody... Just checkin' in after cleaning the house in anticipation of today's soccer team party. Should be a fun time.. We're cooking burgers and dogs and there will be plenty of other things we shouldn't eat..

Hope you're all having a POP weekend!
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Old 04-29-2007, 02:55 PM   #1398  
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Joni - Do tell the Grey's Anatomy dish...I don't believe that stuff either (wink wink) but I sure do love reading it!

Sharon - Here's another delight from Debster's cookbook. Serve with crackers and you are all set! Usually I go for something engraved as a graduation gift and a little $$$.

Strawberry Spread-C

3 ounces fat free cream cheese
1/4 cup coarsely chopped strawberries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries)
2 packets sugar substitute


Combine ingredients and use as a spread.

Makes: about 4 servings
Serving size: 1/4 recipe
LA Exchange: 1 Condiment
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Old 04-29-2007, 03:24 PM   #1399  
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Just popping in real quick. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!! I'm a little bummed because it's my last day of vacation, but at least it's a beautiful day. And, I am loving my "new" eyes. It's so cool to be able to wake up and see the alarm clock in the middle of the night!! Things still get a little "foggy" at times, but that's just my queue to put in some more eye drops. Been doing pretty good about staying OP, but I did have a piece of AWESOME pineapple cake last night to celebrate my birthday. Well, need to run do a few things before youngest DD wakes up from her nap. Oldest DD is at MIL's house, so I'm getting a bit of peace this afternoon. Here's wishing everyone lots of for the rest of the day!!

Oh, and I changed my avatar and put a new picture in my profile to show off my progress. I'm pretty proud of myself. I never thought I'd be this small EVER again!! In fact, even DH doubted me. He's starting to think my 130 goal is not so far-fetched after all!!
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Old 04-29-2007, 03:36 PM   #1400  
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Wendy! You are looking sooo good! Your progress is amazing. Congratulations on the WL and the new eyes. Now we just need to make sure you get a great job to go with all of that!
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Old 04-29-2007, 03:47 PM   #1401  
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...just checkin' for the afternoon. Day 2 of FF is going very well. I'm excited about going to WI tomorrow morning. It just feels good to be doing something healthy for my body!

I've posted at 3FC since...1999 and earlier with different groups (I did WW for eons) and I've got to say that the support here on the LAWL threads are by far the best I've seen in a very very long time. I love the support everyone gives to each other BUT what I love reading is how everyone is on program. Even those that have an off program day here and there seem so much prepared to get back on track.

Debbie, I love the recipe for the strawberry spread. I am printing that one out and plan on using it this week! In fact, I have all the ingredients and tomorrow morning I'll have that on a mini bagel at breakfast.

Sharon, I checked in with DD#1 and she says she's been doing nothing all week--she's been keeping her feet up--she's retaining fluid badly right now. Other than that she's doing great--she's still the happiest pregnant woman I've ever known! On Wednesday, I'm babysitting Robyn (3 1/2 yr old granddaughter) and am looking forward to it. She may be going with me to WI that day. Hope you settled on a gift for the grad--I'm sure whatever you decide to give her it will be appreciated.

Hope everyone has a great POP evening!
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Old 04-29-2007, 04:31 PM   #1402  
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Default look wonderful! glad you had a great vacation!
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Old 04-29-2007, 04:39 PM   #1403  
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Thanks, Libby and Jillian!! And, Gail, good luck with FF!!

Ooooh! That strawberry spread sounds yummy.

Getting read to take the youngest to my MIL's, and DH and I are going out to dinner. Gotta try to be good because I need to go WI tomorrow, since I haven't been in a week and a half. Hopefully, I wasn't too indulgent during my vacation.
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Old 04-29-2007, 05:14 PM   #1404  
I will do it this time
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I made the tuna spread and it is wonderful. My husband and I are thinking of not taking it with us and keeping it for ourselves. But then I would have a problem again. We also got some stationary and a $10 gift card for the girl. That strawberry spread sounds wonderful to. I wish I had gotten another tub of cream cheese. I caught it on sale.

Gail, I am so glad Heather is so happy. i am glad she is taking care of herself.

I guess I should get changed. We have to be there in about an hour.
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Old 04-29-2007, 05:50 PM   #1405  
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Hi everyone - just checking in quickly. My upcoming work week is gearing up to be a killer, so I don't know how much I'll be posting (boo!)

My hip feels a lot better - I think it was just inflammation from starting to golf again after the winter. Who knows - I also bought a magnetic/ion bracelet and have been wearing that since Friday, and thats when I started feeling better. Could be hooey, maybe not.

Joni - I am doing TO on Tues and Wed, so if you want, I'll be your challenge buddy.

Wendy - glad your Lasik went well!

OK, gotta go - DH and I are seriously bummed at all of the work we want to do around the house, and lack of time. He's playing with the kitchen knives right now because he started mowing the lawn today ("and now it starts... "he sighs) and the outdoor projects begin, but he's not done with our inside projects. I need to make a list of things to get done - it keeps me sane.
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Old 04-29-2007, 05:58 PM   #1406  
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Wendy--great new avatar!!

Kim--my uncle and grandfather both wear the bracelets and swear by them--I say if it makes you feel better that go for it--so much is in the head anyway!

Today is day of grapefruit TO and it's really been better than expected. No idea about the scale--after this morning I am terrified of the damn thing. I am so disgusted with my weight I am going to just a loss goal instead of the whole shebang. Don't think I can bear it just yet.

Last edited by Boo'sMom; 04-29-2007 at 06:24 PM.
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Old 04-29-2007, 06:46 PM   #1407  
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LeaAnn - when's your birthday/end of class date?

Kim and Jillian - you're both on for the 2-day TO challenge....hopefully you can check in on Thursday morning and tell me how you did....Personally, I want to see a 5 lb drop, but I think I'm dreaming. Jillian - it is 2 grapefruit a day (4 halves) mouth is sort of burning thinking about it. Hopefully I can sprinkle a little splenda to cut the edge.

Gail - coming from someone with as many posts as you've really makes me feel good to hear you brag about those of us here at LAWL.

Deb - so as not to spoil the Grey's Anatomy gossip, I'll just point to the link in the reputable reading material....if folks don't want to see what happens, they should not go here........

Last edited by Joni135; 04-29-2007 at 07:00 PM.
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Old 04-29-2007, 07:06 PM   #1408  
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Hey Kim! Did they ever air the Extreme Makeover that happened in your neighborhood? Did you go to the unveiling? I don't remember.
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Old 04-29-2007, 07:15 PM   #1409  
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joni--i think you're right. i think it's 2 whole grapefruits--cut into 4 halves. let me know if that's right or not.
actually--i just looked at my work schedule and i have wed off, so i'm going to do TO starting tomorrow and tues. because then i can go WI on wed to find out the results. and it'll be easier to do TO on days i'm working as opposed to a day when i'm off and at home all day. (sorry!)

also, do i have to tell COD that i did TO? and if i do, then do i tell them that i did it with grapefruits or the juice? i've never actually done TO before...just the FF at the beginning of the plan. hopefully i'll have the willpower to do this.
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Old 04-29-2007, 07:22 PM   #1410  
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i looked a few pages back and was reading about when wendy did the grapefruit TO and she ate 3 halves each day....not sure which is correct. i know that with the oranges you eat 4/day. so since grapefruits are a bit bigger, you'd think the 2/day (4 halves) would be about right.
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