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Old 04-30-2007, 10:02 AM   #1426  
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Good Monday morning everybody!

Lettie- I know what you mean about the binging after To. I did it last time too. Lost 3.4 pounds, then ate like a pig and it took me a whole freakin week to take the weight off! Why do we do that to ourselves?

Jason- Nice to see a post from you, been wondering how you were doin!

Wendy, congrats on the lasiks! Glad things are going well!

Kristen- How am I ever going to catch up with you if you keep lowering your goal? sheesh! LOL

Dan- You're doing amazing, just shake it off and jump back on track. We all have our "WTF was I thinking moments"

Surgery is 3 weeks from tomorrow. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a few more pounds gone before then. We'll see what happens. Somebody send me some willpower dust, or maybe a few magic pills!

Everybody else, have an amazing day!
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Old 04-30-2007, 10:04 AM   #1427  
Nancy is on the go again
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Kim2 -
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Old 04-30-2007, 10:26 AM   #1428  
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Happy Monday everyone! Well, the scale had me down 0.8 since friday...just 0.4 short of hitting ten pounds. TOM should be arriving this week, so I'm really hoping that I can hit that mark this week.

I can't even imagine the excitement that Juliemarie must be feeling right now...I can just burst waiting for her to post on her blog that she got Josie!

My DD (3yo) just said her first bad word this**. So how did mommy handle it, you ask? I laughed...really hard...I couldn't help it! As I was trying to explain that some words are bad, she said it again...then, trying not to laugh, I continued to try to explain it to her when she said it three more**, sh**, sh**...knowing darn good and well that mommy was about to lose it, and I did. I started laughing so hard that I had to walk away from her. Oh well...I tried

Hope you all are having a POP day!! And good luck to all the TO'ers...
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Old 04-30-2007, 10:26 AM   #1429  
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Happy Monday! Just got back from WI and I lost 2.8 lbs. since Friday's WI. I am soooo excited! AND it's a beautiful day here in my little part of the world so I'm going for a walk in the neighborhood later.

Dan, that is a scarey thought: A center out of Lites completely! YIKES! Didn't they tell you at your COD what you could substitute for them? And what about the contract you (and your wife) signed in the beginning? I am on the purple plan and there was a period of time in the past that I could have a 1/2 protein and 1 starch in place of the Lites. Did they discuss this with you? Did they tell you when they would be expecting a shipment? Bless your heart!

May I ask what everyone thinks of the Raspberry and Key Lime Lites? I haven't tried those yet? Do I dare?

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Old 04-30-2007, 10:27 AM   #1430  
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Well I just looked back at my TO post.. and I'm not exactly sure what I was smoking when I typed it.. but it's messed up! That's what I get for trying to type it fast at work between phone calls and stuff. I'll post it on a seperate thread CORRECTLY. Sorry gang!!

Okay.. confession time. Had a great weekend, but I had several beers, several glasses of wine and several vodka and cranberries.. which would put my starches at around.. oh... like 6 per day. Crap. Now I kinda wish that I hadn't just finished a TO!
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Old 04-30-2007, 10:29 AM   #1431  
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Well, I'm back at work today, and so far so good. I don't have any major fires to put out from being out last week. I always try to pick our slow time to be out, so that I don't have a bunch to catch up on when I get back. I'm hoping I'll be getting a call today or tomorrow regarding a 2nd interview for the job I interviewed for on Friday. I'd love to be giving my notice in the next week or so!!

Lettie - Thanks for the advice. My eyes are drier than usual today. I think it's the air here at work, and the flourescent lighting. I'm planning to work at home tomorrow to give my eyes a break, but I had to put in an appearance today after being out for a week.

Kim2 - So jealous about your surgery!! I know my tummy will never be flat after my 2 c-sections without some help. Maybe when I get my long dreamed of boob reduction surgery I can afford a tummy tuck to go with it. :-)

Hello to everyone else!! Thanks for the well wishes on the LASIKS and the compliments on my new picture.
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Old 04-30-2007, 10:31 AM   #1432  
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Tina, it is so difficult not to laugh when a little one says a bad word! My youngest granddaughter who is also 3 was taught by her Dad to call the plastic shoes made by CROCS--C*APS. He thinks they are ugly shoes and this was his way of getting back at my daughter and I for buying them for their two daughters! Good weight loss!
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Old 04-30-2007, 10:31 AM   #1433  
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Dan - I can Fed Ex you some lites if you want.
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Old 04-30-2007, 10:38 AM   #1434  
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Originally Posted by GailR View Post
May I ask what everyone thinks of the Raspberry and Key Lime Lites? I haven't tried those yet? Do I dare?
I've tried both. At first I got some as a trade with Dolphn545 (Sherry), who gets them from her COD, but mine (which is a franchise) did not have them. I LOVE the Key Lime, though the Raspberry is good too. I feel they are "lighter" in the texture, did not do comparison with the calories. Because of the lighter texture, I like them better. They are not as gooey mooey sticky... I like them so much, that I got 2 more boxes of the Key Lime off eBay.

It never hurts to try new stuff!!
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Old 04-30-2007, 10:57 AM   #1435  
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Wendy - I've read that you blink a lot less when you are working on a computer - so that may also be why your eyes feel drier today. Blink blink blink!
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Old 04-30-2007, 11:26 AM   #1436  
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Originally Posted by LittleBlueCat View Post
Jason - As long as it's not the Wing Season again....
lol...I'm actually invited out this Wed or Thurs night for wings!
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Old 04-30-2007, 12:18 PM   #1437  
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ok, i got my workout in and i'm doing great with the first day of TO. i dont' know how much i'll lose, but the 2 days will be pretty easy since i have to work til 11pm tonight and then back at work at 10am tomorrow. so the eating part will be fine.
i did get on the scale this morning and it shows i'm up 5lbs from saturday. WTF! i know that i ate/drank a few more carbs than i should have, but c'mon! i know some of it's gotta be water weight...but it still sucks. so, hopefully this TO will be the kick in the butt i need. dang, i'm so mad at myself!
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Old 04-30-2007, 12:21 PM   #1438  
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I'm so excited!! Just had to share my good news. At my WI today, I was down a full 2 pounds. I can't believe I actually lost over vacation!! Also, they took my measurements for the first time in about 2 months, and I'm down a whopping 18 inches so far. Yippee!!

Kim - Thanks for the advice!! Blink, blink, blink.... :-)

Jason - Step away from those wings!!!
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Old 04-30-2007, 12:55 PM   #1439  
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Hey gang..

Well, WI for me wasn't bad, but Liz was up almost 2 lbs... I think, however, that's mostly because she hasn't, um, expelled what she ate yesterday.. Sorry for the bluntness there, but hey.. You eat and if it's still "in" you, it's going to show up on the scale..

As for me, I was unchanged from Saturday, but I'm sure, since what you eat today doesn't officially show up on the scale for a couple days, that it will affect me tomorrow.. That said, I won't be able to WI until Friday due to travel.

Wendy II - thanks for the offer, but I think we'll be ok... I called our COD today and they said that since I'm going to be traveling, they'd give me one of those variety boxes we got when we first signed up.. So I can give Liz the stuff I don't like and I can keep the ones I like.. That should hold us over a couple of days until the shipment arrives (which was to have been last Friday, but it never materialized...)...

You know, with all the joking and lecturing we've been doing about sodium intake, I find that I've been slacking off on watching my fiber intake... Time to reassess and make sure we're getting enough, especially to help regulate regularity...

Have a POP day, all!
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Old 04-30-2007, 12:57 PM   #1440  
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Good afternoon everyone!

Well, despite a somewhat fudged TO (uhh…1/2 bag of movie popcorn yesterday ) TOM finally took back the 2lbs I gained on Saturday. I’m going to be POP as can be until my next WI on Thursday. I just realized that because I had a slimdown for breakfast, and a LC pizza for lunch, I won’t have any P’s left for dinner! Oops. Salad it is! I have to remember I’m purple now.

Kim in TN – Don’t worry, you already look great, so look at every extra lb lost between now as surgery as a bonus. You can be sure you’ll be lighter when the shopping bag is gone!

Tina – Down .8 is pretty awesome when TOM is on the way! Too cute about your daughter! My DS (2 yrs) told me “Mamma, don’t talk to me, I’m not berry happy either.”

Gail – WTG! We don’t have those flavours of lites here, but I do like the lemon ones, I bet the lime are yummy.

Sharon –I’m glad you liked the recipe. I don’t eat tuna myself, but it did sound kinda yummy…I need to find a way to make it over with chicken! Hmmm…maybe with sundried tomatoes? I guess they’d be too much salt though.

Alannah – I’m glad you enjoyed your time with your fur baby. I’m not surprised your ex was so flexible, I’d be THRILLLED to have someone like you to come over and keep my little furry guy company when I wasn’t around. I think you’re doing him a big favour, even though it’s also to your benefit.

Joni, Jillian, Lea Ann, Kim good luck on your respective TO’s!

Debbie – Weekly goals sound good. I keep telling myself to go out for a walk at lunch, but instead I visit here!

Dan/Liz – Sorry the soccer party hit you where it hurt….the chips. Sigh. It would be hard to stop at a handful.

Lettie – I was the same after my last TO, so I’m going to try hard to do better this time. I bet the HLW will have you back on track in no time.

Jason – Hey, BBQ season doesn’t mean cheating season! You can have appropriate portions of lean steak, or yummy BBQ chicken (without skin). Don’t you try to go winging it again!

Dan – I think without the lites, maybe you could eat another 3 oz of Protein per bar…that’s my guess.

Kim – Did you ever hear which new boss you got? Was it one that you liked?

Wendy – That’s great that you lost on vacation, and a big amount too!
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