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Old 04-30-2007, 05:49 PM   #1456  
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I am quite certain that the membrane is a large part of the fiber, if you like the membrane.....might not be a bad idea to leave it alone. I love grapefruit, and have no problem with the membrane.....and yeah, so all I can think of while I am typing away here is...insane in the membrane........what the heck is that from? I, too, blame Kristen and Cassi......ok, must go out and sweat in the 90 degree weather Oh, let me know if you find out anything about the grapefruit membranes
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Old 04-30-2007, 06:19 PM   #1457  
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Nicole -- Insane in the Brain by Cypress Hill...I doubt I ever would have thought of that song again if you hadn't mentioned it!

For anyone doing TBL challenge, don't forget to get your weigh in posted before 10:00 tonight.
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Old 04-30-2007, 06:45 PM   #1458  
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I know the white crap on the outside of an orange is good for you.. lowers cholesterol. I'd assume the same is true for grapefruit. I just don't like the bitterness of the membrane.. and we all like the word membrane, don't we??
We're all a little "insane in the membrane" Nicole. :-)
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Old 04-30-2007, 06:59 PM   #1459  
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Joni - I know...the first time the Emmy says sh** to anyone but me or my DH, I'll probably want to go hide

I just took my DD for a 2 mile walk in her stroller. TOM is coming and I was tired before we I just want to go to bed. My DH is working late and my DD has a little cold and looks like she is going to drop over as well. Maybe I can convince her to go to 7pm?...wishful thinking

Outside of the membrane possibly being good for you, do you think it would be okay to just drink the juice instead of eating the grapefruit?
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Old 04-30-2007, 07:06 PM   #1460  
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Michelle--welcome! I envy your "no sweets, never have"--I LOVE sweets--guess that's why I am here!

Nicole--good to see you! No worries--I've had your weekend for a few months now--we are in this together!

Hey to you all--off to eat my measly 3 ounces of shrimp--TO is ALMOST over then I promise to be good so as not to blow all the work!
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Old 04-30-2007, 07:07 PM   #1461  
I will do it this time
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Hi everyone. I have been really busy today. We are trying to make sure there is as little dust in the house as possible. My son, dil and grandchildren are coming from Colorado this next weekend and my dil is allergic to the cats and probably dust. She is always miserable but a good sport. We have two more rooms to do. It is spring anyway so it is the right time.

Gail, great loss! Congratulations. I bet you feel better already. I hate those plastic shoes also.

Dan, I can't imagine any site being out of lites. At least they had the variety packs for you.

Angie, I can't get over how good that recipe is. I think that even if you don't like tuna you would like this. But I don't see why you couldn't cook chicken and shred it. You could still use the curry seasoning. I don't know about the sun dried tomatoes.

Wendy, congratulations on your terrific loss. I have never lost weight during a vacation period.

Jillian, hang in there. What ever went back on will come off as long as you get back on program.

Okay, got to go. My two hairballs (Minature poodles) and demanding attention. I usually end up having a toy thrown at me if I don't cooperate with him.

Have a great evening.
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Old 04-30-2007, 07:18 PM   #1462  
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Originally Posted by LottaMe2MiniMe View Post
Jason - wow 3 lbs is great...that leaves 7 you need to lose to meet your goal, right?
That depends on how you look at it...the goal to lose 10lbs off my remaining poundage? Then "no"...if it's the 10lbs to lose to change my name to KingNewfie...then "yes"

This may be the wrong attitude but, I'm not too worried about not making my May 23rd deadline...jut the fact that I now am very conscious about what I eat, means I succeeded (how do you spell succeed?). Before starting this, I'd be lucky to eat one serving of fruit each week! If I don't meet the deadline, I know I'll eventually lose the weight because of what I learned so far. I have formed quite a few good habits over the last few months. My spurts of "bad" eating is very limited...down from at least 7 times a week to probably 1. I know that if I eat properly during the week and push a little harder with exercise, I can have my wings and a couple of lite beers on the weekend! I'm forcing myself to use a type of reward system...I can't have my wings or beer unless I've been a good boy all cheesy, but I think it'll help keep me going. I need that reward...It's kind of like helping all week with chores around the house and not getting...nevermind...wrong place to discuss that!
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Old 04-30-2007, 07:41 PM   #1463  
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Membrane...membrane...memmmmmbrrane... he he it's one of those words that when you say it over and over it starts to mean nothing!

Whatever - I don't like it. Not on grapefruit, not on oranges... nuthin.


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Old 04-30-2007, 07:43 PM   #1464  
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I ATE BURGER KING LAST NIGHT!!! DH and I worked all day, kids went to bed and I was dying for some of my old favorite fast food.. ate BK ( did get the burger with no mayo) BUT my body was in turmoil all night.. no details but I woke up at 2:30 and spent the next 6 hours running to the bathroom.. message sent and received.. we were having one of our days of habit of working hard on house, sitting outside after and having a bevvie and I think my former thinking kicked in but my new body said no way girlfriend.. stick to the fish and salad.. so lesson learned and for those that had a weekend that was not up to par.. welcome to my world
PS Dan I did not put salt on anything
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Old 04-30-2007, 07:47 PM   #1465  
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Oooh - yuck, Kristen. Well, maybe nothing stayed with you, get my drift?
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Old 04-30-2007, 09:24 PM   #1466  
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You all crack me up! Love the fatty boomblatty confessions and poor Dan...he simply cannot take on the position of Potty Police too.

Nicole - You said Festivus pole...he he he he he

TO is finally over but TOM is knocking on my door. I went to he COD and I was only down 6oz. I was disappointed but I know it will show once TOM leaves. My counselor was really supportive, which helped alot. I started on the modified diet today, Purple w/lites sub a slimdown for 1 protein and 1 starch....I was really hungry this evening, it was hard to not over eat but I didn't !!! Yay for me! I even went to the rec center and walked a mile and half as fast as I could. Tomorrow I drive to Chattanooga for a couple of client meetings but I have my new handy dandy thermo lunchbox ready to roll. If my 11:30 appt wants to go out to lunch I am going to eat a small salad. That's my plan and I am sticking to it!!!

Remember...tomorrow is a new day! Good luck all!

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Old 04-30-2007, 10:13 PM   #1467  
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Default Grapefruit Membrane Saga continues

Fujioka - how do you pronounce that?

We took a group of people who had a half of a grapefruit three times a day before each meal. And, much to our surprise, without really altering their diet, they lost 3½ pounds or a pound a week without really doing anything else," Fujioka said.

Researchers said the weight loss has something to do with the grapefruit membrane.

Fujioka's theory: The grapefruit's membrane may control appetite and help regulate insulin. Eating the fruit decreased insulin's after- meal spike and, as a result, ensured that calories were processed for energy rather than for fat storage.

"It may be that the membrane has something that will give you a feeling of fullness or it has separate effect in helping with weight loss. We are not really sure," Fujioka said.
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Old 04-30-2007, 10:26 PM   #1468  
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Oh poor Kristen - BK is so not my choice for fast food! Hope you are feeling better. On the bright side, did you lose any weight?

Sharon - sounds like you're on a major cleaning spell. Nice of you to do that for your DIL.

Let me share a story with y'all and tell me what you think. I have a friend with really bad allergies to dog hair, cat hair, etc. I have two dogs that go in my car all the time, so when I go with this friend and offer to drive, I vacuum my car AND I go over the interior (it's not leather) with one of those lint rollers. My car looks like new. She's a smoker and I've let her smoke in my car as long as the windows are rolled all the way down (I'm not a smoker; haven't been for almost 20 year). Well the last time we went out it was raining but she smoked anyway and never even asked if it was okay; she just lit up and cracked the window about 1/2 an inch. She tried to flick her ashes out the cracked window, but most of the ashes were all over my car and it smelled for days. Needless to say, I won't be lint rolling my car for her again anytime soon. Vent over.
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Old 04-30-2007, 10:49 PM   #1469  
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she's an ***.........and I know how that is. I was a very selfish smoker. Yeah, I always thougth I was being polite, but I am sure I was an *** too......LOL
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Old 04-30-2007, 11:06 PM   #1470  
Danette lawl march 20/07
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Hi all

Just a quick post to say I was .2 today so that was a total of 4 for week 6....On to week 7 tomorrow going to be a hard week because aunt flo is also comming to visit me ( strange to see so many aunt flo's out there comming the same week lol)
Almost had a pizza sat night craving were out of control......talked myself out of it and patted myself on the back.... WTG ME!!!!!!

Night night all see you all in the may thread
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