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Old 04-30-2007, 12:58 PM   #1441  
Wendy II
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Dan, are you becoming the poo police now too? :-)
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Old 04-30-2007, 12:59 PM   #1442  
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Hmmm...maybe we need to nominate someone to be in charge of fibre patrol. You can't do it all, salt is a big topic on its own!
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Old 04-30-2007, 01:21 PM   #1443  
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"Fibre Control" that's got such a nice ring to it! :-)
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Old 04-30-2007, 01:37 PM   #1444  
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Joni--now I have to commit to an actual date?? LOL--I added it. Makes it too real!

I think I cheated myself on the grapefruit--I only had 1.5 each day (well--still on day 2 but...). I just peeled, de-membraned--gross sounding word, and put a half into separate containers.

Nashville Deb-- you really are too kind--like the way I cropped DH's head off? I am embarrassed to admit I am a little sore from the go-karts--we broke every rule regarding bumping (we called it bump drafting!) and crashing into walls and people--I feel like I was in a fender bender now--I am getting too old but it was so much fun that we already can't wait to go back.

Wendy II--I agree--I've never de-membraned one and I could really tell a difference--plus, once you get it cleaned up it's a lot easier to eat. Thanks for raining on my parade--haha--ok ok--2 lites!

I hate to admit this (because the truth hurts) but now that I have been POP for 1.5 days I feel a lot better. I forget how sluggish I get when I eat crap and I have eaten so much crap for so long that I think my body is in shock. Gee Lea Ann--you think you'd get the picture after so long!
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Old 04-30-2007, 01:53 PM   #1445  
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Hmmm - I really don't like grapefruit, but maybe this de-membraning thing may do the trick.... Although I am still going to Knudsen this time around the TO pole.

Angie - Still no official word on the superintendent. Now I hear that they will be announcing it at the next Board Mtg on the 8th. That's also my school budget presentation, that's why I am nutso this week. Plus I am getting audited AGAIN... this time by the State Comptrollers office.... damn, I feel like everyone wants to tell me how I'm doing my job....

I am being very POP today in prep for my TO tomorrow. Memorial Day is a scant 28 days away.....
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Old 04-30-2007, 01:59 PM   #1446  
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Hey all,

Had a rough (diet-wise) weekend that netted me a (hopefully temporary) gain of 2 pounds. But I'm back on track today, have my meals planned out, and even took a 20-minute walk at lunch...something I've not taken time to do in months. I am determined to get myself below that stupid 175 mark and STAY there. GRRRR!!!!
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Old 04-30-2007, 02:00 PM   #1447  
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Oh, and all this talk of demembraning a do you do that? Are you taking away all of the little membranes in between the sections, even?
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Old 04-30-2007, 02:06 PM   #1448  
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Glad to hear several people have had good results at their WI today. I go tomorrow morning on my way to work.

Angie - thanks for the kind words. I know I am bailing him out every time he needs a babysitter for the pooch but since I can't see her every day I take what I can get for the time being. She is very special to me. Next week when I am off I plan to take her to the park and let her run around on my horse's lunge line and also give her a much needed bath. Also want to take her to visit a friend of mine and see if she likes their dog or not. My mom wants to see her as well as she hasn't been able to since November. She loves to go in the car so at least she will enjoy all the trips.

I stayed home today as I woke up with what I call a borderline migraine. I stayed home to try and nip it before it progressed any further. So far it appears to be better.

And at least my car passed inspection for another year. Now I just need to price some new all season tires for the summer and also get a lever on the seat fixed that snapped on me a couple of weeks ago. But luckily I have someone that can do the lever for me for much less than $66 a hour the shop charges.

Not much else new. I will check back in a little bit!!
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Old 04-30-2007, 03:07 PM   #1449  
LAWL Salt Police
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Originally Posted by Wendelina View Post
Dan, are you becoming the poo police now too? :-)

Yeah, um.. No... Salt patrol keeps me busy enough!!

Hey.. Did y'all hear about Al Gore's new movie dealing with the global warning dangers caused by all the methane gas released by cows? It's called "An Inconvenient Toot"!

It's part II of the global warming conspiracy, to be followed up next year by an expose of the dangers caused by the build up of feces at pig and chicken farms.. It's called "An Inconvenient Poop"!

And then, of course, there's the movie he's doing in conjunction with the guy who did the McDonald's expose "Supersize Me".. This time around, Al's tackling America's addiction to all things sweet and sugary.. It's called "An Inconvenient Tooth".. You know.. As in "sweet tooth"? Ok.. Maybe that one was a stretch...

Ok.. Back on topic..
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Old 04-30-2007, 04:36 PM   #1450  
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Dan... Dan.... Dan... have you been staring at the walls a little too long today? lol
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Old 04-30-2007, 04:37 PM   #1451  
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Megan - Grapefruit.. peel it like an orange and pull the skins (membrane) off of each section.
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Old 04-30-2007, 04:43 PM   #1452  
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I just wanted to say hi to all of you! I'm starting LAWL tomorrow, and I've been counting calories for the past month and have lost 13 pounds so far. I did LAWL two years ago and had lost 40 pounds, but after my hysterectomy and getting very lazy, I had slowly put 23 pounds back on. My sister also does LAWL and has lost 7 pounds in her first week. We neither one eat any sweets, never have, so the nutritionist has us set up on an altered plan with no LA Lites or sweet stuff. I look forward checking in with all of you and getting to know you. I did very well before when I was on LAWL and I'm hoping for the same again.
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Old 04-30-2007, 04:43 PM   #1453  
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Originally Posted by Kimphin View Post
Hmmm - I really don't like grapefruit, but maybe this de-membraning thing may do the trick.... Although I am still going to Knudsen this time around the TO pole.
ok, so is this anything like a festivus pole??? LOL.

I suck.....real bad. I was a bad, bad girl.......all weekend.....and I promise I will be better tomorrow. That's all I have to say about that.

I had a very busy cousin was here from we did a lot of touristy things.....and it was a good time........a fatty boombalaty good time But, as I was trying to climb through tunnels and caves at the Ctiy Museum..........I realized that being a fatty is not all that fun. My legs are really sore from walking many flights of stairs......and I also realized that I am utterly and completely out of shape. I really thought I was going to do something about that today.......but that didn't quite work out. Hopefully I will have my act together in the a.m. Also, it is 88 degrees here today.......which is just such a lovely reminder that I don't exactly look like a girl of summer, if you know what I mean. Anywhooo.......I hope eveyrone is having a great day........welcome to all of the newbies.......and congrats to all of the big losers this week


Oh, and Joni.....thanks for the link to JM's blog. I am just so excited for her!!!
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Old 04-30-2007, 05:03 PM   #1454  
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Welcome Michelle!

Nicole - you naughty girl. Drink 4 glasses of water and repent!! :-)
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Old 04-30-2007, 05:44 PM   #1455  
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Dan - Glad you figured out your Lite fiasco. How kind of you to give Liz the ones you don't like! There goes my perfect image of you. LOL...oh, and while I'm giving you a hard time, the Gore jokes were funny....but keep your day job!

Jason - wow 3 lbs is great...that leaves 7 you need to lose to meet your goal, right?

Tina - bad mommy........there will be sh** to pay when she starts saying that to her teachers and little old ladies in the grocery store!

Gail - WTG on the great weekend loss. BTW, I know where those pounds went!

Wendelina - don't forget, wine is fruit, so you weren't all that bad!
confession time. Had a great weekend, but I had several beers, several glasses of wine and several vodka and cranberries.. which would put my starches at around..
Kim - it's funny, you're telling Wendy to blink, blink, blink...and here I sit blinking away. Just call me Pavlov's Dog.

Wendy - maybe if I blink a lot I'll lose two pounds, too!

Michelle - Welcome and best of luck! Juliemarie (another LAWLer) is from Portland, but she's in Hanoi at the moment adopting her precious Josie!!

Angie - well, looks like Dan doesn't want to head up the Fibre Force Team, so add that to your "to do" list.

Nicole - well, if you makes you feel any better, I had a fat boombalatty weekend too, and I didn't have any company. I think one of the secrets to being good is checking in here. Oh wait, I checked in a lot...that didn't work. I think I'll blame it on you, Kristin and Cassi. None of you checked in so my gain is all your fault. Don't I do a good job of casting blame?

I need to go research grapefruits to see if the membrane has added nutrition. I'd hate to think I was peeling away the good stuff. I'll let y'all know what I find out.
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