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Old 04-28-2007, 06:12 PM   #1381  
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At WI today I was down 1.4 so I have lost 1/2 of what I gained in my little 2 week hiatus - mishap - screwup - whatever we want to term it. I was happy as that was just since wednesday. I am planning on keeping it going but right now I take everything one day at a time.

I'll check in later, hope everyone is having a great POP day!
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Old 04-28-2007, 06:17 PM   #1382  
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Congratulations Alannah! You are exactly day at at time, that's my motto too :-)
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Old 04-28-2007, 09:33 PM   #1383  
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Well AF totally sucks, I was up almost 2lbs today. Grrr... Pretty much POP today with the exception of a sliver of apple pie that my Grama made. You just can't give an outright no to Grama!

Sharon! Or, welcome back anyway. Were you a part of this group on your last time with LAWL?
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Old 04-28-2007, 10:17 PM   #1384  
I will do it this time
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Thank you Angie! I have been in and out of this site since I joined LAWL. I have posted in different areas of 3fatchicks. I bought the LAWL site also.
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Old 04-29-2007, 01:03 AM   #1385  
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Evening all..

Well, it was a busy day.. We did our WI and I was up a few ounces, but Liz dropped another pound!

It was all down hill from there.. We both ate some fries with our lunch and at dinner, we had some additional starches as well.. Not TOO bad, but still, not what we'd call a banner day...

But we worked our butts off on house projects today and frankly, we just didn't care.. We shared a very small dish of frozen yogurt and split a slice of really good bread with our salads... We treated ourselves to dinner at Sweet Tomatoes, a pretty good salad bar/pasta place.. Their pasta is pretty crappy, if you ask me, but they offer a lot of good veggie stuff for their salads...
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Old 04-29-2007, 07:14 AM   #1386  
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Morning all!

I just check JM's blog, and she's posted about their journey. Joni, I know you wanted to know if anyone saw anything before Monday. She didn't have Josie yet.
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Old 04-29-2007, 08:40 AM   #1387  
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Good morning and Happy Sunday! This is going to be a good day!

I ended Day One on FF with flying colors. I wasn't hungry one second. Today, I'll be busy so I'm going to have a hard time getting everything in but I will. I'm determined.

Libby, Rehoboth Beach is about 90 minutes from me...depending on how fast I can travel on Rt. 1. I'm a beach girl (raised in Va. Beach, VA) and it's amazing that I've never spent time at any of the Delaware beaches, except for Dewey Beach. I'm sure you'll have a great time. The last week in June, hubby and I are driving down to Hilton Head Island, SC for vacation.

Sharon!!, It is so's down right wonderful to see an old friend from the boards here! I see you have a pic of your grandson (cute, cute, cute!) ...My grandson has not arrived yet! We are all anxiously waiting for his arrival!!

I hope everyone has a great day POP!
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Old 04-29-2007, 08:49 AM   #1388  
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Don't worry Angie...once AF is gone you will be down. I am awaiting her arrival as well AND doing TO at the same time, am I INSANE? WI is on Monday and I am hoping AF doesn't skew my results.

Dan - Tell Liz CONGRATS! Seems she has broken through her plateau! Sometimes you just have to treat yourself. The salad bar restaurant sounds really cool, I LOVE a good salad bar :-)

I made it through my first day of TO and it wasn't too bad. 6oz of protein a day is a little tough but all in all I wasn't too hungry. It's a sad day when a big plate of broccoli gets you all excited! LOL

Today is day 2 of TO and AF is right around the corner...I woke up thirsty and have already started on water. I am totally enjoying every sip of the 6oz cup of coffee I'm allowed to have and hitting the lemon water shortly thereafter. Breakfast will be 8oz of juice and 1/2 a bar (choc. crunch).

My 8 yr old niece is playing in her first tennis tournament so I am off to watch her's sooooooooooooo cute. She lost her first round yesterday but will play in the consilation match. She took the loss well, which I didn't think would happen. Like her Aunt she HATES to lose and I thought for sure I would see tears.

Have a POP day ...will check in later )

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Old 04-29-2007, 09:06 AM   #1389  
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Oh Thanks, Angie.......I'll go check out JM's site! Here's the link if others want to look

Welcome back Sharon and "shout outs" to Loser Liz, Loser Alannah, Loser Deb and Big Loser, Jillian. After my dinner at Pappadeaux's last night, I'm a big loser in another way. Let's just say yesterday was my cheat day and I'm back in the game today!

Deb (Nashville) - I'm a Grey's Anatomy fan. I just read a bunch of stuff in one of the rag newspapers about the final episodes...who won't be back, who gets to be chief, etc. But, since I don't believe half of what I read in these magazines, who knows. I'll just have to watch and see. I guess the season finale is May 17...Just three more shows.

Katie - have you ever heard of Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes (it's a book). I get this local magazine called Atlanta Sports & Fitness Magazine and they had a good nutrition article about Beating Diabetes. Knowing you though, you've probably researched the topic to death, but just thought I'd throw this out.

LeaAnn - I need the same "brain" pill you need!! I'm getting back in the game and I'll have 5 great days and then a day like yesterday where I was just a mess. Want to join me on a 2 day grapefruit TO/FF on Tuesday and Wednesday? Just for yucks and see who can lose the most in two days?

KingNewFie sounds good to can only change your name though if you lose those 10 lbs..... if you don't lose you will become NotKingNewFie.

So Dan, how do you and Liz look without said you "worked them off!" Boy, I wish that were possible.

Happy Sunday to all. I'm off to read Juliemarie's blog and then I've got real work to get done by tonight and a tennis match this afternoon. It's a beautiful 80 degrees and sunny in HOTlanta...I'm excited to play and hopefully win!

Last edited by Joni135; 04-29-2007 at 09:19 AM.
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Old 04-29-2007, 09:47 AM   #1390  
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Joni--bummer--I just read your post and would love to do it with you but DH and I started today. The scale almost had me in tears this AM--we have been going out way to much with friends and it's showing! Needless to say the # shocked me so I jumped right onto TO before I talked myself into leftover pizza (babysitter night!!) for breakfast. My girls are so mad at me right now--we were supposed to go to dinner and a movie last night with another couple and ended up playing putt putt and driving go karts--not a good thing to tell your kids--LOL. Anyway--by the time you start I hope to be down a few! It's gonna take a LOT of TO's to get me back to last year's birthday weight but I am gonna try.
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Old 04-29-2007, 09:51 AM   #1391  
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Hey Everybody! It has been days since I've checked in but I've been out of town since Fri. The fam and I are in California. Having a good time. Will be stopping by a center to pick up some new flavor lites. I will try to check in later, but will not be on the homefront until Weds morning. Take care and hope everyone is POP. I'm trying to be POP, as much as possible. Side note...I ate some Chinese food in Hollywood last...shame on me, but my stomach is still punishing me. Will read all posts later! tc
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Old 04-29-2007, 10:17 AM   #1392  
I will do it this time
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Good Morning all! It is going to take me a long time to get to know everyone, so forgive me if I don't try to respond to everyone. What I have read makes me think you are a great supportive group.

Gail, what are you up to today? How has Fast Forward gone for you? I am glad you haven't been hungry. That is a good start. Sometimes I wish I could do the fast forward but the High blood pressure won't allow it. Your new little one is due anyday is he?

I need to get a gift for a graduation and figure out what to take as an appetizer for a party today. Any ideas? I kept forgetting about the party. Now I have little time to figure it out.

Boosmom, sorry about the gain. It is rough when you have to eat out a lot. As far as you going to play, the kids will survive. You need playtime just like they do.

Lottame, I don't know that restaurant, but as long as you are back on program, that is what counts.

That is it for me for now. I have to get moving. Have a great day all.
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Old 04-29-2007, 10:40 AM   #1393  
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Sharon - are you looking for appetizer ideas or graduation present ideas? How old is this graduate? If it's high school, I say go with a gift card (I'm so not creative!).
There's a few yummy appetizers on the recipe thread on this site.
Personally, I like to bring a small veggie tray and dip to ensure there is something I can eat on the buffet table!
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Old 04-29-2007, 11:42 AM   #1394  
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Default about this one (from Deb's cookbook), I think it would be great served with celery as well.

Tuna Cheese Spread-1/2PC

1 package (8 oz) reduced-fat cream cheese, softened
1 can (6 oz) tuna, drained and flaked
1/2 cup finely sliced green onions
1/4 cup light mayonnaise
1 tbsp lemon juice
3/4 tsp curry powder
Dash salt


In a bowl, combine the first seven ingredients; mix well. Refrigerate. Spread on bread or crackers as desired.

Makes: 2 cups; 8 servings
Serving size: about ¼ cup
LA Exchange: ½ Protein, 1 Condiment

I can't think of a great gift either...
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Old 04-29-2007, 12:04 PM   #1395  
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hey everyone. not much happening today...just hanging out with DH, maybe going to do some laundry and would like to nap and be lazy.

joni--i just bought some grapefruits at the store yesterday since my normal apples that i love (gala) looked horrible, so i needed some different fruit instead, so i bought like 8 grapefruits. i'll do the TO with you, if you need a buddy! (is it 4 whole grapefruits or halves?) i got some medium sized just wondering. let me know if you wanna team up or not.

i'll be back later!
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