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Old 04-25-2007, 09:32 AM   #1171  
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Okay, if that's not going to generate any discussion, let's talk about which parts of our bodies are most unsightly for spring/ White legs? Walmart bag belly?

Can you tell I've been working from home the last couple of days? Too much time on my hands...
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Old 04-25-2007, 09:33 AM   #1172  
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Originally Posted by LottaMe2MiniMe View Post
Thanks, Dan. I know a few of my worst culprits were things like frozen (processed) food: 550 mg sodium; some light salad dressing (I should have checked the label before using!), looking back I was even surprised to see 180 mg of sodium in a SF pudding. Okay, I need to look and read before I consume. Who makes a no sodium beef sandwich meat - Boarshead?

Morning everyone........sorry if I'm boring you with my salt questions. I'm just tired of the puffiness and dry skin lately.

Good morning all!

Boarshead makes a roast beef that has 80 mg of sodium.. It's very tasty, but a bit bland, so I kick it up a bit with lots of pepper and NoSalt. We also have a place called "Delimart" that roasts their own beef and add no sodium to the process.. So I guess there's SOME salt in it just by the nature of the food, but at least none is added when they cook it.

Many cheeses also have quite a bit of sodium, so you need to watch out for that..

Watching sodium intake is kind of like going to the fair with a pocket full of money.. You think you brought a lot, but then an hour into it, you realize all the games, rides, food and knick-knacks have added up and all of a sudden, you're broke.. By way of comparison, 1,500 mg's of sodium sounds like a lot, but if you go back and break down the sodium content of everything you've eaten during the day, it really adds up fast and then you're screwed..

Sorry.. I know that analogy was kind of a stretch, but it's all I could think of at short notice..

Have a great day, all!
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Old 04-25-2007, 09:49 AM   #1173  
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Dan - I like the anology of the fair money and the salt adds up. I watch for my salt, well, I never use salt, until LAWL made me us Morton Lite for cooking. So now, I do consume "add in" salt. But it never occured to me about salt in stuff like puddings, salad dressing, etc! it is kinda scary!

Angie - My work went through a disaster drill. It was on a weekend night, and I didn't volunteered to participate. I heard great things about that event. But you are right, we should stock up on necessity. My DH says we're too far from the river to worry about flooding. And if tornado came, my so called "supplies" would blow away in the wind... He is not helping me at all. I'm thinking of getting a big plastic tote, and fill it with gallons of water, easy open cans of foods for humans and cats, batteries and such. Thanks for reminding me of this. It kinda got away from me... the grind of daily life... Oh, and I hate my "white" legs... but DH is 100% against tanning beds...
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Old 04-25-2007, 09:53 AM   #1174  
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Angie - I am so not prepared for any disaster. Guess I need to ponder this some more. Didn't the government (US) have a website for this stuff a while back??? As far as the other it here already??? I did just hear that we are already 1/3rd into the new year.

Dan - thanks for the info. I just spent the last hour (while I should be working) trying to figure out why one egg white is showing up as having 100 mg of sodium. This is not fair. I googled and came up with stats ranging from 55 mg to 92 mg per egg white. The egg institute says 55, so I will go with what they say.

Okay, I've got to go to work.....
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Old 04-25-2007, 09:56 AM   #1175  
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DH is 100% against tanning beds...
DH is right...they are awful for everyone. I'll take white legs over the cancer risk any day. The latest craze is the spray on tan which I plan to do before my December cruise this year. I'm going to do a test spray first to make sure I don't turn orange! They run about $35 and supposedly last for a week.
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Old 04-25-2007, 10:12 AM   #1176  
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Joni -- You can get a fake tan professionally applied at most spas now. They won't let you turn orange, and they won't miss spots! I wouldn't do it normally, but maybe for a special occasion like your cruise.
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Old 04-25-2007, 10:21 AM   #1177  
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Morning all! Like many--I need to plan a disaster box, too. We are expected to have our worst tornado season ever and we are looking into putting a safe room in the garage. I want one big enough for us 4, the dogs and some supplies/food/water. Guess the good thing (if there is such a thing) about tornados is they are usually quick to pass--just the destruction and aftermath, so we shouldn't need a lot of food, etc.

I LOVED Jordan last night--she gave me chills. I think with all the training they are getting that everyone is quickly catching (and passing) Lakesha (sp) in talent (my opinion!). I am down to Blake and Jordan as my faves. Geez--I hope I didn't just jinx them--lol. On DWTS I was glad to see Heather Mills go--not sure why but I just don't like her.

I only have one darling today so it's quiet--2 are absent and will be stunnded when they return that they still "owe" me. Kids...

Speaking of--I am going to admit that I often compare my girls to pigs! But always when referring to their messy rooms and the backseat of my car. Not defending Baldwin but I am sure there are too many things the public won't hear--I think they are both nuts and that poor girl will be too before it's all over.

Okay--gotta get some work done--school wide track meet in a week, all the 4th graders in town will be here next week for orientation --and the list goes on and on--I'm sure everyone is swamped this time of year. We got our 5 week countdown calendar yesterday and it's not gonna be pretty from now til May 24th. UGH...
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Old 04-25-2007, 10:30 AM   #1178  
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Originally Posted by Boo'sMom View Post
Morning all! Like many--I need to plan a disaster box, too. We are expected to have our worst tornado season ever and we are looking into putting a safe room in the garage. I want one big enough for us 4, the dogs and some supplies/food/water. Guess the good thing (if there is such a thing) about tornados is they are usually quick to pass--just the destruction and aftermath, so we shouldn't need a lot of food, etc.

Could you tell me about the safe room in the garage? How do you make it tornado proof? Where in Texas are you?
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Old 04-25-2007, 10:36 AM   #1179  
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Shannon--I am just south of Amarillo in Canyon. The tornado that wiped out Cactus is to our north and the one that hit Tulia is to the south so this past weekend we were surrounded! Anyway--I will try to find a link on the safe rooms. They look like big steel boxes to me but they are rated for up to like 200+ mph wind and x amount for force of debris--can you tell I am really in the know?? Anyway--there is a program going on right now where they have like 500 grants to do a 50% match for safe rooms so that would be really nice since they are 5-6 grand. Thanks for the FEMA link.
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Old 04-25-2007, 11:06 AM   #1180  
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LOL Angie great discussion topic! I dont have white legs, I lay in the sun, the real sun, not the fake and bake. Bad for me I know. As for the empty Walmart bag, 27 days and counting! OMG I cant believe I'm going to have a flat tummy. I will be nice to sit down without my stomach resting on the top of my thighs!!! Right now I'm too excited to be scared. Ask me the night before the surgery and I'll have changed my mind! LOL
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Old 04-25-2007, 11:25 AM   #1181  
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Originally Posted by emmasmamma View Post
Hello all! Thanks for the warm welcome and all the compliments on the baby! I have a question---I had talked to one of the counselors who informed me that when I re-start on 5/9 I can continue to use the majority of the lites bars (even though I am breastfeeding)---this is very good because those caramel-crunch lites keep me away from the EVIL snickers bars!!! Before I got pregnant I was also using LA slim downs (chocolate, of course!) and I was wondering if anyone knows if LA slim down drinks are safe while breastfeeding??? Hope everyone has a restful evening!!!Beth
If you liked the caramel crunch, and like snickers bars - you will love the new caramel deluxe lites! Not crunchy, but they are a poor man's version of a snickers. Don't worry, though, they still have the crunch ones.
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Old 04-25-2007, 11:30 AM   #1182  
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Originally Posted by LottaMe2MiniMe View Post
DenverChick - funny about the Sonic reference, since Charlie & Emma (boxer dogs) get to go to Sonic (outdoor seating) all the time with DH. He loves showing them off.

Very funny Kim...but here's how it works. The minute I put on shoes they start running up and down the hall and give me "the look." Then they run to where their collars are (if they aren't already on). Then they go and sit by the door that leads down to the garage. The "look" continues at all times. Eye contact is key. They usually win. They have no favorite route; I think I could drive around the block and they would think they had been to paradise and back...."wanna go for a ride" is music to their floppy little ears.
Dodger knows "wanna go for a ride" too. Just make a left out of the driveway, please! You are too right about the "look" and eye contact! It is the sitting by the door all perfect and perky that usually makes me cave. Did they enjoy their trip?

We don't have Sonic, but my vet always tells Dodger that "Mommy's going to bring you to McDonalds for some fries" after he gets a shot. I love my vet.
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Old 04-25-2007, 11:32 AM   #1183  
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Originally Posted by Boo'sMom View Post
Shannon--I am just south of Amarillo in Canyon. The tornado that wiped out Cactus is to our north and the one that hit Tulia is to the south so this past weekend we were surrounded! Anyway--I will try to find a link on the safe rooms. They look like big steel boxes to me but they are rated for up to like 200+ mph wind and x amount for force of debris--can you tell I am really in the know?? Anyway--there is a program going on right now where they have like 500 grants to do a 50% match for safe rooms so that would be really nice since they are 5-6 grand. Thanks for the FEMA link.
So are they bolted into the slab? I'm in austin. The Florence/Jarell one several years back spawned lots of little ones. We had one go right down the street behind my house. It's horrifying to watch 4 HUGE oak trees all bending to the ground in completely different directions. You could hear the garage door snap back and forth when alternating suction/blowing would hit it. I've never been so afraid in my life. Tornados are not my friend! I also live in a 2 story house in between a bunch of one stories so I figure if one comes it will zoom in on my house. I wonder if the program extends to my area of Texas. Please do send the link, I'm very interested.

As for pasty white legs <raising hand> I used to be a sun goddess back in the day but now it does weird stuff to my skin. I have splotches around my face and neck from sun damage. Also both my arms from the elbow down have a weird pigment. It might be from the blood pressure meds though, I just don't know so I'll blame it on the combination of the sun and meds. My gift to myself when I hit onderland is a trip to the spray on tanning joint. Oh to be a fancy girl with tanned legs in white shorts....good times...
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Old 04-25-2007, 11:33 AM   #1184  
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Good Morning All
I'm back.. the drunk dialin from my MIL on Saturday led to a few miserable days for me.. I was in a funk and physically and emotionally wiped out. Almost caved in on junk food but had to remember I will not binge because I'm in a bad mood so kept myself on track
Went to WI today and started Stabilization.. YEAH!! They had a really nice card for me that all the staff signed.. but not Mike the driver! Maybe he's still afraid of me! So I got a new binder with more tip cards, new journal etc and here's the breakdown so you know what you have to look forward to...

Week One: Unlimited veggies (yes I truly am excited about these.. I can munch on them when I have cravings and I do love salad so I plan to go to town)
Week Two: Add one more dairy.. Starbucks.. I am coming for you!!!
Week Three: Add One more Fat and if on Green/Gold/Purple add 1/2 Protein
Week Four: Add one more Fruit
Week Five: Add a STARCH!! ( Welcome to my world little biscotti!)
Week Six: Add another Fat ( I wouldn't even know what to do with 3 fat in a day.. hmm too bad I can't add more SALT)

So begins the new phase.
YDD was okay for dropoff today but I called the school and she has had 3 mini bouts of crying.. so I'm still pacing like frantic woman and hoping she is okay but also hoping if she is there long enough she'll get back to enjoying the parts she likes about school! UGG.
No time for personals as Mommy stress over took brain but I will do my best to remember hellos to Dan, Lizzy, Libby, Lorraine, Debster, Tina hot new avatar, momma,AuntieJoni, Kimphin , CassiMashies, MamaNicole xo,Shannon, Vic, Angie, Sara, Rhonda, Katie, Evette, Latisha,Wendy's, Kim2, SHEA, Michael, JillianJavagirl, NancySize10er, LeaAnn Watcher of Little Terrors... more will come to me soon!!

PS I finally figured out this Facebook thing so Katie and Nicole I need to know how to add you!

Last edited by KrispieD; 04-25-2007 at 11:44 AM.
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Old 04-25-2007, 11:38 AM   #1185  
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Good morning everyone!

I'm feeling tired today. I'm only down 0.2 since Monday, but I guess it's better than nothing. I already had my two lites today. I better quit now while I'm ahead before I have an off-plan day. I'm just in one of those moods, ya know?
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