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Old 04-05-2007, 11:07 AM   #286  
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Hmmm, I just looked at that vote for the worst site and in my humble opinion it sounds like it must have been started by someone who didn't make it thru the auditions.

Here's a little quote " We're back! was started in 2004 to support voting for the entertaining contestants who the producers would hate to see win on American Idol. Why do we do it? During the initial auditions, the producers of Idol only let certain people through. Many good people are turned away and many bad singers are kept around to see Simon, Paula, and Randy so that America will be entertained."

Sounds like a little sour grapes.

Dan - 2 lbs is awesome - congrats. And I'm glad your salt force is growing in numbers. I need all the strength I can get.

Lettie - LOL "Extreme Easter Egg hunting" the new sport craze
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Old 04-05-2007, 11:58 AM   #287  
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LeaAnn - I think that boy might just have a crush on you Better watch out!

Shannon - I think you may be right about the VFTW site. It hadn't occurred to me, but it does sound like sour grapes. I do think though that Simon etal have set themselves up for this by letting less than stellar singers into the final 24. If they are doing that for entertainment sake, then it has really backfired.

Joni - I'm with you! I couldn't believe it last night! She was so much better thna the other 2 in the bottom - not to mention fauxhawk boy. It's just wrong...

Kristen - You are soooo close. I can almost feel it for you. Next week you are going to be at goal and getting your stabilization plan! I am so happy for you.

Lettie - Maybe they can shoot the eggs out of the paint ball guns at each other??? Although that is probably not a very holiday appropriate activity

Jillian - Great job on your loss. You are doing so great.

Angie - Thanks for the pep talk. It's good to know you are right there in it with me.

Katiebug - I am so jealous! Jamaica!!! You are gonna have a blast. Now hit that gym.

Dan - We have to pick on you. As one of the few roosters around here, you are fair game! Love your new avatar.

Well, I'm off to prep some sample boards and buy some outriggers. I'm hoping I can stay OP today even though I am a little discouraged right now. I think it's just a slump. This too shall pass, right?
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Old 04-05-2007, 12:06 PM   #288  
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Dan, Jillian, Shannon, Katie - great losses!
Katie - I do hope the puppy will be okay. Will you take her camping this weekend? I know you aren't keeping her, but did you ever give her a name?
I like the extreme egg hunt idea.....but I'd be covered in paint (sounds like someone we all know and love, right Kristen??).

Evette - are you lurking? How's it going.

Kristen - I'm still waiting for you to tell me abou TBL challenge results...or give me the link cause I cannot find it.
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Old 04-05-2007, 12:33 PM   #289  
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Joni.....I cried, like a big baby for Gina. She was so very gracious and sincere. I hope she gets a great record deal and is successful beyond AI. I think Sanjaya should drop out. Doesn't he have any dignity.......doens't her realize that people are laughing at him. I would not want to win that way. I like the poker Easter Egg idea. I think you mentioned this already, but who is the egg hunt for?

Katie..........I hope your puppy is ok........I bet your heart is just aching for him/her. Does mom seem to know how to care for it?

Lettie........yeah, don't really think I want a job..........but you never know. I would really rather take my kids to mom's day out preschool once a week and get my house clean and maybe go get a manicure at the beauty school for 6 bucks for my social interacton......LOL. DH SAYS he would take care of everything while I was working.....but the man has not done a load of laundry since, um.......ever. LOL. He has done laundry a time or two.........but really, he is totally spoiled. But, to be fair to him.........I am spoiled too. He teases me that I am a sexist cuz I tell him mowing the lawn and taking out the trash are man jobs. He grew up with a single mom, and CAN do any household chores.....but since I am a SAHM, I have more time for housework and such. He works long hours, and he works hard......and I TRY to make our house a nice place to come home to. Now, mind you, I am no Suzie homemaker.........but I sure try And, I do whatever the heck I want........I buy whatever I want (not with an endless supply of cash or anything crazy like that, he just never gives me a bad time about how I use our cash).....and I never have to hide the bags.....LOL. We try real hard to be good to each other. Anyway.........probably TMI, but I really enjoy my traditional lifestyle.........I really think it works well for us. So, the thought of mixing it up with a job...........well, not real sure. For some reason, the HD just appealed to me.......we'll see if they call me.....then I'll decide. Truly, if I were going to leave my babies on a more full time basis, it would be to finish nursing school. I have only clinicals left, but cannot imagine leaving my boys 9 or 10 hours a day, plus study time and all that. There will be time for that before I know it.

So, Lea Ann.......we're not going to see you on the news any time soon, are we????? LOL. doing ok.........OP..........? Just wondering......cuz for me........if I am not checking in here much.....I am usually off plan. Well, and today.......I am here, and off I guess I just contradicted myself.......but may just be super busy with everything that is coming up next week......anyway..just wanted to say hello XO

Wendy.....congrats on a POP day. It feels good, doesn't it?

I have been wondering about Rhonda too..........

Congrats to everyone who had a loss this week.......and WTG for all of those who stayed OP and didn't get a sclae reward. It will come.

Ok, guess I am not getting my house cleaned this sis and two nephews are coming here tonight for the weekend. I will have 7 kids to make Easter baskets for.......oh wait, 8, cuz I always make one for my sissy. I love this stuff........and I love my nephews like they are mine........if my brother would let me, I would keep them The dollar store is going to love me this year

Ok, gonna get some work done now.

Stay strong, know, you really ARE already to's just a matter of the sclae realizing it. It probably just doesn't want to let you go........

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Old 04-05-2007, 12:34 PM   #290  
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This is me on the treadmill!! I finally did it.. I got back on my "horse".. felt good too. Thanks for the cumulative kicks in the shorts gang!

Speaking of which - Get on that treadmill, Bridezilla!! Can't you picture Katie with veil flying as she's working that treadmill over?? Go Katie!! Remember as you're driving yourself nuts before this wedding - You'll still marry Mr. Wonderful and live happily ever after, even if everything isn't perfect. I drove myself nuts with my wedding.. and it wasn't worth worrying about! Take some time to enjoy the chaos.

I'm so torn about Easter dinner -- traditionally we have ham.. (Hello salt police!!) I've just started gearing up again, and I want to stay POP as much as I can.. just don't know what to do. I'm so confused!!

Dan & Jillian - Is the Salt Police anything like Reno 911?

Shannon - I've got out my happy stick.. where would you like me to hit you? I think you're right about the sour grapes theory too.

Letty - Extreme Egg hunting sounds good.. and hey, you don't even have to dye the eggs first! Just shoot 'em with the paintball gun and Voila!! Easter Eggs!

Kristen - More snow for you too, huh? Ours is melting pretty quickly down here.. but it isn't supposed to warm up any time soon. Looks like parkas for our Easter Egg hunt.

Katie (Repo) - Hope your puppy starts eating better! He may need a trip to the vet for a checkup. Great job losing 3lbs on TO!

Bobby - every pound counts!

Gotta run.. lunch with dh..
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Old 04-05-2007, 12:34 PM   #291  
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I'm up .2 for the week, boo, hiss. It's just about TOM time, though, and I did pick up some of that Hollywood juice stuff to try for TO (the lone counselor at the COD was too busy with a new person to talk to us or let us buy anything, so I resorted to grabbing a substitute at Walgreens, heh.) Think I'll get back on TO next Monday and Tuesday. It seems that ever since I started this 6-week challenge thing, I only lose during TO and then spend the next 12 days just maintaining. *sigh*

Oh well, just means it's TO time again.
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Old 04-05-2007, 12:35 PM   #292  
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Oh, and as for AI...I SO want Sanjaya to dress like a chick and put on a Cher wig for next week's show. I think that at this point, he should TOTALLY push the envelope to see how far he can take things before he gets booted off. Har.
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Old 04-05-2007, 12:41 PM   #293  
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Wendy II.... I look great in short shorts, I'm sure... So we can call it LAWL 911...
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Old 04-05-2007, 12:59 PM   #294  
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LOL LOL LOL........I love Reno guys might have to make a video clip......LOL........
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Old 04-05-2007, 01:04 PM   #295  
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Nicole - glad to know I wasn't the only one tearing up over Gina's demise. She just looked crushed; more crushed than I expected from rocker chick, so I think that's what truly put me over the edge last night. Sounds like you're going to have a fun Easter...stay away from those chocolate bunnies; remember, they are for the kids and sissy!!
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Old 04-05-2007, 01:39 PM   #296  
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I have a feeling I am going to destroy a chocolate bunny or two...........
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Old 04-05-2007, 01:43 PM   #297  
Let's try this again . .
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Step Away From The Bunnies!
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Old 04-05-2007, 01:55 PM   #298  
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Katie, is your momma dog making enough milk? Have you thought about getting some puppy formula and bottle feeding to supplement? And I was wondering to what you were doing with the puppy when you go camping. Poor little thing………….. well, wait…..Great Dane right? Poor big thing!

Jillian, I know what you mean about being excited to move to a new plan, somehow it is exciting. It makes it feel like you are really making progress……… which you are!

HaHa Shannon like the excuse list.. I will take number 4!

Kristen, I am so jealous. I can’t wait til it is me so close to goal!!!

Nicole, good for you. Don’t ever forget that you have a very important job to do. By raising those kids to be productive, honorable Adults you are doing us all a favor. They are our future, By taking care of the home and keeping hubby happy, you are making it possible for him to go out and provide for you. You know, we women really are the ones that hold everything together. And that is job enough for now, maybe we should have a cyber play date sometime…… oh wait. We are busy doing laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning. Driving kids to and fro and pleasing hubby. ……… well it would be fun anyway…..

Megan – I agree. I want to see sanjaya go nuts. Obviously he is not going anywhere. I was thinking last night, maybe they should have kept his sister and let him go. What a different show that would have been! Poor kid, watching him on TV we forget he’s just a baby. He is just a little older than my son. ………….Last week my naughty daughter voted for him 100 times!!!!! She is so bad. She thinks its funny that he is still there.

Dan Hmmmm short shorts… billy club…… tayzer gun …….. Salt Warrant yikes it is LAWL 911!!!!!!!!

NO BUNNIES, NO BUNNIES, NO BUNNIES…………….. RUN FROM THE BUNNIES!!!!!!! Hey I know, get a bunny mold from the craft store and .melt a double chocolate LA Bar into it, let it cool, and stick it in a basket to yourself!
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Old 04-05-2007, 01:58 PM   #299  
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Katie- I hope the puppy starts putting on some weight. It would be sad for momma to lose her babies both times. WTG on the 3 lbs. from TO!!

Joni- So how cold is "chilly" in Georgia? We got about 3" of snow last night and it's 28 degrees right now. It's supposed to be 60 on Easter, so all the kiddies will be hunting eggs in the mud probably. I do like the idea of the poker egg hunt.

Wendelina- YAY for getting on the treadmill!!

Bobbysam- Congrats on the pound.

Kristen- You are SO close. Stay strong over the weekend, but enjoy yourself. You will get there!!!!!

Katiebug-15 days til Jamaica, I am so happy for you and so jealous too. DF does sound like a keeper.

Shannon- Great NSV!!! I love comments like that too!

Jillian- Yay on another pound gone.

Dan- Woohoo on the 2 lbs.

I was too totally disgusted about AI last night. I am a big Gina fan too. I did read that Howard Stern is one of the big backers for the because he has some big beef with AI. Almost makes me want to not watch it anymore.

I was just on the main forums page and saw that we (LAWL) got moved out of the general diet plans group and got our own little LAWL section. Are we special or what. It's just cuz we are all so freaking awesome!!!! Oh, I just saw Aphil's congrats. YAY Aphil! Thanks!
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Old 04-05-2007, 01:58 PM   #300  
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so help me out here, I haven't done a challenge yet. so how is the Memorial day challenge going to work? is there going to be a separate link to check in on it. do we set our own personal goal to reach by then or just try to get the most we can, and how do I get a second weight loss tracker thingy for just the challenge? I am thinking I want to lose 15 lbs. that will put me at 199 UNDER THE BIG 200!
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