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Old 03-16-2007, 09:40 AM   #346  
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Good Morning and T.G.I.F. for you working girls!

Great news yesterday on my cholesterol results, I don't remember it ever being so low, total cholesterol was 145! Normal hemoglobin, no anemia, no diabetes, good HDL @ 47,LDL @95.8, normal triglycerides @ 66 and most of all my liver test was normal at 30. I worried about that since I've been on meds for my high cholesterol for years and the meds are hard on your liver.

Thursday's journal:
Fat... 13%
Fiber... 63 grams

Breakfast ~ Fiber One-dry
Toasted Flat Out with cinnamon & Splenda

Lunch ~ 8 oz. Tomato/Spinach soup ~ 2 slice lite Toast with Elk burger, Salsa

Snack ~ applesause/Cool Whip/Fiber One on top

Supper ~ Egg white omelet with Elk~FFCheese~mushrooms~onions~ Salsa and 1/2 cup Refried beans.

Snack ~ Popcorn and glass of FF Milk

Theresa... I've used Ad-Ware for years, why do you use both? I'm trying out for 90 days (free) a Internet protection program called "Windows Live OneCare", anyone familiar with it? I asked them if I needed to use spyware and junk filter removers with their program and can't get a straight answer from them. (Automatic answers to chose from, no real person) I've always used Norton Antivirus in the past but my internet service says it causes too many problems. The only answer I got from Windows Live is that I should unable the scanner if I use another program? What do all you computer geeks think, I truly need some advice! Can I just install Lava or cclean and not worry about disconnecting the Windows live scanner?
Allison... Good job on your birthday dinner, only 2 bites of pasta? Great will power!
Claudia... I wish I could take credit for the chuckle everyone got out of the recipe.
shove 'em into the fridge until they're cool, stiff and hard (yes. i went there.)
it should yield 24 haystacks.
I actually copy/pasted it off the site, the writer didn't bother capatalizing the I's. I think that's a big No-No, right Diva?
GrammyL... Welcome to counting calories and this thread. You're too young to be a grandmother of a 14 month old, you must have been 38 at the time? My sister was that young when she was a first time grandmother and she said it was great because she needed all that youthful energy keeping up with him.
Susan... Your Thursday's menu is Yummy.
Robin... I'd love to see a day's menu from you, anyone that's lost as much weight as you could teach us something.
I better get cooking, I'm making French Toast again this morning, I swear I could live on it.
Take care all you posters and be good today since the week-end is around the corner.
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Old 03-16-2007, 10:32 AM   #347  
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Diva ~ You do look fantastic and young. I totally know where your coming from with the Grandson because my Grandson is the light of my life. I see him almost daily and it gives life a special purpose.

Bobbi ~ I was 37 when he was born, his birthday is 15 days before mine. I told her to cross her legs and hold him in until my birthday but she didn’t think I was very funny. He is a special gift from above and may be her only child as he has some kind of uterus problem now which may cause complications. I was 19 when I had my DD and she was 18 when she had my Grandson. He is my husbands pride and joy because we never had a son, just two girls. I see you are making French Toast. I never thought about making it and it would be low in calories. Maybe I will make it for breakfast tomorrow because I will have my Grandson overnight, we take him every Friday night, and I think he would like it.

Claudia and Littlered ~ I eat pizza and just make sure they are low cal and healthy. I always have a salad with it and prefer veggie pizzas light on cheese. I have also found turkey pepperoni that I use to make my own pizzas which I love doing. I use WW/Flaxseed tortillas or WW pita, sauce, half serving turkey pepperoni, 1 oz slivered ham, light dusting of cheese (usually use 2 TBSP graded parmesan because its low in cal but big on flavor), lots of mushroom, bell peppers and onions. Takes away any pizza craving I may have and they are delicious. They run about 250 calories but worth every bite.

Allison ~ WOW, I would have a hard time going that low. Is that a picture of you down in the corner? That is one thing that really makes calorie counting appealing to me, you can adjust meals if you know you are going to have a higher count meal.

Aphil ~ You really caught my attention when I was searching these threads, that picture is beautiful. I like to zig zag my meals also but find that most of the time I end up between 1500 – 1600. Seems to be just enough food and I feel satisfied all the time. Seems really nice to not have cravings.

Thanks for the welcome everyone and I look forward to getting to know you, joining in on the conversations, learning and most of all sharing this journey with all of you.

Well I am going to go back on the pages and get to know everyone.

Thursday’s calories: 1530
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Old 03-16-2007, 10:46 AM   #348  
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Congratulations on your good numbers. Those make all your hard work, worthwhile.

I use all of these programs. I also have Norton antivirus running always. with no problems.

It is set up to update daily and run constantly.

I don’t know anything about the Windows Live OneCare. I would do a search on it. Especially if they are not getting back to you. It sounds Hokey to me.

CCLEANER. Can be set up to run from you Recycle bin. Just right click it and it empties cookies, history, etc. You can set it up for you individual needs.

AD-AWARE. Removes all BAD cookies, spy ware, etc. I run it once a day.
You can run all of these on a regular basis to remove the bad fellers.

Some cookies can really be bad. People are now making Trojans and viruses as cookies. This is not from reading anything. It is from just learning as I go. I have opened WebPages, (not those pages silly ) and my Norton picked up a Trojan cookie.

I just run these as a precaution, especially before going online to pay bills, etc. I do lots of bill paying online. If you are having any problems with virus, these 3 programs catch all of them for me.
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Old 03-16-2007, 11:11 AM   #349  
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A little about me. I am married to a wonderful man that I like to complain about. We have been married 15 years, I have two daughters, and one grandson. I am the Executive Secretary in the Chemistry Department at a University. My hobbies are ridding/driving my horse and pony, walking, spending time with my family and learning how to live a healthy active life. I have spent so many inactive, lazy years that I am learning how to really live life. I am always looking for new adventures now.

A little diet history. I have been on about every single diet under the sun, I am a dietaholic. I have done calorie counting (worked really well), high carb, low carb, no carb, low cal, fat free, eat the same thing all day, diets that tell you when and what to eat, tried unmentionable things and starvation. One diet even helped me get kidney stones, lucky me. The last program I was on taught me a lot about nutrition but was restrictive and structured, took lots of planning and cooking, eating out was a nightmare because of the restrictions. You could lose really fast but you could gain it even faster if you did do it 100%. I did lose 40 lbs keep it off for over a year so its not all a loss but at one point I was up to 55 lbs. I just couldn’t bring myself to be 100% which is what the program requires to lose weight. It is also very mentally taxing know what you can’t have, planning every single bite and when you slip the disappointment. Spent some time reviewing different plans and some soul searching. I realized that the time I was happiest was way back when, when I counted calories. The weight loss was slow, required a little work but I was so happy and unstressed, I was 18 at the time, I am now 20 years older and wiser. All those crazy plans just cause stress, fast losses and fast gains. Slow, steady, stress free and perminent is what I now realize works.

There it is in a huge nut shell. As you can tell I like to talk and I am very open.
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Old 03-16-2007, 11:16 AM   #350  
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You all are making me glad I am a Mac user and have access to do most things at work where everything is updated regularly without me having to do anything.

Littlered, you gave me a chuckle about the webpages. HAHAHHA!
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Old 03-16-2007, 11:19 AM   #351  
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Both parents are alive and well. Aged 81 and 72 and they still bike together, rollerblade together, and run marathons together. Hmmm... maybe they WALK marathons together. They live in Chicago where the air is nasty but the water is great. They have more energy than my four kids did as youngsters after a pitcher of Kool-Aid!

I don't think I look young at all, (I don't think I look haggard either), but you should see my skin after I've quit smoking ten days. Amazing! I'll be looking like that again on March 30. The man I went out with the other night said my picture didn't do me justice. Ha! A feeble attempt to get into my pants. He failed, of course (that Diva thing again), but nice to hear nonetheless.

I gotta tell you, though, that about two weeks ago I saw a "waddle" under my chin. That flap of skin turkeys have. So I went to a cosmetic surgeon and said "take it off". He couldn't find it. I made him get up close and then he saw it.

He told me that was a direct result of losing weight. Told me to finish losing all the weight I was intending to lose, and if that scintilla of fat wasn't gone, we'd talk again.

Anyone else seeing lose skin just HANGING??? Come on... that's a mean joke. And on the FACE no less!

The treatment is about $800 and he said if there was any other work to do, we could do it all at once and save some money but there is no other work to do (thankfully) so I'll have to ride it out and wait and see what happens.

I've taken my training to a newer level (preparing for a marathon) so I may see all this (12 pounds or so) come off by end of May.

Tearful Ex and I are having lunch May 20 (I asked for 75 days of ZERO CONTACT) and wouldn't it be lovely to plop my butt in front of him with a mini-skirt and mini-blouse that screams YOU ARE AN IDIOT!

Mother Theresa would scold me, but Princess Di would be proud!

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Old 03-16-2007, 11:31 AM   #352  
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Aphil ~ I just read how you came up with your sons name. You really put some thought into it and I really like how you came up with the name. Very special name!
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Old 03-16-2007, 11:34 AM   #353  
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Bobbi~I use Norton Antivirus and I usually get a new download each year. In fact I just got the newest version last week. I really prefer Norton over McAfee (but there are others who would disagree with me on that point). I don't use anything else. On my home computer, I've never really had a problem with spyware (although DD did). If I have any problems at all, my computer guru at work fixes it for me.

Diva~I'm thinking of getting some "work" done, too. I don't think there is any hope for my chin, but I want my eyes done. As I've aged, my upper lids have started to droop (not like ptosis--that's where you can't open your lids all the way). What happens is the upper lid, up near my eyebrows, sags and gets all mushed up in my eyelashes and destroys any attempts at eyeliner. It really bugs me.

GrammyL~yup, you're right, calorie counting is the way to go! Welcome!!

littlered~I'm a die-hard fan of on-line banking. I've been doing it for years and find it so much easier than in person or over the phone stuff. So far, I've never had ANY problems with it. The only problem may be my forgetfulness to schedule a payment.....silly me, can't blame THAT one on the computer!
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Old 03-16-2007, 11:35 AM   #354  
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Rockinrobin ~ I have two teenage girls so I can totally relate and feel for you. Mine are also the center of my world because my DH works out of town most of the time and I need something to keep me occupied when I am not at work. Needless to say they are a bit spoiled.
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Old 03-16-2007, 11:40 AM   #355  
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An eyelift does wonders for a woman's face! I'd be all over it if I needed it. I don't feel at all embarrassed to say that I have a Beauty Fund. That BF is better than the *** of a BF I have calling allofasuddentosayhemadeamistakeandpleasepleaseplea seforgiveme.

You should do it. When your eyelashes BECOME the eyeliner, it's time to go for that lift.

I wouldn't do liposuction or tummy tucks or anything I could achieve on my own through determination and hard work, but this face doesn't care how much I lift or run or eat.

I create the illusion of a larger lid area but tweezing my eyebrows with a slightly-exaggerated arch (see photo). My mom had it done against my father's wishes (until she threatened to leave him at the age of 69 no less), and I swear, that woman looks 50!

Let me know if you do it, and then I want to see BEFORE AND AFTERS!
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Old 03-16-2007, 12:23 PM   #356  
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I see you are making French Toast. I never thought about making it and it would be low in calories. Maybe I will make it for breakfast tomorrow because I will have my Grandson overnight, we take him every Friday night, and I think he would like it.
Grammy... The French toast is delicious and very filling.

3 slices "light" bread ~ 120 calories
2 T. "Light" vanilla soymilk ~ 8 calories
2 egg whites ~ 33 calories
Vanilla and Cinnamon/Splenda ~ 0 calories

2 Tablespoon SF Syrup ~ 18 calories.
Total 179 calories.
I served a couple strips of Turkey bacon with it.
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Old 03-16-2007, 12:41 PM   #357  
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The picture on the side is my oldest daughter, my grandson (her son) and myself. Its his first cart ride with our pony. As you can see he have him dressed for the occassion. HEHEHEH! Can't forget the sucky. That is gone now thank goodness.

Bobbi ~ The recipe sound delicious and I am going to give it a try. I am so glad it has soy milk in it because my grandson is lactose intollerant. Thanks for sharing it.
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Old 03-16-2007, 12:44 PM   #358  
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By the way I look horrible in that picture because I don't wear good cloths around the horses, they like to get you just as dirty as they are. HEHEHEHE! The T-shirt I have on in the picture was from when I weighed 40 lbs more than what I do now.
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Old 03-16-2007, 12:54 PM   #359  
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Bobbi ~ What brand of turkey bacon do you recommend? The last time I made turkey bacon the dogs and cats wouldn't even eat it.
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Old 03-16-2007, 01:28 PM   #360  
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Diva, yes I have some saggy skin, the backs of the arm. OH YUCKO! My husband commented that the more weight I lose the worse it seems to get. I was told to do strength training so I do but its still there. Hopefully it will eventually disappear on its own.

I quit smoking last June and have also seen improvement in my skin. I am so glad that that battle is over. It wasn't to bad and I went cold turkey just to get it over.
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