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Old 03-11-2007, 11:48 AM   #226  
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Geesh. Just reread my post because I wrote it so fast. I can't believe I wrote "a little" as one word, and I spelled little wrong to boot. I'm forever telling my students that "a lot" is two words, and I ask them if they would ever write "a little" as one word? As in, "Sure, I'll have alittle candy." And here I just did it myself.
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Old 03-11-2007, 12:07 PM   #227  
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Hello lovelies!

walking2lose, I just read your original post but didn't notice anything amiss even if it may have indeed been. I think I may follow Robin and Bobbi's suggestion about the Fiber One myself. Hopefully I'll remember to pick it up at the market when I go later today.

I do like my nuts, and I have them almost daily..they're especially great when I'm really hungry and I haven't eaten enough because I don't have an appetite (a rarity I might add, but it does happen sometimes) or I've been running around and haven't had a chance to eat enough. They really come in handy to fill you up quickly, yet still nice n healthy. Then again, I eat a lot more calories than most of you ladies and luckily my RMR test did say I have a higher than normal metabolism..LOL..otherwise I'd be even beefier than currently..LOL!

Robin, the luncheon sounds lovely and it must have been so beyond fun to run into your old friends who hadn't seen you in a while! LOL That must've felt great and you deserve it. Do tell us more about their reactions!

Bobbi, you are quite a master at substitution, which I think is really key to losing or keeping weight at bay. That way our taste buds and stomachs still get the taste and feel of lots of food, but we're not ingesting as many unnecessary calories and unhealthy fat.

My new elliptical is great! Yesterday I did 2 half hour sessions on the target heart rate function (around 130 beats) and this morning I've already done a 45 minute session (still want to do one more 15 minute session to total one hour). Unfortunately I had to pause a few times to re-maneuver the baby before she crawled off the bed (and of course give her the pacifier)!

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Old 03-11-2007, 01:09 PM   #228  
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That was a rough estimate of those snacks. Munchy crunchies, however 'healthy', are not my friend. I don't want some ... I want 'em all!
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Old 03-11-2007, 03:07 PM   #229  
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Happy Sunny Sunday Ladies!!!

Breakdown for today:

Cals: 1189
Fats: 49 g
Carbs: 131 g
Pro: 85 g
Fiber: 41 g

So I find the more fiber I eat the more oil I eat, has anyone else noticed this? Or maybe the body needs more oil for the fiber? Who knows. I know the cals are a bit low, but we've been outside all day, even picniced outside. I feel happy with where I'm at today, no hunger cravings or anything, so I think I'm starting to adjust to the smaller cals, although I was shooting a bit higher, it's a food filled day anyway, just more raw stuff. Guess that helps.

I was thinking earlier, alot of my weight, just seemed to "melt off", when I didn't count calories and instead made healthier choices and started moving more. Thinking deeper into it, I realised it took 11 mos to lose 51 lbs, not shabby at ALL, I know, trust me. Once I realised that, my first thought, was "to heck with this counting crap", until I started looking at my calander and realised I'd lost 12 lbs, intentionally counting calories and intentionally excersizing in just over 7 weeks. The counting works SO much more predictably, no doubt about it!!

Robin, I love the story of your luncheon. I can't wait until I go visit my dad and brothers and sister and their families. Either April or May, but either way, my dad knows I've lost weight, I told him how much, but I don't think it really makes an impact until its seen. As vain as this sounds, bring on the compliments. I find them to be such a motivator to staying on track, that other people comment, not just on the weight lost, but how much happier and healthier I look.
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Old 03-11-2007, 03:22 PM   #230  
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FiberSure, is a clear-mixing fiber supplement. from Metamucil.You can put it on anything one eats or drinks. No flavor or grittiness.

1Tsp. = 5 grams of fiber.
25 calories. 6 carbs.

bought mine at the drug store. Probably could be gotten at walmarts, etc. I have to go to the next few towns over to get to walmart. so the gas makes it cheaper, even if I paid a little more.

Now If I add the Fiber one and food together... Maybe I will be able to get my fiber up.

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Old 03-11-2007, 04:26 PM   #231  
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Okay, calories were a bit up yesterday (was that sesame chicken last night) but the good news is that I dropped another .5 pounds.

Geesh. Just reread my post because I wrote it so fast. I can't believe I wrote "a little" as one word, and I spelled little wrong to boot. I'm forever telling my students that "a lot" is two words, and I ask them if they would ever write "a little" as one word? As in, "Sure, I'll have alittle candy." And here I just did it myself.
And some people add another "l" to "alot" to make it "allot" which IS a word, but it isn't the word they intended!
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Old 03-11-2007, 05:10 PM   #232  
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Allison, that's so true! LOL!

I just returned from a BIG Wal-Mart run. Boy, there's nothing like Wal-Mart on a Sunday afternoon... ugh! I got Flat Outs, a box of Fiber One, and a box of their flakes as well. I thought I might be more successful getting hubby to try the flakes, and also I might try a mix. I'm going to take it dry to work in baggies. I read the nutritional info on several other fiber cereals just to compare. HFCS was one of the top ingredients in most of them, including All Bran, Crackling Oat Bran, and I think it was in Grape Nuts as well! So many products that are presented as healthy have such unhealthy ingredients. I mean, you expect HFCS in a sugary sweet kids' cereal, but I was a little surprised to find it in All Bran. Speaking of sweetners, I wonder why the Fiber One has aspartame, but the Fiber One Flakes cereal has real sweetner (honey, corn syrup... ew, and brown sugar in that order). I wonder if corn syrup is as bad for you as HFCS? Anybody know?

Angi - I don't know about the oil and fiber relationship, but I'm getting ready to really crank up my fiber, so I'll let you know. Congrats on how well you've done the last few months!

Red - thanks for the info on the Fiber Sure. If I'm not getting enough fiber this week, I may try something like that as well.

Robin - I checked the almonds while at the store, and I was wrong! So, I'm going to correct the info on fitday and either cut out or cut down on almonds at least for a week or two!

We are having gorgeous weather here in Va; I hope everyone else is too. I'm heading out to enjoy the beautiful 75 degree day. Have a great day!
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Old 03-11-2007, 06:06 PM   #233  
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Calories for Saturday: 1485

I made the low-cal tofu chocolate mousse last night and it was really good, except that I had an allergic reaction to it (from the honey I think.) I've been really itchy since last night. I've never had a problem with honey before, but then I never usually eat 1 tablespoon at a time (which is approx what a serving had in it.) I think next time I'm going to try making it with brown rice syrup or maple syrup. If anyone is interested in trying it you just blend the following together in a blender or food processor:

1 12 oz box of lite silken firm tofu
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/4 cup honey

Makes 4 servings and was very satisfying (until the itches began.)

The weather is beautiful here too, but it's almost too warm for me. It's 90 degrees for goodness sakes! You don't expect it this hot on the coast and no one has air conditioning, so you just have to sweat it out. I'll be drinking lots of water today. Hopefully it cools off before we go on our walk later.

I have to say, you all amaze me! I read the posts and want to comment, but by the time I start typing I can't remember who said what. I hope none of my weight loss is coming from my brain. LOL.
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Old 03-11-2007, 07:08 PM   #234  
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you can pass some of the warm weather this way. We had a high of 43 degrees. with a wind comming off of lake erie. Brrrr. Lots of sunshine though.

the mousse sounds good, Never have used tofu. might just get my first this week. Don't know much about the stuff.

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Old 03-11-2007, 07:56 PM   #235  
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Default Need Advice

I started this journey last fall (again) but just got really serious the last month. I have been doing really well, with a few "Zags" here and there.

My birthday is Tuesday, and my question is that my husband takes me out to eat on my birthday and is asking me where I want to go on Tuesday. Well, I "zagged" on Friday (really high calories ) and I don't want to do that again, especially 3 days later.

Does anyone have any good ideas for where to eat out and something that would fit into my low calorie lifestyle?

Any help would be appreciated.
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Old 03-11-2007, 08:16 PM   #236  
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Calories for Saturday were 1236 with almost half coming from fat.

I, too, stay away from nuts for the most part. That one-ounce serving is a tease. I fill a mini dixie-cup with nuts (2.75 oz) and it seems a crime to me that something so small could pack so many calories.
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Old 03-11-2007, 08:18 PM   #237  
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I eat out quite a bit and manage to stay within 600 calories. I ask the chef to cook with no butter, no salt, and they always accommodate me. Steak, fish, or chicken, vegetables, and if they have no rice, double vegetables. No bread, no potatoes. It's easier than you may think.

Look up some menus on-line (Outback, Applebee's, Chili's) and you'll get a general idea. Key is make sure they use no butter.
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Old 03-11-2007, 09:04 PM   #238  
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abbyin~this is my birthday week also. Wednesday we're going out to my favorite southwest restaurant. Thankfully they have this wonderful dish of shrimp and tons of fresh sauteed vegetables. Friday, DH is taking me to a new restaurant that we've been wanting to try for 2 years. I'll look for a fish dish there.

Stay away from the bread bowl, the chips bowl, the desserts. Opt for fish or chicken without having it breaded or fried. Get vegetables. You should be okay. It is only one night. And Happy Birthday!!!
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Old 03-11-2007, 11:08 PM   #239  
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Nuts are out for me ( or way down) this week.

I have some healthy snacks fixed for work. Have a great night, ladies!
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Old 03-11-2007, 11:20 PM   #240  
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Oh yeah, 1241 for me today with 48 grams of fiber! I drank lots of water and worked out. I have meals plans for the next few days... yea!

I am so ready to change my signature on Friday! I decided to leave it as is until I see the scale move down. Good night, gals!
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