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Old 03-10-2007, 10:54 AM   #211  
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Originally Posted by Mami View Post
LOL Allison. Try some squats and walking lunges with very heavy weights. I promise that will have a good effect. You must be looking quite good however as the 130's is awesome for someone your height (and even for shorter folks)!
I can't--bad knees. Who knew that downhill skiing for 20+ years would wreck my knees?
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Old 03-10-2007, 11:28 AM   #212  
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Quick Posts Ladies, I'll come back and chat tomorrow:

Calories for Friday:
Total: 1522 calories
Fat: 49g(31%)
Carbs: 197g (44%)
Fiber: 37g
Protein: 89g (25% )

I ran 5 miles outside today along Lakeshore Drive. Beautiful weather, but the trail was still muddy and icy in many parts.

Have a b'day celebration today at ESPN zone.. Pray for me ladies that I stay on plan and have self-control. I have a wedding to go to next week and I don't want to waste all my calories at ESPN zone, I want to save them for the wedding. Oh yeah,I'm a bridesmaid in this wedding. The bride asked me to be a bridesmaid 3 weeks ago....I'll tell ya'll more on that later. Gotta go get my dress.
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Old 03-10-2007, 02:18 PM   #213  
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Good morning Everyone!

Fridays calories: 828 + dinner out

I ate half my entree at dinner, split a salad and dessert, and had one small glass of wine. I'm sure I went over my usual 1500 calories, but the scale still showed a 2lb loss this morning. So, I'm not going to stress about it.

We're having friends over tonight and I'm going to try a chocolate mousse recipe I found that uses tofu instead of heavy cream. A serving is only 100 calories; I hope it's good. I'll let everyone know how it turns out. I thought I'd dab vanilla yogurt on top too.

Bobbi-We do have great weather here. I'm very lucky (and thankful) that I can walk year round.

Everyone with a round rear-Count yourselves lucky! Mine is very flat and it gets flatter the more weight I lose.

I hope everyone has a good weekend!
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Old 03-10-2007, 03:12 PM   #214  
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Lean forward on the stairmaster and watch the bubble grow.

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Old 03-10-2007, 06:01 PM   #215  
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Hi everyone!

I'm back from playing tennis with my hubby. We played for one hour, and believe me, he had me running all over the court. I also did crunches and push ups here at the house.

Ok. I have a FIBER question for Bobbi and anyone else who has advice to share. One of my goals for this week (since I've been plateaued at 142 for 3 weeks) is to increase fiber and water. I eat nuts (10-20 almonds a day), beans several times a week (chick peas or kidney beans on salad, etc), oatmeal a few times a week, flax on my yogurt, etc. But my fitday tells me that most days I'm at 15 grams or so (some days I do make it to 30). I believe 25 grams a day is recommended.

This might sound weird, but I have always assumed I was getting plenty of fiber. I never really paid much attention to it because I feel like I eat a lot of high fiber foods. So, I was quite surprised to see that many days I'm not even getting the minimum recommendation! Bobbi, I notice you attribute your recent losses to your high fiber -- please share with me how you are getting 50-60 grams a day! I see that you eat Fiber One cereal -- exactly how much fiber does that contain? I've never tried it (not a big cereal eater except for oatmeal), but I think I'll put it on my shopping list. What are your other tricks? Anyone else?

Thanks in advance... I know you ladies will give some great advice!
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Old 03-10-2007, 06:33 PM   #216  
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Walking...........Fiber One cereal has 14 grams of fiber, only 60 calories in a serving. I can't stand cereal of any kind soggy so I've always eaten cereal dry. Fiber One is good dry, it has a slightly sweet taste and very crunchy. I put it in snack bags for individual serving and eat like popcorn. I also sprinkle it on top of applesauce and cool whip or it's good on pudding & Cool whip. I started eating it 2 or 3 times a day and my weight really dropped 3.5 pounds in 10 days. (I stay right around 1200 calories or less) Another food I eat most days are the "Light Flat Out" wraps, they have 9 grams of fiber and only 90 calories. These are very large too, 7.5 " across and 10" long, I find them at Wal*Mart on a low shelf in front the the deli cases. You can google them and find other stores that carry them. If You could put yourself on a two week challenge, stay at or under your calorie range and get at least 50 grams of fiber daily, your scale will move. I promise!
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Old 03-10-2007, 06:45 PM   #217  
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Walking... I forgot to tell you, I sprinkle a serving of Fiber One on top of my lettuce salads instead of croutons. You can also buy capsules of fiber at your drug store. Funny you should ask about this, I was thinking of starting a Fiber and Water challenge on the general thread. I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Last week I added some unsweetened coconut to FF/SF Vanilla pudding and topped with FF/SF Cool Whip, sprinkling of Fiber One and it was delicious!
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Old 03-10-2007, 06:56 PM   #218  
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Walkingtolose, I too eat a lot of fiber and attribute it to helping me with my weightloss.

Fiber One cereal is how I start off my day every single morning. Like Bobbi mentioned it has 14 gms of fiber per serving and 60 calories. That's just a 1/2 cup serving. So it you double it, well yeah,you get the picture.

I also add Fiber One cereal to my salads in place of croutons. I add it to FF/SF yougurt in place of granola. You could crush it up and use it to "bread" chicken or cutlets. So, yeah I try to use it A LOT.

Some high fiber foods:

Strawberries and blueberries and raspberries
Lentils - VERY high fiber
Brussel sprouts
Sweet potatoes
Winter Squash
Green beans

Most veggies have some fiber, of course more then others. If you incorporate more veggies into your diet, you will get more fiber.

Another thing, I see you are having a plataeu, I know some will kill me for saying this - almonds have great fat in them, without a doubt. And lots of other good stuff in them. But man oh man, they are HIGH in calories. So if and again this is just my novice opinion, I was having a plataeu, I personally would elminate them. Or certainly cut back. Just my little opinion. If you feel they are working for you then of course you do know what is best for you.

Last edited by rockinrobin; 03-10-2007 at 07:32 PM.
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Old 03-10-2007, 09:11 PM   #219  
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Thanks so much, Bobbi and Robin! I am definitely picking up Fiber One and Flat Out tomorrow at WalMart. I actually have had the Flat Out wraps before, but I didn't eat them fast enough and they went bad. I hate buying food and having it go bad! It was about a year ago, so I'm game to try them again. I'm not a cereal/milk eater, but I enjoy crunchy snacks and also love to sprinkle crunchy whatever (nuts, flax, etc) over yogurt or apple sauce. So, I think if I incorporate the cereal, it will help up my fiber. I do eat a good amount of fruits/veggies too, hence my assumption that I was already fine on fiber... goes to show how much it can help to track and monitor and make adjustments to what we are doing. Trial and error.

Robin - about the almonds. First of all, I don't mind one bit you making the suggestion! I just looked at my fitday to check out the calories. I entered almonds into fitday from a bag of raw almonds I had, and it said a serving is 40 almonds. I usually put 10 in a baggie and take to work for a snack. So when I enter .25 of a serving it comes to only 40 calories and 4 grams of fat. I don't think that would be too detrimental, do you? However, I'm going to double check the calories and make sure I put it in right in the first place.

Thanks so much again for the tips from both of you. I AM going to shoot for 50 grams a day -- shouldn't be too tough if I have a cup of Fiber One a day! My husband is type 1 diabetic, so of course, he needs to be getting adequate fiber too. And he is a big cereal lover, so this will be good for both of us. And, I also need to drink more water, be consistent with the exercise, and not overindulge on weekends (so far so good on that... DH and I opted to stay in tonight and we had a good meal). Calories today are 1136, and that includes the glass of wine I'm having right now.

I hope to be able to report a loss when I weigh in this week... thanks to you both!
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Old 03-11-2007, 07:42 AM   #220  
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Good morning to you all on this fine Sunday morning. Drats, I CAN't BELIEVE WE ARE LOSING AN ENTIRE HOUR TODAY!!! I just hate that.

Walking2lose, I apologize again about the almonds. You said you were eating up to 20. I do have to tell you though, according to a bunch of different calorie websites, and we all know those can be WRONG. Almonds are about 7 calories each, 1 gm of fat per almond. So 10 almonds would be 70 calories, 20 would be 140. But again, they do have really GOOD fat in them and a lot of people find them really filling and satisfying. So do enjoy!!! Me, I just don't find them all that satisfying, I wish I did!! I personally like to do different things with my 140 or 70 calories. But of course we are all different. And we all have to do what works for us. Yumm, 1136 calories WITH a glass of wine. Yay you!!!!

I had a luncheon yesterday that I had completely forgot about. It was a beautiful, really, really beautiful catered event with gorgeous flowers and tall, huge giant fruit filled vases, just exsquisite. Beautiful, beautiful linens and dishes and glassware. Anyway, it was really nice. I got to see some old friends who I haven't seen since before the weightloss. Lots of mouths hanging open and lots and lots of compliments. I was all dressed up. It was lovely. I managed to eat really well. I had a veggies sushi roll and I took off most of the rice. Then there was this huge table full of salads. Really nicely set up by the way. I had a little $hitake mushroom salad, a little chickpea salad and a little spinach salad and a fruit cup. And plenty of diet coke. I usually don't drink soda too much, but I figured it was better then eating all those lucious looking cakes. I don't exactly know how many calories I ate though. But I'm figuring under 1500 for the day for sure. Although is was probably less. I ate a very lite dinner,a plate of undressed salad for dinner with a 3 oz. can of tuna tossed in and of course some Fiber One thrown into it.

Enjoy your Sunday ladies, even though there's an hour less of it.
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Old 03-11-2007, 08:32 AM   #221  
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Morning! I'm struggling a bit with inputting my food from yesterday into fitday. I didn't last weekend and it didn't make any difference to me in the long run. I think I'll try and see ... it was not healthy food
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Old 03-11-2007, 08:39 AM   #222  
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Good Sunday Morning!
Saturday's Journal
Fiber...53 grams
Vitamin Mix ~ Fiber One ~
Egg/Cheese/bacon McMuffin (homemade using Lt. Thomas muffin, FF cheese slice, 2 egg whites and 2 strips Turkey Bacon.)
Lunch: Vegetable soup
Snack: Cheesecake (flavored) pudding topped with applesauce, Cool Whip and Fiber One. I drool just typing this out, it's my new favorite dessert.
Supper: Large Veggie Salad with Albacore Tuna ~ Olive Oil and Balsamic dressing.
Flat out toasted with garlic herbs.
Evening Snack: Popcorn (100 cal. bag)
Bedtime: Hot skim milk, teehee! Granny here sleeps better!
Walking... Our local Wal*Mart sells quite a few Flat Outs and not always in stock so I buy up two or three packages and freeze them. You could freeze each wrap separately and thaw as needed if you don't use them fast enough. You can bake them in the oven or toaster oven until crisp, top with pizza sauce, Turkey Pepperoni and FF Mozarella cheese for a large personal pizza. (Put back in to melt the cheese) You can also add left-over veggies from the night before to bulk up the pizzas. I've tried putting the ingredients on first, then baking them but the crust under the sauce isn't as crunchy. If you have a sweet tooth, spray them with zero calories spray and sprinkle with cinnamon & Stevia, Splenda or sugar. Bake until crisp, these are really good. I buy the original Light Flat Out, much more versatile than the Italian flavored. The Italian is good for pizza, not sweet things. I also bake them and top with FF Cream cheese and fruit. Sometimes I'll scramble egg whites and crumbled up turkey bacon and use the Flat outs as a wrap. Put any kind of sandwich filling in them for a fast bag lunch. You can let you imagination run away with you, I don't think you'll need to freeze them. You can google the Flat Out site for more recipes too! Good Luck!
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Old 03-11-2007, 10:39 AM   #223  
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Oh ho! well over 3500 cals! I'd better not let that kind of behavious slip into more than one day!
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Old 03-11-2007, 11:22 AM   #224  
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Hi, all

I had 1591 calories yesterday.
24% fat
56% carbs
20% protein.

I have been trying to get the fiber up too. I have to start MEASURING my FiberSure. I just usually sprinkle it on lots of stuff without regards to the amount.
Today, I measure it.

walked 1 mile yesterday. Spent the rest of the day with hubby and family.

The sun IS shinning and its supposed to be in the 50"s! Yeah!
To bad I don't spend lots of time in the sun, Unless doing something specific. I burn

I bought a blood pressure cuff. to monitor.
Seems to stay about 115/78 area. Pulse is about 95.
Still get dizzy after walking.
I will talk to dr. next month if it continues.

have a nice day
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Old 03-11-2007, 11:43 AM   #225  
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Good morning all!

I'm getting ready to head to WalMart... gotta get that Fiber One cereal! Bobbi, thanks for all the preparation tips for Flat Out. I'll be picking that up too. Red -- what is Fiber Sure? Maybe I need some of that too?!

Robin - according to your calulations, my fitday input of 40 calories and 3 grams of fat is low for 10 almonds. I no longer have the bag, but I am going to double check that. Thanks for the info!

Susan, your calories for yesterday had me dying of curiosity as to what you ate for 3500, so I took a peek at your fitday. I almost dropped to see 800+ calories for a cup of nuts! It is unbelievable how snacking can add up if you're not paying attention. There have been many times when I know I have sat down and put away a cup (or more!) of nuts or some other type snack food. Wow. My husband has type 1 diabetes and has always been tall and thin. Recently he has developed alittel bit of a gut, and he keeps saying he can't understand where it's coming from with all the healthy food I feed But he regularly sits down in the evening and has a huge bowl of cereal, or nuts, or other snacks. Yes, he calculates his carbs so he can bolus for it (he has an insulin pump), but he is mindless to the amount of calories he is consuming. Interesting. Anyway, you seem like you've been doing great and steadily losing, so I know you'll be back on track today.

Have a great day, everyone. I'm off to get my fiber...
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