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Old 03-16-2007, 02:22 PM   #361  
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Hey gurlz (Diva, dont get on the spelling! LOL).

GrammyL, big welcome to you! I think all of us would agree that calorie counting is the only way to go.

I think you ladies know me well enough to guess that I'd be all over the PS when needed to fix little sagging areas and that. Diva, sometimes loose skin on the tummy or fat in a certain area like the stomach or outer thighs are just as resistant to fixing naturally as a sagging chin or sagging eyes. I may need to fix this stomach given the disproportionate amount of fat and a bit of loose skin that I never had before getting prego, plus I used to have really tight abs but now they got that separation thing some women get from pregnancy. So this basically sucks! Why should some of us women have to live out our days with a ruined stomach if we could fix it (especially those who have children later in life me at 38 when the body doesnt bounce back as easily).

Diva, we have the EXACT same attitude about our exes..I'm always spurred on after a break up to get my body in great shape. Why did he supposedly change his mind all of a sudden?? The nerve! You must be inwardly laughing now that you're feeling back to your strong self!

Thanks Rockinrobin!

Chat later lovelies!
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Old 03-16-2007, 03:17 PM   #362  
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Miz Claudia,

I agree about the tummy tuck if the skin is loose and doesn't know that you worked hard to tighten it. What I was referring to was liposuction to remove fat. Different procedures, I realize. Thanks for pointing it out.

Reason he's calling?

Cuz I'm HOT and he got a look at what's out there and what he found were a bunch of women who want his engagement ring or his babies or his money. And to boot, they're not even HOT!


Does it feel good? You betcha. But it will feel a whole lot better when I don't care if it feels good or not. Word has it, they call that CLOSURE! END! FINITO!

And for the record, I started working out and calorie counting BEFORE the dweeb got brain damaged. I have always taken care of ME (except over the past five years when I ate an excess of 700,000 calories and gained 20 pounds as a result), but really... I didn't start being good to my body for any other reason than because I believed I deserved to the best me I could be.

And I've only just BEGUN to be good to me!

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Old 03-16-2007, 03:36 PM   #363  
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Hey all. Been absent for a while. I ran out of good veggie food and the money to replace it..ack! Sad, but the bills insist on being paid first. Been doing my best with what was in the fridge and pantry, and not binging or anything, but eating way too much high calorie or sodium laden crud, I'm sure, this past week or so. Gave up counting the calories as it was too depressing, but today I got paid and the bills are all paid so I am off to the grocery to restock on good stuff!

My last weigh in showed the results of running out of the right foods, only down 2 lbs, and that was several days ago, so it might be up now. I wasn't going to buy a scale for the house, but I don't get to my sister's every week, so I think I will go ahead and buy one for home. Just have to try and stay off of it on a daily basis.

So, back to eating good food tonight! Back to counting calories tomorrow. Back to losing this week, I hope! I really want to stick with this, because it's really not hard to do, as long as I have the good food at home. I've been bike riding and still roller skating as hard as ever, so at least I didn't fall totally off the wagon or go crazy eating sugary garbage.

I haven't had a chance to read all the new posts since I was here last. I hope you all have been having a good time and having successes!

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Old 03-16-2007, 04:30 PM   #364  
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Hi, Mamabanana and GrammyL, I love this site, you will too Everyone is nice and helpful.

the pic of you and baby is cute.
how old is your little one? she looks cute.

Tearful Ex and I are having lunch May 20 (I asked for 75 days of ZERO CONTACT) and wouldn't it be lovely to plop my butt in front of him with a mini-skirt and mini-blouse that screams YOU ARE AN IDIOT!
you are such a riot!

Glad to see you back. You did the right things in order. You kept up your bills and WORKED out!
Neither one is a small job.

to all.

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Old 03-16-2007, 07:18 PM   #365  
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Guess what, I bought Fiber One today!! I also bought some Kashi Go Lean Honey Clusters cereal. The Kashi has 10g or fiber and 13 g of protein per cup.

Today, I went for a facial and massage. I am so relaxed. My flight got cancelled for NY, so I am in Chicago this weekend afterall.

PS: If I had the money I would get a tummy tuck and lipo (not that I need that yet), in a second. But, I don't have the money so I lfit weights instead.
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Old 03-16-2007, 08:05 PM   #366  
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Ooooo....I never saw the Kashi one, Ill look for it next time I go to the store. Is salt or sugar listed in the first 5 ingredients? I am SUCH a tummy tuck candidate...I swear. I work out (although I COULD domore ab work, Ill admit!) and have lost a lot of weight, but I had 4 kids and a c/section and the texture of the skin is just destroyed. I wear a size 4 at my weight, but theres this roll that I cant get rid of...well, maybe in another 10 pounds...who knows. My hubby is VERY anti- plastic surgery, even though its MY body and my choice, theres no way he'd pay for it, so, alas...Ill keep working too!!!!!
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Old 03-16-2007, 08:06 PM   #367  
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Originally Posted by littlered View Post
Hi, Mamabanana and GrammyL, I love this site, you will too Everyone is nice and helpful.

the pic of you and baby is cute.
how old is your little one? she looks cute.


you are such a riot!

Glad to see you back. You did the right things in order. You kept up your bills and WORKED out!
Neither one is a small job.

to all.


Hey, thanks for the welcome!!!
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Old 03-16-2007, 08:09 PM   #368  
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Welcome mamabanana.

Theresa, thanks for complimenting my dear little Angeline. She's 8 1/2 months but wearing 12 month sizes (luckily in length and not weight). Her papi is very tall.

Wow, this snow/hail storm has really kept me tied to this computer today. Sheesh, I need to get a life! I'd be on my elliptical but my muscles are really sore from getting back to the weights yesterday and today.

Allison, happy birthday and sorry we were a little ahead of schedule in our birthday wishes. Enjoy your planned festivities, they sound really fun. If you go off plan just a little, don't worry about it just view these days as some high days as part of a zig zag plan. Though I'm not sure where margaritas and guiness stout fits into that.
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Old 03-16-2007, 09:24 PM   #369  
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Calories today were 929 with 15% coming from fat.

Ran 4.1 miles on the treadmill (snow, ice, slush, wind, cold, yuck) and I'm loving the soreness.

Littlered, I aim to please. And when that fails, I'm happy to make you smile!

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Old 03-17-2007, 12:17 AM   #370  
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I have not posted or been counting for about a week now had some computer issues everything is up and running again. I have still been using my eliptical almost every day but my calories have been really high. have not gained any pounds but have not lost either. Now its time for me to get back on track!
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Old 03-17-2007, 09:15 AM   #371  
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count for friday.
Total: 1417
Fat: 28%
Carbs: 50%
Protein: 23%

Fat too high, had company all day. and was hard to keep up with my counts.
I will do better on the fat count today.
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Old 03-17-2007, 09:30 AM   #372  
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Is it just my computer or is everyone missing their ticker? Everyone's ticker is missing and just a red X is posted.
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Old 03-17-2007, 10:34 AM   #373  
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yup! me too.
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Old 03-17-2007, 10:37 AM   #374  
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I just reported it and she will look into it.
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Old 03-17-2007, 11:33 AM   #375  
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Friday's menu
Fiber...57 grams

Breakfast: 3 slices French Toast ~ SF Maple syrup ~ 1 strip of bacon.(I made two strips but burned one and had to toss it)
Lunch: Tomato/Spinach soup ~ Toasted Flat Out topped with FF Strawberry cream cheese, SF Chocolate pudding & SF Cool Whip (yummy)

Snack: I am so amazed that I'm eating all this sweet stuff, in the past I hated sweet junk? Some guy at our fitness center told me the same thing about liking salty foods better than sweets. He said since dieting he now started eating more sweets, why is that? I still don't like really sweet things but the pudding calls my name every day.
I had Applesauce, SF Cool Whip sprinkled with 1/2 serving of Fiber One for my snack. Sadly my supply of Applesauce is running out and I'll have to start buying it. (For those that don't know me)We have many different kinds of fruit trees, two of them are Apple trees and I make/freeze all the apples from them.
Supper: Elk Roast ~ Carrots (frozen from garden)~ Salad with Olive Oil/Balsamic vinegar.
Snack: Popcorn and FF Milk
Bobbi ~ What brand of turkey bacon do you recommend? The last time I made turkey bacon the dogs and cats wouldn't even eat it
I usually buy the extra lean Louis Rich Turkey bacon. It does have a good bacon flavor but it's like chewing on cardboard. But since I'm a volume eater and this has 20 calories a strip, I eat it anyway. They were out last time I shopped so I picked up the Jennio-0 Turkey bacon, that has 35 calories per strip and taste better because of the added fat in it. If you're a picker eater, you'll never find a turkey bacon that suits you. (I'd rather get used to it than go without)

Theresa... Thanks for the computer information, I did lots of searching yesterday trying to decide which one to use.
Rai... What do ya think of the Fiber One? If you tell me it's yucky with milk I'll have to agree. I only eat it dry or sprinkle on top of things.
Hello everyone else!
I changed my ticker again this morning but you can't see it since everyone's ticker is down. Maybe it'll be up by the time I submit this. Tomorrow I'll really lose weight because I have to fast and drink all that yucky junk in preparation of my colonascopy on Monday.

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