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Old 03-09-2007, 03:47 PM   #196  
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Last 2 weeks I didn't loose anything!!! Maybe TOM because thats just about done....I have noticed that my scale the body fat % is going down and the water % is going up...weight is the same...I'm not sure how reliable that is, and I've only had this scale for about a month....

I dont think I'm going to make it to my Easter goal I'm not loosing as fast as I was but doing all the same....
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Old 03-09-2007, 05:02 PM   #197  
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Everyone is so nice on this forum! I love how supportive everyone is!

Calories for yesterday: 1445 (yay!)
I walked a mile and a half on my lunch too. I try to do it at least three times a week, but it doesn't always happen.

I was surprised that I made it under 1500. I made vegetable curry for dinner last night, which isn't bad, but we also had naan (180 cals for one.) Sometimes I can't control myself and I eat too much and then other days I amaze myself and eat an actual portion. Who knew I had any will-power at all?

Hopefully I can control myself tonight. We are going out with friends to a resturant that makes incredible flatbread style pizzas. There will probably be a couple bottles of wine on the table too. I figure if I can limit myself to one small glass of wine and if I take half my food home it'll be okay.
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Old 03-09-2007, 08:20 PM   #198  
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Originally Posted by rai View Post
Estimated Calories for Yesterday:
Total Cal: 1243
Fat: 26g (19%)
Carbs: 191g (56% )
Fiber: 25g
Protein: 74g (25%)

Theresa: Good job on the weightloss! How old is your granddaughter?
Chloeone: You think civil engineering is hard? Man, I could not imagine specializing in pharamacy. Too much memorization for me. Give me an equation, and I can devive it. Yep. But don't ask me to memorize 10,000 formulas. Nope, I just can't do it. How do you like Minnesota? Are you originally from there?

My husband made some curry chicken last night. Both our parents are from the West Indies, so we're trying to find ways to eat our traditional foods but make them slightly healthier. Curry chicken is relatively healthy. I've been making it with chicken breast, but the breast does not have as much flavor (and moisture) as the thighs and legs. So last night, I told my husband he can use legs an thighs, but he has to take the skin off of it first. He said okay. Next thing I want to tackle is making rice and peas. It's just that there's so much coconut milk, that I don't know if I can get the same flavor without the coconut, but the coconut has sooo many calories.

3 days have gone by since my last workout. I've been bogged down with work. I hope I can make it to the gym this evening and get a run in. I have a dentist appointment this afternoon. I'm always scared that he's going to find 20 new cavities or tell me I need a root canal or something.

Gotta go.


just wanted to say that when I cook chicken, I use white meat, don't like the dark meat.
A lot of times I put 1/2 pk of taco seasoning on 1 lb. of chopped up chicken, it is great over a salad, with taco sauce. My fav! I could eat this almost every other day.

My granddaughter is 20 months old, she is tiny. weighs 18 lbs. Played with her all afternoon again.

Man! your ladies all sound so busy! I guess my weight problems lately have been that I recently retired. Now I need to get some things to do and maybe I will lose more weight.
Where do you all find the energy?

Whirlyball sounds like fun! wish I lived close to a big city.
The only real activities here are gyms.

I also count my calories daily. sometimes counted on fitday before I eat. keeps my from going over.

Also want to say CONGRATS to all the big losers, keep up the work!

My biggest problem I am having... getting the calories I am told to get... without getting to much fat and carbs.
I guess I am a very picky eater. Just like my kids were. I have been trying to bring up my protein, with-out the fat. I have to go to the next couple of towns over, to buy a protein drink.
Has any one tried the one from Curves? Whats the best one?

Rockinrobin, Congrats on the anniversary!
Wow! no kids, I remember those days. I still have one at home. Seems like you never have the special time alone. Hope you found something real cute to wear.

Susan, What are you reading? I love to read too.
sounds like you are doing something right if you are loosing that much every week.

Bobbie, hows the weather up there, It was just wonderful here in Ohio. 53 degrees and sunny! I can get used to that!

I looked at the hp vista too. just got the regular one with xp. last month. how do you like the Vista?
Oh, just to let you know, I am behind you in age. Not much. I will be 50 in July. Your not getting older, just better!

one other question, Does it count as water if you put Crystal light in it? its just 5 calories. sure makes drinking that much easier. got 64 oz. today.

calories today about 1200, need to find some protein!

have a nice one.
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Old 03-09-2007, 10:30 PM   #199  
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Today's calories at 1496 with 27% coming from fat. Went to the gym and did 3.7 miles on hills, plus back and biceps.

Tomorrow we thaw out in New England and I can't wait to start running in 50-degree weather.

Next 5K race - March 18!
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Old 03-10-2007, 12:01 AM   #200  
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Hi Diva, Bobbi, Rockin Robin, Allison and everyone else on the CC March Chat!
I've been a bit busy to post lately, but staying on track. Down 3 pounds in the last week and a half after 3 weeks at a plateau.

Finally got my elliptical today so I hope to get my work outs going again. I tend to get sick of the gym and will take a break for a few weeks. Well, hoping to get back there next week. But I've been good with the calories and its been working!

Robin, I will guess that Diva's "mack-truck" reference was not meant to be self-deprecating. Some of us (possibly you included) like a big butt (LOL excuse the graphics). I'm really worried because mine seems a tad flatter since I had the baby. It used to be really big and round. Anyway, spanish guys love that, so since Diva's half Dominican I can see why this would be a good thing . Gotta love it. Anyway, more of my fat is in my stomach now instead of on my *** (still a lot there but more on the stomach..grrrrr). I'm hoping at the end of this all I'll have my normal shape back, its not the popular thin model type shape but I sure liked it [and so did some hot guys..LOL]. Ah, I've got DH now anyway.

Diva, looking forward to hanging out in the city when it gets warmer. That is absolutely devastating for you to see this guy's profile online. What a jerk to go on the same site..que beecho. LOL You held it together though and you've been going out and having fun, so good for you. And yes, please post the delt pics.

As to the scale, I'm an everyday weigher because the fluctuations really mean nothing to me. Once I hit a new low, I view that as my new weight regardless. Yeah, the scale may go up again by a few pounds but I KNOW it will come right back to my new low so I don't sweat it at all. Its all mental. In fact, I cannot wait to get on the scale in the morning, even when I know it might be high (OK, on those days I'm not half as eager ).

Later girls.
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Old 03-10-2007, 06:40 AM   #201  
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You're right about the butt reference. I want it big and round, just not so big that someone could pull up a chair and eat a meal off it. Understand?

And I'm half Dominican/half Spaniard. You know those Spaniards have no booty to speak of, so I have to hang on to all of my Dominican genes!

I'll let you know when I get down there, Miz C. 'Til then, que se jodan los bichos.

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Old 03-10-2007, 06:52 AM   #202  
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Good morning gals.

Mami, I've got a bubble butt too. I am amazed though at how much it has shrunk since losing the weight. Well, umm duh. But yeah, even when I was at my thinnest I had CURVES. And let me tell you it's not just Spanish men that love the big butts. In my exeperience it seems to any human being that has a P@N1S. And I am so happy to hear you are DOWN 3 POUNDS!!!! 3 POUNDS!!! I know you work so hard and you've gotten a nice payback now. I'm so very happy for you. And somehow I think Mami, that no matter what your butt looks like when you're all said and done you are goiing to be drop dead GORGEOUS. I mean you are already. You must be so thrilled to have that elliptical in your home. I wish I had room for one in mine.

littlered, I believe drinking Cyrstal lite DOES count as drinking water. You're doing great!!! 64 oz and 1200 calories - just great!

Friday's calories - about 1300.

Enjoy your Saturday everybody. Make it a good one.
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Old 03-10-2007, 07:12 AM   #203  
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Good Morning Girls!
Fiber...52 grams
Friday's Journal
Breakfast: Vitamin Mix ~ Fiber One ~ Fruit Smoothie
Lunch: Vegetable Soup ~ Toasted Flat Out with Garlic ~ Cr. Cheese Pudding/Applesauce with Cool Whip and sprinkling of Fiber One.
Supper: Spagetti and Meatballs ~ Large Salad with Balsamic vinegar and Olive oil dressing
Evening snack: cup of hot milk before bed.

Now the good news! I've dropped 3.5 pounds in the last 10 days and I know why, it's all the Fiber I've been eating. Fitday tells me the average is 51 grams per day. I look at it this way, the fat doesn't have a chance to cling to my hips, the fiber moves the fat out before it has a chance to be my best friend.
Allison... I love my new Vista and it has a totally different look than my old Windows XP. I took my crashed XP up to the PC Doctor and he told me there wasn't anything wrong with it??
So now I have two computers, DH asked if I was going to take my new one back and I said NO WAY!
Zenor... You really have an advantage over us Northern girls with beautiful, warm walking weather. When I was a working girl, I used to walk on my lunch breaks too. I found it to be very energizing and gave me the pep to finish out the day.
Theresa... I love Taco salads too, think I'll try your recipe. You just sprinkle the dry Taco mix over the cooked chicken?
Man! your ladies all sound so busy! I guess my weight problems lately have been that I recently retired. Now I need to get some things to do and maybe I will lose more weight.
Where do you all find the energy?
You can turn your retirement into an advantage by cooking everything from scratch, therefore eliminating all the high calorie processed foods. Stock up on lots of Veggies and unprocessed foods. Add more fiber to your meals. As far as protein drinks, I personally wouldn't drive two towns over just to purchase a protein drink. Google "Protein" foods and print out the list. You'll find lots of healthy ways of adding protein to your plan.
As to the scale, I'm an everyday weigher because the fluctuations really mean nothing to me. Once I hit a new low, I view that as my new weight regardless. Yeah, the scale may go up again by a few pounds but I KNOW it will come right back to my new low so I don't sweat it at all. Its all mental. In fact, I cannot wait to get on the scale in the morning, even when I know it might be high (OK, on those days I'm not half as eager ).
I couldn't agree with you more, I think I wrote this same thing earlier. I usually don't change my ticker until my weight stays the same for a couple of days. The popcorn I eat most nights don't really affect me either, I think my body is used to the salt and I don't retain it anymore.

Hi to everyone, hope you all have a great weekend. Diva, where's the pictures?

I'm in the "Biggest Losers" thread which ends March 24th. My goal was to drop 13 pounds and this morning I met that goal two weeks early. I love changing my ticker plus Maxine gets to tell you another joke.
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Old 03-10-2007, 07:20 AM   #204  
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Diva and Robin, you two are up early!
I'm jealous of your bubble butts, my daughter and I both have flat butts. When my daughter was younger she wanted me to buy both of us those foam rubber butts that you can slide into your underwear and I thought I'd die laughing because she was only about 10 years old at the time.
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Old 03-10-2007, 08:07 AM   #205  
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Good morning!
Yesterday was right around 1200 cals and I did lots of legs and abs.

Theresa ... I read the threads here every morning that I'm home and free to do so. I click new posts and read alot of threads. It's more encouragement and info than I've gotten from any book. Books have a beginning and an end but 3FC is here for me (and anyone) 24/7!
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Old 03-10-2007, 09:18 AM   #206  
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Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
Diva and Robin, you two are up early!
I'm jealous of your bubble butts, my daughter and I both have flat butts. When my daughter was younger she wanted me to buy both of us those foam rubber butts that you can slide into your underwear and I thought I'd die laughing because she was only about 10 years old at the time.

Bobby, You ARE too funny!

Me, I have no butt. Just up top and a belly.
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Old 03-10-2007, 09:23 AM   #207  
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Cook 1 lb. Chopped Chicken. Add 1/2 package taco seasoning , with water, about 1/2 c. Add put on big salad, I put taco sauce on it too. with a little low fat cheddar.
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Old 03-10-2007, 10:28 AM   #208  
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Thanks Robin! Yes, I've been trying to eat less and its been working. My appetite has finally decreased so that I'm not starving on 1500 calories. Morning to Bobbi, Diva and the rest of you that I dont know yet. Will report back lata!
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Old 03-10-2007, 10:42 AM   #209  
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Bobbi~Congrats on making your goal early!!! DD had a problem with her computer that one tech couldn't figure out. Thankfully I have a computer guru who took it and fixed it without losing her files (she has a mountain of songs on iTunes!). DS wants Vista. We might upgrade his computer this summer.

Calories yessterday 1204!!!!! Weight is back down to 140!!!! If I stay OP this weekend, I'll see the 130's by Monday!!! (Can you tell I'm psyched?)

Oh, and for all this butt talk, mine is as flat and flabby as a pancake. I don't think there is any hope for me!
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Old 03-10-2007, 10:45 AM   #210  
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LOL Allison. Try some squats and walking lunges with very heavy weights. I promise that will have a good effect. You must be looking quite good however as the 130's is awesome for someone your height (and even for shorter folks)!
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