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Old 03-14-2007, 08:19 PM   #316  
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Originally Posted by AnAbsoluteDiva View Post
You're right, Susan. My mom was a perfect 9 and she was very svelte.
They call it vanity sizing...for sure, this is something the clothing industry and the weight loss people have masterminded, LOL! Its also insane how "normal" it is to have so many "sz 0" and sz 2's running around. They say that 2 is the new 4, LOL!!!
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Old 03-14-2007, 08:19 PM   #317  
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Originally Posted by rai View Post
I just looked up Fiber One on general mills. It doesn't look like it tastes very good. Has onyone tried the Fiber One Healthy Heart Blend or the Honey Clusters? I eat Basic 4 Cereal (also made by General Mills) and I think the Fiber One Healthy Heart Blend might be a good substitute for it. It is definetly has less calories per serving. I'm leaning towards the Healthy Heart because I tend not to like bananas in my cereal.
OMG, I love the plain Fiber One...its so versitile and to me, tastes amazing...I look forward to it every day
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Old 03-14-2007, 09:29 PM   #318  
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Originally Posted by SusanB View Post
Virgin pounds are pounds you've never lost before. For instance ... if Woodlily has been between 150 and 160 lbs all her adult life ... the moment she starts down into the 140's, she's into virgin pounds.
Ha, ha, it's been a long time since I heard those words describe me. I would have to get below 100 lbs. to get into the adult life "virgin pounds".
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Old 03-15-2007, 08:00 AM   #319  
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Originally Posted by AnAbsoluteDiva View Post
Rockin' Robin,

Have you had cholesterol levels checked or blood pressure or anything like that since you started losing weight? I'm curious if you see huge differences in the physiological data.

I get all excited about two stupid pounds and I see what you've done (and lots of other women here) and I am amazed! Simply amazed!

Let me know what your doctor has seen through his testing. Your state of health must have improved DRAMATICALLY with all these changes you've made!

Keep Rockin' girl...


Oh Diva, it's funny you should ask that. I was one of the "lucky" morbidly obese people. Sugar levels perfect, heart perfect, blood pressure and cholesterol perfect. Until of course I started losing weight. Very strange. I started my journey on Sept. 4, 2006, went for a check up a week later. All my numbers were good. Although my blood pressure had steadily been going up little by little. Nothing major though. My cholesterol has always been around the 200 mark - 198, 202, 205 or there abouts. I go back to the doctor in maybe December, maybe early January, I can't remember for sure when. I don't have the numbers in front of me, at this point though I'm down at least 60 or 70 lbs and everything goes through the roof. My blood pressure was 155 over 95. I am now on medication. Here's the real kicker - my cholesterol test comes back and it went from 202 in September to 388. Doctor says she has never, ever heard of anything like it in her life. I'm freaking out. Anyway, she says lets retest in a month. Maybe, just maybe it's a lab error. I go back in a month and it's 182. So yeah, it WAS an error. As far as the blood pressure, she says maybe it was just my time. It does run in my family. I am on the lowest possible dosage of medication. Just bought a home blood pressure kit. I want to take it every time before I renew my meds. I really, really hope with added weightloss I can be off of them.

Oh and the reason I went to the Dr. back in January is because I found this huge lump above my belly button. It turns out I have a huge fibroid, that was kept hidden under all my fat, so now I need a hysterectomy as well. So much for improving my health. No, I shouldn't say that. I really know that I HAVE improved my health greatly by getting rid of all this tonnage. Surgery (if I decide to do it) and recovery will be way easier now then before and I am still hoping to get the pressure down and I have less stess on my heart and joints and on and on and on. But I'm not done improving myself yet - got lots of weight to still lose. And lose I will. Thank you for the encouragement Diva, it means an awful lot to me.

Wednesday's calories - about about 1200. Had a very sluggish day with exercise yesterday. I haven't had that in awhile. I couldn't get up any speed at all while walking. Oh well.

Have a good one ladies.

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Old 03-15-2007, 09:08 AM   #320  
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Good Morning Girls!

Yesterday I took my new "Vista" computer up to add more memory to it and he said it didn't need it. It was soooooooooooo slow, but the problem was all kinds of junk that came with it. Like AOL and Yahoo installed so they ran everytime I turn it on, 3 or 4 Icons on the desk-top about different internet companies, photo centers, blah, blah, blah. He just took them all off and now it's as speedy as my XP was. Since I didn't have my Fitday available, I didn't record my menu. I'm sure I was under my 1200 calories and I won't boor you this morning with my daily stats. I've been reading some of the comments about fiber and remembered a recipe I had (but can't find) called "Haystacks". They used chocolate chips and Fiber One cereal, does anyone have this recipe? I found one that uses chow mein noodles but that can be substituted with Fiber One.

Haystacks II

  • 1 cups semisweet chocolate chips
  • 1 cups butterscotch chips
  • 12 ounces peanuts (Omit, too high in calories)
  • 12 oz chow mein noodles (Substitute Fiber One)
  • You can add more or less Fiber One, the weight of the chow mein noodles (12oz) might be different than Fiber One.
  1. Melt the chips in a saucepan on low heat. Stir in the nuts and the noodles.
  2. Then drop by teaspoonfuls onto waxed paper-lined cookie sheet. Cool and then store covered in the refrigerator.
Diva... We're so glad you're out of the black hole and back with us, You're a fun person to have on our thread. You asked Robin about losing weight and lowering cholesterol, I've been there. I go up and down the scale like most people and I was in my "Up" stage of life when my doctor checked my cholesterol a few years ago. It was 334, for real! He didn't put me on meds because he said it would go down if I lost some weight and exercised everyday. I purchased my Nordic Track Ski machine, exercised every single day and dropped 30 pounds. I went from a size 14 to a 4-6, then had my cholesterol checked again. It went from 334 to 280 something, big deal! Still too high and the doc said my body just makes an abundance of cholesterol all on its own. So I've been on meds for years. My point is everybody's body is different and reacts different, same goes for losing weigh. I can lose weigh easily on 1200 calories and others would starve on that. Go Figure!
Theresa... I eat always Fiber One dry, I put all the servings in individual snack zip lock bags. Then I don't have to mess around with the food scale every time I eat it. I like munching on it like I would popcorn. Yesterday I made SF/FF chocolate pudding, topped it with Cool Whip and sprinkled a serving of Fiber One on top, it was awesome and made me think of the Chocolate Haystacks.
I just looked up Fiber One on general mills. It doesn't look like it tastes very good.
I personally gag on it with milk, it gets all soggy and disgusting. Like Robin and Mamabanana said, it's so versatile. You can add it to dehydrated fruit trail mixes for snacking away from home.

Hi everyone else Susan, are you still creeping? Better watch out, I'm going to catch up to you in weight.
I'm off to the Fitness center again, see ya!
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Old 03-15-2007, 09:25 AM   #321  
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I found this recipe, it's from Weight Watchers.

haystacks : the recipe

okay - in the previous post, i had mentioned the fiber one haystacks
1/2 box of Fiber One cereal (1 sleeve)
10 - 12oz Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate (Chips or Chunks) --- make sure it's dark chocolate, the darker the better.
melt the chocolate -- either in the microwave, stirring every 10 seconds or so because you don't want the chocolate to burn... or do what i did and cook the chocolate in a double boiler thing --- stirring constantly til melted through.
use one sleeve of the cereal (there are 2 sleeves per box) - pour into the chocolate (or pour both the cereal and the chocolate into one bowl and fold until all the cereal is coated with the chocolate
i've heard that you can use little mini cupcake sleeves to spoon the stuff into, but i basically lined a cookie sheet with wax paper and spooned balls of the stuff on there.
shove 'em into the fridge until they're cool, stiff and hard (yes. i went there.)
it should yield 24 haystacks. 1 ww point each
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Old 03-15-2007, 09:29 AM   #322  
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Good morning, everyone

Nice weather we are having here, 2 days ago, sunny, mid 70's. today snow! yuk! spring is here almost! about 2 inches of rain last night. again!

Yesterdays stats.
cal 1418
fat 21%
carbs 49%
protein 31%
fiber 49

went to curves and walked 45 min. on the treadmill.


there is a software program, you can download the free version,
if you run it once a day, it will remove the junk of the pc.
and another one that if you set up correctly will remove cookies, history, etc. with one click off the mouse.

If you use these daily, it will help tremendously. I have been using these 2 progams for a looong time. I rarely have problems. are we allowed to give links like this? if not, the names are CCLEANER AND AD-AWARE FROM lavasoft.
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Old 03-15-2007, 09:46 AM   #323  
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ok. Girls got a question.

what do you mean by CLEAN FOODS?

I wash my foods, really I do

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Old 03-15-2007, 09:52 AM   #324  
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Ah eating clean ... one of my bugaboo's. If you look at it and can't tell how they did that ... it isn't food. Just joking.
I try to eat food in the most natural state possible. An apple is an apple, a chicken breast is a piece of a chicken ... As little processing as possible.

In my perfect world ... 1200 cals with 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fats.
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Old 03-15-2007, 09:53 AM   #325  
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Originally Posted by littlered View Post
ok. Girls got a question.

what do you mean by CLEAN FOODS?

I wash my foods, really I do

Clean foods are those with the least amount of processing. An apple is cleaner than applesauce which is WAY cleaner than an apple fritter.

Whole wheat bread is cleaner than white bread.

Think whole foods.

Dinner out last night was fabulous! I got the shrimp (8 huge ones) served with lightly steamed broccoli, carrots and zucchini. The shrimp had an adobo sauce and was served on a bed of spinach fettucini. I had only 2 bites of the pasta!!! AND I had less than a dozen tortilla chips. But I did have my margarita. Happy to report that my weight is sticking at 140. Hope to see 139 by the end of the weekend.
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Old 03-15-2007, 10:34 AM   #326  
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It is good to be back! Really back!!!


I have FOUR kids and one grandson. Child number 3 will be 21 on Saturday. I'm taking him out for his first drink in a public place. So God blessed me with a predisposition to rock-hard abs, but he balanced it with stretch marks. His way of keeping me humble. And fully-clothed. LOL

Also have my race-on-hills this Saturday. And I went and signed up for a 10K June 8. TEN K. !!! That's 6.2 miles. I figure if I can do 4.25 now, I can grow to 6.2 in 2.5 months. Gives me something to work towards. A goal is what they call it. ;-) But I gotta tell ya, my legs ache every day. Every day and it feels so good to ache so bad. (A spin on an old Manhattans song.)

Yesterday's calories were 724 with only 10% coming from fat and I burned a whopping 802 at the gym with my shoulders and abs workout and my 4.2 mile run.

Hitting the gym again today for back and biceps and another stint on the treadmill (raining in New England) and tomorrow I'm laying off the gym. I think.

I went to the bookstore this morning and picked up the Non-Running Woman's Guide to Running a Marathon. Yep. I'm gonna do it! I am going to run a marathon. Also taking up yoga.

And I've set me quit date for March 20. (It would have been my anniversary.) Good day to do good things for myself.

Off and running, kids!

Make it a good one.

Last edited by AnAbsoluteDiva; 03-15-2007 at 10:39 AM.
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Old 03-15-2007, 10:37 AM   #327  
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That is SO bizarre!

My cholesterol is 140 and my blood pressure is 80/60. I keep meaning to check my resting heart rate but by the time I remember to do it, I've been up and active. Guess I should strap the heart rate monitor on when I go to bed and just stare at it in the morning.

I had a hysterical tommy at the age of 32. Talk about bizarre! I had CANCER! Can you imagine? Anyway, I was so upset about it until the day after the surgery when I realized I would never need another tampon, mini pad, maxi pad, and that I could plunk $18 on a pair of panties and know they would never, ever, ever be ruined by TOM! Tom is a dweeb! Also splurged on beautiful sheets and GOT RID OF THE MATTRESS PAD!

Hey... I got dealt lemons. I made lemonade.

If you've already had your children, you'll find that a Hysterical Tommy is a blessing and not a curse!

Carry on, Robin! And rock 'til you drop!

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Old 03-15-2007, 10:38 AM   #328  
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Clean foods.

You can pronounce all the words on the ingredient list.
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Old 03-15-2007, 10:50 AM   #329  
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Originally Posted by AnAbsoluteDiva View Post

It is good to be back! Really back!!!


I have FOUR kids and one grandson. Child number 3 will be 21 on Saturday. I'm taking him out for his first drink in a public place. So God blessed me with a predisposition to rock-hard abs, but he balanced it with stretch marks. His way of keeping me humble. And fully-clothed. LOL

Also have my race-on-hills this Saturday. And I went and signed up for a 10K June 8. TEN K. !!! That's 6.2 miles. I figure if I can do 4.25 now, I can grow to 6.2 in 2.5 months. Gives me something to work towards. A goal is what they call it. ;-) But I gotta tell ya, my legs ache every day. Every day and it feels so good to ache so bad. (A spin on an old Manhattans song.)

Yesterday's calories were 724 with only 10% coming from fat and I burned a whopping 802 at the gym with my shoulders and abs workout and my 4.2 mile run.

Hitting the gym again today for back and biceps and another stint on the treadmill (raining in New England) and tomorrow I'm laying off the gym. I think.

I went to the bookstore this morning and picked up the Non-Running Woman's Guide to Running a Marathon. Yep. I'm gonna do it! I am going to run a marathon. Also taking up yoga.

And I've set me quit date for March 20. (It would have been my anniversary.) Good day to do good things for myself.

Off and running, kids!

Make it a good one.
IM AMAZED...from your picture I would say you are 25, no joke. AWESOME, youre a real inspiration!!!! Im no veteran runner, but I think you can totally up 2 miles in that time. I do 4 miles and before I hurt my knee, I added an extra loop to my route and hit 5, it didnt feel that different. Never done 6 though, but you are way more trained than me. YOU ARE THE BOMB!
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Old 03-15-2007, 12:24 PM   #330  
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Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
shove 'em into the fridge until they're cool, stiff and hard (yes. i went there.)
it should yield 24 haystacks. 1 ww point each
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are too too funny Bobbi! I bet you stuck that in there to make sure we're actually reading the posts.

Diva, you are looking good for having all those kids! How's the dating scene going? Still chatting to the ex? Exes do tend to come in handy for booty calls, but he wouldn't deserve it. Anyways, just kidding girls..its been years since I've had a booty call.

I did buy the much discussed Fiber One. This stuff BETTER be good! I'll let you know when I've tried it.

As for me, I've finally, after several months, gotten my appetite down to something more normal. I no longer get hungry and cranky when I haven't eaten, and consequently I've been able to get by on so much less. Yesterday I came in at 1119 without any hunger, and I had done 1 hour on my elliptical with heartrate in the 130s. The pounds are coming off so much faster now that its looking like I will reach my goal for summer!

Cannot wait to get my new wardrobe. So sick of wearing pants that get loose within one week of buying them. That's why I have one pair of jeans and I just got some black pants I needed for a board meeting last week which are already falling off. Luckily I can wear jeans to my office most of the time and they dont seem to notice I wear the exact same jeans EVERY DAY (or too polite to comment).

The home elliptical is going great. I just love that thing; so much better than going to the gym where you just want to get out of there and get home. I'll go to the gym today for weights, which I really need to start doing again after a month off.

Have a great one ladies.
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