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Old 01-11-2011, 09:13 PM   #136  
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Quick report to my Beckmates.

Happy to report 6 days of sane, focused, moderate behavior. Best of all, the mindset is present. Not feeling that insane focus on food. The mindset is back. Some specifics: left food, it was still tasting good, but I had had enough. Had a major fish fry..fresh perch, just baby walleye, really, pan fried, tasting like heaven, just said enough before full..and there was A LOT left. If I can stop eating fresh fish, I can stop eating *anything.

I know what brought the mindset back. I'm sad again. It's the same sad as the sad I had a year and a half ago, when 20 pounds just *slid off me. It's the same sad; I just hadn't really dealt with it all then, and it's back. Hope it lasts for 20 pounds! *laffin'.
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Old 01-11-2011, 09:52 PM   #137  
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Hello everyone:

BelovedK- excellent news about the six pounds. Excited for you.

IslaAzure- hope the book arrives quickly and I know you will find it very helpful.

seadwaters- credit for a huge list of credits.

BillBlueEyes- credit for another month under your belt.

ChefJoona- yay for doing your exercise and sticking to your plan. .

gardenerjoy- waving hello in the snow.

FutureFitChick- sorry about yesterday- hope today was better.

maryann- forget the pound- it will be gone again soon.

Nature Girl- darn those jumping crackers. Glad they didn't derail the day. LOL re resting your hangnail. I know exactly how minor the excuses can be.

Shepherdess-yay for hearing your baby's heart beat. Must of been a lovely moment.

onebyone- excellent list of credits. You are on a roll. Sorry the cottage was such a bust- hope you find a decent place soon.

Beverlyjoy- big ouch about your jaw. Nice list of credits anyways!! And down 9 pounds is fantastic whatever the cause.

Newlifestyle- planning and using a shower as distraction are both excellent strategies.

Lexxiss-sounds like an awful day- big credit for saying no way to the pizza.

For me another good day. I am off to 2 nights on the road in 2 different hotels. I have a plan that I intend to stick to. I am sooooooooo sick of hotels.

ate on plan- YAHOOOO
no sugar
drank lots of water
walked 30 minutes with DH
weighed in
checked in with my coaches
read response and advantage cards
did weights
logged food
planned tomorrow and packed lunch.

Check in on Friday when I get back!!!

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Old 01-11-2011, 09:55 PM   #138  
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maryblu- we were posting at the same time. Waving hello to you
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Old 01-11-2011, 11:00 PM   #139  
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Evening report: stayed OP all day with the exception of literally a tablespoon of trail mix. I went from my upstairs office to my downstairs office (two offices just means more responsibilities, not more $ or status!) and forgot to tote my apple with me. But I stuck to just that little nibble and waited until lunch. Credit!
I had an interesting sensation today on the way home from work; I felt hungry! Not starving, or desperate, or a blood sugar low, but dare I say it pleasantly hungry. Noticing and appreciating that experience was enjoyable, and was enhanced by my anticipation of the yummy dinner my DH was preparing. Credit! And thanks to him for healthy stew on a day he didn't work and I have a ton of paperwork to deal with tonight.
Tomorrow: meals planned, including OP salad bar at work for lunch. Gym clothes ready & waiting for my 4:00 appointment. Time for Beck in the am. I hope I'm not forgetting something that will come back and ambush me, but I'm happy with my progress this week.
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Old 01-12-2011, 03:21 AM   #140  
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Default Wednesday night

Hi Coaches
I went to work today after seeing the rheumatologist. I had a bunch of blood tests last week and he said my inflammatory indicators showed i had some major sort of infection. So I am taking tomorrow off sick to help get healthy and be sure I am ship-shape for my birthday on Saturday - priorities! I am on annual leave on Friday so should be fit by Saturday. The other depressing thing about all the blood tests was that my cholesterol and triglycerides were not pretty. My holiday eating was not good for any of it - so let’s hope I can turn it around by following my plan. I will really have to work on some exercise too - I am letting that slide

BeverlyJoy - Ouch for a sore jaw - that is painful. Your joints certainly seem to be over-reactive. Credit for your many credits
BillBlueEyes - Credit for on plan eating and no tree nuts - my weakness is ground nuts and they aren’t even good for you. Congratulations on another month on the path
CeeJay - Credit for your list of credits - hope the travelling goes well. Hotels are the pits
ChefJoona - Yay for doing exercise when you were resisting it - I need more of that - and in the cold too. Hope your planned eating for dinner went well
FutureFitChick - Gee I love your pen name (is that what it might be called) - it has always made me smile. I made an earlier post with the name of the equipment I was using. I am loving it. Good list of credits and ouch for going over in calories - but you can turn it around
GardenerJoy - Yay for identifying the problem that might affect eating on plan - forewarned is good
Debbie R(Lexxiss) - Credit for NO CHOICE and on plan eating - how is that 50# “pup”? Yay for recognising sabotaging thinking in “I deserve”. A sneaky one that
Maryann - mindful eating preoccupies Buddhist thought as does mindful anything in fact. It also made me think about christian saying of grace before eating (also practiced in Buddhism) - it is a sort of call to mindfulness too isn’t it? Your book sounds great. Good luck with pacing yourself. Easy does it is useful for all-or-nothing thinking so good luck with that
Maryblu - Credit for 6 days of food sanity. I hope the “SAD” is not a problem?
Ann (Newlifestyle) - Good diversion technique - having a shower or posting when you feel like eating
Naturegirl - Yep - planning, planning, planning (and following it) is the way to go. LOL “poor me, I've got a hangnail, better rest!” - I can definitely relate to that. Credit for a flexible plan and being able to stop after 1 tablespoon of trail mix
Onebyone - You are doing so well - when I look at your credits I am impressed. Yay to your subconscious for delivering the goods
Shepherdess - OMG - “a little heart beat” sounds amazing. Heart beats and ultrasound = bonding and reassurance. Hope you don’t go crazy indoors

- Stayed within my food plan - Yes
- Measured all my food - pretty much
- Logged food - Yes
- Developed food plan for today- yes
- Sat down to eat - yes
- Ate mindfully and enjoyed every bite - still practising
- Recognised hunger / desire / craving -not yet
- I stopped eating when satisfied - the plate was empty
- Drank water - Lots
- Checked in - Yes
- Weighed myself - Yes
- Read advantage cards - No
- Read response cards - No
- Read Beck - No
- Did planned exercise - NO
- Incidental exercise - No

Have a great day
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Old 01-12-2011, 06:31 AM   #141  
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Thumbs up Wednesday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Spent the day being warned about the pending storm for the U.S. East Coast. My company "absolutely will be open" so that I have to take a vacation day to stay at home. But I'm looking forward to it. So far, there's only an inch on the ground with forecast of heavy snow all day. My plan: shovel, hibernate, repeat. Might try some hot chocolate for the mood - it's a vacation day after all.

Eating was OP, CREDIT moi. Exercise wasn't. Ouch.

maryblu - Leaving freshly fried fish is over the top Kudos worthy - you're in your grove. Sending supportive thoughts for confronting your sad - identifying it is off to a good start.

onebyone - Yay for using your time well with WATP (Kudos) and a large canvas. I look forward to another astronaut painting. Monster Kudos for not letting your MIL get under your skin; what a neat way to revel in your own self confidence.

FutureFitChick - Ouch for the insult of a "blister under my gowearfit" - that's not supposed to happen. Hope you are surviving the snow.

CeeJay - Yay for continuing to walk with your DH. Ouch for, yet again, multiple nights in multiple hotels.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Ouch for the thought, "stay in for the week." Now that's hibernating for real. Yep, tension does seem to challenge plans.

Shepherdess - Yay for the wee one making their presence known. My experience was that this pattern continues big time, LOL. I never get over being awed by the thought that in a few months you'll hold a bundle of muscles and know that some bit of that is edamame from January while preparing dinner.

Beverlyjoy - OUCH indeed for a jaw joint with a mind of its own. Kudos for so many credits, including all the exercising.

Cheryl (Seadwaters) - Ouch for blood tests that carry warnings; Kudos for responding with an eating plan and exercise plan instead of eating to relieve the feelings.

Debbie (Lexxiss) - 50# is a lot of pup, LOL. Yay for "NO CHOICE."

Ann (Newlifestyle) - Kudos for recognizing that "I want to eat like a mad woman" is a response to "crazy busy" and won't make any feelings go away. But Gigantic Kudos for posting when you didn't feel like it.

Nature Girl - Stellar inspiration to realize that the value of the plan is to release energy for the unexpected that swamps the mind and makes wise decisions difficult. LOL at "I've got a hangnail, better rest!" Kudos for choosing a DH who'll make healthy stew.

maryann - I am inspired by the clarity of your vision, "self-caring and self-less-ness (getting out of self)." Gotta agree with you that freedom from food obsession is the goal for this transformation.

ChefJoona - Kudos for exercise with an Extra Kudos for overcoming resistance. And another for the spontaneous stair climbing. My experience was that it began to grow on me. Don't worry personals right away - it takes time to feel right doing them. Posting for accountability is the big thing ... you're on your way.

Readers -
chapter 1
How the Program Works

On the Beck Diet for Life Program . . .

You will learn to eat healthfully. You will develop an eating plan that you can comfortably stay on for life. The menus include such family favorites as meatloaf, chili, pizza, pasta, burgers, stir-fry, sandwiches, and much more. Some dishes require no cooking whatsoever, with many other going from refrigerator to table in 20 minutes or less. I have also used simple ingredients that you can find in any grocery store for a reasonable price. This is a diet you can easily enjoy and sustain - and it's not only good for you, but also good for your entire family.
. . .

The Complete Beck Diet for Life, pgs 14-15.
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Old 01-12-2011, 07:33 AM   #142  
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Good morning!

More credit for exercise for me yesterday- I got in a 20 minute walk at the end of my lunch break (including some incline)! Right now I'm just focusing on doing something active so I hopefully begin to develop a habit. I so envy people who "just have to exercise every day" or they feel miserable. My misery tends to come from just thinking about exercise! And I think it was [B]Naturegirl[B] who wrote about all the reasons that pop up not to exercise... I'm right there with you! Sounds like you are committed for today, though!

Eating was on plan for the most part... friend canceled for dinner, so I was able to make a nice healthy meal (snuck a few small bites of my BF's unhealthy mac and cheese... did I mention I live with one of those people who can eat whatever he wants and not gain an ounce!) One thing I really have learned from Beck is that all of those litting nibbles and bites do add up.
Other eating down fall was the big bowl of inviting candy my office mate put out just feet from my desk yesterday. I just couldn't find the will power to ask her to move it, move it my self or resist.

Will be faced with an office provided lunch today for a lunch time training... Am feeling the urge to do the smart thing and bring the healthy lunch I already have packed.

Happy Wednesday to you all!
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Old 01-12-2011, 11:18 AM   #143  
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Default challenges piling up like the snowbanks here

Hi Coaches

Wednesday today. Two more sleeps and I get to go home. Two more sleeps and DH gets paid for the first time by his new company in his new position with his new salary.

Excitement is building.

Foodwise I had a mini-binge yesterday afternoon. I'd been filling slightly nauseous and off since Sunday and yesterday I felt okay again. SO I did my 2mi dvd and then ahd breakfast and then got possessed by the FOUR large cans of Pringles (an all time favorite) on top of the kitchen pantry, the pie in the fridge, the licorice on the counter, the chocolates in the other pantry, the
walnuts in the bowl on the table in front of me complete with nutcracker, the one small chocolate Xmas foil wrapped egg with the nuts, the big bag of "dipping pretzels" opened inside a ziplock bag left out on the coffee table as well. I just lost it after doing my workout, feeling RAVENOUS and I started obsessing over the Pringles. I drank some water, I wrote, I stayed away from them and in the end I decided to have... the walnuts. I cracked them open, I ate them all then I stared at the tiny choc xmas egg and ate it. Then I walked to the kitchen and stared at the chips...took them all down to see if any were open and nope so i opened on and looked at the label for the serving size (16 chips) and then opened it and then took out 2, then 2 then 1 then 1 then I decided to eat the whole can. I ate it and stopped. My binge stopped there credit but boy this place is a minefield for me. I also always get hungry like that right before I tackle an Art project-part of me "creative tension" so i was stuck and couldn't paint yesterday after all and that energy was stuck in me too.

Anyway it passed, I'm done, after that I was OP all day and night and today is good. I did my 1mi watp dvd credit and am planning to get out into the fresh air today in spite of the snow, wind and cold.

Dear MIL has decided to take tomorrow and Friday off work. we'll be home alone. She wants me to go to the framing store with her tomorrow to choose a matte and frame for an old needlework picture her mom made for her daughter. I realized that she is bonding with me on the level of "setting up a home". My mother was useless at that kind of thing.I got zero input from her or my grandmother who raised me or my aunt. SO i am trying to keep an open mind as MIL does know her housekeeping and setting up. She SO wants to bond with me it makes me want to run away, though it is in fact a compliment. I think she has a lot to reach me but I am not there yet.

We looked at the tall town home. You know how you feel when you are sitting in the middle seat on an airplane with two others beside you? That's how that place felt. All the room was used up by all the staircases going from level to level to level. the biggest space was the empty garage whose door would fit our car if we drove exactly into it perfectly. Must be the smallest door I have ever seen. The cars in the other units were all parked outside. yeah. of course they were! the location was fantastic: around the corner and DH is at work. Something to be considered when the weather is like today and the news is predicting a 90-60 minute delays. there is serious traffic here. The backyard was great. Big with a terraced area for a garden and a patio too. But it faces north. We aren't taking it but we liked the real estate person, M, and so she's on the case for us. I am hopeful we'll find something we can live with happily.

My challenge for Thurs and Friday is with MIL home I can't do my watp dvd workout. I wanted to do my 28 stretch perfectly. Alas, life is in the way.
I'll have to do a watp outdoors for sure and time it so I get my mile in... walk as fast as I can for 15 minutes should do it. I am still going to count it on my ticker. It's not fair that I discount it just cause I won;t be able to access the dvd and I just don't want to tell MIL I am doing it or have her "catch" me exercising. I'd feel completely embarrassed and do not want to talk about my weight issues with her. I am, as it is, finding it hard to keep my boundaries and keep my privacy. It's a struggle here.

I have to tell you, I know where every snack is, every sugary thing, every bag of stuff, every foodstuff I don't want to eat is in this place. I am a complete addict in this way. I am not sure anyone else here is so completely in tune with the food in this place.

better go.
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Old 01-12-2011, 11:51 AM   #144  
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Yesterday was a good food day. My eating schedule was slightly screwy due to an afternoon meeting and I did have a cupcake since someone brought them to the meeting. I don’t consider it “off plan” since I made a conscious decision before they were passed around. I chose to have a cupcake instead of my planned dessert. The cupcake was higher calorie than what I would have had, but I stayed within my daily limit. It worked out OK for yesterday, but I should make some hard and fast rules for when I can do that so it doesn’t cause problems.

While I was in town, I thought seriously about running one of my favorite routes along the river, but the path looked pretty slick, so it was another day of indoor exercise.

ChefJoona, kudos for getting out for a walk! Creating a daily exercise habit is the best way to become one of those people who “just has to exercise everyday.” Eventually you’ll love the way it makes you feel. You’re right that those little bits here and there do add up. Finding where they sneak in and then developing strategies is all part of the process, so great job making that realization.

BillBE, yay for a winter storm bringing a vacation day! I love snow days. I hope skipping work is the biggest inconvenience the storm brings. Shoveling snow is a great workout!

Seadwaters, ouch for the major infection, but glad you found it. It’s always easier to take a sick day when your lousy feelings have a name. Hope you are feeling better soon. Sometimes those disappointing test results can be great motivation. Best of luck!

Nature girl, LOL at two offices just meaing more work, not more pay or more prestige! I’d say a day with an extra tbsp of trail mix is pretty successful. Yay for recognizing “pleasant hunger” and for having a DH who has a yummy dinner prepared.

CeeJay, great job for another day OP! Great job planning ahead for your trip out of town and being determined to stick to it! Just remember how good you felt all those other times you stuck to your plan while staying in a hotel.

Maryblu, kudos for 6 days of sane eating! I’m so impressed that you were able to stop eating a favorite food when you had enough. Hugs while you’re feeling down. The weight loss may be welcome, but I hope you can do it while feeling great.

Lexxis, sending warm thoughts! We should start to warm up here today; hope you do as well. Great job saying “NO CHOICE” to those “awful” foods you felt you deserved after 2 ½ hrs of misery.

Newlifestyle, ouch for “crazy busy” making you want to eat. Kudos for recognizing that you shouldn’t and for sticking to your planned meals. Glad you posted even though you didn’t feel like it!

Beverlyjoy, ouch for jaw popping that made you eat to fix the discomfort. If I ever figure out how to remember that food doesn’t fix pain I’ll let you know. But great job sticking to your plan before the jaw popping and yay for walking up and down stairs!

Onebyone, great job doing your dvd’s, but ouch that you were then possessed by Pringles. Kudos for moving on. Yay for getting inspired to paint! It sounds like a fun project. Sorry about the house-hunting frustration. Crossing my fingers that you find something great!
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Old 01-12-2011, 12:22 PM   #145  
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I need to work on the "close the kitchen" technique after supper. I was using a planned sweet through the Christmas season to end my meal and that worked reasonably well, but I'm out now and I don't really want that in my kitchen. I think I'll try a cup of herbal tea to end the meal and see if that works for me. It's definitely cold enough here to make a cup of hot tea sound good.

WI: +0.4kg, Exercise: +60* 430/1300 minutes for January, Food: 60%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

BillBlueEyes: saw Boston last night on the impending doom news. Glad you were able to take a vacation day!

onebyone: lots of struggle and lots of insights. I would find the situation with MIL tough, too, even knowing that it is a compliment and a good thing and, yet, still so stressful. Like a performance with no rehearsal. Take care of yourself. The advantage of an outdoor walk is getting out for a few minutes.

Shepherdess: good job compartmentalizing the cupcake to a good place where it doesn't effect the kind of eating that you want to do.
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Old 01-12-2011, 01:11 PM   #146  
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Hi everyone,

It's been two months since I last posted and unfortunately I've been away because I've been slacking!

I stopped reading my response cards, I stopped looking through my pages of notes, I stopped caring and I started eating a ton. Luckily I didn't stop exercising, but I did gain back 6 of the 17 pounds I lost.

I really wanted to have a binge-free year in 2011, and I thought that I would! But I didn't do anything beck related to keep be on track and it didn't happen. It's sad, but I'm trying to focus more on the future and what I'm going to do differently so that the rest of the years goes how I want it to.

I'm going to read my advantages response card and all of my other response cards EVERY DAY, even when I'm doing great and don't think I need to. I would much rather spend a few minutes a few times a day to keep me on track than go off track!!! I'm not going to ignore my "get back on track" response cards like I did before... it would be nice to never go off-track and to be perfect all the time, but I need to be super prepared for when it happens instead of pretending that it never will.
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Old 01-12-2011, 01:23 PM   #147  
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Day 12 in the pink book. This is the day I skip lunch so that I can not panic when I feel hunger. I can tell you I do feel anxious about the experiment but I know I can do it. Lost the mystery pound and a little more which gave me confidence.
maryblu -sorrry for the sadness. I know what that is like.
onebyone - how wonderful have a picture of your new art. i love the creative process.

CeeJay - it sounds like you are going to town with your op eating. congrats.

Joy (gardenerjoy) -I am with you - throw out those Xmas sweets. they look good even if they are stale.
Shepherdess - I swear my son still has the same profile as he did in the sonagram.
Beverlyjoy - It is so strange to me that I respond to pain with overeating. I do NOT like to be uncomfortable.

Cheryl (Seadwaters) - careful with your illness. Take time to recover.Nature Girl - There is a beauty to planning. I find comfort in it. I don't trust my spontaneity.

ChefJoona - Kudos for stopping at a few bites of mac and cheese. It is my favorite.
Le xxiss: enjoy the swimming. It is hard for me to get on a bathingsuit in the winter. ICK.
BBE: Did the storm come yet? Liked the phrase "dipping into the jar" Isn't that the truth. I am always dipping into something.

Last edited by maryann; 01-12-2011 at 01:27 PM.
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Old 01-12-2011, 01:55 PM   #148  
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yeseyekan, I'm adding my to that of the more regular Becksters.

As you become familiar with the folks in here, you may want to comment on their previous posts. (Bill does that a lot but he's obsessive! ) On the other hand, it's perfectly acceptable to just pop in to say hi and talk about how YOU are doing. I do that a lot - partly because I'm new to Beck and partly because I'm just too darned busy elsewhere.

Now ... about me:

I am still reading and re-reading the book and have incorporated some ideas into my ADL - activities of daily living. I am weighing and tracking on a chart daily and not getting my knickers knotted over gains. Meals are now planned in advance but I don't beat myself up if something intervenes and I have to eat something else. It is helping to have my freezer stash ready. There are no tempting off plan things in this house except a lot of booze which I can avoid easily when no friends are around. My birthday is this week and I'm invited out to dinner so I will allow myself to imbibe.

I'm reading the Green Book. Should I get the pink one too?
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Old 01-12-2011, 02:17 PM   #149  
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Coaches/Buddies, taking it kind of easy today, as both of my classes are not meeting yet and I get to watch the wonderful snow from a great seat inside next to the fireplace with my pets.

I paused before eating my lunch and reminded myself to eat without distractions and to leave food on my plate and I did. Food plan today isn’t in alignment with SuperFoodsRx plan, so I’ve taken note of that as a correction I need to make for tomorrow.

I brought my lunch and snacks to campus yesterday. This is a major victory!!!! I also refused a cookie pusher and learned that I will encounter her weekly this semester.

Today’s Essentials:
Weigh-in: -1 lbs.
Read Advantage Cards two times: no
Read Response Cards at least two times: no
Ate slowly, sitting down, noticing every bite: yes
Gave myself credit when I engaged in helpful eating behaviors: yes
Did spontaneous exercise: yes
Did planned exercise: no
Wrote out food plan for tomorrow: yes
Tracked today’s food: yes
Left food on my plate: yes!!!
Ate only to normal fullness: yes
Identified and responded to a self-deluding thought: yes

BeverlyJoy, sorry to hear about your jaw. That is awful. Credit to recognizing you were eating for the wrong reasons. I hope the soft food helps.

BillBlueEyes, great job on the shoveling exercise. Hopefully that will get your exercise back on track.

ChefJoona, I hope you were able to conquer your office lunch with your brown bag today. Bummer about the candy bowl, but it no longer has power over you!!!

CeeJay, sorry you have to travel when you don’t want to. Great job for having a super plan and sticking to it!

GardenerJoy, tea to end a meal sounds wonderful. What a great idea!

Grouse, nice to meet you and good luck getting back on track!

Lexxiss, great job for the NO CHOICE regarding pizza. Excellent!

Maryann, sorry to hear about the gain, but you’ve got the right attitude! Yay for it going away and I hope the hunger experiment went well. I really struggled with that and had to repeat it a couple of times. I’m much better about it now. (I’ve learned something! Yippee!)

Maryblu, I’m sorry to hear about your sadness. I hope you are able to identify a source for it and kick it’s butt!

NatureGirl, too bad about the cat making poor choices. Good job that you recognized you might be using that as an excuse. Great job for having a plan today and experiencing and noticing the joy of hunger.

Newlifestyle, great job on the shower instead of eating! What a terrific alternative. Hope today is better for you.

Onebyone, great job for making the best of a difficult situation. Yay for making a plan! Ouch for the binge. I am sorry to hear that. Good luck with the walking in spite of your mother-in-law.

Ruthxxx, good to read your post! I’ve got the pink book and not the green. From what I’ve been told, the content is very similar, but green doesn’t put you on a daily schedule like pink does. Happy birthday in advance.

Seadwaters, thanks for the scanner information. I hope you are feeling 100% better and the infection is clearing up. No fun!! Your plan will help you get your cholesterol and tg down!

Shepherdess, glad you heard the heart! I am sure you are not alone in your “irrational thoughts”. It is hard to see your body change out of your control. Sorry to hear about your favorite running path being icy.
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Old 01-12-2011, 03:17 PM   #150  
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Hi Beckies - Yesterday I stayed within the parameters of my plan. It took a few twists and turns - but, I was OK. Last night I was faced with a huge stressful situation. My first thought was to head for some food to 'comfort' me. However, I did NO CHOICE/ Red Light, then brushed my teeth and made it through. Credit/yay!

I had two appointments today. Each place had a candy bowl at the desk for folks to help themself. I walked away from the candy both times. Credit.

I didn't do many of my Beck tasks yesterday aside from my journal work. I will do better.

Billbe - stay safe in your second storm/blizzard.

I continue to be inspired and helped by you all. I am glad you are all here. Thanks so much.

Last edited by Beverlyjoy; 01-12-2011 at 06:20 PM.
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