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Old 01-21-2011, 11:43 PM   #256  
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Friday Checkin:
The toothache is worse-I have a sinus infection and a periodontal infection so last night was long and today was tender, including swelling in my mouth. I talked to the dental office, the dentist at home, the doctor, and went to the pharmacy for antibiotics. so I made some adjustments and let my standards down bit, but tried not to use this as an excuse for eating for comfort.
Ate breakfast OP except switched the crunchy cereal for wheat germ & flax seed. Switched to egg salad san instead of salad due to chewing issues. Skipped snacks-probably the amoxicillan affected my stomach. Didn't do so hot at dinner--the menu at our traditional Friday night out joint makes healthy tricky, but healthy & soft just doesn't happen. Had to cancel workout because movement made my head pound. a
Hopefully tomorrow the drugs will have made some progress and I'll be better able to chew; and also able to be more active.
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Old 01-22-2011, 04:28 AM   #257  
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Hi Beckies -yesterday went well - I am grateful. All my planning very much helped me staying within my food exchanges. I did manage to eat healthfully, softish and pretty low sodium. I am grateful.

My stepmom is beyond excited with the dedication of the new building for the art institute for inner city children today. She has been working on this project for 2 years. The former building was over 100 years old and could not be refurbished. She's been president of this board for a couple years and is ready to step down now that the big project is complete. She's amazing - doing all this at 85. She even learned how to use a computer age 83 so she and the other folks working on the project could be in contact via email. As a retired library administrator she had many skills that were helpful in all this.

Yesterday I wrote down my food after eating it - applying it to the right exchanges, drank lots of water, did my exercises, always left a bite, ate seated only, and wrote in my journal. Those were my credits. I am grateful.

I am also grateful I could sleep until 4am this morning. I have always been an early riser. I actually don't think I've slept past 8am more than five times in my whole life. However, this 1, 2 or 3am wake up have been taking their toll.

Today my cousin's from Baltimore will being coming in for the dedication. We will go to a great Thai restaurant for supper. They have no online menu - phooey. But, I'll find something softish and healthy. I know there's traditionally there is alot of sodium in Thai and it will be tricky, but, I think I can manage. I am not going to worry about it.

After supper my stepmom brought out coconut bars and Russian Tea Bisquits. These were two of my favorites from when I was little. I resisted them by focussing on how very very badly I felt at the beginning of this month and the huge weight gain from last holiday season. I don't want to repeat that feeling, really. I also used some resistance techniques. Credit.

I hope you all have a great day.

Last edited by Beverlyjoy; 01-22-2011 at 06:50 AM.
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Old 01-22-2011, 07:58 AM   #258  
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Thumbs up Saturday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Eating OP included leaving a bit of brown rice on my plate for dinner, kinda rare for me; CREDIT moi. Had planned to go to bed without my evening snack since it was late which would have felt like a victory, but had to take an Ibuprofen for a back thing and DW insisted that some food had to go down with it. So I had a small dish of nuts - but CREDIT moi for small, dish, and singular.

Shoveled for exercise; CREDIT moi. Plus the walk to the subway to attend a performance of Bach's Brandenburg Concerto's.

onebyone - Congrats on the continued scale drops. An in-law apartment with a spiral staircase is a bit upscale indeed.

[Thanks for the link to a pot of 2,400 year old Chinese soup (and for the dog study). Reminds me that I was initially confused when I first encountered a thousand-year-old-egg, LOL.]

FutureFitChick - Ten hours of sleep is a gift. Kudos, again, for leaving food on your plate. I thought of you at dinner yesterday as encouragement to leave my rice.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Congrats on proper shoveling form. Apparently I didn't have that and am suffering a minor back twinge last night and today.

Shepherdess - Waiting for a phone call drives me bonkers; Kudos for staying sane, much less OP during that.

Beverlyjoy - Ignoring "mental hunger" is a big one; Kudos. And again for turning down childhood favorites "coconut bars and Russian Tea Biscuits." Your stepmom sounds like a neat lady.

Cheryl (Seadwaters) - Yay for mobility. And Yay for shopping for more green things. [Now I'm drooling for gazpacho despite being too cold here for our summer treat.]

Debbie (Lexxiss) - Whole foods and Costco without free samples deserves Kudos above and beyond.

Nature Girl - A toothache can derail me big time; Kudos for going forward at all. Yep, healthy and soft from one place might well be a challenge.

ChefJoona - Monster Kudos for throwing away part of a bag of popcorn - I'm still working on that skill.

Readers -
chapter 1
How the Program Works

When dieters first come to see me, they invariably have unhealthful eating habits. Sometimes they eat too quickly, without being fully aware of what they are eating, and they don't enjoy every bite. Sometimes they eat moderately in front of others and then eat out of hand when no one is around. They often eat when they just feel like eating, even if they are not actually hungry. For example, they eat when they are bored, upset, celebrating, or procrastinating; when someone offers them something to eat; when they smell delicious food; when they see a food commercial; when they prepare meals; and when they clean up after meals. When they "cheat," they tend to quickly devour food, trying not to notice how much they are eating to avoid feeling guilty.

The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 17.
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Old 01-22-2011, 08:44 AM   #259  
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We had dinner last night with family. DH’s cousin from Denmark was in town visiting. Dinner was takeout pizza. Once again, I had a lot of salad and a small serving of pizza. It wasn’t difficult to limit myself since pizza twice in one week is a lot.

I needed some gentle exercise yesterday, so I did yoga. My tight shoulders, neck and back are thanking me.

Gardenerjoy, yay for working on perfecting that shoveling technique! It’s great that your able to do it without hurting your back.

FutureFitChick, yay for 10 hrs of much needed sleep. Great job sticking to something healthy when you were tired.

Lexiss, great job resisting those Whole Foods samples and for two OP meals in challenging situations. I’m impressed that you were able to stop at one bite of cookie and make a better choice.

Seadwaters, great job getting your shopping done so you have a house full of healthy OP food. Yay for the anti-inflammatory drugs that are making walking easier, but it’s good that you are still mindful of not doing too much.

Nature girl, ouch for sinus infection and periodontal infection, but great job being mindful of your eating and making healthy, soft swaps.

Beverlyjoy, great job staying OP and resisting formerly favorite foods! It’s great that you were able to draw on memories of a low and difficult time to gain the strength. Glad to hear you got a little extra sleep. It’s always easier to stay OP when you’re rested.

BillBE, great job forgoing your membership to the Clean Plate Club and for keeping a necessary snack to a sane portion. Yay for shoveling and a walk to a concert for some exercise.
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Old 01-22-2011, 09:23 AM   #260  
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Good morning

Yesterday was much like the day before. I had a great on plan day until the social gathering in the evening. We had a mini-pot luck. I brought salad and some whole grain bread, and low-cal red pepper spread. Luckily my friend who make the main course is on her own weightloss journey so she made whole grain pasta with veggies and chicken sausage (which I took a reasonable portion of with no seconds). What undid the night for me was the cocktails and the Ben and Jerry's and M&Ms. I said yes to one cocktail, but they were rather strong and my resolve went out the window. I found myself making a second one... after a few sips my wise mind reappeared and I left the rest of it in the kitchen and moved to the livingroom. I indulged in some Ben and Jerrys and M&Ms for dessert. All in all I didn't binge or go over board on my portion sizes for the Ben and Jerry's and M&Ms, but it feels like I over ate because this isn't the way to eat and reach my goal.

I really need to develop strategies for social situations. Its difficult because one of my favorite activities is enjoying food with friends, and while I can control what I bring, I can't control what they bring to share. And I love to try new foods so its a challenge to limit myself to only eat what I bring. I will review what Beck says and focus on being a bit more planful. And I will say no to the cocktail in the future. I really don't like to get calories from anything I drink (aside from the occasional Vermont Microbrew) so why waste calories there, when I can spend them on food I enjoy.

Likely no exercise outside this weekend... highs are in the single digits, if they even get above 0 degrees F!
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Old 01-22-2011, 09:47 AM   #261  
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Quick check in with my Beckmates before heading off for a weekend of adventure.

Thinking of you, BillBE; I can *so relate to the sore back from shoveling the white stuff. *laffin'. Yay for a life where you can walk to the subway and attend world class art performances. Must be quite the feeling of "having it all." My wonderment is being free from the need for a car, at least some of the time. I have to drive 130 miles for my weekend adventure. One way!!(and yes, it is uphill both ways :-)

Beverlyjoy, you get my vote for best use of Beck for the week. Could NOT have resisted Russian Tea Cakes, or as we Norwegians call them, "Butterballs", perhaps a more descriptive name. They were a specialty of my mom's and they would definitely fall into BillBE's category of "special. homemade, and rare", not to mention yummy. Great use of your resistance muscle. Kidding aside, those negative reasons, like thinking about how badly you felt at the beginning of the month..those negative reasons are stronger motivators for me.

And you, my dear Shepherdess, just shaking my head in amazement. "pizza twice in one week is a lot". What? Pizza twice in one day isn't too much! Yay for gentle yoga and a gentle, sustainable lifestyle.

Am having a great run at healthy and mindful eating. Woke up hungry this morning; that is the only indicator I need.

Best to all
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Old 01-22-2011, 10:52 AM   #262  
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I broke my streak of never doing the same workout two days in a row for January. But I think I'll give myself a break on that since it took two days of shoveling snow for us to get out.

I should have worked on strategy as well as technique apparently. We may get another several inches of snow on Sunday night and I'm going to run out of places to put it!

WI: +0.35kg, Exercise: +85* 910/1300 minutes for January, Food: 75%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes
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Old 01-22-2011, 12:55 PM   #263  
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Fabulous hike yesterday with a good friend at Mt. Tamalpais watershed in the Bay Area - sunny and 60 degrees. I feel better with the Vitamin D I soaked up. All but .6 of the weight I gained during travel is gone. I feel good about it. The substituting vegis and low fat meat for the less healthy choices is really paying off. I feel better and fuller because I get to eat more of it. Credit. Had to do some paperwork for by MFA in Creative Writing applications. Some weren't complete. I feel the anxiety creeping in. Reread my personal statement and hated it. Resisted the urge to rewrite the whole thing. I am who I am. I can't be a better writer until they let me into their schools and teach me how. God's plan is not emergency action and what will be best for me is what is going to happen. I say a big, "Oh well." and start cooking for DH and DS lunches next week.
Seadwaters: i hate the feeling of having eaten only crap for a whole day. The Zone guy says something that helps: You're only one meal away from feeling better.
Beverleyjoy: I notice the progression of your writing over the last three checkins. Your food plan, then your action, then your feelings of success. It is true that planning equals success.
Madrikh: got to love walking with a good friend. Better than eating apple pie.
Lexxiss: hurray for just one cookie.
FFChick: good to hear about a successful store run. Like I said to Joy, There really is peace in planning and then taking the right action.
Onebyone: I love WW tortilla soup. Yum and pantry friendly.
Naturegirl: I am sorry you have to go through the pain. It is never easy.
BBE: Just read yesterday about leaving food. I had planned to do so at dinner but I was at a new sushi restaurant and the portions were excessively small and expensive. I was not about to leave one grain of rice (ignoring that Buddha lived apparently on three grains of rice.) So, I will leave some food on my plate today.
Shepardess: LOL with MaryBlue about twice a week pizza being too much. Love your point of view and want to be more like you.

Last edited by maryann; 01-22-2011 at 12:55 PM.
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Old 01-22-2011, 04:11 PM   #264  
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Coaches/Buddies, after I posted yesterday, things rapidly went down hill and ended with a crash. Ugh!

Today’s Essentials:
Weigh-in: -1 lbs.
Read Advantage Cards two times: no
Read Response Cards at least two times: no
Ate slowly, sitting down, noticing every bite: no
Gave myself credit when I engaged in helpful eating behaviors: no
Did spontaneous exercise: yes
Did planned exercise: no
Wrote out food plan for tomorrow: no
Tracked today’s food: no
Left food on my plate: yes
Ate only to normal fullness: no
Identified and responded to a self-deluding thought: no

BeverlyJoy, great job exercising your resistance muscles. How cool is your stepmom! Wow! I’m glad you got a little bit more sleep. I am not operating well with lots of sleep! Oh well! Keep on truckin’!

BillBlueEyes, congratulations on leaving the rice. It feels weird to not finish a relatively healthy item like brown rice sometimes, doesn’t it? Totally jealous of you being able to walk to the subway for the symphony… Someday we’ll live in a big city with public transportation!

ChefJoona, good job for realizing that old habits won’t lead to you meeting your goal. Social situations are really difficult for me too. I always end up trying to justify whatever I want because the “skinny” people are eating that thing too. Ha! Ha!

GardenerJoy, wow! More snow! That is hard to believe. Good luck shoveling. Just out of curiosity, does your shoveling count towards you monthly exercise minutes?

Lexxiss, great way to handle your chili dinner. Good for you!

Maryann, please bottle and share the vitamin D. We need some here in the Midwest. Congratulations at taking off almost all of that traveling weight.

Maryblu, great job for checking in and I hope your weekend adventure was glorius!

Naturegirl, it sounds like there is a dental problem epidemic going on in this forum! I’m sorry you are down with this infection and wish you speedy healing. Ouch!

Seadwaters, I don’t know why I’m so tired and really wish I would not be this way. Right now I’m attributing it to minor stress, fending off a cold, not getting my exercise all leading to a fibromyalgia flare up (made worse by not sleeping). It is a roller coaster I haven’t been able to get off of. You sound so much better than you were 10 days ago. That is terrific! Great job getting stocked up on needed items for the upcoming week and taking it easy at lunch while you were out.

Shepherdess, glad you could get that yoga in to loosen up your back and shoulders. Great job for the small amount of pizza with salad and realizing when you are eating it twice in a week it isn’t all that “special”.
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Old 01-22-2011, 04:25 PM   #265  
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Hi freinds.
I missed checking in last night, but here I am! My depression has taken yet another downturn, so doing anything positive is a major kudo for me.

-ate OP yesterday
-WI: 163.8
-got out of bed
-plan to walk today (it's sunny!)

That's all I can come up with. Hope to check in this evening.

My best to all of you.

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Old 01-22-2011, 11:23 PM   #266  
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Hello everyone:

madrikh- sorry you are experiencing depression and major credit for all you did despite not feeling well.

FutureFitChick- sorry to hear about your rough night.

maryann-your hike sounds wonderful. Can't imagine 60 degrees right now- hope you are enjoying it.

gardenerjoy-kuddos for snowshovelling- great exercise.

maryblu- hope you are having a great weekend.

ChefJoona- social gatherings are so hard. Credit to you for not binging or going overboard on the portion sizes and you have a good plan for the next one.

Shepherdess- nice going resisting overeating pizza.

BillBlueEyes-good job not overeating the nuts. Bach's Brandenburg Concerto's- delicious.

Beverlyjoy- yay for a day on plan. Nice list of credits. Resisting your stepmom's desserts is a huge victory. I like how you talked yourself about it--Beck skills at work.

Nature Girl- your tooth and sinus problems sound so miserable. Get well soon!!

seadwaters-maybe you can find an exercise bike used. Bet there will be a bunch when the new years resolutions die down.

Newlifestyle- have a great vacation.

Lexxiss-resisting cornbread must have been hard. I love that stuff. Stoppping at one bite of the cookie was a show of strength!!

onebyone-yay for all that weight gone. Is the Tortilla Soup low fat? I need to find a few new recipes for soup. Have a great time with your DH. Four bedrooms and fireplace sounds promising and a forest to walk in also!!

grouse- re advantage cards. I just wrote simple things on mine- such as cross country ski or feel healthy. I think they just need to make sense to you.

Movingon- no problem about the rant. I sympathize about the lack of scale movement.

Well for me- sorry to say Tues, Wed, Thurs and Fri were not good. Today was fine so I am very happy about that. I have started rereading the Pink Book from page 1. As I read it came to me that I am not preparing myself enough for situations/emotions that trigger me- especially food brought into work, restaurant situations and overwork and stress. When I then have sabotoguing thoughts I do not talk back to them enough. I just stew about whether or not I am going to eat but don't talk enough in my head- do you know what I mean? Need to slow it down a bit.

Credits today:

weighed in. Well what did I expect? Mounds of salt all week took their toll
exercise bike 30 mins
did weights
checked in with my coaches
planned tomorrow
ate on plan
planned tomorrow
read advantage and response cards
read the Pink Book
ate slower and more mindfully than usual

None of us can give up. Let's just keep climbing back on when we fall off.

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Old 01-23-2011, 12:21 AM   #267  
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Exclamation Just barely still Saturday check-in

Hi Coaches

DH came home last night from his week away at work in Toronto and he brought me... timbits (doughnut holes for those of you unfamiliar with the Tim Horton brand). He doesn't even like doughnuts but I bought them on our last car ride so he wanted to bring me something I like. I had about 5 of them last night then MINDLESSLY sat them beside me on the couch and consumed them as I tried to advance in Lego Star Wars on the wii this afternoon, and after getting stuck on a level I reached into the box and there were none. One by one I ate them all.
Of course I ate them all.
I put them on the couch beside me instead of dousing them with dish soap like one of my wise coaches does....

That was the worst of it. Oh nope. I took the car (oh little red car how I miss you during the week!) and went to see my brother this morning. I have been feeling like I have been neglecting him and so he asked for a ride in the new car and I picked him up and we went for coffee and talked art projects and such and I had a chocolate dipped biscotti.
I did resist getting the moccachino (credit).
Actually I ate the biscotti before the donuts. Sugar triggers more sugar in me so that probably made it easier to go off plan, but by not getting rid of the crap food to begin with I was already getting ready to eat them.

I did modify our plans for the evening so I could eat more healthfully and OP (credit). I get these deals from where every day they send you a deal for something in your city and often its a thing like "$10 for $20 of food at restaurant x". I tried this out a few weeks ago and we really looked forward to going somewhere new and for 1/2 price really... fun and a "date" too. So I got another groupon for a pub downtown and we were going to go tonight but I nixed it. I chose to cook from scratch instead and made a big pot of stew. Now I have stew AND soup for the week except... I am going to Toronto tomorrow.

The place DH saw, the bunker, had him extoling its virtues to me. He said it's 1/2 of a mansion; "like they decided, this place is way too big for us, let's just cut it in two". And so they did. There are 4 bedrooms and three bathrooms, and a spiral staircase (how do you move a bed, or dressers, up a spiral staircase??) and there are secret passageways behind the walk-in closets, (and the every bedroom has a walk-in closet). I got the go ahead for a vegetable garden there and it's TWO gardening zones warmer than here). We have full use of the two bbq grills outside. Separate entrance, giant windows on the main floor but he said the windows in the bedrooms are "just like the windows you'd have if you were an archer" (we're talking medieval archer ie. protecting the castle = tall narrow slits?? he said it was sunny so... M, the real estate agent, is trying to book us in for tomorrow afternoon at 5. We haven't heard yet if it's a go. I bought my train ticket home for Tuesday morning at 10pm. I am not getting stuck there for the whole week again.

DH's mom sent him here with a tupperware thing full of cookies... she made too many (again) ... push push push. Tomorrow I'll put dish soap on them, drop them in the trash and clean up her container and return it to her.

So that's it. I had a small anxiety attack this afternoon. It happened after I was telling my brother about all my changes and the move to Toronto. I pretty much live in the space in between being here and being there. Shifting to there will be something else.

Tomorrow I'll make a plan for the coming week and I'll bring my watp dvd with me and do it in the morning too. I just saw 276 I want to see 275 not 277 or worse on my next official weighin.

Have a good night coaches.
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Old 01-23-2011, 12:39 AM   #268  
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Fell asleep on the couch but stopped here on my way to bed--I WILL post, not matter how groggy. Much better today - no pain. Exercise was (heavy) housecleaning and walking through new car lots (!! just dreaming!!) OP except for one treat on the way home from shopping. Did Costco w/ only one sample, and that was something I might have bought. Also didn't buy the red licorice byt the gallon, or any bakery treats. In fact, when DH was in the bakery, encouraged him to get his favorite apple gooey thing--I can't stand cooked apple stuff! No desire to try or "share."
Had a brain storm regarding cards: I really need to read them! I know that sounds silly, but somehow I've been thinking I know what they say and I understand, so I coast without them, and then I end up eating something I definitely have a card about but I have only a faint memory of the card and the craving/desire/hunger is much stronger.
So tomorrow I'll work on a better card plan, go for a workout (I think I'm healthy enough finally), and plan my food for the few days of the week.
And report again tomorrow night!
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Old 01-23-2011, 04:11 AM   #269  
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Hi Coaches!

Yesterday was an F+ Beck day, actually, maybe D-. I'll join in with the others who are getting "right back on track".
1. I'm getting back into the routine here which my choices are influenced by my mom.
2. I fell horribly on the ice-one of those lucky you aren't in the hospital falls. (it was an inch of ice-disguised by snow and the rest of the parking lot was melted). I hit right on my tailbone and my leg somehow went under the car and bonked,too) day started out 1/2 ok because I wanted to stay home and mom wanted to go to breakfast. I did fine at breakfast, but came home and dove into the homemade bread which we bought at the fundraiser. I resolved to get back on track-identified tired-and took a nap. Got up to take the dog for vaccs, fell, came home and went back to food. *credit* for stopping, and *credit* for a healthy dinner prepared by DH and eaten from bed.

I did spend alot of time thinking (while my back was aching). I'm thinking about the daily schedule DR. Beck has in her workbook. When I'm here and have to hook up with my moms desires so often, I'm thinking it might really be helpful to have my time scheduled better so that I keep things running smoothly in my world. Of course, that has to do with planning food, too. I had breakfast planned yesterday, but hadn't planned the rest. I seem to do better when I plan a few days in advance.

I need to get my house back in order-it has alot to do with how I feel about "me" these day. Perhaps I'll get back later...or tomorrow. First things first.
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Old 01-23-2011, 06:29 AM   #270  
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Thumbs up Sunday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Eating was OP again, CREDIT moi. Including going to bed without my snack but with a small glass of milk to buffer the Ibuprofen rather than nuts like yesterday - special CREDIT moi for that alone.

Did a useful round of de-cluttering in my basement; CREDIT moi. It's painful to deal with items that represent unfinished projects, or even completed projects that are unlikely to be repeated - sometimes just because we've done that and don't need to repeat it. Real exercise waits for the back thingy to move along.

maryblu - Yay for "Woke up hungry this morning." You can come live with us during February and do performances, and we'll live with you in August during the month of Minnesota and eat raspberries and weed gardens.

onebyone - This rings true for me also, "Sugar triggers more sugar in me." Keeping my fingers crossed for your mansion. Around here, there's almost no renting in January and February, so you might be getting a good deal just because of your timing.

FutureFitChick - Ouch for downhill with a crash, with Kudos for "Left food on my plate: yes" - I continue to admire your consistency. [Get your degree and come interview in the Boston area; there seems to be an unbounded need for smart bio-engineering around here.]

CeeJay - It does seem that we need to hit ourselves over the head occasionally that's it's preparation for these uninvited foods that helps. Kudos for seeing that.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Ouch for shoveling snow. However, a friend of mine just said he can only stay in California for three days before it drives him craze that the weather never changes.

Shepherdess - Neat to be on top of your eating plan so that you can savor pizza when the time is right.

Debbie (Lexxiss) - Just amazing that you fell and just kept going. Kudos for "First things first."

Nature Girl - Yay for "healthy enough finally" and Kudos for only one sample at Costco's. I'd call that a victory.

Marci (madrikh) - Yep indeed; Kudos for giving yourself credits for the size steps that are right for you at the time.

maryann - I just gotta find a path to enlightenment eating more than "Buddha lived apparently on three grains of rice" - hard to think of myself going there.

ChefJoona - Kudos for "reasonable portion of with no seconds" - Yep, social situations are one of the big challenges.

Readers -
chapter 1
How the Program Works

As it turns out, all of the dieters I have worked with ate more - and in some cases a great deal more - than they initially realized. They just were not fully aware of the extent of their overeating. Once they learned how to change their thinking about eating, they were able to slow down, really notice everything they were eating, enjoy their food without guilt, and - finally - stick to a diet. Rather than having good eating days and bad eating days, they learned to eat consistently every day.

The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 17.
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