Beck Diet Solution A step-by-step program to learn specific techniques to stay on our diet, lose weight, and maintain our weight loss for life.

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Old 12-01-2010, 05:57 AM   #1  
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Default Beck Diet For Life/Solution – December 2010 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

Welcome to the discussion group, support group, diet coach group, diet buddy group relating to the two books by Dr. Judith S. Beck:and the first bookThe Beck Diet Solution is a psychological program, not a food plan. It provides a step-by-step program to learn specific techniques to stay on our diet, lose weight, and maintain our weight loss for life. The program is based on Dr. Beck's clinical research in Cognitive Therapy (CT).

The Complete Beck Diet for Life expands the earlier work and includes a food plan with suggested menus. From the cover:
With The Complete Beck Diet for Life you'll discover the 5 stages of successful dieting and maintenance. You'll learn how to motivate yourself, give yourself credit for every change you make, create time and energy for dieting, and handle hunger and cravings. Dr. Beck eases you into changing one step at a time. You'll master one task before moving on to the next. And you'll learn techniques to deal with challenging situations, such as sticking with ou plan at celebrations and dealing with "food pushers." With Dr. Beck's skills, you'll achieve a lifetime of healthful eating and lifelong motivation.
This is a place to discuss the Beck strategies and our daily efforts, to receive and provide support, and, for some of us, is where we serve as on-line diet buddy (coach) to each other.

If you’ve arrived from a search engine, you’ve landed at the site of 3 fat chicks, a remarkable place for those interested in a healthy life style, including mindful eating, exercise, and weight loss. More about the site, including how to register so that you can post can be found here.

The books are available on Amazon through the 3FC store by clicking their names above; buying through 3FC helps to cover the costs of running this site.

You can find the list of previous (or more current) monthly Beck threads here on 3 Fat Chicks via:

List of Monthly Beck Threads for Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
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Old 12-01-2010, 06:02 AM   #2  
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Thumbs up Welcome Blue Daisy

Blue Daisy

And, even though you've been on 3FC for two years,

How did you discover The Beck Diet for Life?

And how did you find this forum on 3 Fat Chicks?
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Old 12-01-2010, 06:03 AM   #3  
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Thumbs up Wednesday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Lunch was a modest portion of leftover stuffing and broccoli (along with my, of course, Man Salad), CREDIT moi. Modest is the key word; it's been new to me on my journey to serve myself a portion of reasonable size. As I begin to serve myself anything, the more-more-more part of my brain kicks in big time.

My Sabotaging Thoughts to avoid my walk after work were that it was getting dark and I had something that I wanted to do. Then I remembered that the darkness excuse had a couple of months left in it and the something I wanted to do excuse would always be there. So I went, CREDIT moi, taking a new route to wake up my explorer genes. Voila - I discovered a cluster of four places of interest, including a cupcake bakery, which is good news and bad news. I left with only their flyer and tantalizing smells. But when I find that I need a cake hit, a cupcake is a dandy way to limit the volume.

maryblu - Your "turkey sausage thang" is, indeed, creative - particularly the extra tarragon part. Maybe you'll also stick that in our recipe thread so it's easy to find later.

onebyone - It's good news that your DH was nervous about managing software types; it's a good sign that he's open to learning all that he has to master to do that job. Yay for your creative breakthrough; you do keep your creative juices flowing.

CeeJay - Waving. Happy Birthday yesterday.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Honking Kudos for that many books to the book fair. Wish you lived nearer to give me some encouragement to do the same with our zillion volumes of books that we read, enjoyed, but never plan to read again. By the by, "A screaming comes across the sky" made me want to dig into Gravity's Rainbow; do you have any suggestions for my first Thomas Pynchon read?

Shepherdess - Smart thinking to get back to weighing and measuring; this portion creep thing is real and, apparently, universal. Ouch for the big storm and a traveling DH - hope your take-care-of-me part of you kicks in.

Beverlyjoy - Will be holding my breath for the next 24 hours. I like the advice to send your surgeon's recommendation "to eat lots of fruits, veggies, protein and whole grains" in the email when you tell your friends that you're home, including the notion that he also told you to avoid desserts since your activity will be restricted. You really do have to prevent a bakery's worth of cakes and pies from arriving at your door. Pain doesn't help with rational thinking.

Cheryl (Seadwaters) - Ouch for the news about your knees - hope the anti-inflammatory works its magic. The stationary bike sounds like a stellar idea. There are so many unused ones taking up space in people's homes that, lacking a Craig's list, some form of putting up ads - even on your local supermarket bulletin board - might just produce a free one. <sigh> . . . you do have to file your first December post in the November thread while you wait for the rest of the world to wake up, LOL.

Debbie (Lexxiss) - Yay for a better day with Kudos for using NO CHOICE to make the walk happen.

Donna (new2me2) - Congrats for reaching your weight goal and entering the wonderful stage of maintaining. It's a lovely place to be for the rest of your life. Kudos for using "Beck principles over Thanksgiving" - it's a time when they're needed, all right.

Nature Girl - Packaging left over turkey without nibbling is huge; Kudos. Can't say that I've ever been successful at that. The timing of Day 22 is neat - just when you needed it for your office cookie offerings.

Woodland - Kudos for giving yourself credit, "I DO have the ability to focus my mind on my goals." [Neat that your rewards list takes you to the place of dwelling on the joy in your life.]

Marci (madrikh) - Yay for having a confirmation of where you're at and having a plan to go forward. Kudos for getting in your treadmill miles.

Blue Daisy - Yep, we're all ready to be your Diet Coach / Diet Buddy and ask you to play that role for us. Kudos for jumping in seriously by gathering up the materials you need. Stage 1 is a great time to adjust to your new strategies.

LOL at your baby utensils - that's a new idea for me; what a kick, a constant reminder while eating. Count me in that club that finds it hard to remember to give myself credit. It works for me to force myself to do it in my daily posting, so it's at least once a day. Glad you're here.

Readers -
chapter 11
When to Stop Losing and Start Maintaining

Determine Your Lowest Achievable Weight

If you lose more weight by eating less or exercising more, fine. Keep up with your new routine until you reach a new plateau and reassess the situation.

The Beck Diet Solution, pg 274.

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 12-01-2010 at 11:51 AM. Reason: Typo
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Old 12-01-2010, 08:12 AM   #4  
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From BillBE: maryblu - Your "turkey sausage thang" is, indeed, creative - particularly the extra tarragon part. Maybe you'll also stick that in our recipe thread so it's easy to find later.

Well, maybe I will! *laffin'. I realized I left out an ingredient which could be big deal, so I will post on recipe thread. Even though most turkeys are injected with a sodium solution, (*ughhh)..there is far less sodium in one of these than in a turkey sausage.

Woke up hungry; that is my *sign that I am doing things right.
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Old 12-01-2010, 08:35 AM   #5  
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Big thanks to everyone for your wonderful support, great ideas with food & recovering, and kindness.

I am hoping for a good surgery tomorrow. I am ready.

I am a little concerned - my stomach is so upset. It's probably nerves. I feel nauseous too. I have many meds to take after my surgery:


Please send any positive thoughts or prayers to my tummy. That's a lot of medicine for an queezy stomach.

Thanks again. Much to do today.

Last edited by Beverlyjoy; 12-01-2010 at 09:15 AM.
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Old 12-01-2010, 09:20 AM   #6  
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Happy December everyone! This is my favorite month, even with the weather. Food was OP yesterday and easy thanks to weighing and measuring. When I first started Beck, weighing and measuring always made me want to rebel. It must be a sign of progress that I can slip back into it so easily and, at least yesterday, it seemed to snap everything back into place.

The wind was blowing yesterday and the snow is drifting so no outdoor exercise. It was hard to motivate myself, but I did pick up my jump rope.

Welcome Blue Daisy! Beck is a lot of work in the beginning, but it sounds like you’ve been doing a great job. I love the idea of eating with baby utensils to help slow you down. Yay for the weight moving in the right direction! It’s rewarding to see that.

Lexxis, hugs while you deal with the frustration of an anniversary no one else remembers and your late father’s birthday. Those are strong emotions and would be hard to deal with. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Great job getting back OP and getting out for a walk even with low motivation.

Gardenerjoy, a day of hauling books sounds like some serious exercise. I don’t know how it’s affecting you emotionally, but I know I would probably be grieving to have to give up books. But maybe it’s just a relief that they are no longer in limbo. Either way, great job getting it done.

Madrikh, yay for a good day. It’s great that you discovered the problem and have a solution in place. It sounds like you have a good system for diet and exercise and keeping a separate notebook for moods and medications is a great addition.

New2me2, good to see you again! Sometimes life just gets busy, but great job getting back here when you could. Congratulations on reaching your goal! Kudos for pulling out those Beck skills and maintaining through the holiday.

Seadwaters, great job staying OP through a day of meetings. I hope the anti-inflammatory helps with your knees. Surgery does not sound like an appealing option. Do your pool workouts feel better on your knees?

Onebyone, your DH starting a new job would be a seriously stressful event. I hope, in the long run, it will all be for the better. Best of luck finishing all your projects for the Christmas show.

Nature Girl, great job getting in your workout even when you didn’t feel like it. It sounds like the day was throwing you lots of temptations and you handled them all well. Great job recognizing that stopping at the store would be too big a temptation.

Maryblu, LOL at veggies throwing your body into shock. Sounds like you found a great way to use up leftovers and also satisfy a craving. I like the idea that waking up hungry is a sign of success.

Woodland, great job getting back to your Beck skills so quickly. It’s sometime a surprise after slip that getting back OP will make you feel better and it’s not as difficult as it seems.

BillBE, great job reigning in portions sizes and quieting that part of the brain that insists we need more. Yay for exploring a new route to add a little excitement to your walk. Finding a cupcake bakery would be difficult for me, but you’re right that it can help keep portions in check.

Beverlyjoy, sending you supportive thoughts while you prepare for surgery and hoping your tummy calms down. It would be difficult to get down those meds with an upset tummy.
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Old 12-01-2010, 11:19 AM   #7  
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We went to a nice restaurant last night, one that specializes in serving local foods. The entrees sounded huge (a half chicken?! -- I did see someone order that and it turned out to be a small chicken, but it was still 2 or 3 servings in my food plan), so I asked that they bring a salad out with DH's entree. And, I ordered dessert. It was a nice compromise for me -- both special and restrained. DH and I shared bites of everything so I got to taste some sweet potato soup and trout and he ate some of my dessert. And I left food on my plate, both during the salad course and the dessert course. I'm happy that I can go out to a special place and not have to overeat in order for it to be special.

I met my exercise goal for November!

The first of the month is the day I change my ticker and it slid down a couple of pounds. It wasn't at all clear in the last week that I wouldn't have to slide it up, so I'm thrilled with that!

WI: -1.1kg, Exercise: +25 1350/1350 minutes for November, Food: 90%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

Welcome BlueDaisy!

BillBlueEyes: I haven't read Pynchon, but, of course, that never stops a good librarian from recommending books. Since his first three books all cover many of the same themes and all include bits that should appeal to an engineer, I think I would read them in the order written: V, The Crying of Lot 49, and then Gravity's Rainbow.

Beverlyjoy: thinking happy, warm, healing thoughts for you and your tummy and your feet!

new2me2: great to "see" you! And congratulations on getting to goal weight!

Hugs to Lexxiss, and greetings to all!
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Old 12-01-2010, 11:50 AM   #8  
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Beverlyjoy, I think this comic strip was written just for you!
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Old 12-01-2010, 01:21 PM   #9  
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Thumbs up Wed mid-day and rainy day

Hi Coaches

credit I had a 100% OP breakfast this morning! YAY! And I have had two 100% OP snacks. credit The only thing not "greenlight" so far has been the 1% milk but I can't use skim in my coffee so that will have to remain that way. Somethings I just am unwilling to change right now (maybe later) and geez louise if I did I'd set myself up for rebellion big time. I've even had 2 cups of water credit and will have two more when I head upstairs after this post. I weighed myself creditand it's up again: 282.8 YIKES

DH's sister canceled on me last night but we made plans for this afternoon--actually anytime now she should be calling. My art work is going slowly but I am enjoying it immensely. I have to pick up the pace though. Not long now until, the show. Mid afternoon tomorrow and Friday morning, (I am out Thursday night but maybe will get home early enough to continue working), will be "finishing" time and that will be that. As it stands, it looks like I won't have any new paintings, mostly new jewelry pieces. Somehow I have to get some xmas cards made too. I have most of the files already on my hard drive-just have to print cut and glue ...yes, that's "all" I have to do seems like too much right now but I just have to re-focus and do as much as I can. I can rest on Saturday after 2 when the show is over.

I'm anxious to hear from DH as to how things are going... my fingers & toes are crossed that he finds himself in a good place!
Better go.

Enjoy your day coaches.

PS. I am planning on 5 min with wii walk it out. I'll report back in with that. UPDATE: 17 min done
No. I am going to commit to this (gardenerjoy I want to say that I too have met my monthly workout goal! Thanks for the inspiration!)
31 days x 5min/day of planned exercise = exercise goal 155 min this month.

Last edited by onebyone; 12-01-2010 at 06:07 PM.
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Old 12-01-2010, 03:37 PM   #10  
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Default Thursday Morning

Hi Coaches

I have finished marking - YAY - and now I can get on with work that is pressing. Yesterday it rained all day (2 inches) so a perfect marking-at-home day. I barely moved out of the chair all day and went to bed very late - so that could be why my weight is up (a lot) today? Or the lamb from 2 days ago!

Lexxiss - Credit for walking when you really didn't want to. Thanks for the tea tips. Hope you continue to feel better
Onebyone - Yay for a creative breakthrough just when you need it - you have a way of doing that. Hope things are going the way they need to with your DH. Your advice the BeverlyJoy was brilliant - practical and sensible. Will have to remember it
BlueDaisy - WELCOME - you really seem to be forging ahead with the plan. Giving credit spontaneously is something I struggle with but you seem to have it in your sights. Yay for 4.4lbs down
NatureGirl - Credit for not being swayed by cookies and party food - and for sitting down to eat in the midst of plenty. Everywhere I walk at the moment there is a staggering amount of food on display - a bad time of year
Woodland - I went looking and we do have a Craig's list here! But it doesn't seem to have much in it. You have inspired me to look at cheaper sources. Firstly I will find out what type of bike I want in the stores and then I will look for second hand
BillBlueEyes - Credit for modest serves - I have yet to do that without scales to hand
BeverlyJoy - Well if it is the 2nd of December here already you haven't got long to wait! Thinking of you and all those pills you will have to take. I think your tummy will settle after the surgery - one big source of anxiety gone!
Shepherdess - Happy December to you - wonder why it is your favourite month what with the snow and the wind. Credit for slipping back into familiar practices
Gardenerjoy - You seem to have the restaurant thing nailed. I find it difficult to even think special and restrained in the same thought. Will practice that when I am buying a take out lunch in the city today

- Food on plan
- Weighed myself (up 2.8lb to 216.2!! honestly)
- Planned today's food and lunch out
- Checked in
- Did not exercise
- Ate standing while serving!

Have a good day
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Old 12-01-2010, 03:59 PM   #11  
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Default wednesday personals

seadwaters Kudos for all the good credits! I noticed that you had an encounter with a food while standing today. I am still doing that too and still with bananas! And we also share the no exercise thing so before I sit down to start making things again I will do the 5min wii fit. I keep forgetting to ask you, but do Australians celebrate Thanksgiving or is it called something else?

gardenerjoy Wow gardenerjoy big credit to you for meeting your November exercise goal AND moving your ticker lower! You are really in the home stretch! I am so thrilled for you. Your example inspired me to set a very very modest exercise goal for myself this month and to post it on the challenge thread you mentioned and from there I went to the Dec weight challenge thread so thanks for all that!

Shepherdess I was surprised to read that someone's (your) favorite month is December! I never considered that before which is kind of odd... Kudos for the OP food and jump rope. I don't fight weighing and measuring either anymore. Credit to us both for this!

Beverlyjoy Good luck good luck good luck tomorrow! After tomorrow you are getting better everyday. Your body will accept all those medicines. It's not something your brain need be concerned with. Just keep thinking good healing pink bubble thoughts...

maryblu Kudos for being OP and for enjoying your life! It's a joy to read. We are enjoying a storm which blew up from Minnesota they say. It's very rainy but not very cold. Thanks for that!

Billblueeyes The more-more-more part of my brain has pretty much taken over the rest of my eating mind. I need to whittle it down to size. Modest portions are really really difficult for me. I managed it for breakfast though-but SIL showed up for lunch and I way overate. Even when I was stuffed I still wanted more. Time to say NO CHOICE more-more-more!

Blue Daisy Welcome! You are well on your Beck way! I am looking forward to your posts

Back to the grindstone....
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Old 12-01-2010, 04:28 PM   #12  
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Hi friends...

My really upset tummy from this morning (which I figured was a major case of nerves) - well it turns out to be the stomach/intestinal flu - and a fever of 101. My surgeon told me I had to cancel the surgery set for tomorrow. My mom had this last week - on Friday. It's going around. Phooey.

I am beyond disappointed and feeling bewildered.(and sad and mad and frustrated....) I can hardly believe it. DS always uses this expression..."It is what it is" And it's the flu.

I have had a 'nervous' tummy of late - which was normal apprehension, I know. Honestly - bad timing for all this flu stuff. DH is always the optimist - says - better to have the flu now than in the middle of surgery recovery. I guess.

Thanks for your positive thoughts, support and kindness.

gardenerjoy - love the comic!

I'll catch up with ya all tomorrow. I have the whole day free, of course.

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Old 12-01-2010, 06:13 PM   #13  
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Originally Posted by Beverlyjoy View Post
Hi friends...

My really upset tummy from this morning (which I figured was a major case of nerves) - well it turns out to be the stomach/intestinal flu - and a fever of 101. My surgeon told me I had to cancel the surgery set for tomorrow. My mom had this last week - on Friday. It's going around. Phooey.

I am beyond disappointed and feeling bewildered.(and sad and mad and frustrated....) I can hardly believe it. DS always uses this expression..."It is what it is" And it's the flu.

OMG! SO SORRY it's not happening tomorrow... but DH is right: you need to be completely well if you don't want complications after surgery. On the bright side, you've pretty much had to face everything you're going to face the next time you come up to your surgery date, which I hope is SOON, you can be pretty sure you're prepared - except you may want to add a face mask to ward off viruses in the air along with the bubblewrap. I hope you take tomorrow completely off and relax.
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Old 12-01-2010, 09:50 PM   #14  
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Default Day 4

WOW! Thanks so much for the warm welcomes. There are so many of you. I can tell I'm going to enjoy getting to know you all on this journey.

Someone mentioned I'd been on 3FC for 2 years. What a true example of my constant strutter starts with dieting over the years. It's been so long since I was last on the site I had to get a new password. I'm notorious for starting and failing at dieting and weight loss attempts over and over and over again.

I haven't shared with my family what I'm doing yet. When asked I say "it's a project". If pressed for more information I tell them I'll tell them more about it later.

I actually can't remember when or how I found "Beck Diet for Life." It's probably been a year and a half since I bought the book. I thought the principles and ideas were really great. I even tried doing some Response Cards...but that was as far as I got. I was traveling a lot with work and couldn't commit to making this a priority. Start-up takes quite a bit of time and thought. But again, the principles and changing how we think about food and eating so we can change our behavior with food made perfect sense.

Committing to DOING this program was my 45th birthday present to myself.
I want to develop self-control and self-discipline in my eating habits and how I care for my body. Like it or not...this is the only body I get. I can't trade it in for a new model. So I NEED to do what I NEED to do to take care of it.

* I read my Response & Advantage Cards
* I ate on plan today
* I weighed once this morning...down another 5.2 lbs
(I struggled with an idea for 5lb rewards. What could I do that was meaningful and memorable? I tend to have a short memory and forget why I'm doing what I'm doing. So I came up with the idea of rubber bracelets. So I've rewarded myself with a white rubber bracelet for the first 5 lbs to wear as a constant reminder. I have 4 more bracelets, different colors, as a reward for each 5lbs and a constant reminder of "why" and how much I've accomplished.)
* I completed 30 minutes of exercise.

Still need work...
I had trouble slowing down and really enjoying my morning snack & lunch. I must find somewhere else to eat besides at my desk in front of my computer. I got distracted and start working again before I finish eating my food.

Still forgetting to give credit throughout the day.

Hope everyone has a wonderful night and a great day tomorrow.
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Old 12-01-2010, 11:18 PM   #15  
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We packed up the car this morning and decided to head West and check out our house while taking a short break. I don't know how long we have here...perhaps as long as 2 weeks, depending on Mom and the old pup, Rudi. I seem to have fallen back in my groove. I am grateful for that.
-5 days worth of meals planned
-OP today
-walked to the corner store for a newspaper after dinner, not because I needed a paper but because I needed a walk

Up early tomorrow for food preparation then off to the pool for some real exercise.

Thanks for being here everyone!

BillBlueEyes, a belated thanks for all the first lines this past month. I found I'm missing them already. Hmm….now I am thinking about the cupcake bakery. I'm thinking I might just window shop. *credit* for remembering your darkness excuse and walking anyway,

Blue Daisy, We had this discussion awhile back, and I think there are many of us who don't share the specifics with our families. Great that you've started working with your Beck tools, and I like the reward system you've set up.

Beverlyjoy, I am so sorry to hear of your postponement. I hope you are healing quickly from the darned flu.

gardenerjoy, congrats on yet another month with exercise goals met and a shrinking ticker. Your dinner out sounded nice and "sane".

Shepherdess, ok, now every time the wind is blowing fierce here, I'll remember it's your favorite month. Congrats on persistance with weighing to the point that it feels good to do so.

onebyone, great credits so early in your day. Even though you overate later on, your good choices early on make for great progress. Hope you hear from DH soon.

NatureGirl, your statement regarding the part that doesn't become habit got me into some heavy thinking today and I think it is helping me to catch my wind. Some tools I use every day-no problem-and others I continually struggle with. Good list of credits, you have!


Woodland, great news on a "strong day". A testament to your working on your Beck skills and making dieting your priority. Thanks for Anniversary wishes, and reminding me to read again tonight.

Cheryl(seadwaters), Yay for finishing marking and moving on to pressing work. I hope you have success in finding an exercise bike.

maryblu, good when you get the *sign* that you are doing things right. Yes, I have tried your favorite tea, but usually regular-caff. Very tasty!

Good night all.
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