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Old 07-16-2008, 08:19 AM   #121  
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Good Morning ladies, Another lovely day here. We finally got our warm weather. In a couple more days I'm sure I'll be complaining about that too. I have been riding my bike for exercise. Yesterday I took the grands for a bike ride and had a nasty spill. Thankfully, it was on grass and not hard surface! I can't tell I have any new sore spots. I have so many old ones it would be hard to find a new spot to be sore in! ha!!

YoYo, Don't know what's going on with TOM. They say that after a full year you're finished.

Karen3, Yeah for you!!! 2 lb. gone for good!!!!

Bobbi, It's horrible what teachers have to put up with any more. I have a brother and sister that are teachers. They tell me horror stories. And it's not only the kids, but their parents. Of course, when you think about it, if it wasn't for the parents, the kids wouldn't be acting like that any way.

make it a good day, Freda
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Old 07-16-2008, 08:57 AM   #122  
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Ouch Freda!! Hope you don't find any new sore spots!! may want to check with your md just in case. I didn't have periods for a few years, then started again with 10 day ones (which was "normal" for me at one time). Found out later that I had a "mass" then needed a hysterectomy. I dreaded it and now it's the best thing ever!!!

Yep, Bobbi, you wonder what in the world is "wrong" with kids, then you meet the parents and you think "aha! poor kid doesn't have a chance". Funny story. About 30 years ago I had a kid in my class who was really "off". Sweet kid, but really dumb as a post. His Mom came in to discuss his progress and said "You know what his problem is don't you? He's a Sagittarius!"

The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree sometimes..

Just got finished the first day of the 2nd level of the 30 day shred. Killer, but I like it much better than level one..not as much jumping.

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Old 07-16-2008, 11:06 AM   #123  
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Good Morning!
We had to turn our central air on yesterday. This is only the 2nd time this year, It sure saves on electricity. 96 degrees with heat index and muggy, did I go out side? Nope, only to let the chickens out and pick a few raspberries and that was around 6:30am.
Today I'm going to copy/paste a small articles I cut out from a February Prevention issue. It's a theory I've been using for years, no matter how I feel. Whenever someone says, "How are You?" I always say with a smile, "FANTASTIC". You wouldn't believe the comments you'll get when you respond with that. My pastor started calling me the Fantastic girl.
Fake It....till you make it
Putting on a happy face...even if you don't feel like it...actually induces greater happiness, says Bryant. So be exuberant. Don't just eat the best peach of the season...luxuriate in every lip-smacking mouthful. Laugh aloud at the movies. Smile at yourself in the mirror. After all, he says, "a surefire way to kill joy is to suppress it."
With this little tidbit, be exuberant today!
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Old 07-16-2008, 11:29 AM   #124  
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Hello all

Have had some nice days. Have been kid sitting for Sara as her regular baby sitter is on vacation. Neat small world thing with her baby sitter ~ they were talking when they first met and discovered that the baby sitter was from the same town that we had lived in, when we lived in Maine.

My son came over the other night after work and we watched a movie and visited. Because of our different schedules ~ we don't get to visit each other very much. So, that was a nice treat.

Bobbie and Cat ~ I don't envy your family members who are teachers. It helped me to not feel so alone though hearing their stories, and made me know that nurses aren't the only ones who have to put up with rude awful people.

Yo-yo ~ I had that happen to me ~ had been done well over a year then had a major blow out. My dr said that happens sometimes.

Karen3 ~ congrats on the 2#

Freda ~ glad you didn't hurt yourself with your bike mishap. I wanted to ride the bike and didn't even make it to the street ~ fell off the darn thing right in the driveway ~ LOL. Probably a good thing ~ at least I was in a place where I didn't get run over. I wanted to ride really bad for exercise (we have these nice hike and bike paths in the neighborhood) but was afraid of falling again ~ afraid I might break a hip or something. You all would probably laugh to see me now ~ I ride my "grandma" bike ~ one of those 3 wheeled things ~ I love it. It still might tip, but not as easliy as the regular bike. I would have to get pretty wild to tip it over .

Headed to bed for the before work nap. I know I have missed some of you ~ will have to try to catch up on another day.

Take care
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Old 07-16-2008, 12:09 PM   #125  
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Hi all

Originally Posted by Karen3 View Post
YoYo....Dash is not quite big enough to need a horse trailer. Our DD sold her orginal trailer a few years ago and needs one now to move her pulling ponies to NC. She is no longer riding/jumping competively and has taken up competive driving. You know like Prince Phillip did....tallyhoo, over rocks thru the creek and between the trees.

DH had gone to the car service where the first brake job was done a few months ago. Dripping but utterly convinced he was calling for bail money! Nah, they literally told him tough luck...."you should have called us when it happened".

Yahooooo! I am tickled pink. Lost 2lbs!
Oooh, I've watched a couple of driving competitions - tougher than it looks! We have the Lipizzaner Stallions coming to town this weekend. DH is going to try and get us tickets.

Hmmm, were I dealing with that brake *service* (using the term loosely) company, I'd be thinking People's Court or Judge Judy....

2 pounds?!? You are the WOMAN! (she says as she is turning green with envy )

Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
Tiffany called the mom and said she needed to come in and take care of all the paper work, the lady got mad and said "just send him home you f*cking b*tch. What a way to start out the first day! I was standing right next to DD and she was very sweet and diplomatic on the phone to the mother, guess the mom was having a bad day. The local hospital gives out one scholarship for a needy family to send their child to this workshop and this nasty lady's kid was the recipient of it.

.......tried to stab Tiffany with a screwdriver.
Egads! Why do people have children if they aren't going to take responsibility for them? I do understand the autistic child is a special circumstance and possibly the parents are just trying out mainstreaming - thank goodness your DD wasn't hurt! But that other *lady*? (again, using the term loosely) Geeze! Sounds like she was just trying to get rid of her kid for the day and expected your DD to babysit. Having a bad day is NEVER and excuse to take it out on someone (other than your husband ) Kudos to your DD for keeping her cool!

Originally Posted by the slim me View Post
Yesterday I took the grands for a bike ride and had a nasty spill. Thankfully, it was on grass and not hard surface! I can't tell I have any new sore spots. I have so many old ones it would be hard to find a new spot to be sore in! ha!!
Eeesh, careful Freda! We don't bounce like we used to Glad you just ended up with sore spots!

Originally Posted by femmecreole View Post may want to check with your md just in case. I didn't have periods for a few years, then started again with 10 day ones (which was "normal" for me at one time). Found out later that I had a "mass" then needed a hysterectomy. I dreaded it and now it's the best thing ever!!!

....His Mom came in to discuss his progress and said "You know what his problem is don't you? He's a Sagittarius!"
I just had my annual a couple of months ago and everything was hunky dorey I'll give doc's office a call if it drags out more than a day or two. I'm over the mad part (go figure )

Well, that just explains everything - I'm a Sagittarius too

Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
Fake It....till you make it. Putting on a happy face...even if you don't feel like it...actually induces greater happiness, says Bryant. So be exuberant. Don't just eat the best peach of the season...luxuriate in every lip-smacking mouthful. Laugh aloud at the movies. Smile at yourself in the mirror. After all, he says, "a surefire way to kill joy is to suppress it." With this little tidbit, be exuberant today!
See, I knew that! I've always tried to answer the "how are you?" question with a positive reply (even if I didn't start out the day all that positively) and noticed that the more I said I was *great*, the greater I felt. Nice to have validation of our internal theories isn't it?

Have a spectacular, exuberant, OP, good health day
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Old 07-16-2008, 01:23 PM   #126  
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Now I know why i'm like I am!!! I'm a sagittarius too!!! this really explains so much!!!
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Old 07-17-2008, 07:52 AM   #127  
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WOW - breaking the habits (addictions?) of daily weighing and daily food-recording was almost as difficult as changing the way I eat/exercise.

For the first time in MANY years, I did not step on a scale or record a bite of food for the past week. RESULT - I'm down 1 lb from a week ago.

I'm going to repeat this "adventure" this week. Won't weigh myself again until next Thursday.

Off to the dentist this morning - broke a temp filling.

Anyone watch Big Brother last night? Funny how they set you up to dislike the person who's going to be eliminated - they do the same thing on Biggest Loser. By the time the person goes, you're glad to say "bye." I guess if a camera followed any of us around for a week & caught all our worst moments of the week, folks would be glad to say "bye" to us also.

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Old 07-17-2008, 08:08 AM   #128  
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I agree Lynn. Any of us could look like looney tune villains with editing. My daughter works with a girl who was on a reality show. DD says she is a lovely person, but was made out to be "evil" on the show she was on.

Good luck at the dentist's office. Don't you hate to take time off (and pay for) something that is not fun? I say if you can't wear it or eat it, or admire it or visit it, "it ain't worth payin for it!!".

Nothing much on my plans for the day. Just got finished working out and I'm headed to the drugstore for some hair dye. Going to see friends tomorrow night I haven't seen in 35 years, so the skunk head has to go. We are going to meet them in N.O. to see a band and have dinner. Then Sat. we are going to a party, then on Sunday I have to pick up my MIL at the airport. She will be visiting from Houston for a few days..she needs a New Orleans fix...she still misses it horribly.

Last edited by femmecreole; 07-17-2008 at 09:20 AM.
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Old 07-17-2008, 08:14 AM   #129  
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Morning all...The humming you hear from here ain't happy humming. Just got an email from DS that they are driving to Fl via Conn first with a stop in SC. Not leaving PA until Sat so I have no idea when they will arrive. Nor any idea of how long they will stay. I had rescheduled everything here. grrrrrrrrrrrrr

Lynn...You can do it! Congrats on 1lb. Funny how we get so deep in a routine and the stightest change is so hard. Guess that's why I got so heavy.

Bobbie...You are Fantasic!

YoYo...Feeling better? OMG TOM?

What happened to 3Chicks last night. I checked in several times and couldn't get on site?

Off to the Denist, grocery store and into kitchen for snack cooking. Have eggs boiled already. I will not taste I will not taste....will nottttttttttt karen3 from denist(give me a report card)no cavities and still no "gum" disease. Since that is the big money maker wonderful news! Have the carrot cake baked, eggs deviled, cooler packed with vegies and dip. Have to do sandwiches and bake the tartlets. Ate 1 raisen.

Came home to find cleaning girl just finishing up. Thought she came next week. So house is even tidy for my invisible guests. karen3

Last edited by Karen3; 07-17-2008 at 01:07 PM.
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Old 07-17-2008, 09:21 AM   #130  
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Good Morning . . .

No problems with the site tht I'm aware of K3 . . . hopefully just a fluke of timing

Another hot and sticky one for today and we could definitely use some rain -- and I mean a really good soaking not just a spill-over because the humidity gets so high it has to dribble for a few minutes.

Hope everybody has something fun going on . . .
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Old 07-17-2008, 09:37 AM   #131  
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Good morning Ladies!! I have been pretty busy around here trying to get back in the old exercise routine and so far it is working! I'll weigh in again tomorrow but hopefully things will be good.

I tried yesterday afternoon to get on the site for quite awhile too (can you tell I'm addicted?) And it wasn't working for me either!

We're supposed to get some rain this afternoon so going to get to the store for groceries early today. They are saying maybe even some severe thunderstorms so want to get back before that happens!

Still nothing new on the house but still hoping!! I'll try to get back to everyone later...

Have a good day!
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Old 07-17-2008, 09:47 AM   #132  
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I'll ask around and let you know if I find out anything . . . both Karen's having problems . . . weird . . . . . . maybe we are entering a 'twilight zone'.
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Old 07-17-2008, 09:47 AM   #133  
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Hello everyone. My how busy everyone is. I've been busy too, picking and making rhubarb stuff until I'm sick to death of it (until it comes time to eat it). I declined an offer to ride to town today and want some time to myself.

Congratulations to all of you who have lost weight. I see Bobbi and C and C are burning the fuel up this month and Karen 3 another 2 pounds is wonderful. Lynn, I record my foods everyday but I only weigh once a week. I think I'd go insane (again) if I started weighing everyday. I know it helps some people to do that but it nearly drove me crazy. Meowee, I've noticed that you are steadily loosing, too. Looks as if you might be out of the teens very soon.

I want to go to the beach today, but I really don't want to go by myself. I'll go for a walk soon if it isn't too hot in the direct sun and wait until the last two "children" get up and see if they want to come with me. DH and DS#1 are busy building a front deck on the house. DIL and her mother are gone to town and I'm here with the cat and the two sleeping beauties. Well, must go and get on my walking gear.

Catch you all later.
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Old 07-17-2008, 11:14 AM   #134  
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doo doo DOO doo (that was supposed to be eerie music but it seems to lose something when typed ) 2 Karens having computer oddities and 2 GGs going to the dentist the same day. Could a door to another dimension be far behind?

Good morning, good morning! Happy day for me. Feel great despite the 3 cocktails last night Yes, 3 - I discovered Stoli Raspberry vodka. Totally blew my "no more than two and 8 oz of water for every adult beverage" rule. BUT that creepy little TOM seems to already be gone so I am thrilled. Just for grits and shins, I did call and speak to the doc - he said not to worry unless it drags on. Said something interesting too - it's entirely possible that, because I was trying to starve myself to death (before I found 3FC) I may have thrown things out of whack and brought everything to a halt before it was really ready to quit. Now that I'm actually providing my bod with nutrients, it may be rebalancing (oh, goody).

AND - the scale actually stayed at a lower number for 3 consecutive days! This morning it was actually rather lower than what I changed my ticker to but I figured there's a minor dehydration factor from the little drinkey-poos last night so I only gave myself 1 lb but hey, a pound is a pound

Originally Posted by ladyinweighting View Post
WOW - breaking the habits (addictions?) of daily weighing and daily food-recording was almost as difficult as changing the way I eat/exercise.

For the first time in MANY years, I did not step on a scale or record a bite of food for the past week. RESULT - I'm down 1 lb from a week ago.

I'm going to repeat this "adventure" this week. Won't weigh myself again until next Thursday.
I so understand the scale addiction idea. Mine isn't so much that I'm in as much of a rush to see it drop as I was when I first got started - although I do have to admit to getting quite the little thrill when it does - I have such a huge fear (practically a paranoia) of falling back into old habits and undoing all my good work that I have to use the scale as a security blanket to reassure myself I'm not gaining anything back. I honestly think if I wasn't weighing myself every day I would have a lot of trouble making myself eat enough.

Originally Posted by femmecreole View Post
Any of us could look like looney tune villains with editing.
And some of us could look just looney tunes without any editing at all

Probably going to be MIA for the next few days - Saturday is DH's B'day and Monday is our 18th anniversary so we are taking vacation days and going to try and relive our youth by having 4 days of spontaneous adventures

Have a perfect weekend
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Old 07-17-2008, 03:19 PM   #135  
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Hi all...It is just after 3pm and I am done...except to do the grape tomato/mozzerella sticks. Do that in the am so the tomatoes stay firm. The tartlets look beautiful...raspberry/lemon curd/chocolate chips....ate one chip cause it fell. Carrot cake has coconut/pineapple/raisens/pecans.The wraps are cream cheese with olive salad.Will cut them into pinwheels. Sandwiches are potato rolls with ham and cheese. Vegies are carrots,brocolli, caulflower and carrots with horse radish dip. Well, sigh I can eat the vegies.

Off for quick swim before the pm showers start. Thanks everyone knowing you are keeping an eye on me stops me from tasting. Karen3
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