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Old 07-24-2008, 12:32 PM   #196  
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Lynn, I'm hoping one of them is that boob flashing blond who wanted everyone to feel them in the first episode. I don't care for that goofy muscle guy either. He just thinks he's Gawd's gift, doesn't he??? I really like Jerry and Renny and hope they stay around a long time.

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Old 07-24-2008, 04:07 PM   #197  
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Oh gee . . . Hi . . .

I thought I posted in here this morning, but looks like I was wrong ?????
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Old 07-24-2008, 05:11 PM   #198  
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Originally Posted by femmecreole View Post
Lynn, I'm hoping one of them is that boob flashing blond who wanted everyone to feel them in the first episode. I don't care for that goofy muscle guy either. He just thinks he's Gawd's gift, doesn't he??? I really like Jerry and Renny and hope they stay around a long time.
I don't like either Angie or Jessie either. However, If I had to nominate, I'd be afraid to nominate either of them for fear of retribution.

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Old 07-24-2008, 05:11 PM   #199  
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Good news for me - biopsy results back & all is OK.

Thank you for your prayers & good wishes.

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Old 07-25-2008, 07:41 AM   #200  
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Lynn, great news on the biopsy results!!!

We were on the interstate headed over to bring my MIL to the gulf coast yesterday when my sister in law called to tell us that my husband's brother has to have a triple bypass this morning. My MIL was able to get her flight home changed to last night, so we ended up visiting relatives on the coast for about an hour and then headed to the airport in New Orleans so she could go back to Houston.

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Old 07-25-2008, 08:31 AM   #201  
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So relieved to hear that news LYNN . . .

And a great big good morning to everybody . . . . . . what wonderful things is everbody planning for the weekend?

Nothing exciting for me, I'm afraid -- even after all the rain we've had, the humidity is still in the 'awful' range -- but it is good to see the sun again.

During my shopping excursion yesterday I decided to splurge on a little tiny tube of intensive wrinkle cream to see if I could dull the sharp ridges I've developed in my forehead. Hey, I know it probably works just about as well as all the diet pills that are out there, but it smelled good. Used it once last night and very stupidly left the little squeeze tube sitting beside the bathroom sink -- yep, you figured it out already, right -- instead of one little hole for the stuff to squeeze out through, there are now about 15 of them. Guess the cats are trying to tell me not to waste my time and energy. BTW, after one treatment, I definitely do not see any improvement.

Have a great and fun day . . .
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Old 07-25-2008, 09:24 AM   #202  
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Good Morning Girls!
I've been busy making "Curry Zucchini" soup out of the big ones that DH missed in the garden. Growing up in a large family taught me never to waste anything and the soup is delicious. I just discard all the center seeds, then cook up with onions, chicken broth, curry, run through the food processor and freeze into individual servings for winter.
I have daily email tips from a site called "Everyday Cheapskate", she sometimes has great tips. The last two laundry loads I used vinegar for the final rinse instead of fabric softner. I was a little leery about my clothes smelling like vinegar, but they don't. I hang all my laundry out on the clothes lines and they smell sweet like fresh air. Below is the article:
Instead of fabric softener or dry sheets, add 1/2 to 1 cup vinegar to last rinse in your washing machine (as you would liquid softener). Your clothes will come out soft because the vinegar helps to remove every trace of laundry detergent, which cause fabrics to stiffen.
I just fill the center cup where fabric softner goes when I load and set the dials of the washer, it holds about 1/2 cup.

Lynn...Fantastic news plus you don't have time to be sick. I've never known anyone who has more irons in the fire than you. I get tired just thinking about all your activities and flights here and there. Where do you get all that energy?
Good news for me - biopsy results back & all is OK.
Meowee...Funny story about your cat's adventure and the wrinkle cream. My "Charlie" has imprinted his teeth marks on lots of bathroom towels, t-shirts, socks, underwear, you name it. I would be embarrassed hanging our towels out on the line if we had neighbors. That's one of the joy of living out in the sticks.
Gosh, this month has whizzed by and my weight has been on a plateau for 9 days but I don't let it get me down. Everyone has plateaus!
My zucchini is calling my name, gotta go.
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Old 07-25-2008, 10:43 AM   #203  
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Morning all and Happy Friday

Wonderful news Lynn! OK, you can stop holding your breath now

Oh Cat, hope everything goes well for your BIL bypasses are always scary but they do so many of them these days, doctors have gotten really good at it.

Hee, hee Linda know what you mean about those little holes - my little (OK big) taste testers pretty much have to sample anything that isn't tied down too. I don't think I own a plastic handled anything that hasn't been "branded"
BTW - I've been using Nivea cellulite gel on my face (wasn't doing a thing for my thighs and I didn't want to waste it ) I had read somewhere that eye bags are actually pockets of fat so I thought "what the hay - can't make them any worse" Much to my surprise, those alligator skin samsonites I've been hauling around on my face all this time actually do look better - a little tighter even, and not so dark. So I started using it on my whole face and neck and I have to say it makes the wrinkles at least look softer - a little shallower too (either that or I need a new perscription for my glasses ). I believe primary ingredient in the stuff in CoQ10 so it makes sense. Comes in a huge tube that's about half (maybe even 1/3?) the price of those eensy little creams.

Ack! I just can't seem to get myself past this annoyance with the scale. I keep saying I'm going to focus on other areas and not worry about the number but I'm lying Fortunately, rather than making me want to give up it's making me so mad that I'm more determined than ever to conquer the blasted thing! I WILL win! Hmm, I guess having a battle of wills with an inanimate object could be viewed as a little off center but, hey, I've never claimed to be *dead level* anyway

Have a perfectly wonderful, OP weekend everyone
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Old 07-25-2008, 01:51 PM   #204  
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YOYO . . . your dogs could have swallowed my little tube of Garnier Deep Wrinkle Serum in one gulp . . . BTW, I wrapped it with that really sticky clear packing tape and the gunk now seems to be squeezing out of only the top hole again. I so hate waste; especially expensive waste. Soooo . . . if (when) this doesn't work, I now know to go looking for cellulite treatment cream next. Thanks.
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Old 07-25-2008, 09:50 PM   #205  
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Hi everyone. My vacation is winding down. I'll be back home by Sunday night and I'll weigh in early Monday morning. I hope I haven't done too much damage over the past two weeks.

All this week I've been going to our church camp attending meetings and visiting with people I haven't seen in a year. I also sang a couple of solos and have two more to do tomorrow. The first three days were rain, drizzle and fog but Thursday and today were wonderful weather-wise. I went swimming in the pond both days. (Just about every body of fresh water is called a pond in Newfoundland.) I had to wear old sandals on my feet as there are rocks sticking out everywhere under water. Those rocks haven't moved in 30 years and are just as painful to walk on as they were when I was a teenager. I wish we had a pool close enough so I could swim every day.

My hair is starting to bleach out and is turning a hay yellow. All last week the weather was just perfect and I was out walking most days. Normally, my hair dye color is very close to my natural color but now with all the sun I have a very prominent dark root line in my hair.

Lynn, glad everything turned out OK with your biopsy.

Bobbi, how about sharing some of those zucchini with me. I grew them one year but I haven't been able to plant a garden since that time. That soup sounds delicious.
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Old 07-26-2008, 09:14 AM   #206  
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Old 07-26-2008, 10:37 AM   #207  
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Good Morning!
I had a nice surprise this morning, the annoying Sun Flower that re-planted itself from last year has a gorgeous open flower on it. The reason it's annoying is because it sprung up next to my raspberries and is always in the way while picking.
Charlie was a regular pip squeak this morning, he ran off with a green bath towel 3 times. He managed to rip a large hole in it before I paid any attention to him, guess he taught me, huh!
I have a busy day catching up on outside work, have a slimming week-end Golden Girls.

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Old 07-26-2008, 11:34 AM   #208  
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Hi all....We survived. Understand why I had my kids when I was young. We are both so exhausted that everything we do is a$$backwards. DH just came flying back in the house he was taking my car for oil change and some how had the panic alarm go off and hit the button on his key chain which was to his Jeep then had both vichles tooting. I just poured the chlorine into the pool and then looked at the label. It was a bottle of household bleach. Won't hurt anything just dumb.Dash had gone to bed and don't expect to see him for 2 days.

Both my kids raised their kids very much like they were raised until DS had this second family. This GD is in control and rules.Finally after 4 days of bleeding tongue told DS that I had decided that Ty was a reincarnation of his grandmother. They called her Grump...that was not an affectionate name but the truth! This 8 yr child when she doesn't get her way gives an evil eye that would melt steel. DH and I had less problems because when she got in that mode we ignored her. PHEW! Oh well we're done for a year. And maybe will move with no foreward address by then.

They decided to leave late Fri and drive all night so they could tour DC today. So I said great I'll cook an early dinner so DS could have a nap. Well at 2:30 GD demanded MacD happy Meal and off they went. I made dinner at 5:30 and guess who didn't eat?

Asked for this weekend up to Destin for our birthday.We both need a change and quiet time. Just looking at reservation smooths me.

Back to the laundry. Got the 3rd load in washer and one more to go. Hugs, Karen3
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Old 07-26-2008, 11:35 AM   #209  
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ps...missed both Big Bro....who got voted off? karen3

pss.....OMG scale dropped 7#.

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Old 07-26-2008, 12:28 PM   #210  
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Karen, It was Steven, the rodeo guy.
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