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Old 07-31-2008, 07:45 AM   #241  
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Good Morning G. Girls, Hot here in Michigan this time of year, Our summer is here. We had such a cool spring I though this time was never coming. I had a minor (major?) problem Tuesday. My DGS spilled grape juice on my new carpet. It's not even a month old. I cleaned it as good as I could that day, woke up the next morning to a huge pink spot on my beige carpet. I had to go to work and worried about it all day. I came home and drug out the carpet cleaner and sprayed it with spot remover. It seems to be gone, but I know stains have a way of working their way back up. Wish me luck!

CAT, Wonderful news!! I know you will enjoy the kids and the kids will enjoy you!

Phyllis, So good to hear from you again! I know you must be thrilled to have everything settled finally. Enjoy all those home grown vegetables. Corn is so good this year!

Karen, Hope this day is going beter for you!

Eileene, I'm glad to hear that things at work are calming down some. It's hard to work at losing when you are stressed. Or it is for me. I tend to try to eat away the stress.

Isabella, Happy Anniversary!! And Congratulations on the new baby. They are so much fun! I enjoy my time with mine so much, even when they are spilling grape juice on my new beige carpet! And they make sure I get my exercise. I had to go for 3 bike rides, chase them around the yard with water guns, climb the stairs a bezillion times...see all the benefits?

Pampgal, Tomorrow is the BIG day. I know you'll be ready!!

Karen, Phyllis finally sold her place, you're next!! Got my fingers crossed that a really serious offen comes through soon and you can get back to your family.

Bobbi, It's fun going to all those old places and reminicing, isn't it. But a little spookey too when you start remembering all the (old) things that happened in your life time. I remember all those things too!

everyone, make it a good day, Freda
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Old 07-31-2008, 07:54 AM   #242  
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Morning all! In a rush, so no time for personals, but hugging you all!

Looks like we may have puppies coming soon. Poor Bijoux has been throwing up since yesterday afternoon and looking so miserable. I feel so bad for her..she has a "what's happening to me?" look on her face. Can't do much but love on her and clean up the messes at this point.

We are planning to go over to school today to start hauling my junk over there. I don't have much...threw out or gave most of it away years ago.
I went to go check out my classroom yesterday and toured the school which is fairly new. I like it!! Everyone I met was so gracious and helpful. Feels like home already.

gotta go hit the bricks. Hope everyone has a great day.

Last edited by femmecreole; 07-31-2008 at 08:48 AM.
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Old 07-31-2008, 09:38 AM   #243  
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Got home from NC on Sunday - WONDERFUL trip - except for 6-hour delay in Atlanta bc of storms in Philly Sunday afternoon.

VERY sick - sinus infection. Weight down to 147.8, but will gain that back as soon as I can taste/eat again.

Miserable - can't breathe. Oh well - Worse things have happened to nicer people.

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Old 07-31-2008, 11:45 AM   #244  
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Since I've promised to be a regular poster on the accountability thread starting tomorrow (D Day), I thought I work on my skills today . I'm trying a new approach today by drafting on my reply in Notepad and then pasting it in. That way I can see what's already been said. These gray hairs must have blonde roots !

Isabella, what a milestone - 30 years! A celebration with family is the best and that'll be growing soon too! Congratulations twice!

Cat, congrats on the job and choice pick! We've had teacher surplus lists (lay-off lists) here this summer so I've known several in the predicament of looking for a new post. The prospect of puppies - the only word is CUTE!

Karen31, here's to you seeing a sale through to the end. I know it's hard to keep everything walk-through ready all the time. My prayers are with you. :

Bobbi, the country fair sounded like fun. Ours (near the big city) was not half as reminiscent last year. I'm envious! I appreciate the stroke warning signs posting too. I'm on the safety committee and this would be great to share.

Meowee and CuteNCurvy, I liked your ideas for the fruit flies better than mine of using a glass of wine. This proved difficult to set up in the office.

Meowee, sorry about the lost data this morning. It still happens to me occasionally too - more of those gremlins doing things I don't intend!

LadyInWeighting, glad you had a great trip. Sorry about the cold with the silver lining of lost pounds. I like your attitude though.

The summer heat is oppressive here. The last few years have been unseasonably cool but this should swing the averages back up. It'll be a hot walk during lunch for my WW wi today to set the starting mark. Does that mean less water weight for the wi?

Thanks for all the encouragement for my recommitment. I feel empowered!
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Old 07-31-2008, 01:12 PM   #245  
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Pamp, my weather is the same as get it one day and I get it the next. (I'm 40 minutes north of New Orleans) Like walking around in a steam shower!!

Lynn, have you tried zyrtec?? really helps with that sinus thing. If you have a "face ache" with that infection, Excedrin Sinus is a miracle.
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Old 07-31-2008, 02:08 PM   #246  
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From the "Cheapskate.Com" site, I haven't tried this so don't know how well it works.

GREEN CLEANING. If you have noticed the build-up of mineral deposits in your tub or sinks, here is a less toxic trick that will make it easier to clean. Saturate a washcloth with apple cider vinegar and place on stain overnight. In the morning rub out the mineral deposits. If it doesn't all come up, soak the rag with fresh apple cider vinegar and let sit another day. Eventually the mineral deposits will just wipe up without scrubbing or scratching.
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