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Old 07-08-2008, 04:53 PM   #76  
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Just had to pop in and recommend everyone hop over to the maintainer's board and check out the article Meg posted on Leptin. Fascinating - and gives some great insight into why, once we lose a certain amount of weight, we either get stuck there or gain a bunch back. Knowledge is power!

Last edited by yoyonomoreinvegas; 07-08-2008 at 04:53 PM.
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Old 07-09-2008, 07:48 AM   #77  
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Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
Ignoramus here needs some cp help. My dd sent me a attachment that I can't open. I have to go to control panel and "Set Associations"?????? How do I set this?
Hi Bobbi,

I tried to search my Windows Help for "set associations" - got nothing. Maybe best to NOT open. I'm guessing this has something to do with a security issue.

Originally Posted by fabulous53 View Post
You're right Ladyinweighting. My carbs tend to increase over time. I try diligently to remember what I ate but nothing beats writing it down! So far today I've done well. I do a lot better, too, if I don't wing it and make a plan for what I will eat for the day. I REALLY want to get to that not hungry spot.Darlene
Hi Darlene,

Me too - I've started craving/bingeing on a particular kind of protein bar that has more carbs than I should be eating. Start out with one-a-day in the morning. Over time, move that up to 2 or 3 a day. I know I need to cut these out of my diet. However, knowing and doing are 2 VERY different things.

Originally Posted by yoyodieterinvegas View Post
Just had to pop in and recommend everyone hop over to the maintainer's board and check out the article Meg posted on Leptin. Fascinating - and gives some great insight into why, once we lose a certain amount of weight, we either get stuck there or gain a bunch back. Knowledge is power!
Hi YoYo,

I'm headed over there as soon as I finish this post. Thanks for the info.

Course is finished - dentist appointment - NOT doing well with my eating. I need something to snap me out of cruising in the kitchen at night. Maybe something decent to watch on tv would help?

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Old 07-09-2008, 07:53 AM   #78  
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Morning . . .

Already feeling totally enervated. Another hot and sticky day. To top it off, both the weight and the blood sugar are up this morning. Oh well, such is life, hopefully both will go back down again soon.

See you all soon . . .
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Old 07-09-2008, 05:46 PM   #79  
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Yesterday...did dh's car inside and out...took over 2.5 hours. Then had alot of running around. Today has been busy too...going to taekwondo tonight so will be tired when we get home...dh does it too.
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Old 07-09-2008, 05:48 PM   #80  
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I'm sitting here oozing water from all my pores. Hot and humid weather again today-not that I'm complaining, oh, no. I just wish there was a breeze coming through the window. Well, I guess there is but the breeze is so hot I don't even notice it, ha, ha. I helped DH lay the laminate flooring in the basement. It's so much cooler down there but now I'm up with mom. She keeps calling out for me to put a blanket over her feet!!! I've got a fan on her and she doesn't like it one bit but when I turn it off she gets overcome with the heat. Then she wants to argue about it. Something's goin' hit that fan. It's too hot to argue. It's a no win situation with mommy.

I want to do my circuit workout but it's so hot I'm afraid I'll be overcome with heat. Maybe, I'll drag the boom box downstairs and try out the new floor. I need water. Catch you all later.
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Old 07-10-2008, 05:54 AM   #81  
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Hi . . .

We are looking at a change in the weather for tomorrow so hopefully this is our last hideously hot and sticky day for a while. This is the normal 'mall-crawl' day. Wonder what I should wear -- it's going to be very hot outside and, likely, very cold in all the inside places.

Have a good one, gang . . .
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Old 07-10-2008, 08:15 AM   #82  
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Good Morning, Looks like another lovely day here. I am going to get outside early and go for a bike ride, because i know after noon it will be too hot. If I put it off it won't get done.

Angel, What I really should do is go clean my car! The grandkids spilled goldfish in the back seat and it's a mess. That way i can get my exercise and do something constructive too.. How long have you been taking takwondo?

Isabella, Did you manage to get your exercise in?

Linda, I hope your weather got a little more pleasant.

Where is everyone? I know the summer time is time for play and everyone is usually out having fun. Hope that is the case.

Make it a good day, freda
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Old 07-10-2008, 10:01 AM   #83  
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Good Morning!
Freda...I'm still here but after much needed rain, we're outside pulling weeds. I have a huge shade garden I have to tackle today, good exercise.
Lynn... I get these every once in awhile from very trusted sources. The last one was from our own sweet Karen from Colorado.
Hi Bobbi,

I tried to search my Windows Help for "set associations" - got nothing. Maybe best to NOT open. I'm guessing this has something to do with a security issue.

Retiredone...Can doc adjust her meds to counteract her "no win" attitude?
She keeps calling out for me to put a blanket over her feet!!! I've got a fan on her and she doesn't like it one bit but when I turn it off she gets overcome with the heat. Then she wants to argue about it. Something's goin' hit that fan. It's too hot to argue. It's a no win situation with mommy.
Meowee...Go naked on the way to "mall-Crawl" , then slip into your Artic parka.
This is the normal 'mall-crawl' day. Wonder what I should wear -- it's going to be very hot outside and, likely, very cold in all the inside places
Angel...come over to our house, we live on a dusty gravel road and the insides of my car is always in need of a 2.5 hour cleaning.
Everyone else, have a good one!
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Old 07-10-2008, 01:10 PM   #84  
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Another hot day but it doesn't seem as humid as yesterday. I didn't get my exercise done at all. By the time it cooled down enough to jump around I was in bed asleep! I don't know if I'll get any done today either because we decided to do the full basement living room and kitchen area with the laminate flooring as we had enough left. I've been with DH for several hours gophering and then I gave mom a bath and cooked dinner (lunch). We're going to start again any minute as soon as DH finishes his popsicle.

Mom's attitude may improve or not with adjusted meds. She's always been strong willed, opinionated and demanding so that's not going to change. We do have an appointment for August for her so we'll see if things change.

Popsicle is gone and so am I. Catch you all later.
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Old 07-11-2008, 06:06 AM   #85  
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Just running through as I'm packing the last few things before we leave for 2 weeks. We'll be at our son's place most of the time. I'll have computer access so I'll be able to check in now and then. Won't be able to weigh until July 28 as I'm not taking my scales on vacation!
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Old 07-11-2008, 07:13 AM   #86  
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Good Morning . . .

Have a great vacation Isabella . . .

Looks like we are going to have very different weather today . . . . . . the humidity has dropped way down. NS is going to be sunny and pleasant.
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Old 07-11-2008, 09:08 AM   #87  
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Good Morning!
Muggy here in Minnesota, we turned the air condition on for the first time this summer. Shows you what a cool spring/early summer we had, not that I'm complaining. We plan on staying inside today and I can catch up on all the little things I keep putting aside. I've been reading so much lately about aspartame in SF jello/puddings and decided to quit buying them. I don't abuse this artificial sweetner, usually have one pudding a day. I'm going to look for homemade recipes using Splenda instead as that's not as deadly as Aspartame.
Have a "Good Choices" day!
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Old 07-11-2008, 09:48 AM   #88  
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Good Morning Everyone,

The scale has NOT been my friend over the last 2 weeks. It's been bouncing up and down (up to 1.5 lbs/day). Frustrated me so much I binged. I've decided to stay away from it for a week - first time I won't be weighing daily for several years.

I'll weigh again next Thursday & see if this works.

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Old 07-11-2008, 11:05 AM   #89  
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Morning everyone

Boy do I know what you mean about the blasted scale Lynn I've gone kind of the other way though and started sneaking peeks twice a day. I've discovered that, since the weather has gotten so hot, I actually weigh less in the afternoon than I do in the morning. One day it was actually down 4 lbs (pre-dinner ). Fortunately, my rational brain realized that it was probably just dehydration so I didn't change my ticker but boy that little emotional brain was trying hard to do a happy dance. Of course it was right back up the next morning

I was trying to bump my calories up a step to between 1500 & 1600 but just can't seem to make myself do it. I get up there for a day or two then go into this panic mode that I'm going to gain back everything I've lost and end up dropping back down. I'm seriously considering reevaluating my goal weight up a little since I'm not that displeased with how I look and feel right now but I still have a couple of little "pockets" of blob that I would like to shrink (and an old pair of jeans I would like to get back in to ) so I'm not ready to switch to a maintenance mind set just yet and I just can't seem to get past the idea that 1500 calories is just huge and might work for maintenance but not for losing. Doesn't help that the scale is being so stubborn - If it would give me the eensiest bit of encouragement and twitch in a downward direction after a couple of days of higher calories it would sure relieve some of that panickey feeling.

Oh well, just a little speed bump - I guess I'll have to deal with it and move on.

Have a great, healthy, OP weekend everyone!
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Old 07-11-2008, 12:06 PM   #90  
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Good Morning! I'm pretty HAPPY!! I weighed this morning and I've lost the 3 pounds that I gained on vacation plus one more!! Needless to say that made me very happy. Now I think I've got the extra little that I needed to get going and keep on track again!

We still haven't heard anymore from people on the house so guess it is just back to the old waiting game. But this is the weekend and it seems like the weekends have been when most of the showings have been happening so I'm just going to make sure it is ready to show all weekend and hope for the best.

Right now we have a fire burning about 10 miles from us. From what they say it probably started this past Tuesday from lightneing and just smoldered until yesterday afternoon. We were outside when we saw the smoke and thought it was pretty close. This morning it is at about 17 acres and about 45% contained. We'll be watching that close but think they have it handled right now. Unless the conditions change and it gets out of hand. Not too worried yet though.

Well, just wanted to pop in and say Hello and guess I'd better get busy before it gets too hot and I don't want to.

Take care...
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