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Old 07-14-2008, 11:00 AM   #106  
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Hello everyone. I don't have allergies as such but I have a sun sensitivity that makes me itch like crazy. DH doesn't have allergies either but both our son's have hay fever and allergies to cats but no food allergies that we know of.

It's sunny and cool here today. I'm going to need a sweater if we go out. We're going to pick more rhubarb today for a friend. The jam turned out really good. We made blueberry rhubarb jam with lots of sugar (regular jam) and the rest was a rhubarb, pineapple and Jello jam with very little sugar. The low sugar one is nice and tart.
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Old 07-14-2008, 12:02 PM   #107  
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I'm allergic to house dust (took shots for it for years when I was a kid) and highly allergic to demerol (sic?)...
but it's funny, since I have been on South Beach (15 months), I have not had one sinus problem,(I used to live with them!) so now I'm wondering if white flour, sugar or white rice etc could have been the culprit all that time??? who knows!! But I did a little research and all of those can cause or aggrivate sinus problems. I deal with dust all the time now with no problems.

Ok, I know we have some Big Brother fans here....catch the first episode anyone???

BTW, Angel...I lived in WA for a year (27 years oldest was born there) Lived in Olympia between the Capitol building and the Oly brewery. Very nice area and people, but I was horrendously home sick.

ya'll have a great allergy free day!!!!!

Last edited by femmecreole; 07-14-2008 at 02:42 PM.
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Old 07-14-2008, 05:01 PM   #108  
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Originally Posted by femmecreole View Post
Ok, I know we have some Big Brother fans here....catch the first episode anyone???
Hi Cat,

I had never watched it before, but I knew some of us were fans, so I watched it last night.

I sure hope your neighbor gets the boot!

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Old 07-14-2008, 05:27 PM   #109  
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She's entertaining, that's for sure. She is a very typical New Orleans "Yat". Gotta love her for her joir de vivre!!..and she's the only one who doesn't have a "funny accent" !!!! I hope she stays on just for the entertainment value. Things won't get boring with her around.
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Old 07-14-2008, 08:40 PM   #110  
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Evening all...It is evening, isn't it? It was a long day. Went to Ocala to look for a horse trailer. Then the brakes on the Jeep locked up and we spent almost 5 hours sitting in auto repair shop. $908! And they were just done 4,000 miles ago. Yes, DH is going to pitch a fit tomorrow. Dash was with us and enjoyed meeting so many new people and drinking ice water out of a cup. And yes it ran down my leg every time. No lunch and late least I kept my water intake up.

Allergies...Mine keep changing. While growing up I was allergic to eggs, then Northern Maple Tree buds and wild mustard weed. Then moved South and was allergy free for a few years. Now musty moldy things make my eyes burn and head fill up. But I agree with Cat since on South Beach and no white flour or sugar I've been pretty much sneeze/wheeze free.

Love Big Brother and Survivor. Loved the old Jarhead but am sure the "kids" will take him out soon. Sorry Cat but your NO Yat was so weird in the dark???? Why was she screaming? Do I have to go back to YaYa sisterhood to understand her?

I have got to find something else to snack on....I know it's late but my stomach is empty. Hugs, Karen3
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Old 07-14-2008, 10:06 PM   #111  
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'Evening Chickies

First, thanks so much Freda for the encouragement. I really appreciate it, you are a Chickie for me. How's work for you ? Busy I bet.

Cat ,thanks for the blast from the past with the list of concert performers. As a 16 year old I saw Janis Joplin and Big Brother and the Holding Co. in Phila. Also I saw Quick Silver Messenger Service on a different night. It too was in Philly, in a club with painted black walls and dayglo lights. Funny to remember these things. Glad that you had such fun.

As far as allergies go for me, I can't have penicillin. I allergic to chromium. The later is in a lot of eye shadow mostly the grays, greens, and the like. The popular mineral make-ups can be a problem for me as some of them have chromium . Yep it's a weird one

Next two weeks will be super busy at work, covering for my co-workers' vacation time plus our census is increasing with state funding available for rehab beds since the new fiscal year started 7-1-08.

Hope that you all have a wonderful day on Tuesday. Take care.

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Old 07-15-2008, 07:27 AM   #112  
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Originally Posted by Karen3 View Post
Love Big Brother and Survivor. Loved the old Jarhead but am sure the "kids" will take him out soon. Sorry Cat but your NO Yat was so weird in the dark???? Why was she screaming? Do I have to go back to YaYa sisterhood to understand her?

She was leaving the room to go to the bathroom to take off her make up and tried the door handle and it wouldn't work, so she thought they were locked in the room and guess she kind of panicked and started screeching. gotta admit I'd be freaked out too if I thought I was locked in a room and couldn't get out in case of an emergency...but she IS a bit over the top...I just find her hilarious.
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Old 07-15-2008, 08:00 AM   #113  
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Originally Posted by femmecreole View Post
She was leaving the room to go to the bathroom to take off her make up and tried the door handle and it wouldn't work, so she thought they were locked in the room and guess she kind of panicked and started screeching. gotta admit I'd be freaked out too if I thought I was locked in a room and couldn't get out in case of an emergency...but she IS a bit over the top...I just find her hilarious.

Hmmm - I thought she was just fooling around - making believe they were locked in as a joke.
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Old 07-15-2008, 08:08 AM   #114  
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Allergies for me include all the common things that you can inhale -- ragweed, grass, budding trees, dust, mold spores, animal dander (yes, I'm allergic to my own cts, but it's a mild one). Winter is probably the only season when I breathe fairly easily. The rest of the year is an ongoing round of antihistamines.

Another steamy day . . . with possible thunderstorms this afternoon. Hope everybody else has a good and fun day . . .
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Old 07-15-2008, 09:27 AM   #115  
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Good Morning ladies. Another sunny, beautiful day here. The grandkids spent the night. That means trip to the park and bike rides today sometime. One thing with kids. They will keep you active.

Allergies, I'm allergic to some antibiotics and that is about it. I do have allergies in the fall, with the stuffy head thing, but I don't know what they are. I just take an anti-histamine and go on.

Karen, Car trouble is the pits!! We had car problems while we were on vacation. Thankfully, it was only about a mile from my mom's house.

I finally got some ripe tomatoes yesterday. Just a handfull of cherry ones, but FINALLY some ripe ones. They are going in my salad today! Can't wait!

Cat, with your warmer weather you probably have everything in right now. I know you planted some unusual things. What were your favorites? disapointments?

Everyone, make it a good day Freda
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Old 07-15-2008, 10:42 AM   #116  
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Freda, everything vegetable wise is about done here...except for some black cherry tomatoes that are ready to be picked...oh and FIGS...I have figs beau coup.

The other day I planted some okra in the place of squash that was finished and planted some more tomato plants that are suitable for the intense weather.

My cucumber croaked. I wasn't thinking and planted them along a metal fence and the heat of the fence finally fried the vines.

I can plant fall stuff at the end of next month. Not a great year for vegs. We had no rain for quite a while, then daily storms for a while followed by unreal heat and humidity. I got enough, but not as much as I had hoped for.

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Old 07-15-2008, 04:51 PM   #117  
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What the?!?! So mad! mad, mad, mad! Actually having a TOM!!! After two freaking years for pity sake!! I guess that's what I get for boasting to someone the other day how thrilled I am (make that was) that I don't have to buy "feminine products" any more. Eeesh!

I don't remember you mentioning horses Karen3. Did I miss something or is Dash big enough that he needs his own trailer? But gads, over $900 for pretty new brakes?!?!? Sounds an awful lot like neglegence on the part of the original mechanic to me.

We finally got started with our monsoon weather (although I've always found calling it that a little silly - I always thought a monsoon season meant non-stop rain). Last Sunday it came down so hard and fast that our street literally became a river. We have some pretty fun loving neighbors who were actually surfing down the street on pool rafts.
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Old 07-15-2008, 08:09 PM   #118  
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Evening all...You all kinda shugged me off about my magic umbrella! I left home and immediately it started to pour. Drove 4 miles to meet a friend who was driving us to Brooksville. It was pouring at WinnDixie until Jane pulled up with her car. By the time I opened my car door the rain had completely stopped. Jane was laughing hysterically all the way to bridge.

YoYo....Dash is not quite big enough to need a horse trailer. Our DD sold her orginal trailer a few years ago and needs one now to move her pulling ponies to NC. She is no longer riding/jumping competively and has taken up competive driving. You know like Prince Phillip did....tallyhoo, over rocks thru the creek and between the trees.

I jumped out the shower this am when the phone rang. DH had gone to the car service where the first brake job was done a few months ago. Dripping but utterly convinced he was calling for bail money! Nah, they literally told him tough luck...."you should have called us when it happened". Of course they have no tow truck and we were 40 miles away. DH is writing corp office. Yeah that and $1 will buy me a cuppa coffee.

It was such a shock to us when we moved to Fl. The best time of year to plant tomatoes is Oct-Nov. This time of year they literally cook on the vine. The garden stores won't have started plants available until then. I can't grow petunias either. But my pointsetta is still blooming. Most decorative plants get overheated. Plus we water from the canal which is brackish water(fresh/saline). Have a magnum spring just up from us. The salt doesn't help some plants. Yeah, that blew my mind too. We have a 4' tide and still the water is sweet enough to use on the lawn. Boat has been in the water for almost a year and had 1 barnacle on the hull. My Mexican heather is 8 yrs old.

Yahooooo! I am tickled pink. Lost 2lbs!

DS and family were supposed to arrive Sunday, but emailed they will be a day later and GD1 with BF are not coming. Sad, but relieved. So mush easier with3 instead of 5. Probably will find those 2lbs since Ty,GD2,only eats pizza,chocolate and chicken. Suspect they will leave early to spend a week on Jersey Shore. So we've lost half the visit. Long drive from the Poconos for 3 day visit...ohhhh welll sighhhhhhhhhh.

This is my Friday to direct and so Thursday will be my cook all day and whine about not tasting the good stuff.

Opps, Dh is trying to get his new GPS unit working. Think I'll get a necklace he can wear and find his way home with it. later, bye....Karen3

Last edited by Karen3; 07-15-2008 at 08:10 PM.
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Old 07-15-2008, 08:59 PM   #119  
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Evening all..........I just now got my cp up and running again, My internet went out yesterday afternoon. I'll catch up on everyone's post tomorrow, I'm too pooped to read tonight.
My DD is teaching a science workshop all this week. Yesterday (the first day) she had a kid show up without a parent to sign him in or all the necessary signed paper work for liability, doctor information, blah, blah, blah. Tiffany called the mom and said she needed to come in and take care of all the paper work, the lady got mad and said "just send him home you f*cking b*tch. What a way to start out the first day! I was standing right next to DD and she was very sweet and diplomatic on the phone to the mother, guess the mom was having a bad day. The local hospital gives out one scholarship for a needy family to send their child to this workshop and this nasty lady's kid was the recipient of it.
She also had a kid enrolled and found out from his paper work that he was on medication for autism. (5th or 6th grade?) Yesterday he disrupted the class all day and today they had to cancel all outside activities because the kid was getting out of hand. He got upset today and tried to stab Tiffany with a screwdriver. (They all brought old used VCR, cassette players, etc to take apart for a project and they had tools for the kids to use. Tiff called the mom to come pick him up and he's not allowed back in class. I'm glad I'm not a teacher and Tiff's glad the science workshop is only 1 week.

On a different note, I asked what allergies anyone had because of some interesting articles in the prevention magazine. It seems like everyone has one or two. I'm allergic to MSG, Monosodium Glutamate. That junk will give me a stay in bed/24 hour + migraine headache. Thankfully lots of food companies are excluding it from their products and some even mark it on the package, no MSG.
It's just about 8:00, gotta run see a T.V. show.
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Old 07-16-2008, 08:11 AM   #120  
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Hi . . .

Terrible expereience for your DD, BOBBI . . . hope the rest of her week goes more smoothly.

SSDD around here -- weather forecast last night was saying today would be cooler and less muggy but the weather report this morning has changed back to hot and sticky again . . . . . . at least the sun is shining, although with the temps where they are, I'm not really sure that's a good thing.

Anyway -- enough of my grumbling -- hope everybody else has a great day on the go. . .
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