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Old 07-06-2008, 08:31 AM   #46  
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Good Morning . . .

Another nice and sunny day but the humidity is on the rise again . . . oh well.

Teeny Weeny (the smaller of the Bengals) tried to scare me to death this morning when she decided to try to walk across the curtain rod that holds the valance over the sliding door between my kitchen and the family room. It didn't work; she fell. She seems to be okay, but cats are wonderful at hiding little bumps and bruises from the world; at least she is walking okay -- the curtain rod definitely didn't do as well.

Other than that the morning seems to be going fine.
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Old 07-06-2008, 09:08 AM   #47  
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Good Morning and we're hoping for a spot of rain. The earth all around us is so dry that we have cracks. We have our own well so watering the garden and flowers is not a problem but our grass is turning brown.
I've been in a pickle about my calories as usual, I need more calories by the end of the day but can't eat anything with protein in. Do you think 54 grams of protein is too low? I always go over, 54 grams is what the dietition quoted me. What suggestions do you have? I'm right in the ball park on my carbs and fat. I changed my accountability thread because I keep track of all the stats on a chart and don't see a reason to re-write all that information. I just put in the important stuff!
Meowee...Do your cats go outside? My daughter has two cats and a very large Golden Retriever, one cat is content to stay indoors, the other sneaky cat lurks by the door when ever anyone come in or goes outside. She will totally ignore me unless I start petting Carter (dog), then she gets jealous and comes around. Do you have a favorite, I guess that's like asking which child you like better.
I need to shower and get ready for church.......have a great day everyone and eat up all those July 4th leftovers so you can start fresh tomorrow.
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Old 07-06-2008, 10:08 AM   #48  
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Good morning all...may I plese join your group. I am new here and need as much support as I can get. Thank you.
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Old 07-06-2008, 10:39 AM   #49  
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Hello all

Hope you all are having a good weekend.

We had a nice 4th. Sara invited us over for a meal, then we went to fireworks. Got in some exercise walking to and from the place where the fireworks were to be viewed. There is an area called the waterway, and I look forward to going there again and walking after dark. They have the trees decorated up with these little twinkle lights. It makes such a nice place to walk.

Corbin's kitty hasn't come back yet. We checked where they used to live, and she hadn't shown up there. I am hoping that maybe some other family took her in. (It is too sad to think of the alternatives.)

Karen31 ~ Enjoyed the pictures of your trip. Did Sissy and Ginger enjoy it? Any news on the house offer? Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Linda ~ is your eye doing better? That looked like it hurt.

Rosey ~ oh my ~ what a time you have had. I'm glad you are better and back home. That was not a fun way to lose weight.

Welcome Angelmomma ~ glad to have you join us.

Hello Bobbi, Karen 3, Lynn, retiredone. Hello too, to anyone I've missed.

Take care
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Old 07-06-2008, 11:44 AM   #50  
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BOBBI . . . my cats are definitely indoor cats . . . three of them (the Bengals and Blizzard, the white one) don't much care about outside . . . Purrecious (my avatar) would love to go out . . . and Mouse (the big hairy grey thing) thinks he has accomplished something marvellous if he manages to get into the garage. Yes . . . Blizzard is my favourite simply because he is a lot more cuddly than the others.

I think 54 grams is a little low on the protein side becuse you really want to ensure that you lose fat not muscle and a little higher on protein does help to build muscle. Do you have any liver or kidney problems? That would definitely mean you need a little less protein than average. Most guidelines suggest between .4 and .5 grams of protein per pound and if you are trying to build muscle up to .6

Oh GLYNNE . . . sorry to hear the Kitty is still missing.They are pretty resilient so she has probably found a new family. Thanks for asking about the eye -- not much change yet -- still look like the creature from the lost lagoon; but it doesn't hurt.

Hi ANGEL . . . of course you can join us . . . . . . this is a wonderfully supportive group and are always here for each other through the good times and the not so good ones. Happy you found us.
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Old 07-06-2008, 11:46 AM   #51  
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Originally Posted by meowee View Post
Teeny Weeny (the smaller of the Bengals) tried to scare me to death this morning when she decided to try to walk across the curtain rod that holds the valance over the sliding door between my kitchen and the family room. It didn't work; she fell. She seems to be okay, but cats are wonderful at hiding little bumps and bruises from the world; at least she is walking okay -- the curtain rod definitely didn't do as well.
Hi Linda,

I hope TW is OK. I know what you mean about them hiding bumps & bruises. Mine once had a dislocation from a fall & I didn't figure it out for a couple of days after the fall.

Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
Do you think 54 grams of protein is too low? I always go over, 54 grams is what the dietition quoted me.
Hi Bobbi, I just checked. For the past year, I have averaged around 75 g of protein/day. HOWEVER, remember that bc of my diabetes, I try to keep my carbs as low as possible. During that same time, I've averaged around 90 g of carbs/day.

Originally Posted by angelmomma210 View Post
Good morning all...may I plese join your group. I am new here and need as much support as I can get. Thank you.
Hi Angel,

I'm so glad you are joining us. Check out the Intro thread in the Sticky area to find out more about each of us & then add your info.

Originally Posted by glynne View Post
Corbin's kitty hasn't come back yet. We checked where they used to live, and she hadn't shown up there. I am hoping that maybe some other family took her in. (It is too sad to think of the alternatives.)
Hi Gayle, I'm sure some wonderful family has adopted the kitty. Think positive!

Tomorrow is the last day of this class. I'll have to grade papers tomorrow and Tuesday & then I'm done until later in the month when I begin another class.

I was just sure my scale was not working right bc I'm up a pound. WRONG! I checked today on the scale at the gym - if anything, my scale is lower than it sould be by around 1/2 pound!

Have a great rest of your Sunday,


Last edited by ladyinweighting; 07-06-2008 at 11:47 AM.
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Old 07-06-2008, 03:59 PM   #52  
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Good afternoon all...Gesh, if you wanna spot me I'm the chubby white/blonde haired gal toking around an umbrella with weird music playing over her head. Set out to do my weekly shopping and it was thundering again(surprise!). Poured rain all the way to the store with wipers on high. While still in car fumbling with umbrella to open the rain stopped. Minutes after walking into the store it started pouring again. Rained until I was ready to leave....stopped and I loaded groceries in trunk and drove home again in pouring rain without a drop hitting me. I expect to see great white sharks in my pool and hear Rod Stieger commenting about my twilight zone.....

Hi Angel.....welcome home....we all aren't crazy or weird just me this week!

I bought me a new scale and can't bring myself to open the box....if it is really different than the old one it will take me a week to adjust. After crying for a week will have lost water weight.

I bought Dash the funniest toy today. Dh and I have been fighting over who gets to play with it. It's a fluffy chicken with a pirate's bandana in blue polka dots and a red cape. The whole thing is a 10" sling shot and when it flys it cockadoodledoos and clucks. Can fly it about 15'. Dash chases it down and waits for another shot....laughed until it hurt.

Well off to do weekly cooking chores so that dinner is snap when I get home late. Take care of your self, eat healthy and hugs, akren3

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Old 07-06-2008, 04:23 PM   #53  
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I'm ready to go to bed and it's only 6 pm. I get drowsy around this time of day but it wears off. I just finished supper and am going to get an apple to round out my fruits and vegetables for the day.

It's windy and warm today and as I've gotten everyone who is dependent on me their supper I think I'll curl up in the big chair and watch an old movie with James Steward. Maybe I'll fall asleep and have a little nap for myself.

Welcome Angel...this is a great place to lose weight, chat and get a bit of encouragement.

Lynn, what classes do you teach? I know you've mentioned it before but I've forgotten. My son has a fill in position at the university for 2 weeks and possibly 3. The instructor fell over a flight of stairs and couldn't get anyone to fill in at the last minute. DS took the same class from him about 5 years ago and has been in contact with him on and off since then so he asked if he would be interested. DS just received his Master's degree in technology education so he was delighted to get the extra work.

Now if DS#2 could find work we'd all be delighted.
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Old 07-06-2008, 05:33 PM   #54  
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Originally Posted by retiredone View Post
Lynn, what classes do you teach? I know you've mentioned it before but I've forgotten. My son has a fill in position at the university for 2 weeks and possibly 3. The instructor fell over a flight of stairs and couldn't get anyone to fill in at the last minute. DS took the same class from him about 5 years ago and has been in contact with him on and off since then so he asked if he would be interested. DS just received his Master's degree in technology education so he was delighted to get the extra work.
Hi Isabella,

I teach Educational Research online for the University of Phoenix. My DD teaches Critical Thinking in their Business Department.

CONGRATULATIONS to your son. How does he like teaching the course? He must have been a good student to be asked to teach the course.

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Old 07-06-2008, 07:35 PM   #55  
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'Evening Chickies

Here is a big to Angelmomma. Glad that you are here. I've only been here a month or so myself and find this site very helpful and supportive.

Busy week ahead for me as I have to go of town for a 2 day training . I'll get to stay at DD the night before too.... nice.

Good week, down three more pounds thank you Chickie
for the support. Also I finally finished my intro page, post the June server crash.

I wish you all the best.


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Old 07-06-2008, 09:55 PM   #56  
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Originally Posted by ladyinweighting View Post
Hi Isabella,

I teach Educational Research online for the University of Phoenix. My DD teaches Critical Thinking in their Business Department.

CONGRATULATIONS to your son. How does he like teaching the course? He must have been a good student to be asked to teach the course.

Ah, yes Lynn, now I remember what you teach. The last time I did a research course was a good many years ago when I was doing my Master's degree. My niece is taking a business degree at Memorial University in Newfoundland. I wonder if she's taken a Critical Thinking course or equivalent. My son is really enjoying the teaching. He teaches students in grades 4-9 during the school year. He's an e-learning teacher and works with most of the grades. So he finds teaching university students very different from a bunch of often over excited kids.

Good going Cute n Curvy. You're doing great with the weight loss.

I never did get a nap earlier this evening. The drowsiness passed and I even got out of the house with DH to visit with family for a couple of hours. It seems like it's been months since we got out by ourselves. DS watched mom for me. He's a gem.
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Old 07-06-2008, 10:35 PM   #57  
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Doing the ir diet and today is a good day. Stayed op and had dh make chicken and steak on the grill. I had a piece of chicken, some augratin potatoes and green beans. I did have a few bites of steak and then cut everything up for dh for lunch. He is diabetic so I try to help him for his lunches. I am insulin resistant and so we can do this together. Thanks for the welcome. I leave for vacation in 2 week and will be gone for 3. I do plan on checking in whenever I can. I will be in WI, IN and Mi....we live in WA. We will be flying and I am already planning my meals while flying. Gonna carry some things with me.
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Old 07-07-2008, 12:50 AM   #58  
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Good evening all,

I'm trying to psych myself up to start back on my low carb, high protein eating plan tomorrow. I'm new here and need some support to get off to a good start. I'm 53 and live in Reno, NV on an acre of land with a big organic garden, a dozen chickens and assorted cats and dogs. I've worked in early childhood, teach teachers and write curriculum. I'm divorced for 8 years after being married for 25. My 2 kids are grown and I have 6 grandkids.

In 1998 I followed the low carb, high protein diet and lost 80 lbs. Slowly I have gained it all back. I'm 5'5" and weigh 245. I would like to lose 100 lbs.

I know my thinking is faulty. I think I should be able to diet perfectly and lose steadily and I know intellectually from reading your posts that this is not realistic. I want to make healthy choices, not emotional choices. My sister died a month ago of ovarian cancer and I have been pretty sad and overwhelmed with everything but I can't really use that as an excuse.

I don't feel good at this weight. I want to get back on track. I'm going to eat a bowl of Cheerios with skim milk for breakfast, take a salad with tuna and red wine vinegar for lunch, Have strawberries as an afternoon snack and salmon and veggies for dinner.

It was great to read about you all and I look forward to following your successes and roadblocks.

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Old 07-07-2008, 08:43 AM   #59  
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Good Morning and praise the Lord!
We finally received rain last night, not much but a little. We're suppose to have thunderstorms and heavy rain all day and into the night. I know our good Iowa neighbors don't need the rain but we sure do.
Darlene... Good to have you! We're on a varity of reduction plans but we have lots in commom. We're all over 50+, we enjoy hearing of everyone's day, problems, tips and joyful events.
You will fit right in!
Angelmomma..........Do you have a shorter handle/name? I clicked on your profile, beautiful picture of you.
We have a electrician coming over this morning to check the pump in our septic tank so I better get dressed, bye!

Last edited by Bobbolink; 07-07-2008 at 08:47 AM.
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Old 07-07-2008, 08:44 AM   #60  
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Default thoughts and prayers are with you and yours on the loss of your sister. Please make sure you take time for yourself.
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