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Old 08-21-2007, 10:10 PM   #316  
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Hi ladies
just wanted to check in.
Everything is fine here.
Hoping to hear from Paula...

The rain we had (over 3 inches yesterday) Was nothing... Paula's area had 5-9 inches yesterday!
so anyway... saying prayers and hoping to hear from you Paula.
take care and stay dry.
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Old 08-22-2007, 01:39 AM   #317  
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Hi Everyone,

I new to this site, did fill out the info page and one of you sent me a welcome message-thanks. It will take me awhile to remember the names and messages.

I believe some of you live in MN-born in Ely and grew up on the Masabi Iron Ore range. Since Dad was in minning we moved alot, but finally ended up in Cal were I have stayed. Now we live in a tiny isolated coastal town in Northern Ca. Really enjoy the peace and quiet and small town feeling.

Now I working on getting off much weight- I am counting cals-between 1500-1600 a day, recording it on FitDay and swmiming 5 times a week. I go to an outdoor pool about 10 miles away-get rather cold and rainy during winter. I am very arthritic and water sure makes the joints feel better.

Would love a part time job, but feel my weight and poor mobility( plus being over 60- makes me an unattractive candidate-even for desk jobs. Meanwhile I do handcrafts-love jewerly, paper crafts and even decorating some bird houses that DD has made.

Recently I read a book called How to think Like a Thin Person by Beck-It had some good ideas but still is just hard to always be totally aware of the foods eaten. Hoping after a number of months this will be easier. The rate of diligency is very high, the rate of lose is so slow. I do feel much better having lost 50Lbs.

success to you all
coastal sue
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Old 08-22-2007, 08:50 AM   #318  
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Default Tuesday - August 22

Good Morning Everyone,

Hi LindaD, how was the vacation?

Hi Gayle, years ago, when I was job-hunting, I applied for a job in Cecil MD. I didn't get it and was disappointed. Their program lost all its funding a year later. Since then, I always figure if I don't get a job I want, it's for the best.

Hi Lyn, WOW - a great vacation and up only .5 lb!! Way to go.

Hi Cat, I'm sure your butt is just as cute as your dd's.

Hi Zoe, there are quite a few of us here with ex's we can't stand. I'm just lucky enough to never have to come into contact with mine - my dd can't stand him either.

Hi Karen, see my ggs (great-grandson) in the cabinet. No thunder - we were just talking - not paying attention to him - and he decided to climb in.
You wrote, "A size 14--- I can’t hardly wait ‘til I get that size."
You're 156 and 5 feet. I'm 162 and 5'1" and I'm in a size 14. Have you been shopping lately? I'll bet you are in a size 14. [Especially if you shop around until you find a size 14 that you fit into!]

Hi Theresa, guess we're having some of the same rain - so far, no flooding. I'm a block from the Delaware & it floods a lot. I'm high up on a hill, so no problem for me, but those down on the riverfront have been flooded out of their homes 3 times in the past 2 years.

Hi Coastal Sue, Welcome. You've lost over 50 lbs!!! That's great. Stick with us & you'll keep losing. This is a VERY supportive group. About your rate of loss - we can be responsible for our actions, but not for the results. Keep your calories down and your exercise up and you will eventually lose the weight.

OK, today I'm off to the gym with my df. Not for my usual fly-by visit. We're going to spend some time in the pool, take in a class or 2, walk the track (it's still rainy here), and end up with the eliptical.

Tomorrow, I'm supposed to take my Little Sister on the Circle Liner. Hopefully, the rain will have cleared out.

Hope we all have a Happy and Healthy day,


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Old 08-22-2007, 09:47 AM   #319  
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Default Vacation photos from Lyn

I figured out how to upload my photos to picasa on line. If you care to see them here is the link...

you may have to cut and paste it - not sure.
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Old 08-22-2007, 10:34 AM   #320  
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Hi everyone -- sorry this has to be short and sweet. Things are busy busy busy here at work so only time to say hi Hopefully I can catch up soon.

Hope all is well with everyone and all our GOLDEN GIRLS are safe!!!!
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Old 08-22-2007, 11:45 AM   #321  
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Hi there . . .

Boy, am I ever running late today -- it's afternoon already. At least it is the afternoon of a wonderful day with nice seasonal temperatures (mid-20'sC / mid-70'sF) and comfy humidity. For my tastes, it doesn't get much better than this. And -- so far, anyway -- no kitten disasters (at least, none thatI've discovered yet).

Thought you might like to read this interesting little article from Prevention magazine about tailoring your own weight loss programme . . . . . . hope you enjoy it.

Well I'd better get myself moving and shaking. Hope everybody has a great day . . . see you all later . . .
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Old 08-22-2007, 11:56 AM   #322  
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Good Morning GG's !! Just thought that I would pop in for a short chat!

Sue! Glad you came over to join us! I know you will like it here we all support each other in so many other things not just our weight loss journeys! Happy to have you here and look forward to getting to know you.

Lynn, you're right I haven't been shopping in a long time--- I just hate to buy clothes when I have so many in the closet. Especially when I don't plan on staying this weight forever. I do like to go to the Goodwill store in Woodland Park though. Once in awhile they have some pretty nice things and then I don't feel so bad about paying a price that is so much lower than I would if I went shopping in a "real" store!!

Lyn, I just through looking at all your GREAT photos!! WOW! You must have really had a great time!! by the way--- did you buy a puppy??? I would have been scared to death to walk over that suspended bridge-- and a zip line I think they would have had to sedate me!!

Well, I will have to get back to everyone a little later.. Still have lots to do this morning and need to get to it before I'm out of the mood!! Have a good day!
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Old 08-22-2007, 11:59 AM   #323  
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Linda-- we must have been posting at the same time. I just bookmarked that page you sent and I will get back to it soon. I just did a quick glance and it looks pretty interesting. Thanks!! Hope you have a "kitty disaster" free day!!
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Old 08-22-2007, 12:11 PM   #324  
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Karen - I am a GoodWill shopper as well. I've gotten some fantastic shoes and clothes there in the past. In fact the shoes I have on today are brand new Bass wejuns that I got for $3 a few months ago. I used to wear these in HS and still love them. Glad you liked the photos. Yeah - I couldn' believe i actually did the treetop thing. Just kind of followed my DH into it.

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Old 08-22-2007, 12:58 PM   #325  
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Morning everyone,

Lynn I liked your statement about being responsible for one's actions, but can't control the results. Can apply this to dieting and many other things in life.

Read the posting about clothes shopping. The nearest place to get clothes is about 1 1/2hr away, so we have two community run used clothing sales each month. It kind of fun clothing exchange up here. Because of my size, I tend to do alot of mail order stuff. Will be so glad to be in more common sizes-congrads to to you getting smaller all the time.

You folks are much more sophisticated about adding photos and posting other sites to visit. Fun stuff to look at. -saw come cute children and grandchildren. I'll catch up one day, just figured out the weight tickler.

take care
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Old 08-22-2007, 01:14 PM   #326  
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It’s a new day…..

I’m eating a breakfast of oatmeal and fruit at work right now and thought since I had a few minutes I would catch up. This is such a busy site and it’s nice to see everyone discussing life, diet, family photos, and any thing else we can think of. I'm very happy to be a part of it. I have come to feel like you are all a part of my extended family.

I haven’t been doing well on my eating program the last few days. My son decided to bring home some chocolate chip cookies and they kept calling my name. Why can’t I overcome sweets? I’ve learned to plan for a sweet when I want one and usually eat it while I’m out of the house. My son rents a room from me and he eats differently than I do. By that I mean he eats snacks or packaged/processed foods. I’ve given him his own cabinet where he keeps his food so I won’t see it when I open the pantry. The problem is I sometimes see him unpacking his groceries or see him eating something and the cravings begin. Eeeeek!!! Very frustrating. Any suggestions??

I’m getting a little nervous about the mortgage business. There have been over 180 mortgage companies and banks close. Yesterday a company I used to work for closed their doors. They have been around for over 20 years. This crash is going to be awful. They say it may be 2 years before the industry comes back. Well, I don’t know if I’ll be able to find a job in the mortgage field and may have to do secretarial work or something and work a couple jobs to make it. I can't make as much money as I do in the field I'm in. I’m trying not to worry but I remember the last crash in the late 80’s and I lost my home that time. The good thing is I won’t have to support a husband like I had to do then. He wouldn’t work because he said he was too old and was depressed. That’s when I had to work 3 jobs. I’m glad he’s gone. Maybe it won’t be as bad this time. At least I have a job till the end of December. Please say a prayer for me. I need all the help I can get.

Gayle: So sorry about the job. Maybe that wasn’t the job for you. Keep looking because the perfect job is just waiting for you to find it. Good luck.

Zoe: I’m glad you’re doing the WW plan. I think you will enjoy it. I remember going last year for 10 weeks. Look at you with 9 points left. Great job!
Don’t feel bad about the ex thing. I haven’t seen or spoken to my ex since I booted him out three years ago. Thank God I didn’t have kids with him. My husband was a phony too, unfaithful through our 20 year marriage. To other people he would act like as if he just couldn’t figure out why our marriage wasn’t working. Grrrr! He was a soloist at our church and every time I saw him standing in front of the congregation singing and after the service everyone patting him on the back and telling him how great he was I about threw up and it made my skin crawl. If they only knew he was sleeping with other women and not working to support the family while I was working three jobs to pay the bills and trying to put up with his irritating behavior. So, don’t feel bad about bad feelings towards your ex. I am right there with you.

Lynn: Great job on the weight loss! I wish I was on vacation but it was a business trip. Lots of work! Trying to work with the bankruptcy court to repurchase loans or prove the loans are in compliance so the Investor has to keep them. Your ggson is so cute. Very sweet picture.

Karen: I’ll check out the slim fast site.

Coastal Sue: Glad to meet you. I’m also from CA. I love Northern CA. I enjoy driving up the coast and spending time in the small towns and the wine country. Wow 50 lbs is a great weight loss. Keep posting and I’m sure you will learn a lot from these ladies. We are here to help each other. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

Meoow: Thanks for the info. This article says to divide your plate like a clock and to limit your carbs to between noon and 3pm. This is a very healthy way to include carbs, which I will incorporate today. I was on a low carb diet once and lost 44 pounds. I read several books that said a low carb diet is not a healthy way to lose weight. It’s very confusing because everyone says something different. I know the low carb diet helped me lose 44 pounds, however, I gained the weight back very easily when I began eating normally again.

Well, I've got to run. It's nice being back and visiting with you. Talk to you soon.

Last edited by LindaD; 08-22-2007 at 01:20 PM.
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Old 08-22-2007, 02:01 PM   #327  
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Hey Paula, you need to check in! We have set rain fall records here in Minnesota and it's still raining. I think I told you before, but both our Apricot trees are toast. With all the rain, all our trees that have a shallow root system are bent over and touching the ground. But I don't worry too much about it, at least our basement is dry. We are grateful for that blessing, my daughter and two grandsons are not in danger of losing their lives like some Minnesotans after the bridge collaspe and now all the rain. Now on a brighter side, thank you all for the funny jokes and e-mails. I do indeed think that a laugh a day will keep the doctor away.
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Old 08-22-2007, 02:47 PM   #328  
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Originally Posted by LindaD View Post
The problem is I sometimes see him unpacking his groceries or see him eating something and the cravings begin. Eeeeek!!! Very frustrating. Any suggestions
Linda, everyone is different, but South Beach really got rid of my sugar cravings. I honestly used to bake EVERY afternoon..cookies, cakes, bread pudding, brownies, creme brulee or some other dessert...EVERY afternoon. I was a sugar freak. We have our big meal at 2 every day and at night, it was a big dessert for "dinner" in the evening. Then the dessert would get me craving salty stuff, then the salt made me want more sugar...really ugly cycle.
SB gets rid of the cravings cause it keeps your "sugar level" even by not having foods that cause the highs and lows.

I ate one cookie last Saturday night after baking some for my son and his friends and it really made me sick.

Last edited by femmecreole; 08-22-2007 at 03:27 PM.
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Old 08-22-2007, 04:09 PM   #329  
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Hi again . . .

Knew it was too good to last. I just had the honour of watching little "Miss Pissy Puss" execute today's disaster. I'm getting the impression she does not like any of the kinds of kitty litter I've tried -- the clay, the crystals, the newspaper bits -- don't know what other kinds there are. I was downstairs cleaning the litter pans when she comes along; sniffs at each pan (all freshly cleaned at this point) and then proceeds to squat on the floor beside them. Believe me, she finished in the litter, but not of her own volition.

BTW, Linda . . . I think that when that article is saying "carbs" it is really meaning "starches". I've seen that plate division before and it usually means 1/4 of the plate for things like potatoes or pasta or rice or starchy veggies like peas and corn. Another 1/4 for protein. The final half of the plate is meant for salad and/or other vegetables (which, of course, are carbohydrates after all).

Also, I'm right there with those of you who mentioned having difficulty staying away from the sweets -- especially the home-baked kind. I just have no portion-control on stuff like that so find it best to avoid them as much as possible. Eating a dessert once in a while at a restaurant works out well for me. Takes care of the craving without having to face all the leftovers.

We have a chain of stores in Nova Scotia called "Frenchy's" that are like "Goodwill taken to the next dimension". They are clean but really kind of messy (part of their charm, I guess -- everything is in big bins and buckets). I honestly think 80% of the population shops there at some time or other, although an awful lot of the more ritzy-acting types will only whisper the name.

Have a good afternoon/evening, gang . . . see you later . . .
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Old 08-22-2007, 05:09 PM   #330  
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Well, I’m home (early) and and planning to make meatballs (from my meatloaf recipe, actually) with Healthy Choice pasta sauce, chopped onions & peppers (in the sauce) and wheat rotinni. I bought myself a food scale on the way home today, and plan to become very precise about what I eat from here on in. I’m not eating all that differently from when I was just doing high fiber/low calorie, actually - just a few minor changes - but I feel more in control, somehow, knowing the actual food values and all. I HOPE this is working, because I seem to be getting an awful LOT of food. Instead of my usual bag-o-fiber this morning (that baggie that I fill for myself with a cup of Fiber One cereal, a quarter cup of raisins, a teeny bag of granola bites, and exactly six pieces of dried pineapple) I brought two Fiber One bars and ate them in the car on the way to my meeting in Springfield. Then, for lunch, I had the meat from two small chicken thighs, a very small baked potato, ten Brussels sprouts and two thick slices of fresh tomato that I filched out of our neighbor’s garden while they’re on vacay. (They just would’ve rotted on the vine, anyway, and they sure were good!) For an afternoon snack, I had an orange. According to the WW calculator, I counted 3 points for each chicken thigh, for a total of six, and 2 points for that little potato, which I ate with the skin. I am understanding that the tomato slices and the Brussels sprouts are equal to zero points. So, counting four points for the two Fiber One bars & 8 points for lunch, plus 1 point for an orange that I ate when I got home, that makes 13 points, and I have 9 left for supper. Seems kind of weird to be getting all this food, but I’m definitely not complaining, although I most definitely WILL complain if I haven’t lost any weight when I weigh myself this Saturday.
Hiya Karen, Omigawd, do I ever need to clean out my car & wash it! I spend so much time in the darned thing, it really gets piled up with stuff. I think I’ve still got a ski jacket in the back seat left from winter (why move it? It’s going to be winter here again in another four months or so) and a couple of filled-up trash bags, a few empty water bottles, a LOAD of papers and notebooks and folders and so on and so forth. One of these days...
Theresa, what’s up, chickie? You working? Doing stuff? We miss you! (I think it’s been a whole DAY since you posted!!!)
Welcome to the Golden Girls, Sue; you’re doing great, and we’ll enjoy having you with us. Just jump right in and start nattering on like the rest of us...
Hiya Lynn - yeah, I should be so lucky to have my kids not be able to stand him, either. Well, they actually aren’t too crazy about him, and do get irritated because he’s a great one for volunteering to do things (at church, for the most part) and then calling one of them to cover for him because he got too busy or whatever. They all have busy lives, as well, so needless to say, it’s starting to be not so pleasant. I just wish they wouldn’t buy into feeling sorry for him - he gets depressed over the stuff HE has done and has to live with the consequences of. Fair is fair, as far as I’m concerned. We ALL have to live with our choices, don’t we? Real cute pic of your GGS, incidentally.
Wonderful pics of your vacay, did all that stuff in the trees? I’m impressed! Beautiful place for sure - I’m so glad you had such a great time!
Jo-annnnnnniiiieeee! We miiiissssssss yooooouuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop being so busy, you hear?Thanks for the article, Meowee-Linda - you always find such good stuff! I’m going to settle in and read it as soon as I finish this post.
Hey, LindaD...well, it feels a little better, knowing we’re not alone, doesn’t it? (About the ex’s, I mean). I’m certainly keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed that you’re able to do a nice slide right into a good job for the first of the year. SOME mortgage lenders have to stay in business, don’t they? And with your credentials and experience, I would think they’d be glad to snatch you up! What about banks with mortgage lending departments? Well, you know - and understand - the field better than I do, but I AM a firm believer that if you’re good at what you do, there’s someone out there who will pay you to do it. Please keep us updated, will you? As for the sweets cravings, I can’t say I know any tricks that help much. About the only thing that works for me is to stay away from them altogether, because I KNOW that eating one of something (like an oreo cookie; I don’t even NEED home baked or gourmet stuff to be as happy as the proverbial pig in poop) ALWAYS results in my eating a WHOLE lot more of them, so now I just flat-out don’t.
I have to say, though, Cat, that I can’t imagine myself getting sick from eating a cookie. Knowing me, once I started, I’d probably force it down, sick or not, using my tried and true remedy - if you don’t feel well, eat MORE!
Bobbi, always good to hear from you - and I’m glad that you’re high and dry!

Have a great evening, all!


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