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Old 08-19-2007, 09:26 AM   #271  
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Hey Lynn...good morning.
I wondered if these recipes would be of any use to you?,1-...uffins,FF.html
I know it takes a while to get your blood sugar levels on an even keel; one of our good friends was diagnosed with diabetes about six months ago, and has since lost 30 pounds and has been taken off one of her medicatons and is aiming to be taken off the last one within another month or two. We had dinner with she & her partner not too long ago, and they actually do a LOT of creative cooking from a couple of cookbooks they've acquired for diabetic diets. She ate a quarter cup of brown rice and a chicken/shrimp stir fry that I made with olive oil & dry seasonings. Also a quarter of a piece of lavash bread, and interestingly, for dessert, a very attractive arrangement that she had put together of a small piece of angel cake, 3 strawberries, and two squares of dark chocolate. She measures her blood sugar levels before every meal, and that determines how much of what she is able to have. She is a radio talk show host, and her partner does some kind of software consulting out of their home, and they actually DO travel quite a bit, and frquently out of the country, but I think they bring food with them (except when travel regs prevent it,of course, or check ahead at any restaurant they may be planning to go to for acceptable menu items. I know it must get awfully tedious, but I really hope that you'll find an eating plan that allows you some reasonable substitutions for those things you have enjoyed in the past, because that's what will make it possible for you to stay with this long term. And we want you to do that!
Jo-annie, I'm so very glad that you were able to break the ice with your old friend. It will make for a much more comfortable day for all concerned. I am constantly reminded, when reading your posts, of what a kind and caring person you are. It's a nice thing in a world that is so essentially "me, me, and MORE me..."
Theresa, I was unsure of where to post my pounds, but noticed a thread on the general website where everybody seemed to be logging their pounds in, and you posted there, too, so I did, as well. Hope that's what you meant us to do. You hangin' out with that little cutie pie today? DH & I are going to DD3's for brunch later this morning, so I'll get to hang with my GD for awhile, too!
Hey, Phyl! Keep dropping those ounces, girl, and before you know it, a whole POUND will be gone! Oh, I couldn't resist that! You and I BOTH know how tough this is! I told my daughter (she wants to lose 20 pounds, and is doing WW) to get herself where she wants to be weight-wise before she hits 50, because after that, it's uphill (in a downhill direction hopefully, of course) all the way!

Well, I'm going to finish my cawfee and see about jumping into the tub (Oh, alright - stepping carefully into the tub so that I won't, old fart that I am, fall down & break something) and get moving here this morning. Have a great day, y'all!!!

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Old 08-19-2007, 09:35 AM   #272  
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Morning . . .

Our weather is still a little "iffy" and so is my head. Silly cats are still being a little "iffy" too. Think they are holding grudges (cats do that) about all the pain I put them through recently. "Somebody" urinated on my bed yesterday and this morning I found another wet cushion. This is getting very, very tiresome and it is definitely not helping the pounding in the head to subside.

Hope everybody has a great Sunday. See you later.
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Old 08-19-2007, 04:41 PM   #273  
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Hello all,

Just popping in quick to say hi. Will have to catch up on my days off. I have been looking at the job ads trying to find a job that I like better and feels less stressful to me. I found one that sounded good, so I e-mailed them my resume and am hoping real hard that the position is still available and that they would want me. Pray for me/wish me luck.

Take care
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Old 08-19-2007, 05:02 PM   #274  
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Default Bobbi & Lily

Are you two OK? I just heard about the flooding in MN. Please check in.

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Old 08-19-2007, 05:07 PM   #275  
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Default Thank you

Originally Posted by ellabella View Post
Hey Lynn...good morning.
I wondered if these recipes would be of any use to you?,1-...uffins,FF.html
Hi Zoe,

Thank you. I'm going to try at least one of those recipes this week. I apprectiate your caring.

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Old 08-19-2007, 05:09 PM   #276  
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Default Cat - Keep off

Originally Posted by meowee View Post
Morning . . .

"Somebody" urinated on my bed yesterday and this morning I found another wet cushion. This is getting very, very tiresome and it is definitely not helping the pounding in the head to subside.
Hi Linda,

Have you tried this stuff -

My dd used it with her cat & it worked.

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Old 08-19-2007, 05:14 PM   #277  
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Originally Posted by glynne View Post
Hello all,

Just popping in quick to say hi. Will have to catch up on my days off. I have been looking at the job ads trying to find a job that I like better and feels less stressful to me. I found one that sounded good, so I e-mailed them my resume and am hoping real hard that the position is still available and that they would want me. Pray for me/wish me luck.
Hi Gayle,

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Old 08-19-2007, 07:30 PM   #278  
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Originally Posted by ladyinweighting View Post
Hi Linda,

Have you tried this stuff -

My dd used it with her cat & it worked.

Sure have and was it ever expensive to get here in Canada. Had to have my SIL send it to me from Ontario to boot. Thought the diffuser was really starting to work until "blondie" did it on the couch - right beside the Feliway Diffuser. I'm hoping things will settle down once they've gotten over the surgery trauma. I'd only had it for two weeks when they went for their surgery. Does look like I might need another plug-in for upstairs, though.
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Old 08-19-2007, 07:41 PM   #279  
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Of COURSE they want you, Gayle. Luck has nothing to do with it. The key is whether or not YOU want the job, and you'll only know that after you've talked to them and get all of your questions answered about what they expect, and what YOU can expect from THEM. They need YOU, my dear, as much if not more than you need them. Remember that.

Lynn? Care? Absolutely. We "old Golden Girlies" need to look out for one another, don't we?

I spent the afternoon at DD3's. DD1, DD2 and DD2's DH & GS came over and we cooked outside. DD3 made DD2 & I veggie burgers on the grille (Everybody else had *real* food) and put them in wraps w/baby spinach leaves & sliced cucumbers. It was delish. DD2 & DD3 are doing Weight Watchers. DD1 is the daughter with MS who had the hysterectomy a month or six weeks ago...actually, maybe two months now. She has lost SO MUCH weight since having the surgery. She wasn't heavy before the surgery, and now she's VERY tiny - well, not small: she's 5'9, but is in a size 5 if that gives you any idea of how slim she is.

We stayed for @ three hours. After we'd been there for an hour or so - at @ 3:30, the doorbell rang, and it was my EX, who was on his way home from church. Apparently he didn't recognize MY CURRENT DH's car in the driveway. My SIL went to the door, and the EX didn't come in. I guess my SIL told him I was there, and wouldn't appreciate his coming in. For a brief few minutes, I felt a little guilty. I really did. Those of you who have been Golden Girl regulars for a while, now, may remember that when my son was here visiting from LA back at the end of June, we had a cookout and my daughter asked if I *minded* if she asked her father to come by. Trying to be the "bigger person", I agreed, only to end up infuriated because of the EX's posturing and playing "big man" and pretty much monopolizing the entire day. At that point, I finally just came to the conclusion that there's no way - regardless of whether my KIDS want to spend time with their father or not - that I am going to socialize with someone who made my life miserable for 20+ years. This is a church deacon who could outquote the pastor when it came to the Bible, and outpray the prayingest prayer in the church, but had more extracurricular women than Hugh Hefner. If it was female, he went after it. AND he was a lousy father; no time ever for the kids - when he wasn't working, he was "out". And when he was home, he was always yelling at them about something. And NOW he's remarried, but he and the wife don't get along all that well, according to my kids (Is it any wonder?) and he's depressed - tells the kids that he KNOWS he made a lot of mistakes...etc. MISTAKES, huh? Well, I don't wish the man any harm, but neither do I have to be his friend, and after a VERY brief moment of feeling guilty, I reminded myself of all the times I felt *depressed* when I was married to him because he was out messing around. I don't recall his being very sympathetic to ME...

Hah! Life! I have to tell matter how old you get, there are still things that push your buttons, and that's the truth.

Anyway, I was glad to get home with DH. I loved seeing my kids and grandkids, but I'm beginning to understand why we have children when we're YOUNG, and they're supposed to leave home when we get up around our fifties... we have WAY more stamina when we're young, and WAY more tolerance for noise and commotion. NOW DH & I live a very quiet lifestyle, and I never think much about it until days like today when I LOVE seeing them all, but love getting home even more. It's quiet here. NICE & quiet. You could hear a pin drop. It's absolutely lovely!

Well, this crazy slow weight loss is beginning to get to me. I'm going to give the WW point system a try starting tomorrow. We'll see how that goes.

I had a WW ice cream sandwich when I got back tonight. It was soooooo yummy!

And that's enough kvetching, complaining and whining from me for ONE night...

Hope you've all had a great weekend!

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Old 08-19-2007, 08:22 PM   #280  
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Originally Posted by meowee View Post
Sure have and was it ever expensive to get here in Canada. Had to have my SIL send it to me from Ontario to boot. Thought the diffuser was really starting to work until "blondie" did it on the couch - right beside the Feliway Diffuser. I'm hoping things will settle down once they've gotten over the surgery trauma. I'd only had it for two weeks when they went for their surgery. Does look like I might need another plug-in for upstairs, though.

If you want me to order and send to you, let me know.

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Old 08-19-2007, 08:28 PM   #281  
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Originally Posted by ellabella View Post
...that's enough kvetching, complaining and whining from me for ONE night...Z
Zoe, you know that this is our "safe place" where we are free to express any of our emotions - good/bad/happy/sad - and everybody loves us no matter how we're feeling.

Kvetch, complain, and whine away!

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Old 08-19-2007, 09:06 PM   #282  
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Just a quick check-in as we have been out of town all weekend.
Lynn - I am just fine. We spent the weekend in northern MN where there wasn't so much as a drop of rain. Looked like there is about 2 - 3 inches in my rain gauge here in the Twin Cities though. Bobbi lives in southern MN and I think in the area where they got the flooding. I'm a little concerned about a lot of relatives on my husband's side as their town is now 2/3 under water and the river is still rising. Those poor people down there.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you Cat.
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Old 08-19-2007, 11:02 PM   #283  
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Hi Girls, we're o.k. We live in the highest point in Freeborn county and don't worry about getting flooded out. I do feel a bit guilty about all the rain, it's been so dry that I've been praying for rain. I think God can shut it off now, we've had enough.
We did lose electric power last night and my computer had a fit. It told me this morning that I didn't shut it off properly, duh!!!!!! We have a rain gauge on our mail box that registers 5 inches of rain, it went over and it's still raining as I'm typing this. We live about 100 miles south of Minneapolis/St Paul and most of the rain was to the east of us in Rochester/Winona and Rushford area. They are in bad shape, last I heard 12 inches of rain, roads flooded, lives lost. I told DH that the world must be coming to an end. All the earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods in the world, etc. What ya all think?
Thank you girls for the concern of us Minnesota gals, you're so sweet.
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Old 08-19-2007, 11:04 PM   #284  
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Hello Everyone, I sure hope everyone is doing OK tonight. I’ve been watching the weather and wondering about Cat, Lily and Bobbi. Sure hope everyone stays safe.

I’m still pretty much staying with the Slimfast but that way I feel I can eat a GOOD supper. It seems like I do OK having a Slimfast Chocolate Shake in the morning. I use the powder and mix it with skim milk. And then at lunch I use the powder French Vanilla with skim milk and usually add 1 cup of strawberries to it. Or half a banana. That is really good both ways!! Then for supper tonight I had a 4 ounce piece of chicken breast grilled, a small baked potato with fat free sour cream and picante’ sauce on it and a big salad. I also try to work in 2 snacks during the day. Usually an apple for one of them and then something else.
But I also found the Protein Oatmeal Pancakes from the recipe section and tried them and they are really good. Also once in awhile I will have some Fiber One cereal in place of one of the shakes. So there are days that I vary from the Slimfast. It really does seem to work for me And I don’t find myself getting too hungry either. But I do need to get back to a decent exercise routine. I keep trying to get motivated to do that but so far it is really hard. I try to get things all ready in case someone wants to see the house during the day and then I just put off the exercise---- not a good thing.

We’ve had several people come and look at the house and say they will get back to us---- yeah right! It gets so frustrating! I know, I know--- I’m trying to keep a positive attitude but sometimes I get so upset when people call and say they are coming-- then don’t show or look at it and then say we’ll get back in touch with you and then you never hear anything else. Grrrrr!

Marylynn, Good to hear from you. I’ve decided to take someone’s advice and write my replies in Microsoft Works--- that way I can write while I read! And I know I will still end up probably forgetting someone! Hope you and your family are feeling better now.

Zoe, When you order my robe--- make it an extra wide, short! I’m only 5’ tall and I don’t think I am going to grow anymore!! If I could add about 5 inches to my height I would probably be just about right weight wise!! Sure glad that you are feeling better! The muffins sound good.

Theresa, your granddaughter is so cute! She looks like she owns that car and Daddy!!

Linda-- I hope your weather clears up soon and your kitties forgive you real quick! They do hold grudges for awhile!!

Joanne, glad that you talked it out with your friend. That should make things a little smoother for you. And you probably will never be as close as you were before but still it is better to be where you are at now.

Cat, those flowers look great! I’ll be glad when we get somewhere that we can grow things like that. Here we can still get snow into May and it can start snowing anytime in September! So our growing season is really short, if at all.

Gayle, Keeping my fingers crossed for you that you find a job that you really like and likes you back!! Keep us posted.

Trish, Phyllis, Lily and anybody that I may have forgot HI and hope things are going well for you.

Have a good night!
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Old 08-20-2007, 12:09 AM   #285  
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Hi Everyone,
I thought I would share these pictures of Ginger that I took yesterday. She is so scared of the thunder and lightening. When I opened up my kitchen cabinet she jumped right in there and wouldn't come out for quite awhile. I really felt sorry for her. On the other hand Sissy isn't scared at all. But with all the lightening and thunder that we have been having I had thoughts of getting in the cabinet with Ginger too!!!

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