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Old 08-28-2007, 08:41 PM   #421  
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Gary, I almost forgot!! Congrats on the 9 pounds!! That is great!! I hope I find some of that and get motivated and do the same here. Be back later!!
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Old 08-28-2007, 08:50 PM   #422  
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We had our children later in life. High school starts tomorrow. DD is sooo excited--her senior year.

marilyn Dancing with your DH sure sounds good. My DH and I haven't been dancing in years!!!---except with Leslie Sansone!!

Lyn To Quote our dear friend Zoe: SCALES LIE!!!!! It has to be muscle! [Another Zoe Quote] But I sure know what you mean. I was really bummed out when my scale went up 1.8 last week. Hang in there!!

Phyliss [And I know I've spelled your name wrong again] Your cleaning drive is NOT contagious!!! After my painting frenzy, I'm just picking up the obvious Maybe, I'll be inspired soon!

Meowee Linda and LindaD I hope you are both feeling better.

LindaD Glad to have you back and congrats on your 1 pound weight loss.

Well that's all I have. To all that I haven't mentioned

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Old 08-28-2007, 11:05 PM   #423  
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I hope this finds everyone well tonight. I am doing great, just finished some awesome carnitas Angie made for dinner and a fruit salad of watermelon, cantaloupe and was it ever good! The best we have had all summer!

I had some minor surgery on an area of my gums yesterday. Some bone grafting. Came through it with no pain plus a big bonus...I lost 2 more pounds! I hope it stays off. I wasn't supposed to be able to eat solid food after breakfast, so Angie had scrambled eggs and ham for dinner. I skipped lunch because of numbness and just worked through 1 meal I really needed it ..nope!

Angie and I went to target last night after dinner, she wanted a little fridge for her classroom and they were the perfect size there, on sale. When we came home my Little Golden "BRATS" had rewarded us, for the walk we took them on, by chewing the remote for our DVD player into little pieces! At least Angie has it programed in our DVR player...but still...ARRGGHHHHH!

KAREN ~Sounds like that Craigslist is really working for you! Good luck. Yep, I would want to leave Tucson too! I actually have a friend that moved there last year...houses were cheap...he wants to come back so bad now, his house lost a lot in value and he not only can't sell it but rent it either.My brother's BIL lives there but just retired from the Air Force, he is planning to move here, he is looking at a house next dorr to mine as a possibility. My niece goes to school there at UofA.

LINDAD ~I hope you feel better. I just bought some Hebrew National hot dogs to try, only 45 calories! I haven't had them yet...I am a Nathans fan. You may want to change your mind on that Golden after reading my post They are 3 1/2...had quit digging holes in the back yard...until today! I think they are mad with Angie and my nephew back in school and no one here all day.

MEOWEE ~ I hope you feel better soon!

LYNN ~YUMMY! I love chicken cacciatore. I am glad you had a nice walk in the park!

TRISH ~ Angie starts beel practice at church this week...if they don't cancel for the holiday because of out of towners. Thanks for the congrats on my loss!

PHYLISS ~It seems like we are always busy for sure, not near as much as years ago with 3 kids playing year round sports from grade school through college! I miss those days though, that's why it was nice to see my daughter play tennis again on Sunday.

Well I am checking out for now...thank all of you for the Congrats on my weight loss...I have really been working hard (for me) on it!

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Old 08-28-2007, 11:39 PM   #424  
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Hi Gary,
Sorry to hear about the mouth surgery.. I know I always hate having anything done like that. It just makes you feel so bad, and where else do you go and pay someone all that money to give you so much pain!! I hope it heals fast for you. I hope your "bonus" pounds stay gone when you weigh in in the morning..

Take care.
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Old 08-29-2007, 07:45 AM   #425  
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Default Wednesday - August 29th

Good Morning Everyone,

Hi Theresa, how is Jessie doing? Did she get her braces? Any new photos?

Hi Zoe, sounds like you made a wonderful birthday for your dh. Now that you're turning into Chef Zoe, I'm sending you some of my WW recipes. Enjoy!

Hi Lyn, vacations - even when they are active - cause problems with weight loss. You're eating more salt/sugar/fat than you do at home. Get back on your regular routine & those pounds will continue to drop.

Hi Phyllis, my "semesters" are year-round with UoP. I have to create my own breaks or they'd have me working continuously. I agreed to teach another course beginning on 9/11 - hope that's not a bad omen. It's a course I've wanted to teach for 3 years! First time I was scheduled, Donald went into the hospital, next time, he died, last time, my sister and I were going to ME. Hmmm - the more I talk about it, the more jinxed this course sounds.

Hi LindaD, I'm so sorry to hear about your migraine. I think I've mentioned it before, but I had migraines from the time I was a child until the day before I divorced my first husband. Never had one after that! When I used to get them, I had to lie down in a dark room - no noise - and concentrate on my breathing until I fell asleep. Do you take anything for them?
About the "contamination" - I make anything I want to stay away from "contaminated" with the most icky things I can think of. I used to have cravings for Burger King Whoppers until I convinced myself they had the staff's hair in them!
The background of the bathing suit photo is my gym. It's got a really beautiful "locker room."
About bread - I eat Arnold lo-carb bread. I've tried Pepperidge Farms lo-carb bread, but I like the Arnold's better. They are around 9 g of carbs/slice.

Hi Linda (Meowee), I'm so sorry to hear you will ill yesterday. I hope things are better for you today.

Hi Karen, now that's spoiled! Even my Princess has to waddle into the kitchen for her breakfast!

Hi Trish, tell your dd to have fun in her Senior year. I was taking care of my dd in my "Senior year." About cleaning - I've NEVER been susceptible to that particular bug!

Hi Gary, sorry about your mouth.

Today, I plan some quality time at my gym. My friend is coming to my house for a light lunch - one of my new lo-carb recipes - and then we're headed to the gym for the afternoon.
Eliptical, walking the track, water aerobics, and then, just hanging out in the warm pool.

Hope everyone has a Happy and Healthy day,

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Old 08-29-2007, 07:52 AM   #426  
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September Challenge -

I'm posting a new September Challenge thread. Participants need to post their daily calories (or WW points) and exercise minutes, and their weekly lbs up or down.

A prize will, of course, be awarded to the person(s) doing the best job for the month.

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Old 08-29-2007, 08:52 AM   #427  
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Wow, a lot to catch up with since yesterday. Thanks for the encouraging words, Zoe, LindaD, Lynn, and Phyllis. I feel better and lighter today. I'll just keep on walking and eating sensibly. When I look at the BIG PICTURE I realize that I am alot healthier and lighter than I was 3 years ago.

Linda - Hope you're feeling better today.

Karen - Sounds like things are happening with your house selling. Great!

LindaD - Wow...thanks for all the recipes and websites etc. We don't have any plans for the long weekend as yet. I am off on Friday too and hope to just relax.

Lynn - Good luck with the new course. What is the topic? Sounds like you have a great workout planned today. I may go and do my walk this am as it is supposed to be in the low 90s by noon.

Have a great day everyone!

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Old 08-29-2007, 09:46 AM   #428  
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Hi everyone

Nothing new here in SUNNY, HOT, HUMID Florida. Need to go to the grocery today and buy some good healthy foods.

We have no plans for the holiday week-end, we were invited to a big dinner out with a group of people here at our condo but passed on the invitation. It's an all you can eat and drink dinner at Club Med on Italian night! Now I don't need those calories and my dh cannot eat the pasta foods and drinks with his sugar, think we'll go to a local place that has wonderful fish.

Hey, Lynn have fun with that course...what is it? I don't believe in omens, this is just the time you were meant to teach this one. If you want a warm pool "come on down" ours is almost like bathwater! Have a good workout.

Thanks Linda D. for the food list and the websites....I'll go and check them out. It's nice to have you back. Feel better and congrats on the loss.

Gary, hope your not in pain today. I HATE going to the dentist. Maybe you will keep the lb. off. Our Doberman use to dig in our yard when we had our house and if we leave him outside on his lead here at the condo for any length of time he will start digging, boy can he dig FAST.

Karen, wow it sounds positive with 2 people interested in your house. See my good vibes must be working! We are putting ours on Craigslist next week.

Lyn, what a great attitude you have. I'm not seeing a lot of lbs. drop off but I know walking 40 extra miles/mth. has to be doing some healthy things for my body, now I really miss it on a rare day we don't walk. I can't wait for it to cool off down here so I can walk outside, we have some very nice areas for walking.

Wow Trish you have teenagers.....oh my that has to keep you young. I have a 31 yr. old son that is moving away from our area soon and I will really miss him. He stops by several times a week to raid the fridge and do laundry!!! lol
Enjoy yours while they are home.

Linda, hope your feeling better and the cats are behaving for you. Also, I hope your weather is better. We have no chance of cooler weather until probably Nov. but the nights will start cooling off in Oct. which I'm looking forward to as we have a wonderful large, screened in porch to enjoy. I'll post a photo of it soon.

Good morning Zoe and Joanne, don't you girls work too hard! Hi to everyone else I missed.

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Old 08-29-2007, 09:52 AM   #429  
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Good Morning . . .

Things are looking a lot better this morning. My blood sugar is stitting at a relatively normal level this morning, the sun is shining, and the humidity is not too bad. We won't discuss the scale-; but I do have every confidence, he will eventually get back into line as well. Thanks for all the good thoughts gang . . . they are appreciated.

Hope everyone has a great day planned. Keep doing the good stuff just as much as you can and the rewards will follow. See you really soon . . .
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Old 08-29-2007, 10:25 AM   #430  
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Courses I teach -

In the Education graduate programs at University of Phoenix, all students must complete a three-course research program. In the first course, they learn the basics and develop a Problem Statement that they will research.

In the second course, they actually write their research proposal.

In the third course, they write their research report, investigate funding opportunities, identify journals where they might publish their papers, and develop a presentation of their project.

I have been teaching the first 2 courses for around 4 years. This will be the first time I will be teaching the 3rd course.

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Old 08-29-2007, 10:58 AM   #431  
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Ok GOLDEN GIRLS -- if I don't take time now I might not ever catch up and soon enough it will be September and we will have moved on LOL.

I have take a quick glance at the posts -- so glad to see "most" everyone is doing well. Everyone get better soon -- we have a lovely fall ahead of us -- my favourite time of year.

Not sure if I mentioned or not but since my back problems and inability to do any serious exercise I have been struggling -- oh ya now I remember I panicked everyone that thought I was eating too few calories -- Not now not ever. I do try not to over indulge but for several reasons I haven't had the right food in the house so I have been eating a few things here on campus that I shouldn't. I also have this mindset about the weekend away for the wedding. I will not be master of anything -- I will be at the mercy of my friends (great friends mind you) but it won't be easy and I am not sure about the menu at the wedding. Well once I get through this weekend I will be back on track and ready willing and able to join Lynn's September Challenge -- I will do everything except weigh myself. Knowing I have to be responsible for my calories and exercise will be a great push.

Just going to take a small turn here and tell everyone how proud I am of my mom. She read an article in our local paper on the weekend about some vintage aircraft that they are trying to find a home for in our area. I haven't read the whole article but where my mom comes in was back in 1941 she was put on that plane by herself to fly from Toronto to Vancouver. She remembers landing in farmers fields along the way and having to wear and oxygen mask over the Rockies. Anyway in the article they interviewed one of the pilots (he is 90 now) and she actually looked up his phone number and tried to call him -- she didn't get an answer so she sent an e-mail to the author of the article. I have to say I am so proud of her for stepping out of her comfort zone and trying to get involved with this. Well I also have to admit I have always been proud of this woman and all she went through in her past (very long story) and came out the other side pretty darn fabulous. I know of axe murderers that blame childhood's no better than hers for their actions.

Ok LOL you might all wish that I was back to being busy -- ok I am busy but I needed to make contact.
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Old 08-29-2007, 12:42 PM   #432  
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NEW YORK -- A public school teacher was
>arrested today at John F.
>Kennedy International Airport as he attempted
>to board a flight
>while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a
>set square, a slide rule and a calculator.
>At a morning press conference, Attorney General
>Alberto Gonzales
>said he believes the man is a member of the
>notorious Al-gebra
>movement. He did not identify the man, who has
>been charged by the
>FBI with carrying weapons of math instruction.
>"Al-gebra is a problem for us," Gonzales said.
>"They desire
>solutions by means and extremes, and sometimes
>go off on tangents
>in search of absolute values. They use secret
>code names like 'x'
>and 'y' and refer to themselves as 'unknowns',
>but we have
>determined they belong to a common denominator>of the axis of
>medieval with coordinates in every country. As
>the Greek philanderer Isosceles used to say,'There are
>3 sides to every triangle'."
>When asked to comment on the arrest, George W.
>Bush said, "If God
>had wanted us to have better weapons of math
>instruction, He would
>have given us more fingers and toes." Aides
>told reporters they
>could not recall a more profound statement by
>the President.
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Old 08-29-2007, 12:45 PM   #433  
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Good Morning Everyone:

I’m at work and feeling great. Thanks for all the well wishes. I’m glad Lynn has started a September challenge. I’m ready. I want September to be a good month. One where I can learn to put away the sugar cravings, to be in control, and follow my exercise program with no excuses.

Gary: Ha-Ha…..That’s what you get for leaving your babies behind. Next time, take them to Target with you. You could get a large stroller like Karen has. Tee-Hee I think it would be cute. Be sure to give your babies a lot of extra attention since Angie and your nephew are back in school. I like Nathans hotdogs too. Hope your mouth gets better soon. I had bone graphs last year and they aren’t fun.

Lynn: Ha! Isn’t it amazing your migranes ended the day before you divorced your husband. I think that is great. Stress does amazing things to ones body. Okay, I understand about ‘contamination’. That’s a good way to think. I’ll try it. Mind over matter. What a nice gym. I thought it was a hotel or something. I don’t believe Arnolds is sold in CA, at least I don’t think so. I’ll check it out today. Have fun with your friend today and have fun with your upcoming class. Thanks for starting the challenge.

Meowee: Glad you’re feeling better.

Joanne: That’s wonderful that your mother is trying to reach the pilot. You’re very luck to have a mother that is so fabulous. My mother was the same. They can reach into your soul and touch you in a way that is hard to describe. Hope she makes contact with him.

Have a lovely day.
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Old 08-29-2007, 02:20 PM   #434  
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I signed up for the September weight loss challenge. Good luck everyone!!!
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Old 08-29-2007, 03:15 PM   #435  
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I just signed up for the September Challenge---- If the house sells I may have to stop but if not--- I'm ready for the challenge!
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