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Old 10-15-2002, 02:48 PM   #196  
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I seem to have lost yesterday's hippety-hop. Hit the wall last night early and haven't really perked up yet today. Storm coming our way and sometimes I think that does it. So gave my scary self permission to check posts instead of doing what must be done. dI know this feeling - it's one in which at one time, I'd have hit the fridge. But I can smell the good stew I'm making for dinner and figure I'll bide my time for that. So I'm just flitting from one itsy bitsy thing to the other. But itsy bitsy's must get done too.
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Old 10-15-2002, 04:40 PM   #197  
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Well i want to update my number on the roster. I am weighing in myself at 187. Everyone who asks me about my success i wind up telling them about this site and fitday.com. Both really great sites. So i want to thank you guys for the inspiration and the great attitudes on this forum! And on with our getting healthy!

So tonight im going out with a friend..i just need to eat low carbs and low fats. I find if i eat light at dinner it helps me feel better in the morning. Scale and not feeling bloated. I have to tell you i used to deal with the binge demon every single day....and i am just so happy that demon is not around me. Its a powerful demon thats for sure!
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Old 10-15-2002, 07:53 PM   #198  
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I did it, I did it, I did it. I stayed on program all week and it has paid off I lost 2.6#s tonight that puts me at 204.4 maybe I can make my halloween challenge after all. I have now lost a total of 67.4 and I feel terrific!!!!!
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Old 10-16-2002, 12:34 AM   #199  
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GOOOOOOOOOD NEWWWWS!!!!! Dollar hath chased away a whopping 2.6 (plus stayed OP all week) for a total weight loss of 67.4. She saith she feels terrific and well she might with such an accomplishment successfully undertaken!!! Dollar, congratulations!!!!!!

MMMOOOOORE GOOOOOD NEWS!!! SCOOOOOBYSNACKS beith down by six ... wooooo-hooooo, scoooooobydooooo!!!! Great job and congratulations to thou also.

Hagometer will update roster in a scary sec!!!

Hag just saw your "PLEASE I NEED SOME POSTS!" post, Scoooby. Thou must have posted it this a.m. just as I logged off! It was so sad!!! Then Dollar and Anagram came through like the troopers they are and posted. But I agree, we need to get some serious SCARY postings going here ... 'cause we be missing some witchies, ghost, ghouls, goblins, and assorted scaries that have been gone for awhile and wondereth where they be!!!!

Let's post, post, post, post, post so Scooby can keep the kitkats away!!!!! Woooooo-hoooo!!!!!!
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Old 10-16-2002, 12:43 AM   #200  
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The Scary Halloween Challenge Roster

Amarantha: Starting Weight (revised) 166.5; Halloween (revised) 164.5

Anagram: Starting Weight 232.8; Now 232; Halloween 225

Babette: Starting Weight 213; Halloween 199

Bobsgal: Starting Weight 258; Now 252; Halloween 250

Dollar: Starting Weight 209; Now 204.4; Halloween 198

Eydie: Starting Weight 157; Now 154; Halloween 148

Guinever: Starting Weight 164; Halloween In 150s

Hotsplashes: Starting Weight 180.5; Now 178; Halloween 175

Jadcie: Starting Weight 189; Now 184, Halloween 180

Kmabry: Starting Weight 163; Halloween 160

Punkinseed: Starting Weight 232.5; Halloween 220

Scoobysnacks: Starting Weight 193; Now 187, Halloween 185

SplittinMySeams: Starting Weight 237; Halloween 230

Last edited by Amarantha2; 10-16-2002 at 12:46 AM.
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Old 10-16-2002, 12:49 AM   #201  
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Anagram!!!! Hope your hippityhop's back!!! ~ Signed, Hag!
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Old 10-16-2002, 01:19 AM   #202  
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evening or should I say morning to all! suddenly woke up and couldn't get back to sleep..what better than to come here to post! I think I caught someone's cold! Took a neocitran at 9 and was asleep by 10...am now awake at 2~lol...I am postponing my friday weigh in till at least saturday to make up for the two Turkey Dinners in a row! Congrats to everyone for their consistant good habits!
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Old 10-16-2002, 06:03 AM   #203  
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Amarantha, I'm glad your journal's back--I missed reading about your adventures!

Things are ebbing and flowing in my world---no full blown binges but no consistant stellar eating days either. I have it in me to exercise daily [and I do] and to put together a really healthy menu---so my problem has always been in my head. Why do I insist on sabotaging myself? Always just enough to keep me from my goal. Sometimes I wonder if it's even part of my belief system that I can really do this--reach my goal, I mean. I'm not feeling depressed or anything, just wondering 'out loud'.

My goal today is to eat well and count those calories. I'll check in with the "results" in my journal tonight!

BTW, Amarantha---those Go-Lean waffles you were asking abut are made by Kashi. They're very good, reasonable calories and a good hit of fiber too!

Have a healthy day, everyone!
Old 10-16-2002, 09:07 AM   #204  
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Well, Hag - my hippity wasn't hopping too well this am but then I went to the Demon Scale. Today the Demon is masquerading as my friend as it showed a weight of 230.2, a loss even from yesterday. So needless to say that jumpstarted the old bod a little bit and the mind a lot more.

Since it's cold, wet and glum outside today, I needed something to brighten up the cottage and that sort of did it. I've burned my old pumpkin pie candle down to useless and will start today on what I think is a pumpkin muffin. A muffin anyway.

Congrats to all you great losers - those are some big numbers. Up, up and away, Broom!
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Old 10-16-2002, 09:15 AM   #205  
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HI all

Eydie well its awesome your not binging. And i do understand the self sabatoge. However you really need to figure out why you are doing that. I usually find myself sabtoging when im angry at myself. I usually call her my evil twin shmerisie...my nick name is shersie. She is the naughtiest which of all. When she comes out i know she is there and figure out what is she doing around. Then i put her back in her place. I like that i can recognize that she is around helps me from self sabtoging me.


I have been having sleeping problems as well..its been for a while now. I imagine its because my sleep apnea machine is not working since i lost alot of weight the preasure is not right. So i think possibly the apnea is waking me up. Oh well what can one do.
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Old 10-16-2002, 10:31 AM   #206  
Is it Friday yet?
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'ello all...

I'm home, and I'm sick - AGAIN! I woke up at 3am with a really sore throat - around 4:30am I thought "geez this really hurts, let's have a look" - ewww, a little white spot surrounded by a very red throat... Is this strep?? I guess I should call the doc.

So, anyway, I'm home - and I'm leaving again on Friday for a business trip, BACK to California, then home again on Sunday. I'm whooped...

Vacation was fun, too busy, but fun. Between running around getting ready for the houseboat trip and my *other* business meeting smack in the middle of my vacation, I don't feel like I got much resting done. My girlfriend's daughter brought a friend on the boat and that little girl did nothing but complain and whine the whole time, which was a pain, but after a few rum n' cokes I know *I* didn't care how much the kid complained... everyone agreed, she's NOT coming again. But we got a lot of swimming in, and pretty healthy food. We're planning on making this an annual event now!

Missed you all bunches, I feel completely out of the loop, but hopefully next week I'll get back on track. I did join Curves yesterday which I'm really excited about but now that I'm sick I may have to put off going until next week...

Aaaaah, I can't wait for NEXT weekend - I don't think I'm going to move from my recliner!

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Old 10-16-2002, 02:23 PM   #207  
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Howza, howza, howza!!!! Halloween's happening and we're it!!! Halloween-R-U!!! Woooooo-hooooo!!!

GOOOOOOOOD NEWS!!! Anagram hath had a breakthrough and is at 230.2!!! CONGRATULATIONS, Anagram!!! Roster update followeth!

Hag is heading out soon ... two stops to do some oral histories for one project, then a late meeting for employer before going home and that's good as Hag wisheth to stay there all the time now with Old Dog and Silly Cat!!

Punkin o' Friday, so glad thou be back, but sorry thou hast met with an evil Illness Demon and hast to go away again on a Friday trip (canst thou plead illness?) Please recount thy Curve adventures in future posts so we can get thy viewpoint. Thy posts are so descriptive ... I can see that whining child in my head right now!!!

Hope thou doesn't totally eliminate the kid from future consideration, though!! Sometimes Hag thinketh we all have that little whiner imbedded within us ... at least, Little Haggie beith with me always ... she's the one that saith, "I want; I need; I'm sad; no one loves me; EAT and it'll be the same thing as love!; EAT and you'll feel better; poor Haggie; I don't care who loves me but ice cream does; pay attention to me!; since you won't pay attention, I guess I'll have to EAT!; this is too hard, I need to EAT; since no one notices me, I might as well EAT ... etc."

Eydie!!! Thanks for thy journal comment! Amarantha The Amazing enjoys reading thine also ... haven't seen the Kashi waffles but they are bound to come to my area soon, as Kashi beith all over the place ... and a good thing, too! Please don't feel like the Lone Halloween Ranger in the self-sabotaging department ... sigh ... Amarantha is a master of this ... dunno why exactly either, though, some ideas occur to me. Something clicked today, though, and I think the Amazing Amarantha's Magical Transformation Trick will really happen. I know thy click will come soon ... I think you are right about about the "belief" ... I believe it is the single most important thing in any life change ... from my own experience with a major weight loss, I know that belief that it can be done is really what is meant by "THE CLICK!" The click has not been turned on in my head for a long time, but for some reason, this morning I heard it! There's no way to really manufacture it, it just comes from somewhere. When the click is on, the pattern of self-sabotage becomes unimportant (though it may reoccur from time to time)!!

Scooooooby! Sorry that the evil sleep apnea beith on thee again, but glad for the reason the machine must be readjusted (e.g., thou hast lost weight, which I have read is helpful in sleep apnea). Please see thy doc soonest, though, as sleep apnea is very serious, as thou knowest.

I myself (that is ungrammatical but I don't care) feeleth that those cute, fluffy dancing be not so much evil as misunderstood! Perhaps we should send them to a Pound Psychiatrist? Perhaps they need a new home? We could send them to the south of France for a looooooong vacation. We could book passage for them on a cruise ship to the North Pole (possibly Santa would take them in).

Gotta fly!!!! Roster ~ Signed, Hago the Harried
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Old 10-16-2002, 02:32 PM   #208  
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The Scary Halloween Challenge Roster

Amarantha: Starting Weight (revised) 166.5; Halloween (revised) 164.5

Anagram: Starting Weight 232.8; Now 230.2; Halloween 225

Babette: Starting Weight 213; Halloween 199

Bobsgal: Starting Weight 258; Now 252; Halloween 250

Dollar: Starting Weight 209; Now 204.4; Halloween 198

Eydie: Starting Weight 157; Now 154; Halloween 148

Guinever: Starting Weight 164; Halloween In 150s

Hotsplashes: Starting Weight 180.5; Now 178; Halloween 175

Jadcie: Starting Weight 189; Now 184, Halloween 180

Kmabry: Starting Weight 163; Halloween 160

Punkinseed: Starting Weight 232.5; Halloween 220

Scoobysnacks: Starting Weight 193; Now 187, Halloween 185

SplittinMySeams: Starting Weight 237; Halloween 230

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Old 10-16-2002, 02:35 PM   #209  
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Hotsplashes .... sorry to hear that the Illness Demons beith with thou also!!! Hope they do not dwell long in thy queendom!!!!
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Old 10-16-2002, 04:59 PM   #210  
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I know not eeryone is on more then one forum here so if I sound like Im repeating myself Im sorry. I just wonder if anyone else has discovered the samething I have. I no longer like the foods I use to. No sweats, greasy food or heavy sauces. I prefer the light foods with the natural tastes now. Not that this is a problem but I was just wondering about other people.
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