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Old 10-23-2002, 09:50 PM   #256  
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Default Answering the calling to be a part of the circle

As darkness intruded across the freshly harvested fields, and the auburn moon raised her head into the inky sky, a vision appeared to me. It intruded upon me, unsummoned, with great power. It whispered of ..... a really great butt, firmer boobs, and a restored sense of youth!!! Not to mention wayward glances from yonder strapping menfolk!!!

Hello kindred spirits! I have been reading your vivid repoire and would love to partake in your offerings to the Gods of the Diet and Fitness. I be a mere traveler on the lengthy road to Health and Mental Fitness. I am asking for shelter from the Evils that hide along the paths, waiting to sabotage hard work and efforts by means of their fiendish ways. They weild weapons such as twinkies, chocolates, salty, greasy, crappy food that drain the willpower from the unwitting warrior.

I strive to be a missionary...bringing good news of better times to come! I hope you will welcome me into your circle (and be tolerant of bad grammar and spelling!)

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Old 10-24-2002, 07:21 AM   #257  
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Welcome boatingmommy,
We open our arms to all wandering souls and provide shelter from the evil foods that lurk in the dark, we do however occasionally forget to close the windows and one or 2 do sneak in. We are a caring and nmurturing bunch of gouls and goblins,and we don't always spell great either.

Must tell you all a little story. I was at work yesterday and this guy came in who has been coming in for years he takes care of the chemicals for clean and the dishwasher in the kitchen. He came to my desk to ask me to let him in to the janitors room so I grabbd my keys and stood up and he says "Holy **** lady how much weight have you lost" Well that made me feel pretty good because he is quite the looker. So we chatted for a bit and he was all compliments and I have known this guy for 11 years now. It was a nice little boost to ones ego, he said he had noticed befor but didn't want to say anything in caser he put his foot in his mouth but after not seeing me all summer because I was off he said he really noticed the difference.

Everyone have a great day. Im on the big count down just today and tomorrow left of my 7 day stretch at work. tehn I get 2 whole days off.
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Old 10-24-2002, 10:07 AM   #258  
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Default Missionary Boatingmommy ...

As Dollar saith, thou be welcome in our scary midst and safe now from Goshdarn Grease, Scarific Sugar, and Evil Excess Halloween Candy ... well, relatively safe, as Dollar also saith, sometimes we forget to close the windows, batten down the hatches and keep those bad boys outta here! Hago will put thy name on the roster and if thou desireth to name a Halloween goal, we'll put it on! Ok? Ok!!!

Dollar: Thy story warmeth Hago's ancient heart! It's great when our weight loss efforts are noticed by either gender but the opposite one adds just a bit more fun to the thing. Thou hast inspired Amarantha to watch how her shape is shifting today (she's on a spaceship to the planet o' shapeshifters even as we speak ... wrote about it in her journal)!

Gots to go guys!!!! Very eager to get to my Halloween goal this week, as it is my last weigh-in before the exciting day itself (when I'll do a quick hop on to be sure I've maintained the regular Sunday weight for this challenge). Then I'm eager to declare my Turkey Time Challenge goal and START TALKING TURKEY on Punkinseed's forthcoming challenge thread. Gobble, gobble, gobble! NOT!!! NO GOBBLING, AMARANTHA!!! Ok! Moderate eating, moderate eating, moderate eating! THAT'S BETTER!

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Old 10-24-2002, 10:16 AM   #259  
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I have learned this morning that my body has a wonderful memory... I had to quit my profession as a massage therapist 5 years ago because I'd developed trigger finger, carpal tunnel and tendonitis - even though I'm left handed, the right side was always worse. After quitting I had no pain, then after going to Curves twice in one week, my right elbow woke me up at 3am with that familiar sharp, take your breath away pain. Crap. So, depending on how it feels this afternoon, I may have to take a day off and not do one the machines for awhile when I go back. I'm mad because I thought I was OVER this!!!! Apparently not...

Amarantha - I hope you're feeling your old Haggy self soon! I'll fedex you some chicken soup and ginger ale if you'd like! Oh, here's a giggle for ya - yesterday the Bend Bulletin printed the same story twice, 3 pages apart... This is becoming a game of "see how much the local paper can mess up" (aka "find the errors" - a Where's Waldo type of game).

Dollar - That is SO cool!!! What a compliment! Hehehehe, ya gotta love it when you catch someone so off guard like that.

Welcome BoatingMommy!! It's wonderful to have another willing participant in our wicked Halloween challenge! I know the Gods of Diet and Fitness will be most happy to have yet another loyal worshiper.
Stay tuned for the Turkey Time Challenge, to begin after all Hallow's eve next week. The new challenge will be yet another opportunity to beat some fluffy butt, kick some calories to the curb, extricate the fat with exercise (ok, you get the point). Anyway, welcome!

Till later...
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Old 10-24-2002, 10:18 AM   #260  
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Well, ok, Boatingmommy, I see your goal weight now. I'll put it on the roster!

Ok? Ok!!!
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Old 10-24-2002, 10:26 AM   #261  
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Well, now I see Punkinseed hath posted even as I posted to Boatingmommy! That's so funny about the Bulletin ... I've seen that happen, though, thankfully not in any publication I've ever edited. Hmmm. They need to declare a prize to the first person who calls in and points that out!!!

I do feel better but highly scattered today because I can't get through to the leasing company's insurance company re my car. First they hit me when I'm sitting in the dealership, then they drive me nuts ... sigh!!!

Ooopps, negative thought above! Can't have that! Ok! I'm heading out now!! Bye!

Feel better, Punkin!
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Old 10-24-2002, 10:30 AM   #262  
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The Scary Halloween Challenge Roster

Amarantha: Starting Weight (revised) 166.5; Now 165.5; Halloween (revised) 164.5

Anagram: Starting Weight 232.8; Now 232.2; Halloween (revised) In 220s

Babette: Starting Weight 213; Halloween 199

Boatingmommy: Starting Weight 166, Halloween 150s

Bobsgal: Starting Weight 258; Now 251; Halloween 250

Dollar: Starting Weight 209; Now 201.4; Halloween 198

Eydie: Starting Weight 157; Now 154; Halloween 148

Guinever: Starting Weight 164; Halloween In 150s

Hotsplashes: Starting Weight 180.5; Now 178; Halloween 175

Jadcie: Starting Weight 189; Now 184, Halloween 180

Kmabry: Starting Weight 163; Halloween 160

Punkinseed: Starting Weight (revised) 238.5; Halloween (revised) 237

Scoobysnacks: Starting Weight 193; Now 184, Halloween (revised) 180

SplittinMySeams: Starting Weight 237; Halloween 230

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Old 10-24-2002, 10:46 AM   #263  
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Poor Splashie has been unable to post lately...the nasty internet people finally decided to take care of the buried cable issue which hath been going on for the last 6 months...but now Splashie has a solid internet connection!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYY and her digital cable is also working wonderfully...So now she can post after many days of no internet...

Am doing a weigh in on Sunday as I am going away today...will be back on Sunday with full details and a weigh in!

Welcome Boating Mommie!! We welcome all travellers thru the Scary Halloween challenge forest! Good luck on your weight loss!!

Hello to Dollar, Hagometric, Anagram, Scoobysnacks, babbette, Punkin O Friday and all other days!lol, and to any one else I may have missed!!
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Old 10-24-2002, 11:42 AM   #264  
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Smile checking in

Hello fellow healthier lifestyle transitioners from the greater mother earths and witches, gobblins, and antidemon scale peoples.

Just checking in to say hello. The battle goes on however im not worried right now. I stepth on the scale to much...silly scooby. Im not sure why i do that. And the bad part is that i step in the morning then at nite. Of course the you weigh differently.
I dont think i feel up most positive today. Im frustrated about lots of things and about nothing. I feel like i should post something because well i like feeling the community however i hate posting when im negative. So im going to turn my negative into positive.

Im going to say you can achieve anything you really want. However it is really hard but thats what makes things wonderful sometimes. Its not much being there but the process of getting there is what makes u feel good. So take the challenge and try your best. And if you dont succeed today you have tomorrow..but keep plunging ahead!

Ok well post another time!
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Old 10-24-2002, 04:11 PM   #265  
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Hello ladies. I have had a frightfully busy week but things are settling down some now. I have lost another three which brings me down to 181 pounds, just a pound away from the goal I set for Halloween. YEAH!!!!!!!! I have about twenty more I want to lose. I would love to have it off by the end of the year but maybe that is a bit soon.
Scooby, So sorry to hear about your mom but they have such wonderful treatment options now for these things. Hope all goes well. You are in my thoughts.
Hotsplashes, Congrats on leaving your job. I would love to do the same but cant due to finances at this time. I would love to have a job I enjoy again.
Dollar, Hang in there and get some rest when you can. Being run down makes it too easy to slip from your eating plan. It also makes you more susceptible to colds, and flu, etc. Take care and keep on plugging.
Last but not least, Amarantha, thanks for the uplifting messages and words of good cheer. I feel safe in stating you are a blessing to us all. Thanks. Have a great day.
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Old 10-24-2002, 11:10 PM   #266  
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Smile Oceans of water ...

Thanks be to Eydie for that blessed phrase in the subject line o' Haggoris' post!!! Eydie (know you're out there somewhere), I can't tell thee how many times I've been about to crack and give in to my cravings for sweet cold unhealthy stuff (or even too much healthy but caloric milk) when thy phrase hath lept to my fevered brain and I've grabbed some cold mountain spring water and imbued mine troubled spirit with oceans o' healing elixer and spoken out loud, "Eureka! Mine head is clear, mine spirit renewed, mine body healed. Sheesh, I was just THIRSTY!!!" The reason I be writing this at this moment is that it is happening to me NOW ... fighting off Binge Demons and Car Insurance People Demons (sorry if any of you are such of these, nothing personal) who drageth feet in fixing car dented by THEIR insured (ooops, I digress) ... anyhooo, Hag's Advice o' The Day ... when thou be confused by life, confounded by staying on thy program and in general doubt and confusion, have some water!!!


Sorry to ramble. It beith Hag's curse!


Scooby: Thou be NOT negative but thanks for sharing your uplifting thoughts and please post whether thou feeleth positive or not. Thy hath much on thy mind and it is to thy credit that thou attendest to thy program and health also at such a time. No one can feel positive all the time (sometimes I think I will never feel positive again, and then something CLICKS and I do for awhile ... it's a process, not an end in itself, methinks ... life goes on and things get better and it's best to stay on our programs through whatever ... because life will go on regardless, methinks). It's ok to feel down and have a SCOOBYSNACK when thou needest it (methinks, which means IMO but sounds better, methinks).

Sheesh, Hago must stop rambling. She hath a good book to read and she hath sworn off work for the night and needeth to see all the news reports also, for the news of the day hath been good ... and bad.

Ending eating day at 1655 calories, 90 minutes of walking, skipped weights in deference to feeling a bit ill still.

Babette/Arabella: Amarantha hath dropped tai chi ... the instructor kept having everyone do the ward-off thing always to the right ... 90 minutes of doing it to the right and the poor left side of body got no exercise ... that went on for three weeks ... can't be correct? Amarantha was getting lopsided.



I'll stop typing now, really.

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Old 10-24-2002, 11:19 PM   #267  
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The Scary Halloween Challenge Roster

Amarantha: Starting Weight (revised) 166.5; Now 165.5; Halloween (revised) 164.5

Anagram: Starting Weight 232.8; Now 232.2; Halloween (revised) In 220s

Babette: Starting Weight 213; Halloween 199

Boatingmommy: Starting Weight 166, Halloween 150s

Bobsgal: Starting Weight 258; Now 251; Halloween 250

Dollar: Starting Weight 209; Now 201.4; Halloween 198

Eydie: Starting Weight 157; Now 154; Halloween 148

Guinever: Starting Weight 164; Halloween In 150s

Hotsplashes: Starting Weight 180.5; Now 178; Halloween 175

Jadcie: Starting Weight 189; Now 181, Halloween 180

Kmabry: Starting Weight 163; Halloween 160

Punkinseed: Starting Weight (revised) 238.5; Halloween (revised) 237

Scoobysnacks: Starting Weight 193; Now 184, Halloween (revised) 180

SplittinMySeams: Starting Weight 237; Halloween 230

Last edited by Amarantha2; 10-24-2002 at 11:43 PM.
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Old 10-25-2002, 07:42 AM   #268  
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Wink Good Morning, Scary People!

I am trying very hard (DO NOT TRY - DO!) to get back on track. Did fairly well yesterday, other than eating some of the halloween candy I bought - some tootsie rolls & molasses toffee, which I bought because it would be less tempting than chocolate Today I pledge to eat only when hungry, and only at the table when I'm alone. Just that makes SO much difference, once I get into it I feel so empowered! I want to feel GOOD, not bad! Yup, talking self into this.

Also will try to get in at least 7 fruits/veg and aim for nine. No sugar (other than maybe a couple of glasses of wine tonight).

Amarantha, sorry your tai chi class didn't work out. I don't understand what the instructor was trying to do -- I mean, how are we to protect selves from those monkeys that chose to attack from the left? I wish you could come do tai chi with me here. Oh wait though, it's getting COLD -- maybe I'll come there instead.

Your water epiphany was interesting. I've found the same thing, that it actually makes me feel almost immediately better, clear headed. I've lately found that a mix of green and mint teas is a lot more salubrious than coffee, too. Makes me feel clear and focused but not jittery.

Anagram, thanks so much for changing your Halloween goal -- I am inspired to do likewise! Good to have a goal, I believe. So, the thing is... when I got on the scale last, the evil thing showed me up 4 pounds from my last WI (I just realized that the dreaded weight creep is in progress -- How's Weight Creep as a name for an evil arch enemy? -- and up 9 pounds from my lowest WI this year. Oh, it sneaks on in dribs and drabs ... And my pants are tighter, for sure. I don't want to see the number so I'm going to set a Halloween goal of anything under 213. Hoping these pounds are non-permanent and will be quickly shifted by a few days of clean eating. DH is away next week which could make this harder or easier -- I chose EASIER! POUNDS BEGONE!

A big HELLO to everyone! I must get to work. Let's make this one count!

Last edited by Arabella; 10-25-2002 at 08:23 AM.
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Old 10-25-2002, 09:13 AM   #269  
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Angry Friday be upon us!!!Hurrah!

This week has been a total blur! Dear Hubby and I are attempting to finish all of the things that we said we would get done all summer. Boating and camping always takes precidence over the drudgery of home improvement and maintenance. Sadly the boat (we have a 24ft pontoon) was winterized and drug off to storage until summer. Me sometimes thinks me needs to be drug off and stored until summer, me being a much cheerier self when the sun shineth longer. (I think I'm talking in some midevil popeye the sailor tongue!!Heehee!)

At any rate, I have done good on the excercise portion of the weight war. I put the tapes in and move the moves until I am sweaty and look like death is upon me. Mind you I turn beet red with even the littlest of exertion, family curse. But the candy in the cupboard is like the telltale heart....I hear it beating...pulsing...calling me to it even when no one else does! Damn that poison that I love so much!!! So...resolve for the day is to keep my little mitts out of it!!!

I guess I am lucky, and don't curse me too much, but I have always been a big-time water drinker. I don't like coffee, and I have even tried the frilly kinds...but no can do. Me and caffeine don't like each other...terrible headaches ya know. I agree though, that a nice cool drink helps to cleanse the palate, clear the head...along with all of the nice things is does for the bod.

Well, I am about to make a sacrifice to the Gods of D & F. There is half a gooey cinnamon roll on the counter that DH left. I must say a blessing and throw it to the trash before I dost devour it!!

Everyone have a great FRIDAY!!! ....and demons be gone!!!

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Old 10-25-2002, 09:18 AM   #270  
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Sorry, in my rambling I forgot to tell you that I need to update my profile. Right now I am at 170 (gained 4 back during my few months of hiatus). I hope to lose two pounds in the next 6 days before Halloween. I will get on the turkey challenge after that.

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