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Old 10-30-2002, 11:00 AM   #331  
HRH Arabella, Woods Nymph
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Talking The smell of snow!

Thanks for the reminder, Punkin -- I love the smell of snow! Also, the smell of rain on the way and fresh air in general. You're right, snow has a distinctive smell. I am going to work on renewing my spirit. Now with a grandson, these are great rituals to reinstigate!
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Old 10-30-2002, 03:41 PM   #332  
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HI Everyone

Today is ok. Ate a little to much pizza..dam pizza my total weekness especially when its free. OH well just will have to work out.

Thanks for your encouragement its really nice to have a place to turn to.
Pumpkinseed i understand how you feel. Its going to be ok however i do know how scary and overwhelming it all is. But you just have to pray and things will be ok. Wait til the diagnoses is in cause there has been alot of scares and it turns out to be nothing. I was hoping that was my mothers case...but it will be ok. Well thats how i keep looking at it that way. Its hard cause my mom is having her breast taken off on tuesday and i just dont want to think about it...im really scared for her. Things are going to be fine. Thats what i keep telling myself.

I cant believe the challenge is over. Well tomorrow i will be wonderwoman for halloween with a little change...a skirt and a big cape but i have always wanted to do it...and i am proud of my body...we work so hard for it. So i am going to do it even if i feel really stupid.

I have to say for all you people who had the power to stay away from candy kudos...cause i could never do that. I do love looking at candy though i walk through the supermarket looking at all the candy i cant have. Marketing for candy is so pretty...so shinny candy kisses..tootsie rolls wraped so cute. FIGHT THE URGE.

AMARANTA good job on kicking slim fast...is it addictive? I never really got into slim fast.

Everyone did great on challenge...most everyone lost weight! That is so awesome. We are the awesomest of ghosts, gobblins, and icecream cones.

IS anyone dressing up for halloween i want to hear what people are going as.
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Old 10-30-2002, 04:08 PM   #333  
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Scooby, I'm sorry about your Mom's upcoming surgery - I will be thinking of her. I think the psychological side of a mastectomy would be harder than anything. Let us know how she does ok? And you come here for support, any kind of support, any time - that's what we're here for!

As for Halloween... no, not dressing up. I work in my Mom's front room so no one would even see me. I do have my nails painted orange and black though! Saturday I'm going to a friend's house for Samhain dinner and celebration (pronounced sowen, it's the Pagan new year).
I'm kinda bummed, we don't even get trick-or-treaters around here, too rural. When I was in CA I used to decorate the house but I haven't since I moved. It would take 20 minutes to hit 3 houses around here and I'm sure kids would totally loose interest! Most people take their kids to town for goodies.

They do make the packages of chocolate yummies way too attractive don't they? Well, it'll be over soon... I do adore turkey, but it's not something I'll binge on!

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Old 10-30-2002, 05:17 PM   #334  
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I too love the smell of snow or impeding snow. I can go outside and say it is going to snow and everyone thinks Im crazy but I can smell it in the air. It is still very cold here but Im getting use to it. I don't have the extra insallation to keep me warm this year but that sure is ok by me.
Sure hope the moms are both ok, I know how important they are to use all and I miss mine everyday. Sure wish I had this group of fine people when I lost her 2 years ago, you all give such support. With your strength and love your mothers will be fine.
One more day without candy crossing these lips. Im certainly looking forward to the posting for the next challenge. Have a good evening all and since you all or most seem to like snow i will continue to send you our fine artic air we have more then we need.
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Old 10-30-2002, 05:57 PM   #335  
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Scooby, I'll be thinking about you and your mom. I know it's really scary--stay strong for her. In July I had a cancer scare myself so I truly know how excruciating it can be. And you'll be styling in your WonderWoman costume. Me--I'll be my usual Witch! [Only this year I have some fantastic high-heeled boots--very domanatrix! ]

Almost forgot, Scooby--one of my favorite things to do is food-shop and I also look at all the candies I can't have! Packaging these days is amazing. My current favorite is the Harry Potter chocolate frogs---very clever!
Old 10-30-2002, 08:17 PM   #336  
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Scooby and Punkin, I'll say a prayer for your Moms. Just be there for them as I'm sure they're even more upset than you are. I had my first such scare at 32 and a few more since but actually hearing the words must be chilling.

A little sleety type snow piled on grass around here tonight but mostly we just had rain all day.

Dh and I went to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding finally. enjoyed it, quite a few laughs, no violence, etc. No plot but light and entertaining.

Chatty bunch we. The thread ran to 23 pages in what, seven weeks or so?

I'm really craving one of those little pumpkin candies tonight but so far holding strong.
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Old 10-31-2002, 12:07 AM   #337  
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Hopeful thought to Scooby, Punkin and their moms...
Hope all the sick little witchies and hagoletts are getting better..I made it to work and suffered thru it...someone's gotta feed the dogs and the horses!lol I am dreading tomorrow's weigh in....I would like to have lost at least 1/2 a lb...then I won't feel like too big of a failure...But the Turkey Day challenge is Nearing!!! YAYYYYY Onwards and downwards to a new goal!!
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Old 10-31-2002, 05:40 AM   #338  
HRH Arabella, Woods Nymph
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Sad to report that I'm registering no loss for the challenge. I'm at the same weight that I was before I went off the deep end a while ago, which is 4 up from my reported challenge start weight. I probably did gain more and then lose some of it. Can't help feeling bummed about it, but must just try harder. Consider this the first day of the next challenge.

Going to reinstigate the every morning WI, because I don't ever need another surprise gain. I have actually been doing not too badly, following the rules. I did have a big plate of whole grain pasta for dinner last night though. I was very thirsty afterwards and I think I probably have some weight on related to that. We'll see, though, huh.

Love to all the mothers and daughters - everyone.

Last edited by Arabella; 10-31-2002 at 08:14 AM.
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Old 10-31-2002, 07:33 AM   #339  
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Well today is the day the big candy test. The boxes are still sealed but I will have to open them to hand them out, perhaps I should put a clothes pin on my nose so I can't smell the chocolate. As I told my kids if we don't get as many kids as I have candy the last kid at the door will be glad they came because they will get what is left over, we are not keeping any. Also by next weekend if they still have candy in their bags it gets dumped.
Well got to run.
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Old 10-31-2002, 09:02 AM   #340  
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IT'S HERE!!! Yahooooooo! "'Tis the season to be scary, fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!!" This was a very successful challenge for all who saw it through, INCLUDING those of us who had a minor gain, so there should be NO ... it's on to the Turkey Time Challenge and WE ARE READY!!! Extra special Halloween kudos go to those who lost and/or met their goal and as in kid's track-and-field days, everyone gets a black-'n-orange ribbon for participation and trying hard. IF YOU DON'T PLAY THE GAME, KIDS, YOU CAN'T EVER WIN!!!

Hagometric will come back later and post a final roster, etc.

NOT! Day 7

Stay AWAY from that Halloween candy witchiepoos!!!

Last edited by Amarantha2; 10-31-2002 at 09:06 AM.
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Old 10-31-2002, 10:07 AM   #341  
Is it Friday yet?
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*yawn* I had a bad night, which trickled into a bad morning... my oldest cat, Luna (she's just over 1 year old) last night went berzerk. Attacking the mini-blinds, the chairs and I thought the way she was literally bouncing off the windows that she was going to break one. I damned near gave her 1/2 a Benadryl wrapped in lunch meat to knock her out! At 1:30am I finally put the litter box in my bathroom and locked all 3 cats in my bathroom & bedroom with me. 3am they woke me up fighting and at 4:45am I gave up and got up since my alarm goes off at 5am. Very short night...

That being said, I completely forgot to weigh in this morning so I guess I will go with my last known weight - which puts me right at my "revised goal". I'm happy and not so happy since I keep thinking about where I *should* be by now (I know, I know, quit beating myself up).

It's -1 here this morning with a wind chill of -11. Thanks for the weather Canada! It's supposed to warm up to the 30's in a couple days - you northern neighbors can keep this weather!

Happy Halloween everyone and blessed Samhain! (to those of a Pagan persuasion).

Be back later in a better mood...


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Old 10-31-2002, 11:27 AM   #342  
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Default Final Result: 43.9 DOWN

Witchies!!! Goblins!!! Ghosties!!! Hagometric be ready to post the last roster as she's looking to blow this popstand (old saying, older than me, not to mean that I'm in the generation that said that!!!) Hag be minorly confused as to how to finish the roster but feeleth that a roster was a good idea and so is just posting the LOSERS (read "WINNERS") of this challenge and if she hath skipped any, please let her know and she'll repost later. As for the maintainers or those who just stuck with us giving it the good college try and their support, thanks be and thou be orange-black-ribbon winners, every one!!!

Here's the way the LOSER (WINNER) results look to Hago:

Amarantha: 1.5 down from revised challenge start weight

Anagram: .6 from challenge weight (but in math terms, that's over half and so constitutes a pound!!) Good work!!

Bobsgal: Seven pounds down!!! Woooo-hoooo!!!

Dollar: 8.8 pounds down!!! Great work!!!!

Eydie: Four pounds down!!! Superb!!!

Hotsplashes: 3.5 pounds down!!!! Excellent!!!

Jadcie: Eight pounds down!!! Way to go!!!

Punkinseed: 1.5 from revised challenge goal!!!! Great job!!!!

Scoooobydoooobydooooooooo! Nine pounds down!!!!

That's 43.9 dance: down, by Hagometric's reckoning, which could be wrong as she doth not excel in math!!!

Barring any further posties with result by thou witchipoos, Hago is outta here and awaiteth the Turkey Time Challenge!!! Gobble on (not, no gobbling )!!!
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Old 10-31-2002, 11:39 AM   #343  
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Dear Hag - hope I'm not causing big problems for you. I apparently got so carried away during yesterday's post that I forgot to include my weigh in. I came in at 229.4 which would be a challenge loss for me of 3.4. This was not all in the last week, of course, but I've been up and down with water weight and managed to pull it together for this week's weigh in.

What a totally delightful number of fluffy pounds have been retired!

Day 5 (I think) of no candy for me. I am sorely tempted to have one little pumpkin tonight but am settling for half a pumpkin bagel for lunch instead. MMMM!

See y'all on the turkey challenge, I hope.

Last edited by anagram; 10-31-2002 at 11:46 AM.
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Old 10-31-2002, 11:40 AM   #344  
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Punkin - don't tell me your kitties didn't know it was Halloween!
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Old 10-31-2002, 11:50 AM   #345  
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Nope, that's day six of no candy. The lack of sugar is affecting my math.
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