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Old 10-22-2002, 12:42 AM   #241  
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hello everyone...been a hectic weekend and didn't really get a chance to get to the puter till now...Have made a terrible fall off the scary halloween wagon...can't even begin to list the errors...but am pulling up the bootstraps and hitting the high road tomorrow bright and early...got all cornflaked out so bought raisin bran this time !!! Will be posting later to let you know how the day went..am off to bed now!!
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Old 10-22-2002, 10:08 AM   #242  
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Red face Click, click, click, click, click ...

Still veeeeery sleepy but hopping on broom for evil out-o'-town trip but the TRICK is to turn it all around and NOT make it an evil trip. Gonna enjoy the sights and even buy food at convenience stores 'cause have no time to prepare BUT continuing the ban on slimfast and dulce de leche, the Evil Trigger Twins!!! Determined to exercise and post here and on journal (done) before I go, as 3FC hath becometh a point o' focus for the ol' scattered Hagomatic!!!!

Hotsplashie: Duly noted about the bootstraps!!! Good job in getting a bit more sleep and focusing on thy goal. Cornflakes sound good, though. Hago wants some now!!!

To All: Let's keep hearing from ALL the SCARY TEAM here goblettes!!! We've gotta keep up the HOCUSPOCUSFOCUSFOCUS until the Scary Eve itself. Doesn't matter if we reach our goals (honestly, it doesn't) just that we REPORT, REPORT, REPORT and FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS and keep eyes on the prize, stay on the ball, prepare for the wonderful life we'll have as slim folk in the future!!!! "Rah!!!" "Yay, Team!!" "Let's go, let us know!!"

Remember the Law o' Scary Challenges, as interpreted by Hag, who hath contacted the Calorie Police and is SURE about this being legal: Thou can change anything on thy challenges UP to Halloween itself as long as thou beith intentioned to GIVE IT A GOOD OL' SCARY COLLEGE CHALLENGE TRY!!!!

Woooooooo-hooooooooooo!!! Bye!!! Come back all absent folkettes!!! Quick posties welcome (only if thou feel liketh it, though, no bad vibes if thou doesn't ... we LOVE all absent folks equally and worry about their goneness!!!!!)

Ok, really going to workout and headout!!! Really!

Stop typing, Amarantha!!!


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Old 10-22-2002, 10:45 AM   #243  
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9 days from the end of the challenge!!!!!

Amarantha - Ok, I'll take you up on changing my challenge - it's going to be hard since post-travel weight for me is hard to figure, but I'll go with what the scale said (which is up an unbelieveable 6 pounds). Currently I'm 238.5 so by next Thursday I'd like to be at 237...
Ick, can't believe I'm revisiting the 230's
Enjoy your outta town excursion - come back soon!!

My first Curves measure/weigh was really interesting. Their body fat measurer said I have 106 pounds of fat to loose - how disgusting is that????? My measurements were no shock, I still am shaped like an upside down triangle. Had a great time with my first work out and it felt really, really good to sweat!

Hotsplash - Congrats on pulling yourself back up! Halloween is always the most difficult time for me too because of all the bite size chocolate goodies out there. They make them too easy to sneak, snack and over indulge. One of these days I'll realize that it's probably smarter to just avoid them all together than thinking I can honestly "control" myself and just have 1 or 2 pieces.

Regarding the Turkey Time Challenge - I'd be honored to start that thread next week!! (ok, it's a chicken, work with me here).

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Old 10-22-2002, 12:43 PM   #244  
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Ah Hag - this is an old Crone checking in - no time for a long post but have been enjoying my lurking time. Will post more tomorrow after Demon Scale and I have our weekly rendezvous.

Crone is feeling fierce and strong. Though I admit to the usual number of indiscretions, I had a "chance" meeting with DS this a.m. and DS did not seem as frightening as usual.

I will lose a pound this week, I will lose a pound this week - oops, I think I'm plagiarizing from a famous author.
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Old 10-22-2002, 05:53 PM   #245  
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Hello just checking into today. Not haveing the best day. Finding it difficult going to the gym and eating to much food. I hate the snack mix stuff....someone brought a big bag in from bj wholesales and its been just calling me to the table today. I am definely struggling today but i guess thats what we have tomorrow to look forward to...a brighter day. I know the fight is never over.

I must i must i must decrease my bust , tummy, thighs, and everything else..hehe

Hag when are you leaving?

Pumpkin seed: glad your back in the race and you have true motivation...so you get your 237. No doubt in my mind you woulnt.

Hi anagram....yes that women is a famous author and very silly.
glad you stopped in!

Hotsplashes good job with the cornflakes. I think i need to substute the snack mix with that.
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Old 10-22-2002, 09:08 PM   #246  
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Hello everyone,
It has been a great day, I weighed in today and Im down 3lbs. wooooo hooooo that puts me at the 70lb mark which is the mini goal I had set for myself. My next mini goal is 199 can I do it by next week I don't know since I have lost 5.6 in the last 2 weeks Im just not sure but that is ok. I set my halloween challenge at 198, the minor set back afew weeks ago has slowed that down but Im so pleased about that it just doesn't matter that I will not get the 198 next week because I know that in a short time I will.
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Old 10-23-2002, 07:39 AM   #247  
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Ick. Barring divine intervention, I am extremely unlikely to make Halloween challenge. On to Thanksgiving, I say! I had an ugly binge day before yesterday, and am rallying my forces to get it together again. Don't want to keep falling back -- Where's my CLICK??? Extremely busy, slightly ill, tired and stressed -- doesn't help, but also must remember that eating healthily and continuing to exercise will help me get through this feeling better.
Sorry for the fly-by update, but just wanted to drop in for a sec.
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Old 10-23-2002, 10:36 AM   #248  
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Default Wooooooo-BOOO!!!

It be a scary pre-Halloween morning!!!!! Yayyyyy! Pumpkins on the vine everywhere (ok, they are made of paper because you can't GROW pumpkins in this climate)!!!! Hag got sick on business trip and drove home over 100 miles o' desert highway, being ill every 10 miles. Feel tenatively fine now, though! Need a few days off!!!!

Punkin!!!! Glad thou hast planned the Turkey Time Challenge!!! Woooooo-hooo! Hago is gonna kick some serious Turkey Time ***!!!!! Thy little chicken, er, turkey be very cute!!!! Glad thou enjoyest Curves! I can't find one here anymore ... the one they had was gone. Hago knows thy will suceed in thy Curvequest!!!!

Babette/Arabella: The Hagometer beith busy staring in the crystal ball the other day and CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? ... off in the distance she heard a sound. (I know she was LOOKING in the ball, but sounds come through also). She cocked her head and listened and listened as the sound got LOUDER and LOUDER until finally she could discern the sound of words spoken on the wind. AND WHAT DO YOU THINK THOSE WORDS WERE? (wait for it!) The words were: "I AM BABETTE'S CLICK!!!! I AM BABETTE'S CLICK!!!!!" Then the sound veered off north in the direction o' Canada and Hag heard no more. Probably it'll arrive in thy area VERY SOON!!! Keep an ear out!

Dollar!!!!!!!! THOU HAST SENT A WHOLE GAGGLE O' PACKING TO THE RETIREMENT HOME THIS WEEK!!!!!!! Three pounds is great, Dollar! You WILL make your minigoal next week!! That was in the crystal ball, too!

Scooooooooby: I remember that "I must, I must, I must increase my bust" line from Laverne & Shirley (ok, I'm NOT dating myself, I COULD have seen it on reruns!!!)! Too funny! I like your reversal of it!!! Don't be sad about having a struggling type day and not feeling like the gym ... just fight it a little bit at a time ... have a bite or two of snack mix or whatever those Office Food Demons bring in today! Sip water! Have a bite more and enjoy watching all your workmates pack in calories while thou hast enjoyed a bite but remaineth relatively unassaulted by the Binge Demon. Rest from the gym and take a SLOW walk or buy a Pilates tape and do 10 minutes only, then stretch and lie flat in thy exercise space ... if family members think thy look odd doing this, tell them thou hast heard a CLICKING noise and thou is listening for it!!!! Be kind to thyself!!!! Getting fit and healthy is supposed to be FUN! Enjoy!! Improvise!!! Ok, Hag will stop lecturing now!!! Bye!

Anagram Crone!!!!! Hooooooray!!! Thou hast returned from Lurkdom Land! Glad thou be feeling FIERCE!!!! Gotta be that way to fight all the demons that plague us Fitness Folk! Weakness 'R Us NOT!!!!! Plagarize at thy pleasure ... I do it all the time!!!

Hagometer shall make all changes on roster, which if thee alleth remembereth is scratched on her murky hut wall with charcoal from the fire on which the burning cauldron still bubbleth!!!! Booooooooooo-bye!!!!!
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Old 10-23-2002, 10:41 AM   #249  
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Well I lost 1 lb this past week so only 1 mor to go for my Halloween challenge. Now I need to start thinking about my goals for the Turkey Time challenge.
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Old 10-23-2002, 10:55 AM   #250  
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The Scary Halloween Challenge Roster

Amarantha: Starting Weight (revised) 166.5; Now 165.5; Halloween (revised) 164.5

Anagram: Starting Weight 232.8; Now 232; Halloween 225

Babette: Starting Weight 213; Halloween 199

Bobsgal: Starting Weight 258; Now 252; Halloween 250

Dollar: Starting Weight 209; Now 201.4; Halloween 198

Eydie: Starting Weight 157; Now 154; Halloween 148

Guinever: Starting Weight 164; Halloween In 150s

Hotsplashes: Starting Weight 180.5; Now 178; Halloween 175

Jadcie: Starting Weight 189; Now 184, Halloween 180

Kmabry: Starting Weight 163; Halloween 160

Punkinseed: Starting Weight (revised) 238.5; Halloween (revised) 237

Scoobysnacks: Starting Weight 193; Now 184, Halloween (revised) 180

SplittinMySeams: Starting Weight 237; Halloween 230

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Old 10-23-2002, 11:16 AM   #251  
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Hoooooray Bobsgal!!!!!! Thy posteth thy LOSS as Hag posteth roster ... soooo, another will follow!!!
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Old 10-23-2002, 01:20 PM   #252  
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Ah, Hag - the Chastened Crone is reluctant to report that the Demon Scale deceived her and led her to believe that she would finally break below the 230s and into the 220s. However, it was not to be. At least not officially. I don't actually remember the bad news - it was up a pound or so - enough that my mind went numb.

However, in keeping with the official Halloween Challenge credo, I am not considering it valid unless it's still here next Wednesday. So I am staying with last week's weight of 230.2 and assuming that said swelling of a pound and a half approx. will be gone as soon as I take things well in hand again.

How evil the Demon Scale is to show a loss the day before weigh -in and then toss it aside when it would be official.

Anywise (and Hag is wise), since the credo also allows changes to goal weights when warranted, I hereby renounce my past goal of 225 for Halloween and reset same goal at any number under 230. This includes fractional parts so 229.8 would be fine.

I am most happy to see Thanksgiving challenge coming up and will (for now at least) cast my eye on the appealing 225 to reach prior to that festive date.

Humbly submitted, Crone of the Faltering Challenge.

Last edited by anagram; 10-23-2002 at 01:23 PM.
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Old 10-23-2002, 06:02 PM   #253  
Is it Friday yet?
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Well, I was about to leave work, started having palpitations and a dizzy spell, then realized why - I haven't posted today!!!!

Anagram - You ignore that evil scale. Let it tell you what it will, you ignore it! It can't take away what you've earned then show something different - no, not allowed!

Bobsgal - You are doing AWESOME!!!! One more down, one to go!

Dollar - The incredible shrinking dollar, not just a headline in the business section, but a reality here on our little challenge!! 70 pounds???? I don't think the thread could handle that many 's! Congrats, you must look amazing!

Babette - click click click!!!

Amarantha - Are ya feeling better?? I hate nothing worse than being sick and on the road - unable to get into your own bed and be sick in your own home. (passing virtual soup, tissues and garbage can)

Well, I'm off to Curves and grocery shopping. Having been either sick or not home for the last 3 weeks I have NO food in my house (unless you count Tootsie Pops). Waahoooo!!!! Healthy food in the house!!!!

Terri *snort*
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Old 10-23-2002, 07:52 PM   #254  
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Well, a funny thing happened when Hago was about to update the roster with Bobsgal's LOSS ... Hago felt ill again and had to take a long nap. But now we have an update from Anagram Crone ... Anagram, Punkin o' Friday said it best ... no scale can take thy accomplishments from thee ... soon thou will have all thou desireth in the Demon Scale department but thou be wise to revise and it shall be doneth!!!

Halloween Challengers, Hago thanks thee for being here as somehow this thread hath hit the naileth on the head for Haggis ... somehow because of this site, she hath heard THE CLICK and she really feeleth that it is the great personalities that come through on this thread that have helped so much!!!

Well, update cometh. Old Dog beith so cute ... she wants to go for a walk and is smiling at me.

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Old 10-23-2002, 07:59 PM   #255  
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The Scary Halloween Challenge Roster

Amarantha: Starting Weight (revised) 166.5; Now 165.5; Halloween (revised) 164.5

Anagram: Starting Weight 232.8; Now 232.2; Halloween (revised) In 220s

Babette: Starting Weight 213; Halloween 199

Bobsgal: Starting Weight 258; Now 251; Halloween 250

Dollar: Starting Weight 209; Now 201.4; Halloween 198

Eydie: Starting Weight 157; Now 154; Halloween 148

Guinever: Starting Weight 164; Halloween In 150s

Hotsplashes: Starting Weight 180.5; Now 178; Halloween 175

Jadcie: Starting Weight 189; Now 184, Halloween 180

Kmabry: Starting Weight 163; Halloween 160

Punkinseed: Starting Weight (revised) 238.5; Halloween (revised) 237

Scoobysnacks: Starting Weight 193; Now 184, Halloween (revised) 180

SplittinMySeams: Starting Weight 237; Halloween 230

Last edited by Amarantha2; 10-23-2002 at 08:09 PM.
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