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Old 09-27-2002, 10:29 AM   #46  
Is it Friday yet?
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Punkin, Good Witch of Friday do declarith it a wonderful day!!!!!

No real reason... other than it's FRIDAY!!!!!

Just sitting at my desk all day I didn't think I'd really hurt myself until I ran some errands yesterday - OUCH!!! My foot, knee and shoulder hurt, my neck and back are now stiff and the darned rug burn owie is quite bothersome... but other than that, I'm a happy girl! Whatever happened to the days when we'd bounce if we fell??? I've seen 3 year olds fall harder than me and get up laughing... getting old bites I 'spose?
I'm going home to watch movies - I rented Monsters Inc., Murder By Numbers, Monsoon Wedding and Big Fat Liar. My Mom gave me Lord of the Rings to watch too - so I'm gonna be a slug this weekend except for Saturday night. We're having our 2nd annual Cowboy Poetry and Music night here on the ranch where I live. It was a blast last year...

Babette - I bet you were out of your mind with worry!!!! I'm so glad he seems to be doing better and will recover.

Amarantha - Congrats on zooming right past the evil convenience store!!!

Welcome Hot Splash!! Never too late to join in on the fun!

Well, I've got new clients to love on today... I don't feel like it though. I got quite the compliment yesterday from "my guy" - he told me I couldn't leave on vacation next month because it won't be the same without me. LOL! I'm only going to be gone 5 days!!!! He said he didn't want me to go... very sweet. I'm praying for a huge, harmless earthquake that will bring southern CA and central Oregon within an hour of each other... well, one can hope can't they??

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Old 09-27-2002, 12:23 PM   #47  
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Hello and thanks Punkinseed...I'm a ranch girl too...well a used to be ranch girl...down to only one horse now and no cows...and live in the city with the critter boarded out...Hope you feel better...getting old does bite...we're getting the tale end of Isadore up here and with all the rain my arthritis is killin' me...Hope the Poetry reading goes well...there's some awesome Cowboy Poets out there....

Here's my promised weigh in...I'm 180.5....my goal is 170 but I'll be really happy if I can do 175.

Have a great weekend all!
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Old 09-27-2002, 12:58 PM   #48  
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Default some good days some bad days

Why is it so hard for me to work out these days? Every time i go to the gym i feel like a million dollars then why do i have such problems getting to the gym. Why dont i want to go there?
Oh well just struggling a little this week. Had an amazing work out yesterday so why dont i want to go back today?

Well pumkin i hope you feel better. Yea your fall does not sound pleasant at all. Thank for making this a good friday! Good witch!
I hope i take myself to the gym. To many scooby snacks not enough scooby workouts!

HOTSPLASH Welcome to the halloween challenge...we are going to be thin little tricker treaters! Especially if we start walking the route we are going to take and practice it everyday. HE HE

I was hoping someone could put spell on the demon scale to make it disappear for a little while. (PLEASE MS. HAG)Like maybe a week? Is there anyone else who keeps stepping on it more then once a day...driving me crazy!

OH god one more thing i forget to discuss...im going out to eat alot this weekend socially and how to i avoid food. I just need to stick with chicken and salad...chicken and salad....chicken and salad...and salad with chicken to mix it for diversity.

Hope everyone has a happy friday..and an great healthy weekend!
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Old 09-27-2002, 02:44 PM   #49  
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Default Wooooooo-Hooooo!!! It's Frightful Friday ...

... The happiest day o' the week if though be Punkinseed (who actually is the o' Friday). Howesomever, this weekend Punkin hath injured herself but hath the consolation of a lovely scary autumn weekend coming up with cowboy poetry (I've covered lots of those events, Punkin ... maybe I'd fit right in where you live) and SCARY movies, the better to prepare herself for a WONDERFUL Halloween season!!! Feel better, Punkinseed!

Hotsplashes, welcome to the deep scary autumn woods wherein doth dwell all manner o' SCARY stuff (we're trying to SCARE the fluffy dancing pounds away to reach our Halloween goals and if that doesn't work, we're puttin' a magic spell on 'em!) It be never too late to join the FEARFUL FAT FIGHTERS!!! The Hag will put your starting weight and goal on the list and update whenever you tell her to!!!

Dollar, The Hag apologizes, as did see your post with the starting weight but somehow forgot to poseth it on the roster. She is writing this roster with a smoking stick o' charcoal on the wall o' her dark and S-C-A-R-Y little hut as the fire burns and cauldron bubbles and perhaps the smoke got in her eyes or the fog crept in from the dank and S-C-A-R-Y forest and temporarily blinded The Hag. Thou shall be on the next list posted!!!

Scooby, The Hag is sending you her (virtual) magic wand and instructions for a DEMON SCALE spell. When done properly, the spell makes the DEMON disappear if you so much as LOOK at it at any other time than thy regular weigh-in!!! ... Please keep the wand, as The Hag hath a goodly supply to last until Halloween!!!

To All Willowy Witches, Goalsetting Goblins and assorted other fit folkettes: Let's go out there and MAKE a challenge to ourselves each and every day to add something to our magic potions for bringing in our goal weight on Halloween!!! We are SO sure to succeed, it is SCARY!!!

Hocus pocus, focus, focus!!! Vrooom!!! (swishing off on broomstick)
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Old 09-27-2002, 02:55 PM   #50  
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The Scary Halloween Challenge Roster

Amarantha: Starting Weight 164; Halloween Weight 158

Anagram: Starting Weight 232.8; Halloween Weight 225

Babette: Starting Weight 213; Halloween Weight 199

Bobsgal: Starting Weight 258; Halloween Weight 250

Dollar: Starting Weight 209; Halloween Weight 198

Eydie: Starting Weight 157; Halloween Weight 148

Guinever: Starting Weight 164; Halloween Weight In the 150s

Hotsplashes: Starting Weight 180.5; Halloween Weight 175

Punkinseed: Starting Weight 232.5; Halloween Weight 220

Scoobysnacks: Starting Weight 193; Halloween Weight 185

SplittinMySeams: Starting Weight 237; Halloween Weight 230

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Old 09-27-2002, 09:50 PM   #51  
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Hag endeth eating day at 1755 but EXTREMELY hungry still ... she will try to hold out till the very witching hour o' midnight, wherein the new day cometh in the scary autumn woods!!! She hath hiked for two hours in desert (state park really) and really got much higher up mountain than she hath since accident in March ... at one point she faced a short bouldering interlude as she did not remember that boulder being there but was too hot to go back down the way she came, so Hag, not feeling confident yet that she would not injure her ancient self if she had to climb frontways, threw walking poles on top of the offending giant rock cliff, sat down and pulled ancient creaky self up BACKWARDS, worrying all the time about snakes but glad she's been working on her triceps!!!

At last the daytime temp hath gone back to double digits ... The Hag findeth it a strain sometimes to get in an autumn mood when it's 107 degrees outside. She must stir the pot and conjure a Halloween scene ... a party in a grand house at the edge o' the village, golden leaves at sunset, bobbing for apples, apple cider, an apple-cheeked maiden, Ichabod Crane riding off through the cold dark woods ...

Unlike poor Ichabod, we of 3FC WILL be around on the day after Halloween; and, WE WILL BE AT OUR HALLOWEEN GOAL WEIGHTS on that glorious morning after!!! We can't fail because we have the magic hocus pocus focus to DO THIS THING!!!! Wooo-hooo!!!!

We know the DEMON SCALE (DS) will become a sweet little kitty cat on that wonderful Halloween morning BECAUSE we are so scary DS will not dare to mess with us!!! We saith, "Behave DS; no tricks, only treats!!!"

Ok, The Hag hath rambled enough. She raiseth her blood sugar and is good to go until MIDNIGHT!!! Yahooooo!!!! Boo!

Last edited by Amarantha2; 09-27-2002 at 09:53 PM.
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Old 09-28-2002, 01:10 AM   #52  
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Just a piece of useless family trivia...My sister was raised about 3 miles from the real Sleepy Hollow Bridge!
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Old 09-28-2002, 09:08 AM   #53  
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Hotsplashes, I hear you about the nasty weather yesterday. It sure was miserable but it was much needed rain, too bad we couldn't of had some of that during the summer when the grass was so dry. I lived in the Niagara region most of my life. I now live 2 hrs North in farm country, not on a farm however just in a very small town. It is a beautiful fall day today, just the kind of day I like. Well good luck to everyone with this challenge.
Punkinseed hope you feel better I feel for you and it does bite to be aging, my dog knocked me down last year about this time and without bumping I ended up with a concussion from the impact of my big (not so big now) backside on the ground. Feel better.
Babette how is your son doing I feel for you because it was not that long ago I was in your shoes, it was myself and 3 other members of my family that were in the car and it is the scariest thing to go through. Time however heals all wounds and fears. Take care.
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Old 09-28-2002, 10:36 AM   #54  
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Babette, I am also wondering how your son is doing. Please post when you can and update us. Hope all is well.

Hotsplashes, I would love to see the real Sleepy Hollow Bridge where your sister grew up. The Headless Horseman is one of my favorite stories and likely accounts in great measure for my love of Halloween, I think!

Dollar: Your little town sounds beautiful. Enjoy your beautiful fall Saturday!

The Hag thinketh she will go back to her wretched cot in her scary hut in the dark autumn woods! She must focus, focus, focus on NOT blowing her calorie limit for one more day while getting all stressed over deadline looming. Must work to conjure up a paycheck!!!

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Old 09-28-2002, 12:18 PM   #55  
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The Hag o' the Hut seemeth to have no willpower this day. Weekends are hardest for her because she works at home and those are her biggest deadline days and deadlines make her EAT!!! It is a frightful situation BUT she planneth on FOCUSING on her Halloween goal (focus, focus, :hypno:, I am not hungry, we are not hungry) very soon and NOT eating until lunch time, as she is already high in calories for so early!!!

The Hag is wracked with angst as she stirreth the work cauldron. The refrigerator is FRIGHTFULLY near the cauldron. She misseth Kaylets NO GUILT WEEKEND!!! Hi, Kaylets, hope you are having a good weekend!!!

Chanting: My Halloween weight is 158!!! My Halloween weight is 158!!!


Last edited by Amarantha2; 09-28-2002 at 12:22 PM.
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Old 09-28-2002, 12:28 PM   #56  
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Hello, Hello!

Thanks for the good wishes and concern. My son is recovering nicely. He was actually scheduled for an interview the next day for a much better job (he feels like in his current one he's selling his soul - this one is technical support, which he's really good at). He couldn't make the interview, of course (and wouldn't have made a great impression if he had, what with the concussion ) but they will reschedule. He also has an interview for technical support at another company, so hopefully his luck is turning.

As for me, it's that time of the month again, the dreaded end-of month workathon. You and me both, Amarantha. Went to a potluck last night and today, I just want to get through and then start to push this diet thing tomorrow.

Love to all!
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Old 09-28-2002, 02:38 PM   #57  
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Thanks, Babette, for update!!! Glad your son is doing well and wish him good luck with his recovery and the interviews following.

I'm not bingeing yet, but not working much either. Won't be done by tomorrow ... just keep putting everything off until the last moment. Not cut out to be a writer anymore!!! :hypno:

I believe the scientists who say stress is a major cause o' weight gain ... all that cortisol flooding the system makes for a great environment for the fluffy cuties!!! It's just SCARY to be stressed!!!

To all Happy Halloweeners: No tricks, no treats!!! Let's go out there and make it a SUPER SCARY SATURDAY for the Demon Scale!!!! Wooooo-Hooooo!
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Old 09-28-2002, 05:12 PM   #58  
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Three in a row? Here I go!!! Witchies, ghosties, goblins and assorted skeletons and other scary slender denizens o' the season ... dost thou know, there are 32 DAYS TO GO!!! That's 32 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL HALLOWEEN!!! Don't let the season sneak up on thee! Do thy Halloween shopping early ... shop for healthy food, moderate exercise and a sturdy focus on thy HALLOWEEN goal!!! Come to the Halloween supermarket in the dark and scary woods!!! Look into the cauldron and see thy fantastic weight loss or maintenance ... read thy personal fortune (ONLY GOOD STUFF) in the swirling brew: "Here's to YOU on Halloween!!"

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Old 09-29-2002, 12:20 AM   #59  
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Well sister Witchies and Goblins and Faeries and such...today was my cheat day and I had an icecream cone at the Grape and Wine Festival then finished it off with a bag o' chips...didn't finish the bag tho! threw the rest in the garbage so I wouldn't have any to eat later...

Dollar! Nice to see another Ontarian here...and yes it would have been nice to have more rain in the summer...my horse's pasture would look alot better...of course the trees in the one part look lovely with the leaves changing color...the reds match her her red spots and the oranges and gold look nice with her coloring as well!lol..Hmmm I have a fashion conscious horsie??lol will check in either tomorrow or Monday...have a wonderful weekend ladies1!
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Old 09-29-2002, 08:34 AM   #60  
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Looks like a beautiful day in Central PA - not scary at all. I'll step on the scale - THAT will be scary. Yesterday was nice as well, drove an hour north to take Mom to lunch, etc. Was surprised to see no trees turning color yet. Usually gorgeous by now when I'm up there. Hoping there's some by this weekend when we travel west a few hours for a wedding.

Y'all seem to live in such interesting places. I don't know if I'd have had the ice cream cone - I'd have probably cheated with the wine.

Babette - I too am glad your son is doing well and, Dollar, that you and your family are survivors. Hope your headaches are better.

Hag - you face the dreaded deadline and that is truly enough to scare the poundlings away. I always get a lot of other things done while I'm trying to avoid doing the deadlined chore - even things I otherwise have trouble getting me to do. I am a little bit on to me these days and have been learning ways to trick me to get some things done. A shame I must be so devious with me but all is more fun than THE THING we must do.
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