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Old 10-09-2002, 02:51 PM   #151  
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Yea its not good to lose to fast. So just try your best and take it slow. I hate the fall foods actually....thats usually when i break my diet cause the peaches and plums and berries go out of season....so sad. ITs ok this year im going to work extra hard on finding good things about this season. I like squashes so i will try something with that. If i can stay healthy fall and after new years life would be great. Cause for some reason they are the hardest for me. Oh well i need to think joyces things..things that we have to look forward to....like being with family, snuggling cause its cold outside, and i guess walking in snow is fun sometimes. Not for exercise but with friends going out to dinner with. I also like the gym in the winter time...something nice about going in when its cold outside.
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Old 10-09-2002, 11:18 PM   #152  
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today was another warm day in S. Ontario...hit 65 today...and it was mostly sunny! I fell off the bandwagon tho...couldn't resist a can of pringles...of course I felt like crap after it...tummy didn't like it...I guess I gotta just do things like that once in awhile to remind myself why I don't do it anymore!lol...weekend is coming up and so is the weigh in! See you ladies on Friday!
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Old 10-10-2002, 12:18 PM   #153  
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Wooooooooooo-hoooooo! Back from a 24-hour round o' work ... now need to run and do laundry but wanted to say "Hooooooowdy" to Gorgeous Goblins, Wonderful Witchies, etc. ... Halloween is on it's way, tell those pounds they can't stay, stay, stay ... Halloween is on it's way, tell those pounds to go and play! SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!

No time ... Dollar, you are doing great!!! It is probably 1.6 but Hag-o-Metric will update the Halloween roster at .6 if thou wisheth ... you'll have a great drop next week but .6 is almost a pound and that's a lot .... woooooooooo-hooooooo!!!

A SCARY HIIIIIIIIIII! To all!!! Glad we cleared up that Fahrenheit/Celius thing ... I was worred about you Canadians freezing to death!!!

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Old 10-10-2002, 12:22 PM   #154  
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The Scary Halloween Challenge Roster

Amarantha: Starting Weight 164; Now 164; Halloween 158

Anagram: Starting Weight 232.8; Now 232; Halloween 225

Babette: Starting Weight 213; Halloween 199

Bobsgal: Starting Weight 258; Now 254; Halloween 250

Dollar: Starting Weight 209; Now 207; Halloween 198

Eydie: Starting Weight 157; Now 154; Halloween 148

Guinever: Starting Weight 164; Halloween In 150s

Hotsplashes: Starting Weight 180.5; Now 179.5; Halloween 175

Jadcie: Starting Weight 189; Now 185, Halloween 180

Kmabry: Starting Weight 163; Halloween 160

Punkinseed: Starting Weight 232.5; Halloween 220

Scoobysnacks: Starting Weight 193; Halloween 185

SplittinMySeams: Starting Weight 237; Halloween 230


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Old 10-10-2002, 04:13 PM   #155  
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I have this bad aditude that i dont want to go to the gym. I missed one week of my work out and now my brain does not what to go back. I think something evil is lurking in my mind!
God i hope i force myself to the gym. Its not usually an option..why is it now?

Well im going no matter what even if i dont want to go. God i feel like i have to people inside me pulling me in different directions.. i need to beat the evil not wanting to go.

Well just a little annoyed and frustrated with myself right now. Hope all is well with everyone.
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Old 10-10-2002, 06:28 PM   #156  
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I feel for you scoob! I too hath been a bad little witchie...had two croissants for breaky and two chocolate cookies for lunch...am having a protein shake for supper and hoping that will keep away from any other bad urges...I am feeling very crappy right now..all the bad food makes my tummy upset and sends me to sit on the porcelaine throne....I am dreading my weigh in tomorrow...I have been doing so well only to fall off the band wagon...I too have also been skipping the gym...but I've been riding my bicycle everyday for miles...I hope that's helped...I'll see everyone tomorrow...
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Old 10-10-2002, 06:30 PM   #157  
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SCOOOOOOOOOBY-DOOOOOOBY-DOOOOOOOO!!!! Where are you? Couldn't do a thing without ya!!!!! ~ Signed, THE GYM!!!!

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Old 10-10-2002, 06:56 PM   #158  
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Ok ladies, I weighed in again today and now am at 184 so have four pounds to go before Halloween witching hour. Sometimes when I realize how well I am doing, it makes me screw up more like that gives me a license to cheat. Definitely fat thinking I think. At any rate, I am plugging along, slow but sure. I have an appointment with my family doc tomorrow to get a referral to a surgeon to get an abdominal flap removal when I reach goal. Because of two past abdominal surgeries and being obese, I qualify for my insurance to pay. WOOHOO! Well everyone have a great day. I am just going to try to get through the evening without eating everything in the house. I am sooooooo hungry today.
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Old 10-10-2002, 07:30 PM   #159  
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Hello Enchantresses!

I haven't been on in awhile---have had some heavy work days lately. I cook at my job and I'm always surrounded by food and strangely I've done okay!
Hmmm...sounds like a lot of us are plagued by self-sabotage. What's up with that? When I'm eating well and working out I feel incredible and I'm always floored when I toss all that away. Fear of success maybe?
Old 10-10-2002, 08:08 PM   #160  
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Well, I've had a really SCARY week but I was blessed with a loss of .2. Which is more than I expected (or maybe even deserved) with anniversary and trip.

Trip ended up very SCARY with problems with dh's health. Lots of time at doctors, etc. Things looking better at the moment. Not overeating. Strangely don't even seem to want to though I certainly would have a few months ago.

Because of health problems, must miss my darling granddaughter's GRANDPARENTS DAY at her school. When I talked to her tonight (well, first she refused to talk to me) she was crying and guess how that made me feel. When I was talking to her yesterday she sounded ten feet off the ground in anticipation. And even that hasn't made me run for the cookies. Something must have finally snapped into place. Daughter and family live in Rockville, MD within just a mile or two of last week's shooting and Daddy's been away all week talking care of his Mom who had major surgery last Friday. So I really would have liked to be there with all three of my girls for a day or two. I'm sure dd could use a bit of relief and support. But want to be here with dh too and make sure he continues to improve.
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Old 10-10-2002, 08:14 PM   #161  
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Anagram, Sorry to hear about dh health issues. Hope all goes well. Sometimes we forget how easily our lives can be shaken up. I think I needed to step back and think of all the blessings I have and get off the pit pot. Keep your chin up. I know how it feels when grandchildren are disappointed. Breaks your heart, doesn't it? But, they recover quickly. Have a great day and take care of dh.
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Old 10-11-2002, 07:43 AM   #162  
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Thinking good thoughts for you, Anagram. Stay strong!
Old 10-11-2002, 08:02 AM   #163  
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Anagram i hope all is well soon. Yesterday was such a nice day and today the fog is so thick you could cut it with a chainsaw and it is that really damp cold. Oh well long weekend ahead and I don't have to work it. My house will be very quite my daughters are both going away with their boyfriends families so it will just be hubby, my son and me. Should be nice because it is always such a house full. I love it don't get me wrong but a break is nice once in awhile. Have a great Fri everyone.
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Old 10-11-2002, 09:10 AM   #164  
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Anagram im so sorry. I hope things get better! Good job on not eating over stress. Yea so i went to the gym yesterday and i took a step class and i pulled a hamstring muscle..that stinks. And i am very hungry so eating alot however not bad things however this morning i am eating a piece of entermains chocolate crumb cake..which is amazing tasty(scobby snacks) however very naughty. My evil twin sister(really) sometimes stears me to bad foodth. I hope i dont go off the deep end eating wise. I am finally under 190 and i dont want to get back. I hope i hold strong. Hopefully my leg will feel better tomorrow...i hope.

Does anyone else he loves to buy bad food not only for eating but enjoys the purchase of it. I buy naughty food for my office all the time and i usually stay away from it. But buying it is very exciting. OH yea and mass amounts..like wholesalers i get a high from. Wierd. Oh well. In the morning i go to the supermarket before work just to walk around and look at the food. What does one do with this obsession? Will it ever get easier. Food is very exciting to me...oh well.

Anyone has good plans for the weekend? Any hot dates? I dont have any yet but who knows...

Well power to the people! Have and easy healthy life style weekend! Im going to try my best. Post soon
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Old 10-11-2002, 09:35 AM   #165  
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Morning ladies...Anagram I'm thinking happy, healthy thoughts for you and yours...hope all goes well...congrats on not overeating and still losing!

Jadcie Glad you only have 4lbs to go!! You CAN do it!!!!

Eydie yes I sometimes wonder myself at why we do what we do...I think mine is line with Jadcie...I think I fall off the wagon when I lose because I think it gives me license to cheat...then of course I feel like crap for a day or so afterwards.

Dollar..Enjoy your peace and quiet!! and Happy TurkeyDay!!!! It's going to be a quiet one at my house for once as well...the bf's parents and sister are going up north to close their cottage up at Honey Harbour...my sister and BIL and the kids are going to his parent's place...so it's just me and the bf...I already bought my prestuffed turkey breast in prep for Monday!lol

Scooby...I am the Bulk/Wholesale Store Queen! Price Club/Costco..the best...and any bulk food store...I always by nasty treats for the girls at work but avoid them myself...I usually by things they like and stuff I don't...like black licorice..

And now for my Friday Weigh in...

178 lbs on the nose!!!!!!!!!!! 3 to go till halloween!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYY

Happy Scary Friday everyone!!!!!!!
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