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Old 09-29-2002, 12:35 PM   #61  
HRH Arabella, Woods Nymph
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I have been known to clean my oven when deadlines loom

Trying to get myself really motivated today. The idea of ducking under the big "2" to get into Onederland seems to be somewhat compelling. Let's work with that idea, shall we?

Hope everyone's doing great today!
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Old 09-29-2002, 01:29 PM   #62  
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Woooo-hoooo!!!! The Demon Scale hath betrayed The Hag one more week. She's up a half pound, though she's been SUCH a good witchie poo on her program. After screaming for a half an hour, though, she realizeth continuing on is her only option, so after deadline is over, she will stare into the steamy swirling cauldron and crunch her calorie numbers one more time to figure out what she is doing wrong besides having the metabolism of a sea cow!!!! But it's cool. Really.

Yes, Anagram and Babette, things do have a way of getting done when on deadline EXCEPT deadline stuff. Why is that? I have cleaned house, posted on 3FC, tatted, read a mystery novel, brushed Old Dog, cleaned birdcages and now I realize I need to go shopping. Last story still only half done and I need to travel tomorrow! Probably get done at midnight.

Sounds like everyone is having fun today. Think I will, too!!! Hotsplashes, that was a very modest and admirable "cheat" day ... ice cream has calcium in it, after all, and don't we all need that? You bet!!! Great move in throwing the chip bag away. It's always hard to do that, but sometimes it's the only way!!

To all: Have a frightfully, op day!!! I'm going to post an update on my weight on the roster. I need more things to do to keep me from actually working. If anyone wants to be updated in a similar manner, just post it and I'll put it on. If thee (thou?) wanteth no updates, that's cool, too.

This is very CHALLENGING AND SCARY because every nerve in The Hag's ancient body and brain is screaming: "YOU GAINED BY STAYING OP ANYWAY, SO WHY BOTHER; GO THOU AND EAT, EAT, EAT, BECAUSE THERE IS NO HOPE FOR THEE!!!! GIVE UP!!! THROW IN THE TOWEL!!!"

Hmmm. Think I will!

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Old 09-29-2002, 01:41 PM   #63  
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The Scary Halloween Challenge Roster

Amarantha: Starting Weight 164; Now: 164.5; Halloween Weight 158

Anagram: Starting Weight 232.8; Halloween Weight 225

Babette: Starting Weight 213; Halloween Weight 199

Bobsgal: Starting Weight 258; Halloween Weight 250

Dollar: Starting Weight 209; Halloween Weight 198

Eydie: Starting Weight 157; Halloween Weight 148

Guinever: Starting Weight 164; Halloween Weight In the 150s

Hotsplashes: Starting Weight 180.5; Halloween Weight 175

Punkinseed: Starting Weight 232.5; Halloween Weight 220

Scoobysnacks: Starting Weight 193; Halloween Weight 185

SplittinMySeams: Starting Weight 237; Halloween Weight 230

Last edited by Amarantha2; 09-29-2002 at 01:54 PM.
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Old 09-29-2002, 03:32 PM   #64  
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good Day ladies,
Well hotsplashes it has been a long time since Ive seen a grape and wine festival parade I used to go all the time. My brother was actually in the parade yesterday, he was one of the firemen. after the parade he came up here to visit us.
It is the day after the big party and Im taking it to recover. It was wonderful my daughter didn't have a clue we were doing this for her. The look on her face when she came into the hall and we all threw chickletes at her was great. you wonder way chickletes, well when she was little I always called her chicklete, she was too litte still to call her chicky or chick so chicklete it was and it stuck. As she got older I was only aloud to call her that at home. So just one more embarrassing moment for her yesterday, everyone now knows her nickname. She was in shcock that we did this for her. My mother-in-law was there and she gave her a charmbracelet that my father-in-law gave her many years ago and she knows how hard it has been for my daughter since he passed away three years ago, the day before her 13th birthday. Not much brings my chicklete to tears but that sure did, it was done in private so she wouldn't be embarrassed but she was very touched. So alll in all it was a very successful day. I even made my mac and tuna, and potatoe salad low fat so my odler daughter and i could also enjoy some, I had a small piece of cake and lots of water.
Hotsplashes would you happen to be from St. Cath.
Everyone enjoy the rest of your weekend.
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Old 09-29-2002, 07:37 PM   #65  
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"Hocus, pocus, focus, focus!!! The Hag is DONE with deadline stuff and focusing on resting up for her walk later. She planneth to BREAK THROUGH this scary weight plateau and get results by Halloween and to that effect hath bought a little fall statuette (cheap) of a cute scarecrow that is now keeping guard on her stove. This is not a very scary scarecrow but will also work for a Thanksgiving Challenge, should one follow after Halloween ...

Dollar, what a sweet story about your daughter's birthday party. It sounds like a huge success and you worked very hard to make it so. Kudos!!! and kudos also for the making of the low-fat mac and tuna and potato salad. That sounds really good ... I might try the mac & tuna this week.

Babette, I know what you mean about breaking through to ONDERLAND ... I feel that way about getting back to the 150s (not to mention the 140s, not to mention ...) It's the cusps in weight loss that are pesky to break through. It seems once you do go below the mark, another plateau is broken and a period of no effort begins for awhile.

I start tai chi this week. I am counting this as exercise as at my four calorie average per minute, it should be about right. I think tai chi should count as a slow walk at least? If you have a calorie count for this, can you post it? I can't find one.


You bet.

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Old 09-29-2002, 08:48 PM   #66  
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Back for my nightly ghostie postie! I ate well today and just got back from a HUGE walk where I ended up going up a huge flight of stairs from one end of a hill to another...rather interesting and left me out of breath...Dollar the party sounded wonderful and what a sweet story... and yes I'm in the dreaded St. Kitts!lol ...Babbette, I love that term...Onderland...you WILL make it..we will ALL make our goals in Onderland...And oh good Hag o' the Hut...you may have gained a 1/2 lb...but maybe it was a half pound of the Good Faerie Muscle...which weighs more than Bad Faerie Fat...or the nasty water gain...which is easily gotten rid of by....well sweating or going to the little witchies room!lol...don't worry about a 1/2 pound...and I always try to tell to people like when I was training competitively for bodybuilding...you can weigh more and be a smaller size because it is all muscle...so don't rely on the scales so much as by how your clothes fit...that is much easier on the mind as well...I have been a 125 and a size 8/9 and been 145 and a size 6/7....but it was all because I was muscle...so what I am doing tomorrow nite after work is pulling out my favorite pair of jeans that I haven't been able to wear in 2 years and tack them to my bedroom wall so I see them every morning to motivate me to get into the gym and to eat properly!! have a wonderful week ladies!!
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Old 09-30-2002, 12:52 AM   #67  
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Thanks be for thy words, Hotsplashes!!! I do think I've gained some muscle, as my jeans ARE smaller. That's neat that you used to train as a bodybuilder. I always had similar aspirations as I like to lift weights, but these days my workouts are quite wimpy!!!

The body IS much like a boiling cauldron, methinks, bubbling up faster and faster if we fuel it with the right stuff and stir it frequently with the right exercise, but slowing and growing cold when we ignore it and when the fire goes out!!! It's SCARY!!!

This is absolutely my last post tonight. Traveling tomorrow and my challenge is to pass by the convenience stores and ONLY eat or drink what I bring with me!! Same challenge as always!!!
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Old 09-30-2002, 06:05 AM   #68  
HRH Arabella, Woods Nymph
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Angry Last day o' deadline ****...

As I got into bed last night, I felt like I was in the Bill Murray movie "Snow Day" where every morning he gets up and it's the same dang morning. That's how I felt. Like the months were melding to one and every morning when I woke up it was the last day of the month. I did make some progress on getting caught up last month (deadline day will NOT extend into the next month ) But I need to fix it more this month. This is my LIFE that's hurtling past here..

Haven't been fully focusing on the diet effort the last few days. Not doing badly, but not working on getting it off. I may have a planned treat this aft. I think it could be that kind of a day, and so much better to have a controlled treat than a binge.

Amarantha, I do congratulate thee most heartily for getting through your deadline stuff. On the Journal to Success calculator, a half-hour of tai chi comes to 198. something calories and a half-hour of walking at 4 mph to 208. I find it surprisingly strenuous, especially when I really try to do the moves properly, really stretch and so on.

Hotsplashes, I am v. impressed by that stat - 20 pounds heavier and a size SMALLER!? That's amazing. And makes me feel better about my slow rate of loss. Thanks!

Dollar, that mac & tuna does sound good! I recently made a potato salad with herb vinaigrette for a family party and it went over really well. Tasty and healthy!

Anagram, hope your WI was good. I'm not looking forward to mine tomorrow night - thinking of doing something like a 1-day fruit-only thing to clean out the system and - not coincidentally - get me a loss tomorrow night.

Let's make this a good one!
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Old 09-30-2002, 10:15 AM   #69  
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Well 2 lbs down towards my Halloween challenge. Now just 6 more to go.
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Old 09-30-2002, 11:04 AM   #70  
Is it Friday yet?
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Hello all...

No weigh in this morning. Don't wanna, not gonna. I'm sick and will probably go home in a couple hours when my Mom gets back to work. This weekend's food was minimal and next to no water (I know, I know, not good). When I did get on the scale Sunday it was up 5 pounds - which I absolutely refuse to believe. Don't the sick get a "Guilt Free" pass - because between the shivers and sweating I've been going from mashed potatoes to ice cream.

The 2nd annual cowboy poetry and music gatherin' was a blast. I felt fine Saturday, but by the end of the night I was getting that odd little tickle in my throat.... Sunday I was full blown sick with some stupid bug my friend's husband brought home. Oh, then I mess up my back again from coughing... If this wasn't really happening it'd be comical! Oh, and I leave on vacation a week from tomarrow.

Bobsgal - Congrats on the 2 pounds!!!

Amarantha - I do think you'd like it here - come on up!!!!

Babette - Thank goodness your son's going to be ok and they're going to still let him interview!! Luck to him in his job ventures!

Hotsplash - A "Waaahooooo!" to you for the mega-restrained treat day!

Dollar - Your daughter's birthday party sounds like it was great - and the gift... yea, I would've cried too. What a wonderful thing for her to have.

Well, off do as little as possible before my head finds the pillow again...

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Old 09-30-2002, 06:27 PM   #71  
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Yikes! I've been away for so long--I feel like I have to run to catch up with you.
Babette, I'm so glad your son's okay! That was really scary and you sounded so together during all of it.
Amarantha, I love your cauldron analogy--may I steal that one too? I get some of my best material from you!
I had a bit of a sulk this weekend--I have to do this occasionally.---Wondering why I bother with this fitness thing--anybody else do this? I feel better now--I do this because it's the only way for me, I'm miserable if I don't keep going!
Old 09-30-2002, 07:22 PM   #72  
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Default just a general hello to everyone.

Glad to see everyone here today...not glad to see everyone getting sick!! I got that flu thing the other week...ickky....No WI until Friday....I'm really having issues with getting motivated to go to the gym....I think I will start for sure on Wed. which is the beginning of Halloween month...Just gotta convince myself to go..

Have a great week everyone, eat well, excercise and get well!...
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Old 09-30-2002, 08:27 PM   #73  
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Wooooo-hooo!!! The Hag is so UNMOTIVATED it is SCARY!!! She IS giving up!! Turning the heat off under the cauldron and retreating to wearing a flowered muu-muu in a sunny hut on the beach where she will drink coconut drinks all day and eat bonbons!

Well, okay, she's not going to do any of that but feeleth mightly unsettled. Had a "controlled" binge today ... odd as was so motivated in the a.m. ... so to answer your question, Eydie, yup, I DO wonder why I bother ... it's all the fault of the Demon Scale!! Sheesh! It made me eat that Big Mac and triple thick dulce de leche shake ... was stood up by a person I was trying to interview, maybe that contributed.

But, oddly, I feel better this evening, too. Onward and downward into the steaming cauldron (BTW, Eydie, you are so nice! Feel free to steal from The Hag any ol' time it pleaseth thee ... after all, The Hag probably stole it from somewhere also!!)

I am going on, too, because I also know there is no viable alternative. Even if DS goes up FIVE pounds next week, I know I will go on trying because I refuse to give in to possession by the Daemoness Obesity ever again ... I met a lady today who is suffering extremely because of the Daemoness Obesity. If ever I got needed informing that this is a true journey (which I don't) my happenstance of meeting that lady was the message.

Punkinseed, sorry you have the dreaded Evil Flu! The sick, BTW, DO get a No Guilt Pass as far as I know. Kaylets is the keeper of these passes, though, so thou should consult her!!! I AM actually looking at job postings in your neck o' the continent. A friend and I have long thought of going there but are intimidated by the SNOW!!! Brrrrr. I remember snow from the midwest, but that was a lifetime ago. If memory serves, the stuff looks nice but it's COLD!!!

IN THE FRIGHTFULLY GOOD NEWS DEPARTMENT: BOBSGAL HATH POSTED A TWO-POUND LOST!!!! That's the way to do it, Bobsgal!!!! The Hag shall inscribe thy progress on the roster on the wall in her little hut!!!! (E.g., update follows)!

Hotsplashes!!!! I appreciate your discussion of size and muscle. And you are so right ... muscle does weigh more but it looks SO good. It seems everyone responds positively to people of any age or weight who have good muscle tone and look strong and fit. I keep reminding myself of this and that I just consider the scale one indicator.

BTW, the Hag hath looked into the crystal ball (she has one of those, too) and seeith clearly that Wednesday is the exact appointed day thy gym motivation is scheduled to alight upon thee again!!! Keep the key in the broomstick as thou will be visited by this motivation thing suddenly and feel the need for speed to get to the gym instantly and bang down the door, thou will want to work out so badly!!! It is in the crystal ball! Resistance is futile!

Babette/WN Arabella, thanks for the deadline congratulations. I'm with you on this snowy day forever thing unless one gets on top of it. I really need to fix it also. Maybe next week? Or the next ...

Thanks for the tai chi info. Looks like I'll be ok just counting it as my average 4 calories per minute ... that's slower than the 198 for a half an hour and I like to underestimate so I can poke along. I'm not sure what to wear, just jeans I guess, since that's all I ever wear unless going to a banquet. I know I'm going to enjoy this class ...

Sorry for the long post, Witchie-poos!!! Let's go out there and HAVE a SCARY OP evening working on MOTIVATION!!!
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Old 09-30-2002, 08:38 PM   #74  
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The Scary Halloween Challenge Roster

Amarantha: Starting Weight 164; Now 164.5; Halloween 158

Anagram: Starting Weight 232.8; Halloween 225

Babette: Starting Weight 213; Halloween 199

Bobsgal: Starting Weight 258; Now 256; Halloween 250

Dollar: Starting Weight 209; Halloween 198

Eydie: Starting Weight 157; Halloween 148

Guinever: Starting Weight 164; Halloween In 150s

Hotsplashes: Starting Weight 180.5; Halloween 175

Punkinseed: Starting Weight 232.5; Halloween 220

Scoobysnacks: Starting Weight 193; Halloween 185

SplittinMySeams: Starting Weight 237; Halloween 230

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Old 09-30-2002, 08:54 PM   #75  
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Ah, Hag and all, my Demon Scale will soon be shaking in its scaly boots. Dr. called today and told me recent bloodwork shows a lowered thyroid and I'll be starting med tomorrow. That should make scale quake at the thought of the pounds that will (hopefully) flee if I continue unabated on program AND have the old thyroid working up to speed.

I agree that there is no other way for me to go. If I lose motivation, I must regain it. If I binge, I must make caloric restitution. Today I had my Monday Slimfast in reparation for weekend failings and then ate relatively lightly the rest of the day. Took a walk, drank water. See my halo?
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