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Old 10-26-2002, 04:10 PM   #286  
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Nice to see you all joining in this candy or no candy challenge. We can do it!!!!!

@@ NO DAY 2
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Old 10-26-2002, 10:48 PM   #287  
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No worries, Anagram, Hago finished work early today and has none to do tomorrow!!! I like thy bribery system, though!

It be noble of thee to foreswear thy daily Brach's pumpkins for the sake o' supporting Dollar's Candy NOT Campaign!!!!! Don't think we have a smilie for candy pumpkins ... in fact Hago hath never seen this exotic delicacy, and a good thing, too!!! While thou beist deprived o' the candy, thou be shoring up thy scary comrades' resolve AND depriving those s of a chance to nourish themselves and multiply.

Yep, if Oprah only had diet shows, I'd never miss her. Dr. P. just makes me tired.

Dollar, thanks again! I'm about to NOT, Day 3!

I dislike Saturday! Sigh! Bye!

"I will lose a pound this week! I will lose it as I speak! I will lose it as I sleep! I will lose a pound this week!"

We'll see tomorrow!
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Old 10-27-2002, 10:17 AM   #288  
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Unhappy Cranky/Not Directed to Anyone on This Thread

It kind of came to Amarantha's attention that her use of fantasy as a motivator confuseth or bothereth some people. Perhaps she excessively posts, also. Sorry (not)! Anyhow, re the Scary Halloween Challenge, Hag is making her cut-off point here so she won't drive herself nuts by hopping on again on Thursday. She losteth a half pound, and essentially is a pound over where she started, but feeleth she is making great strides in her Transformation Challenge anyhow and is NOT displeased with the Halloween result and WILL CONTINUE TO POST HERE (awaiting the Turkey Time Challenge). Her goal is still a pound a week and she feeleth she will achieve that with her program, if she but sticketh with it!!!! The journal hath been killed so if thou future turkeyettes don't mind, Amarantha will just post her Transformation Challenge stats in this handy thread!!!!! She will update the Halloween roster, calling her Halloween weight as of this a.m. but is NOT going away!

DOLLAR: NOT, Day 3!!!!

Stats: Alien Shapeshifter Amarantha

Starting Weight of Transformation Challenge: 166.5
Current Weight: 165
Transformation Challenge Pounds Lost: 1.5
Highest Weight Ever Recorded: 247
Lowest Weight in Adulthood: 101 (Too Low)
Lowest Weight Since Major Weight Loss Intiative Approx. 5 Years Ago: 142
Pounds Gained Back: 24.5
Scary Halloween Challenge Goal (revised): 164.5, Result: 165
Ultimate Goal: 135


You bet!

Last edited by Amarantha2; 10-27-2002 at 10:27 AM.
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Old 10-27-2002, 10:19 AM   #289  
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The Scary Halloween Challenge Roster

Amarantha: Starting Weight (revised) 166.5; Now 165.5; Halloween (revised) 164.5; Result 165

Anagram: Starting Weight 232.8; Now 232.2; Halloween (revised) In 220s

Babette: Starting Weight 213; Halloween 199

Boatingmommy: Starting Weight 166, Halloween 150s

Bobsgal: Starting Weight 258; Now 251; Halloween 250

Dollar: Starting Weight 209; Now 201.4; Halloween 198

Eydie: Starting Weight 157; Now 154; Halloween 148

Guinever: Starting Weight 164; Halloween In 150s

Hotsplashes: Starting Weight 180.5; Now 177; Halloween 175

Jadcie: Starting Weight 189; Now 181, Halloween 180

Kmabry: Starting Weight 163; Halloween 160

Punkinseed: Starting Weight (revised) 238.5; Halloween (revised) 237

Scoobysnacks: Starting Weight 193; Now 184, Halloween (revised) 180

SplittinMySeams: Starting Weight 237; Halloween 230

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Old 10-27-2002, 10:55 AM   #290  
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I am into day 3 with no candy and the halloween treats are still sitting in their sealed box. As much as the kids want me to open them I have said definitely not until just before the trick or treaters come around. Since I have already done my Turkey challenge I will also join in yours, I will now start contemplating what goal to set for then. Of course then there will be the sleigh bell challenge.
One challenge after the next should keep us all on track. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I have been raking leaves very heavy leaves so that should be good for some excercise points.
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Old 10-27-2002, 11:18 AM   #291  
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Well, yesterday was Day 1 of the No Candy Challenge for me and I had already had one candy pumpkin by sign on time.

So it's 1 candy pumpkin = day 1
No Candy - day 2 (I know the day's not over)

Amarantha - I be proud that your work was all done early - reign on. As to understanding/not the tone of this thread - be it not the choice then of the non-understanding/disliking to choose another thread? I have alighted on many where I had not a clue (and here I note specifically the cow/moo oriented missives) and I then hastily left. I'm sure had I spent the time, I'd have caught on and suspect I might even have been warmly welcomed there as I have been everywhere else I've posted. However, my fancy was not struck so I hied me elsewhere. This has been true in more than one instance where I lurked a bit and then left. I do not always even make an effort to connect in fantasy/Olde English but do so a mite when it strikes my fancy. That does not mean that ye and others should not do so as it strikes you. It is merely an indication of like-mindedness evidenced in this case by choice of words. Ye scare me not, Hag! Our carrot swords are not meant to scare away people - merely fluffy little poundlets.

Last edited by anagram; 10-27-2002 at 11:24 AM.
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Old 10-27-2002, 11:59 AM   #292  
HRH Arabella, Woods Nymph
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Not a jot, nor yet an tittle of candy, Halloween-related or otherwise hath crossed the fair lips of this woodland nymph (hmm... that costume might be a little too breezy for the holiday...). Saturday was a total success. Feel SO much better on the low glycemic diet. Now, of course, one hopeth that it shall lead to an loss of the royal avoirdupois!

Had a humongous brunch today. Very good, and more than I would ordinarily have, but still adhering to the LG index criteria. T'was a sort of fairwell extra-special Sunday brunch with DH before he leaves on business trip. He's going to Nunuvut, on Baffin Island, and may have a trip to within 30k of the Arctic Circle.

In any event, this is Day 3, and I AM DOING THIS!!!!

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Old 10-27-2002, 04:48 PM   #293  
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I, Splashie of the weak will, am unable to join the No Candy challenge as Halloween is a National Holiday for me! So I must sneak a Tootsie Roll a day. I think Halloween should be a paid national holiday...then again I think Valentine's day should be too!lol I too will join the American Turkey Day challenge! Let me know when it starts!!!
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Old 10-27-2002, 07:56 PM   #294  
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Dollar!!! Thou be doing great with thy NOT Challenge!!!! Rock on!!! (NOT ROCK CANDY, THOUGH, JUST ROCK!)

Anagram! Thanks for thy fearlessness in the face o' the Fearsome Hagomatic!!! Might Hago add that thy Medievel Fantastical Olde English/Popeye Lingoistics be world-class! Also laudable be thy reduction to a mere ONE candy pumpkin in two days ... said pumpkin being grandmothered in before thy official joinage o' Dollar's NOT Challenge!!!! (Amarantha missed the cow/moo thread ... fascinating concept).

Babette/Arabella: Low gylcemic be a good way to go!!! Congratulations on thy successful streak o' this eating style. Sorry your DH is off to the frozen north with the neat name ... course to Amarantha in Arizona, thou already liveth in the frozen north (joking only, I have been to Canada and it is beautiful and I would like to live where you do)!

Hotsplashie!! Thou be NOT weak because thou desireth NOT to join NOT!!! It's important to have thy treat if it means a lot to thee! A mere Tootsie be no great thing ... it's the HUNDREDS o' Tootsie's Hag would eat if they were here that'd be a problem.

Whenever Punkin o' Friday posteth the (U.S.) Turkey Time Challenge, Hago be ready also to declare her gobble-gobble-gobble goal!!! Cockadoodle-doo! (or is that a rooster?)

Bye, all!

NOT, Day 3

Last edited by Amarantha2; 10-27-2002 at 08:04 PM.
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Old 10-28-2002, 05:03 AM   #295  
HRH Arabella, Woods Nymph
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Angry A fresh new week! And - ta da - Day 4!

Now, if only it weren't the week starting with the last four days of the month.... Well, in any case, this is something I've often wished for when I had to work like a maniac to get stuff done by EOM, that I didn't have to tend to high-maintenace DH simultaneously. So, this month I don't. Even though I'm essentially trying to get a month's worth of work done in four days, I'm pretty sure to get it done. And, furthermore, I am NOT going to ease that tension with any binging I KNOW - having given it more than a fair shot, many many times - that it just does not work in any way shape or form. I want to enjoy life! If I need a break, I will take one, but it won't be to slump on the couch stuffing my face.

I've adhered to the low GI criteria, and of course, had no candy

Let's make this a good one!

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Old 10-28-2002, 07:57 AM   #296  
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Wooooooo-hooooo, Scary Witchiepoos, Goblinettes, Goalghoulies!!!! "It is morning, Senlin says ..." ~ (author of that poem is unknown to Hagamarantha, but it contains some of her favorite lines, such as: "... in the middle of a whistling void, I tie my tie ..."

We know not where we are going in the long term, Scary Folkettes, but in the short term, we KNOW we will reach FOR our Halloween Goals, be they abstract or concrete ... not sure what that means.

Babette/Arabella!!! Hag noticed thy Halloween goal be different than she has on roster, so she will change!!! Then she also runneth off to work, but it be on broomstick to mountains today, home by afternoon, hopefully. Re the infamous Deadline Binge in Lieu o' Deadline Rest Demon, he be around here a lot, too! Best keep a good book near couch and read 20 pages everytime thou hears DBILODRD! Only thing that'll keep him away.

NOT, Day 4!!!!


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Old 10-28-2002, 08:02 AM   #297  
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The Scary Halloween Challenge Roster

Amarantha: Starting Weight (revised) 166.5; Now 165.5; Halloween (revised) 164.5; Result 165

Anagram: Starting Weight 232.8; Now 232.2; Halloween (revised) In 220s

Babette: Starting Weight 213; Halloween (revised) 212

Boatingmommy: Starting Weight 166, Halloween 150s

Bobsgal: Starting Weight 258; Now 251; Halloween 250

Dollar: Starting Weight 209; Now 201.4; Halloween 198

Eydie: Starting Weight 157; Now 154; Halloween 148

Guinever: Starting Weight 164; Halloween In 150s

Hotsplashes: Starting Weight 180.5; Now 177; Halloween 175

Jadcie: Starting Weight 189; Now 181, Halloween 180

Kmabry: Starting Weight 163; Halloween 160

Punkinseed: Starting Weight (revised) 238.5; Halloween (revised) 237

Scoobysnacks: Starting Weight 193; Now 184, Halloween (revised) 180

SplittinMySeams: Starting Weight 237; Halloween 230

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Old 10-28-2002, 08:34 AM   #298  
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Hail, Happy Hag and Hagolets of the Halloween Challenge -

Crone has started her Halloween Week Monday with her traditional Cappucino Slimfast. It has become symbolic and is meant as repentance for weekend offenses. However, it has become also a treat in this New World I occupy. Perhaps I need to find a new penance such as housework of the caloric reduction kind. (Hehe.)

Am finding out slowly that there are things I'm probably not supposed to eat with this thyroid thing. Like (believe it or not) raw broccoli and cauliflower. Requires more researching. Sounds like dh's kidney diet in that things I always thought were good are now bad-sounds as mixed up as many other things in this world. No wonder I retreat to the fantasy forest.
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Old 10-28-2002, 10:55 AM   #299  
Is it Friday yet?
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Monday, Monday... icky ol' Monday!

Soon I will be able to check in over the weekend as my darling friend is kidnapping my box and installing some speedier guts into my aging computer at home.

I cheated and weighed on Saturday - I shouldn't have since I noticed I'd made 237!!!!! Why is that a bad thing you ask?? Well, because I saw I'd made it, I felt that it was ok to thereafter eat like a complete all weekend. So now I'm more than likely doing extra work to get BACK to where I was . One of these days I'll learn

The weekend was fine. Had to go back to town for my haircut as I showed up on Friday only to be told I had to come back Saturday because my hairdresser's aunt had fallen and broken her hip. I totally understand - believe me! It just messed up my "pj's for 48 hours straight" plan. Her aunt is fine btw and should be up n' around already!

Amarantha - I for one am not in the least put off by thy medieval way of speach. I do reveleth since life is by far too serious anyway...

Babette - So how many carbs a day do you shoot for doing low glycemic? I looked at low carb and decided there was no WAY I was giving up my bread. But I do want and need to cut back...

Dollar - I too will join you and the others in your no candy challenge. I've polished off enough to last me (I hope anyway) and do now decree there shall be NO MORE!!!!!

Hugs and Halloweeny smooches to you all!!!!!

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Old 10-28-2002, 01:37 PM   #300  
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Default Low GI

Hey Punkin!

Mmmm... yup, I fully believe that t'is those of us who do most passionately desireth the carbs that suffer the most weight gain from them, due to ye olde insulin response. Crap!

Low GI is not as stringent as the low carb diets. First is to pretty much swear off white bread and limit others and most pure carbs. Try to get plenty of fiber. Here's a link to some more info: www.glucoserevolution.com/ There's supposed to be a low GI diet section at 3FC, but maybe it's still being developed.

I feel SO much better eating this way - clear-headed, less hungry, better mood, more energetic. It's great! Oh, and the carb cravings actually GO AWAY! What more could one desire?

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